Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1293: Next time we have to gather 7 Dragon Balls?

威胁 For this world, the threat has been eliminated.

Transformers, Cybertron were completely burned to ashes, leaving no trace of debris. The entire North American continent was submerged by seawater without a trace. For humans on this earth, they have gone through everything, but they have survived in the end.

即便 But even so, they still don't know what happened, the flames that burned everything, and the fall of North America as if it were a nightmare. However, they will continue to survive until the end of the universe.

But at this time, Fang Zheng had already left this world with Ai Ge, and appeared in another world.

However ...

"It's the United States again? It's over, right?"

Looking at the English signs in the streets and lanes, Fang Zheng sighed helplessly. I just destroyed an American and successfully turned on the ordinary difficulty of dog food. However, what Founder did not expect is that the background of ordinary difficulty of dog food is still the United States ... well, let's say, who are we going to burn this time? I still need to continue to brush the dog food after I burned it earlier. The dog food of Transformers was finished, and the maintenance time of the Founder ’s God Realm increased by 154 hours ... It can be said that it is quite ...

Or what to burn?

Anyway, these are not important at present.

"Master, is this another world?"

"Yes, it looks like New York in another world."

As he said, Founder carefully looked at the city in front of him, and soon he found that unlike New York in Transformers World, New York here seemed to be more advanced and more sci-fi ...

Forget it, leave it alone.

"Love song, let me take you around first, and let you see the new power I have."


When I heard this, Aige was also in front of her eyes, and quickly hugged Fang Zheng's arm.

"Master, what kind of power do you have?"

"Wait for another place."

He said on the one hand, Founder slammed his fingers, and the next moment, the two quickly appeared in an abandoned workshop. It looks like a factory for car repairs, but unfortunately it seems to have been closed. Founder walked slowly to an old car that had been dismantled and had no time to repair, and then he reached out and tapped lightly on the rusty body.

"Wow ---!"

Immediately the next moment, Ai Ge was surprised to see that the car shell that looked like a tattered, almost empty shell began to undulate, and the originally flat surface was broken into small squares. Then they rolled quickly, then suddenly spread, encased everything else around them, and then deformed again.

After a blink of an eye, the original shabby body instantly turned into a cool black sports car. And above the air intake in the center of its dark front, there is a row of red lights that can't hold the left and right flashing lights.

"Great, my father, how did you do that?"

Aige came to the car, drew the door, glanced into it, and asked excitedly.

"Is this also some kind of magic transformation?"

"I have absorbed the qualities of that world's Transformers, um ......... Unfortunately, this car is better if it can speak."

Looking at the black sports car in front of him, Fang Zheng sighed. Although he gained the power to deform metals after burning the ignorance source of Transformers, he did not include the ability to give them life and intelligence. It's a bit regrettable, but anyway, this energy is also very useful. The most important thing is not the deformation itself, but the change of the physical form ... If this is used well, it will benefit a lot!

"Let's go, let's talk on the bus."

As soon as Fang Zheng waved his hand, he took the driver's seat directly. Soon, the car ignited and then drove out immediately.

In fact, Founder didn't need to drive himself at all. He just sat in the driver's seat, opened the dimensional code, and started to look at the mission world this time. And soon, Founder immediately found his dog food to burn this time. But to the surprise of the Founder, there are a lot of things to burn this time ...


"What six? My father?"

"We are mainly in this world to find six gems."

As Fang Zhengzheng said, he stretched out his hand, and soon, with his actions, the "Observation Banner" appeared in the hands of Fangzheng in a vacuum.


"Yes, let me see ... oh, it is called an infinite gem, and these six gems represent the six concepts of this world, power, time, space, soul, reality, soul ..."

"Really boring………"

When I heard this, Aige pouted.

"What's the use of finding such boring stuff?"

"Use it to burn ..."

As I said, Founder also sighed. The simple copy was okay, that is, to burn a Cybertron, and then it seemed to add some material, but at least it was Transformers anyway. The ordinary copy has to burn six gems on its own, so is it difficult for the hard copy to find himself Dragon Ball?

Mingming is dog food, can't it be simple and straightforward? Who wants to play dog ​​food for half a day, at least you will have an automatic clearance!

"Master, do you need my help?"

"Of course, uh ...... the jewel of the soul is given to you. According to the Obituary, it is on a robot named Phantom ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This robot is currently in England, and a robot named Wang Da's women are together, you go find them, and then bring back the soul gem. "

As he said, Founder once again glanced at the Obituary Banner at hand.

我 "I'm going to find someone named Stephen Strinch. If there is nothing wrong with the record above, the time gem should be in his hands."

"Okay, I see, my father."

I heard Founder's instructions, Ai Ge nodded with a smile, and then she thought about it.

"Who are they?"

"Well, in the words of this world, superhero."

"Is it a hero? It's like the heroes of the Holy Grail in the Holy Grail? So what if they don't want to hand over the gem?"

"If you don't want to, then grab it directly."

"Is that okay? My father?"

I heard this, Ai Ge blinked.

"They are heroes."

Facing the curious inquiry of Ai Ge, Founder hummed quietly.

"It's also a superhero in the United States anyway, it has nothing to do with us."

Then he said calmly.

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