Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1466: Shield Axe Super Solution! (3 brave men are really mentally retarded)

Founder is now super depressed.

Although it is said that his own strength is placed in this world, it is almost a breakthrough. As he had said to the idiot king before, he was anxious that he could easily destroy the country before the tide.

But the problem is that it is not him who upgrades, but the shield in his hands!

Not only that, after some experiments, Founder found that there were only two ways to gain experience.

Either smash the opponent with a shield, or let Lavthalia and Lifana go up and kill each other. Because after the latter was bought by himself, it seemed to activate a team system, and then the three-man team could gain experience.

Therefore, it is not the level of the Founder that is upgraded, but the level of the shield ...

In other words, this is actually a game of developing equipment. The player's own attributes have no meaning at all ...

If Founder uses magic or Wang Zhibao to kill, then of course those monsters can also be killed. But I can't get a little experience value ...

That's disgusting, okay.

This side is broken, take it to upgrade, do not know how long it will take!

Although you can also play empty-handed, COS Caozhijing is enough for one time, and more is boring. As for the eight gods ...... it can only be said that Fang Zheng has passed that age.

Speaking of this setting, it was originally a team. Obviously, the Sanyong teacher had deliberately not allowed the four of them to be together ... but it didn't matter. The three middle-two little farts were too lazy to mix with them. Pig-like teammates might as well not.

But wait ...... with a shield ... It doesn't seem to be completely helpless.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng's eyes brightened.

"Lavtalia, Lifana, let's go back to the city first."

"Okay, master."

Although I don't know what happened, Lavthalia and Lifana still obediently followed Fang Zheng and returned to Wang Cheng again. Then Fang Zheng took two little girls and once again came to Uncle Bald's weapon shop.

"Welcome ... yo, brother, why are you back? Anything else?"

"Boss, do you have an axe here? The higher the better, the longer axe."

"Of course, but ... you can't use weapons, brother."

The bald boss obviously also knew that as the hero of the shield, Founder could not use other weapons.

"It's okay. I'm just doing an experiment. I'll pay the money."

"I know, wait."

Hearing Founder's words, the bald boss turned around, then rummaged in the warehouse, and took out a huge tomahawk.

"This is the best weapon we have here. Well, it is a tomahawk made of meteorite. The price is thirty gold coins. Because it is too expensive, no one has bought it."

"Have you ever thought about discounts?"

"Just a joke, this is a super famous masterpiece. You will lose your reputation if you lower the price at will."


Since the bargaining failed, Founder didn't care, just shrugged his shoulders and then reached out again ...


Sure enough, it popped open before holding the long handle.

"Boss, please do me a favor and insert this axe here."

As he said, Founder pointed to the emerald in the middle of the shield on his arm. Although he didn't know what Founder wanted to do, the boss nodded, then picked up the tomahawk, and inserted the emerald in the center of the shield Passed.



Bounced again.

"Sure enough I can't use it?"

The Founder didn't care about it, just waved his hand and sat down beside him.

"wait for me."

As he said, Founder opened his personal terminal, and soon, the screen came out, and then he quickly reached out and knocked. I saw a series of characters and codes on the personal terminal, and then ...

"Didu ———!"

With a warning sound, a red message box popped up.

[Reject connection]

"Oh, I know."

Looking at the message [Reject Connection] in front of him, Founder sneered. Before he thought about it, this shield uses a skill book similar to the online game upgrade, so it means that this shield must have its own system. The three idiot players don't care, but they are the first step in planning the system, and they must think of invading and changing the code!

But now ... don't you give me face?


[Reject connection]

"Didu Didu!"

[Reject connection]

"Ha ha."

Looking at the bright red warning in front of him, Fang Zheng sneered again, and then he raised his left hand. Soon, the bright red fire appeared in Fang Zheng's hands.

Subsequently, the Founder looked at the shield in his hand.

"Give you a chance, you should be very clear, even without your broken shield, I still want to save or destroy the world. If you don't want to be obedient, then I will directly burn you into firewood, anyway, to me For example, you are useless and annoying. If you are not obedient, you might as well be burned out by me earlier! "


【connection succeeded】

Toasting without eating and drinking.

Looking at the light green connection prompt in front of him, Founder snorted slightly, and then started humming the song and struck the keyboard.

Therefore, there are some things that can't give it a good look, or else I really think that I'm a root.

"That one………"

Watching Founder communicate with the shield at hand, Lavutalia and Lifana were also quite surprised, then Lavutalia asked curiously.

"Excuse me ... who is the owner?"

Although Founder's dress looks like an aristocracy, it is completely different from the aristocracy that Lavthalia encountered before, and what happened before is also seen by both of them. Obviously, the man in front of him, Not an ordinary person.

"Huh? Didn't you tell them?"

"It's not a good reputation anyway, it's the same whether you say it or not."

While typing on the keyboard, Founder said casually.

"In this world, I'm the brave of the shield ...... at least now."


Upon hearing Founder's answer, Lavthalia and Lifana both opened their eyes in surprise.

"Master Shield Brave?"


Instead of being indifferent and disgusted in their voices, they seemed to be very excited. Founder glanced at them before remembering that the bald manager had said to himself that the brave hero of the previous generation had protected Yaren. Saviour, compared with human beings, its reputation has been greatly reduced, and in turn, it has acquired the characteristics of a substantial increase in its popularity with Asians.

But now he is revising the code to a critical stage, so he doesn't say much, just shrugs his shoulders and concentrates on his work again.

As at the time of SAO, in order to be cautious, Founder did not modify the core features of the "Shield" system. He just transformed some of them, added some properties of the weapon to modify it, and then added modeling himself ... ...

All in all, the shield is still a shield, and the attack method will not change in any way, except that the Founder has added another special skill to it.

This is like a gun that Fang is making in the SAO world. Although it looks and even has no difference in performance from a real gun, it can be regarded as a "non-flying prop" in the system.

All in all, this is a behavior that also drills into the system without being triggered.

"Get it."

Founder pressed the Enter key, then quickly retracted the interface and stood up.

"Boss, give me the lowest-level tomahawk."

"Well? Is this the lowest grade this time?"

"No way, try it first."

It is difficult to compromise with something like the system, although Founder has also tried to completely lift the level blockade. However, this shield system is quite tough in this respect. A soldier can be killed. You can get my body but can't get my heart's expression. In the end, Founder can only give up helplessly.

The end result is that the shield can only absorb weapon changes of the same level, but cannot absorb high-level weapon changes.

But for Founder, that's enough.

"Come here, this is the lowest-level dark iron tomahawk."

"Come again."


Hearing Founder's words, the bald boss nodded, then picked up the tomahawk, and stuffed it towards the emerald in the center of the shield again.

Then ... I saw the tomahawk as if it had fallen into the water and disappeared silently.

Then I saw the shield in the Founder's hand suddenly flashing a light, and then it became much larger in an instant. The original small shield was now almost the size of an ordinary shield, with a handle on it.

"Come and try it."

Founder moved the shield to the back of his left hand, then stretched out his hand, clenched his handle, and flung forward hard!

"Super solution !!"

With Founder's roar, I saw the long handle suddenly emerged from the shield, and then the entire shield suddenly expanded and expanded, as if hitting the ground like a huge axe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Wow! "

Seeing this scene, the bald boss could not help but screamed in surprise.

"Is that all right?"

"Even a shield will hurt if you hit it on your face."

"That's for sure."

Hearing Founder's words, the bald boss nodded again and again.

"Some shields are enough to smash people to death."

Not only that, the edge of the shield after the super solution is also extremely sharp, like a real blade. Of course, with ordinary people's physical strength, it is difficult to wave, but for Founder, he can easily run around with one hand.

"Sure enough, there is still a big one on hand to be comfortable."

Waving the shield axe in his hand, Fang Zheng nodded with satisfaction. After all, the big sword is used to it, and if you do n’t chop people with something at any time, you will feel a little weary.

"So let's go."

Turning the weapon back into shield form, Founder stood up and planned to leave.

However, at this moment, Li Fana suddenly ran to Fang Zheng's side.

"Master Brave! Master! Please, let me fight with you!"


Faced with Lifana's sudden request, Founder could not help but hesitated, then he looked at the little white tiger in front of him.

"You don't need to fight at all?"

"But, I, I want to be a companion of Lord Shield Hero!"

"me too………"

At this moment, Rafthalia raised her hand timidly.

"It's not so easy to be my companion ..."

Facing the request of the two, Founder pondered for a moment.

"Okay, then ... let me give you a try first."

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