Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1291: 1st and 2nd Destruction

"Lah ... lah ..."

Sitting on the stone gate, Aige shook her legs and sang a happy song.

very happy.

Although there is nothing but a desert in front of me, Ai Ge can feel happy.

No, not just happiness.

Alas, nervous, uneasy, fearful, after coming to this world, Ai Ge tasted all kinds of feelings. She is like a puppet, which is gradually filling in all kinds of feelings. These were all love songs that she had never experienced before, because she couldn't understand them at all. Whether it's the joy of success, the frustration of failure, the surprise and nervousness of mistakes, all miss the girl. For her, the future she expects is reality, and everything she wants to do will be realized. Nothing can excite herself, and nothing can make her the slightest fluctuation.

Because everything is under control.

Because she knows that everything will become like this, everything will become like that, everything will become like it should be.

From the time she was born, she knew this clearly. She knew who she was, where she came from, and where she was going. Not only that, she can even see the end of those around her.

For girls, there is no secret in this world.

If she wishes to have life, then life will be born.

If you wish to have death, then death will spread.

She is the embodiment of truth, she connects the world.

Nothing is impossible, anything can be manipulated, achieved, and destroyed. For her, everything has happened, everything is at an end. Know the fate, grasp the future, compile events, choose the future. Decide all possibilities exactly according to her mind, what she expects the world to become, then what the world will become.

I die when I live, and live while I die.

I used to think that I would live like that.

No, it should be said until that day.

Maybe this is what people call destiny. On that day, I do n’t know why, and suddenly I wanted to go out, and then I saw my sister who was playing with her friends while passing the park. That ordinary child, a child without any characteristics, to me, she was originally no different from others. This is true even with a blood relationship, but when I turned my head, I saw the scene that I could never forget.

存在 That existence.

He looks a little lazy, but I am firmly attracted to him, and I can feel that I and him are connected by a kind of existence far beyond blood. Not only that, in my eyes, nothing can be seen. I could only see him sitting there, staring at the park with a smile.

Who is he?

I do not know.

What was he thinking about?

I do not know either.

什么 样 What does his past look like?

I do not know.

又 What will his future look like?

I still don't know.

At this moment, I finally understood that this man is my true father.

He is not bound by the emptiness and worthlessness of blood, but his true father. My sister must not be able to understand my thoughts. After all, she is just an ordinary person and can only use ordinary common sense to look at the world. However, this world will not become ordinary because of this. In my opinion, human beings are related to birds, fish, animals, and insects.

Some people may be like mice from birth, and some may be like birds. What they have is just the difference in appearance, but the internal roots are the same.

You are nothing but mortals.

However, my father is different.

I can see and see the hot flame in his body, even the high temperature that I feel unbearable. But it was the first time I felt the real temperature.

I didn't really realize myself until that moment.

The walking dead undead became human.

Joy, nervousness, excitement, restlessness, fear, all kinds of feelings have a real sense, I tasted it all for the first time. And now, I am enjoying it all. So I know what I should do.

For my father, I am willing to give everything.

As long as he wants me to do it, then I will do it, he is everything to me, and because of the existence of my father and adult, I can live like this. If my father is gone, then I will no longer be able to travel to other worlds like this, give up my strength, and take heart-beating trips.

So I came here.

Even if I can help my father a little bit.

“———— !!!!”

At this moment, along with the roar of the engine, several cars rushed from a distance. Ai Ge looked up, a pair of clear blue eyes staring excitedly at the convoy appearing beyond the horizon.

Come on, come on, you are the prey of my father, and my prey, and now ... everything is ready ...

"Squeak !!!"

The car stopped in front of the ancient temple, and then the door opened, and a young man in a ragged dress stumbled down. Behind him, several people looked like refugees and rushed towards the temple.

The car quickly changed into a human form. They looked at the temple in front of them and hurriedly took steps to try to enter it.

At the same time, a crisp, elegant voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"It's finally here, but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Elegant, soft, full of joy. But it was full of some incredible charm, so that everyone stopped involuntarily, they looked up and looked around, and finally saw the love song of the sand bar sitting on the stone gate.

"Little child?"

Looking at Ai Ge, a curly man behind the young man widened his eyes in surprise, while the young man in front of him opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

喂 "Hello, who are you? What are you doing here?"

"You don't need to know my name."

The blonde, beautiful girl smiled at the people in front of her with a smile, and then she stretched out her right hand.

"As long as you know, you will die here."

Along with this sentence, Ai Ge gently held his right hand.


The next moment, I saw the young man at the front spit out blood suddenly, and then the whole man collapsed to the ground. Seeing this scene, the others were shocked. They rushed over and surrounded the young man.

"Sam, what's wrong with you? Sam! Cheer up!"

"I ... I don't know ...... it hurts ..."

The young man, who was named Sam, opened his mouth and stared blankly at the woman in front of him.

"Mikel ...... I ...... Oh!"

But Sam's words weren't finished, and with another blood spurt, his neck crooked, and there was no movement at all.

"Sam! Sam!"

The woman shook the body of the young man desperately, but he would not answer any more questions. At this moment another person reached out and put it on Sam's nose and nose, and then he jumped up suddenly.

"Oh my God, he's dead!"

"What? How could he die? How could he ?!"

I heard the reply from her companion. The black-haired woman screamed loudly. She stood up suddenly, glaring at the love song sitting on the stone gate.

"You little bitch! What did you do to Sam? You ..."

However, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the woman's words have not been finished, the magic has been launched again.

Even if there is no connection to the roots, with the powerful magic of Ai Ge itself, the magic that instantly launches a project is just a hand, the powerful magic erupts in the woman's body instantly, tearing her internal organs. The woman's lower abdomen was shattered as if packed with firecrackers, and her internal organs were gushing with blood, and then the woman fell to the ground with no such response.

"Oh my God ... Mike ... God ... God ..."

I looked at the scene in front of me, and the others were stunned, wondering what to say. However, at this time, a tall Autobot had raised his weapon and aimed at Ai Ge.

"What did you do! Human!"

"Ah, you are Optimus Prime."

Looking at the Autobot logo on the chest of the other person, Sage Love Song once again showed a happy and cheerful smile.

既然 "Since you are here, then you can die. Although I want to leave you as the research material, my father's order is absolute ..."

Boom! !! !!

With the sound of the love song of the sand bar falling, the next moment, behind Optimus Prime, the earth burst suddenly, and then a giant thunder beast flew out of it. Its long fangs were like sharp bayonet, Through Autobot's chest.

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