Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1465: 100 ways to use the shield (must see on the street corner)

Walking on the street, the two little girls followed behind the Founder, without a word of silence, as if disturbed by the two kittens abandoned by the mother cat.

"Well ...... in short, you should change your clothes first."

Looking at the ragged appearance of the two little girls, Founder also frowned, which could not be called clothes. Strictly speaking, there was no difference between rags and ...

"Does it hurt?"

Watching the two little girls stepping on the ground barefoot, Fang Zheng could not help asking. After hearing Founder's inquiries, both the little raccoon and the little white tiger were stunned, shaking their heads in a hurry.

"No, it doesn't hurt!"

Although their expressions were resolute, they could already draw a conclusion just by looking at the foot that was scratched by the stone.

This reminds Founder that he can't help but think of the cursed sons and the children, so that he would rather wrong himself than let others feel like a burden.

Still a child after all.

Thinking of this, Founder went to the two, and then held them up one by one.



Faced with this sudden move, the two little girls were startled, but Founder didn't say much, just glanced at them.

"Hurry up, don't fall down."

Then, Founder just held them and moved on.

A man holding two Asian children walking on the street is naturally a very eye-catching thing, and many people cast doubt and disgust on the Founder. However, Founder didn't care about the thoughts of these guys. After all, this situation had just seen him many times when he had just crossed into the dark world.

Soon, Founder held the two little girls in this way, came to an adventure equipment store, opened the door and went in.

"Welcome ... oh, isn't this brave brave?"

The bald boss standing behind the counter greeted him and he couldn't help but look after the Founder, but he didn't show the cold or disgusting eyes of others on the street, but he laughed.

"I didn't expect Brother Brave to come to my shop ... Is there anything I need?"

"Give the two children a light, action-friendly outfit, and the price is not an issue."

"No problem, leave it to me."

The bald boss didn't seem to have any thoughts about the two Asian children in Founder's arms, just nodded, then turned around, and quickly took out two suits behind the counter.

"How about this? Although it may be a bit lenient for the two little girls, the adventure costume itself has some protection and is also easy to move."


Founder glanced at the clothing the bald boss brought out, and nodded, then motioned to the two little girls to each take a suit to the dressing room to change. Although a little confused, the two little guys picked up their clothes and went into the locker room.

"Boss, I happen to have something to inquire about."

Watching the two enter the locker room, Fang Zheng set his sights on the bald boss in front of him. This bald boss is quite different from everyone else, very bold. Seeing this boss reminded Founder of Akiel he had encountered in the game of SAO ...

But then again, are the weapon traders all bald and bearded?

What curse is this?

In short, I will never do this in the future.

"Oh, brave, what do you want to ask?"

"It seems that the Asian status of this country is very low, is it the same worldwide?"

"What? Brother, don't you know?"

Upon hearing Founder's inquiry, the bald boss showed a very surprised look.

"This country believes in Sanyongism, so it is not very forgiving to Asians."

"Teach the Three Yongs?"

Upon hearing this, Founder suddenly remembered the group of guys dressed like cults that he saw when he was summoned.

"Yes, Asians used to be human slaves, but according to legend, the previous generation of the shield heroes helped Asians rebel against humans and form their own country. Of course, during this period you also know that there must be war. It ’s like this now ... ”

"So it is ..."

Hearing here, Founder nodded, although the boss said very vague, but he still understood the meaning. The revolution requires bloodshed and sacrifice, not just marches and slogans. The previous generation of shield heroes helped the Asians form their own country, which meant fighting, war, and killing with humanity.

With the killing, natural hatred will breed and spread.

For human beings, slaves dare to resist and even kill them. Natural crimes are unforgivable.

For the Asians, they want to get rid of the plight of slaves and naturally rise up to kill, and those who once regarded them as slaves are deserved.

Both believe that they are not wrong, that they are righteous, and that they are evil.

As for the three brave religions, there is no need to say more, the Four Holy Braves, but the sect of humanity worships the three brave men, and combined with the previous group of idiots' attitudes towards themselves, it is obvious that the human side is using the shield brave as a traitor or **** of plague. Things like that.

"So in other words, is there any Asian country on this continent?"

"Yes, but how do you say ...... Well, although I don't want to say anything, but that country is not very friendly to human beings. You should already know that, in this country, it is legal to sell Asian slaves. , And in Asian countries, human slavery is also legal. "

Speaking of which, the bald boss spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders with a "what's the matter" look.

"......... That's it."

Hearing the bald boss, Founder was silent for a moment and nodded. From the perspective of the Asians, their approach is actually not wrong, and both sides are retaliating against each other. Megmallo, who believes in the Three Valiants, is clearly a human supreme country. For them, using Asians as slaves is a "tradition" of humanity, and there is no need to change it.

The Asians obviously wanted to retaliate against the enslavement of human beings, so they in turn enslaved humans ...

Fortunately, there is no such thing in the dark world.

Thinking of this, Founder was also relieved. Because the dark world is raging with gastro-intestinal animals, human beings can only curl up in the gathering place and stretch out. The external crisis of survival is far greater than the internal crisis, and the cursed children have not gathered to avenge humanity.

However, I don't know what will happen in the future.

After all, listening to the boss ’s statement, the previous generation of Shield Heroes is willing to help the Asians resist human slavery, and it must be the original intention.

However, even him, I don't think it will become what it is now.

It seems that the best choice is to place the cursed children in the Temple of Heaven.

Founder also considered whether to build the homes of the cursed children in the dark world, but the words of the bald boss reminded him. In this world, there will be struggles when there is power. Perhaps now, under the threat of gastroenterology, humans still don't care.

But after the gastrointestinal animals are cleared, the humans in that world will definitely try to regain control of the entire earth, and at that time, they will inevitably conflict with the cursed children.

It is true that the cursed children are good children, but even good children do not mean that they will not fight back if they are beaten, nor will their revenge be killed when their companions are killed.

Didn't the previous generation of Shield Heroes turn out to be like this? Still thinking about it and being powerless? Or is it that in a long time, the Asian nation has forgotten its original intention?

It's all a headache.

The original Founder was still thinking to see if the Asians in this world were the same as the cursed sons, then if they would help them. But now that Asians have their own country, Founder has changed his mind. The previous generation of the Shield Brave had already done it, and now it will become like this. It is also a helpless thing.

Then just take care of your own affairs.


As the Founder was thinking, I saw the dressing room curtains pulled open, and then the two little girls who had changed their clothes came out.

The little raccoon is wearing a dark red adventurer costume, and the little white tiger is wearing a pure white adventurer costume. Although it looks a little broad, at least there are things like shoes, at least much better than the rag.

"Yes, what's your name?"

Until then, Founder remembered that he didn't know the names of the two little girls. After hearing Founder's inquiry, the little raccoon and the little white tiger looked at each other, and then the little raccoon said timidly.

"My name is Lavthalia."

"My name is Lifana."

Little White Tiger followed suit.

"Is Raftalia and Lifana? So ... uh ... what are you going to do next?"

Founder thought for a moment, then asked. In the face of Founder's inquiry, the two little girls were obviously a little surprised.

"Lord, master ... what do you mean?"

"You are slaves ...... well, you were arrested as slaves, then you should have your own home and family, where are they? If I can, I will send you home ..."

"Woo ..."

However, the founder's voice had just fallen, and when Lavthalia burst into tears, Lifana beside her bowed her head without saying a word.

"Uh ... what happened?"

Looking at this scene, Fang Zheng scratched his head. According to the classic routine, this time should be crying with joy, but they don't seem to look like ...

"That's it, master."

At this time Lifana said.

"My parents, Lavutalia, when the first wave broke out ..."


Speaking of which, the idiot king did mention that many people died when the first wave broke out. At that time, Founder only listened to as a background introduction.

Now it looks like not just a background introduction.

"What's the matter, brother."

At this moment the bald boss also spoke.

"Take them with you. Two Asian children are hard to survive here, and you have to fight against the waves. It is good to have a few helpers."

"Isn't that Asians not good at fighting and heavy manual labor?"

It would be fine if the Asians had the powerful fighting power of the cursed son, but when Founder bought them, the sunglasses owner told Founder that Asians were not good at fighting and heavy physical labor.

"Me, we can do everything."

Perhaps this sentence was mistaken for Founder's intention to abandon them, Lifana was immediately excited.

"Let us follow the host, we are willing to ..."

"Okay ...... you follow me first."

Founder did not say anything, but waved his hand.

"Let's go, I'll take you to dinner first, and then ... we're out of town."

After that, Founder took the two little guys to a nearby restaurant for a meal, then left King City and went to the nearby wilderness.

And the reason for coming here is naturally ... see what use this broken shield has.

To be honest, Founder doesn't like this shield at all. First of all, this shield is silly and small, it looks very stupid. What's even more frustrating is that maybe because of the inherent "settings" of this world, he cannot use other weapons equipped with a shield, whether it is Frostmourne or Restia or Esther, It cannot be picked up and used.

Fortunately, Founder can at least use his own spells and initial fire ...

This is myself, and I've changed to a dude with no chickens in hand, for fear of being killed.

There is no way to equip weapons on hand, only magic and initial fire can be used, of course, if you choose, of course, there is also Wang Zhibao available.

It's just that as a mage, I don't think it's a good idea to have no big sword in my hand.

Ok? Seems something wrong?

Forget it, nothing is wrong.

So at least the Founder has to test it to see what kind of qualification this shield has to let him give up Restia, Esther and Frostmourne ... At least you have to be an artifact on top of it, or you have to have one Fart?

When the pillows are still too hard to panic.

If it doesn't work, just burn it on fire.

It was just during the experiment that Founder was really surprised to discover the characteristics of the shield.

This shield can absorb everything and turn it into special skills and abilities.

For example, if Founder picks a herb and puts it in the green gem in the center of the shield, he will get the ability to "gather", and if he puts more, he will also get the ability to "harmonize" the medicine. The same is true for Warcraft. Those killed Warcraft will also give shields various powers due to their traits.

It's a bit interesting, but it's just a little bit ... eh? and many more?

Thinking of this, Founder suddenly lighted up.

Since this shield can absorb everything and transform it into qualities and abilities, what about ...?

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng immediately reached out and grabbed for a long time in the inventory, then took out a soul stone.

Although it is also a soul stone, now this soul stone has completely lost its brilliance and shattered into several pieces. This soul stone is nothing else, it is the soul stone of the Star King. After the Founder ran out of counts, the soul stone broke, and now it becomes a pile of useless stones.

After that, Fang also wanted to summon the soul stone of the same level as the Fortune Star Dragon King. As a result, I do n’t know if he had exhausted his luck before or what reason, let alone the Fortune Star Dragon King, even the fantasy soul stone ~ www .wuxiaspot.com ~ Founder never called out.

As for this fragment, it was an accident. When Founder designed the system, he did not even consider what the soul stone itself would be after it was used up. After all, the system was just a rough framework at the time, and such detailed issues were originally thrown into the meeting and let the groups handle it themselves.

As a result, Founder did not expect that after the soul stone was completely used up, the fragments remained in the inventory, and he was glad that Founder was still trying to recover.

Finally the Founder remembered ...

Oh, I haven't set this up yet.

So this thing is now left as a memorial.

"Master, what is this?"

Seeing that Fang Zheng took out a fragment of the soul stone, Lavthalia and Lifana also hurried to come over. Although they were still a little scared of Fang Zheng at the beginning, it may be because Fang Zheng's attitude is quite kind. A little girl is not so afraid now.

"Do an experiment and wait and see."

As he said, the Founder picked up a small piece and placed it on the green gem in the center of the shield. Then the next moment, I saw the green gem glowing, quickly absorbing the fragment, and then ...


With a light beep, Founder soon saw a new branching option on the shield's skill tree.

Sure enough!

Looking at the branch in front of him, Founder nodded.

Then let me see, what kind of skill is this ...


[Insufficient level to activate]


Seeing here, the founder was suddenly ill.

Want to upgrade? !!

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