Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1292: Ready to burn

The broken Stars and Stripes were scattered on the ground, and there were corpses everywhere. The flames burned among the city's broken walls, and the White House has become a ruin.

"Boom !!"

The huge body of the Thunder Monster whistled and crashed the Lincoln Memorial, roaring and rushing towards the Decepticon opposite. The Decepticons raised their weapons and launched rounds of attacks against the swarm of insects. Whistling missiles struck the swarm and burst into flames, blasting thousands of jumping insects and thorn snakes into fuzzy pieces of flesh. At the same time, however, more swarms have swarmed up and crossed the blockade.

They pounced on the Decepticons, ripping the hard steel, smashing their arms, limbs, weapons, skulls, and everything else. Decepticon lifted the giant sword in his hand and stabbed into the body of the thunder beast in front of him. However, the dragon that fell from the sky the next time he stretched out his front paw and flung it to the ground. Then he bit off the Decepticon head .

At the same time, the energy source in the Decepticon suddenly emits a dazzling light.

A huge explosion like the three hundred nuclear bombs soared into the sky, swept across Washington, swallowed up all the creatures contained in it, and turned them into ashes in the flames of fire. But the next moment, not even waiting for the dust and debris floating in the sky to fall, billions of swarms swarmed again, bravely moved forward, and continued to launch an endless offensive against their enemies.

In the rear, the once prosperous city has been completely reduced to the nest of swarms. Eggs tumbling out of the mother's nest, and then quickly broken apart. The veteran of the war rushed to the battlefield again.

The entire city has been completely occupied by dense swarms of swarms. Although there are some humans hiding in shelters or sewers and trying to escape, it has no meaning for swarms. The aliens are cruising around the city in groups, killing all the creatures they see, and using those corpses to create new aliens.

究竟 Where did these **** bugs come from!

I sat in my own spaceship and looked at the scene in front of him. Megatron looked gloomy—well, although his iron skin was originally gloomy.

He originally thought that after getting the Tinder source, all the problems had been solved. Their homes are saved, and the Decepticons will be reborn. But ... what the **** are these **** bugs?

They are definitely not living things on earth, but where do they come from? Why should you be against yourself and others?

Megatron couldn't figure it out, it was certain that Cybertron had never provoked a similar race, but now these swarms came out and grabbed them and slain them. They didn't even look at humans, which means that The other person was clearly directed at himself. But ... what are they?

"We must find a way to stop those **** bugs! Megatron!"

At this time, another Transformer sitting beside Megatron couldn't help but speak, and hearing its voice, Megatron couldn't help showing a bit of annoyance.

当然 "Of course I understand, Master ... but our current strength is still not enough to completely destroy these bugs ..."

Megatron did not dare to tell the truth. In fact, in his opinion, Transformers not only failed to defeat the Swarm, they might even be defeated by the Swarm in turn!

"That's just a bug!"

However, the fallen King Kong was clearly not satisfied with Megatron's answer.

再 "No matter how many they are, they are just bugs. I want you to immediately lead the army and destroy them completely! This planet belongs to us!"

But at this moment, suddenly, a voice sounded.

"No, this planet does not belong to you."

"who is it?!"

Hearing this voice, both the fallen King Kong and Megatron were startled. They hurriedly stood up and looked forward, only to find that a human did not know when it appeared in the open space in front of them. He was wearing silver armor and his hands. Holding one black and one white, one long and one short two blades.

A human? How did he appear here?

"Optimus Prime is dead."

However, Founder didn't care about their thoughts, he just raised the black sword in his hand and pointed to Megatron and the fallen King in front of him.

"Next, it's your turn. This planet is not where you should be. It is the same for both Autobots and Decepticons. Now I am here to send you a ride ... ready to go to that world? "

"Go to death! You mean man!"

After the Founder had finished speaking, Megatron had raised his arm. With the rotation of the machine, a mechanical cannon quickly formed on Megatron's arm, and then the whole person trembled suddenly. Flying out, towards the Founder.

However, while Megatron was attacking, Founder's figure flickered. Megatron's cannonball had just fired. It saw a flash of people's figure in front of him. At the next moment, the dark sword gripped by Founder's hand suddenly burst out. The bright red dazzling flames turned into a giant flame sword and fell from the sky, as if cutting butter easily cut off Megatron's arm.


I haven't waited for Megatron to respond. Founder has stabbed it with a backhand sword, penetrating directly through the steel plate in Megatron's chest and inserting it into his body. The next moment, the flame erupted, covering Megatron's huge body instantly.

"No ... ah ah ah ah !!!"

With the screams, under the burning of the first fire, Megatron's body began to melt, and his tinder power was ruthlessly plundered and devoured. When Founder pulled out his big sword and landed on the ground, Megatron's massive steel body had been melted like straw, and it fell to the ground fragile and disappeared without a trace.

Nothing left but some dark ashes.

"What the **** are you ?!"

Seeing this scene, the fallen King Kong was also shocked. He hurriedly raised his right hand and pointed at the Founder. With the actions of the fallen King Kong, various objects in all directions floated in the next moment under the influence of a mysterious force, and then threw in the direction of the Founder.

However, in the face of the attack from the storefront, Founder held the sword in his right hand and quickly opened his left hand. He quietly stroked a few mysterious runes in the air, and then moved forward slightly.

A touch of green brilliance appeared in a fan shape from the square fingertips and swept forward. And all that was covered by that green magical brilliance instantly disintegrated and disappeared.

This is the Great Destruction!

At the same time, the magical light around Founder suddenly flashed. After he was aware of the attack, the chain operation on his body immediately started. Hundreds of thousands of magical missiles traversed the sky with white and dazzling light. The severe impact on the body of the fallen King Kong, under the action of a huge impact, the fallen King immediately flew high, and then hit the wall heavily, before it landed, the dark sword had been spinning and flying Come over, run through the fallen King Kong's head.

The flame erupted again the next moment, and it was burned in the blink of an eye.

"Easy and easy, you're done."

Looking at the scene in front of him, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction. After all, it's just a simple dog food book-after all, Founder has been wondering just how powerful Transformers are. After all, he remembers that in the comics it seemed that the world invincible from Transformers was invincible, he could just pull out and single out the reaper.

But here, the Transformers are a large size in the Founder's eyes. They will think about the iron frame of speech and deformation. If you want to talk about combat effectiveness, they are not even as high as Gundam.

Forget it, a little bit, at least it can burn is victory.

Thinking of this, Founder shook his head, then he clenched the black sword in his hand again, held it up high, and thrust it down firmly on the floor.

The next moment, the flames rose.

If you look at it from the sky, you can see the bright red flames spread rapidly in all directions. In just a few minutes, they covered the entire North America. The solid earth burned under the flames, and began to crumble and sink like a weak tofu. The sea whistled along the coastline, fused with the flames, emitting white water vapor.

Immediately after a moment, the entire flame suddenly rose, and a spark-like Mars flew up through the atmosphere, entering Cybertron suspended above the earth.

With the flame erupting again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ People on the earth seem to see the birth of the second sun. They stared in surprise and looked into the sky. The sky, which was originally covered by huge steel works, was now completely wrapped in the blazing flames.

But no one knows. At this time, another mysterious spacecraft is slowly approaching the earth.

When the spacecraft was about to reach Earth, Cybertron began to burn and explode. Seeing this scene, the spacecraft stopped abruptly, then it turned quickly in a direction and disappeared into the endless void.

But it's too late.

在 At the moment when the spacecraft started to shuttle, a touch of Mars flew up like a wolf pack of prey, followed closely behind the spacecraft, and disappeared into the dark universe.

“———————— !!!!”

I do not know how long it took, a ray of light erupted in the darkness of the universe.

Then disappeared again.


Qi Fangzheng retracted the sword and looked at the flame in his hand somehow. Just now, he felt an energy similar to that of Transformers, but he was absorbed by more pure ancient energy ...

Did you accidentally burn something wrong?

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