Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1504: What I want to do is mine (wow meow meow meow!)

"It always felt like my head was going to explode."

Lying on the bed, looking at the night sky out of the window, Aisha sighed.

"I didn't expect that the world would be so big ..."


Neferine nodded silently when she heard Ezea's emotions.

"But, but there is no evidence to prove it, maybe he just casually said, how could the world be so big anyway?"

Kodori is still a bit unacceptable. Her concept of the world just stays on the floating island and the earth, but now, knowing her world, it is just the most insignificant grain of sand in the desert. After that, Kodori apparently felt a little panic.

"Just think of them as floating islands hundreds of times bigger, right?"

Although I also know that my world is a sphere, Isaiah is not as confused as those dwarves or elves why they will not fall. After all, compared with them, fairies such as Aiseya have always lived on floating islands. For them, floating in the air is nothing new, and it can even be said that they are accustomed to daily life. Because of this, they quickly accepted the concept-just imagine their planet as a super-large circular floating island.

Therefore, the living environment will indeed affect the reception.

"In the future ... To be honest, I have never considered it ..."

Aishiya hugged her head with her hands and stared at the ceiling. The fate of the golden fairies was to fight, and then died. Living was a luxury for them, not to mention the future.

But now they seem to have a whole new choice.


When she heard this, Kodori was silent and did not speak, and she had never considered this issue.

But now, maybe she has to think about it.

And while Kodori and others were thinking about their future, on the floating island No. 2, the sage also looked seriously at the report from the lizard officer.

"You mean, that man gave the goblin a very strange, but quite powerful weapon?"

"Yes, sage, this weapon is very similar to our muskets and artillery, but it is thousands of times more powerful! There are more than two hundred heads of the sixth beast. Under the bombardment of these weapons, even half an hour The entire army was wiped out without sustaining it! "

The Lizard Officer's tone was full of excitement and excitement. Although he did not understand the principles of those weapons very well, after consulting Kodoli and others, the Lizard Officer also had a considerable understanding of these weapons. Powerful and easy to use. What's more, unlike the relic weapon, this weapon seems to be available to everyone!

He can imagine that once this weapon spreads, the beast is no longer a threat! They can easily protect the floating island!

"So, what about those weapons?"

"Sorry ...... taken back by that man."

This also made the Lizard officer somewhat helpless. He originally wanted to find Kodori and others to take a closer look, but was told that after the battle, Founder had recovered those weapons, and said --- Wait until the next battle to use it.

Obviously, they have no intention of showing this weapon to others.


Hearing here, the sage fell into silence.

The mysterious weapon, the man of unknown origin, and the man who claims to be human, all make the sage feel beyond his imagination. He originally thought that the other party might be just like himself, a survivor of that world. But sages don't think so now, because in their time, there were no such weapons. If there is such a weapon, then humans do not need to create holy swords and cultivate brave men.

Who is that man?

"Sir, what should we do?"

"……………Let me think about it."

This time, the sage didn't answer immediately, he always felt that it was ... it was far more complicated than he thought.

When the three men dragged their tired bodies to the deck the next morning, the first thing they saw was the Founder drinking coffee on the deck.

"Oh, it looks like you didn't sleep well."

Looking at the three, Fang Zheng waved his hand and heard Fang Zheng's joking, Ke Duoli hummed slightly and turned his head.

"After listening to what you said, how can you sleep?"

Ethiopia was still smiling.

"But brother, do you really think that we can completely destroy those beasts? You know that there are thousands of beasts in this world, but the fairy soldiers are only me, Kodori, Neveline ... Two people are not here, but there are only five goblin soldiers. Can we really destroy so many beasts? "

"It's true that you are not enough."

Founder nodded.

"But I have a fleet. As long as they rely on their strength, then tens of thousands of beasts are nothing but a breeze."

"Fleet? Where is it?"

"Now they're not here. I can call them over when I'm done with what I have done."

"Is the thing you want to solve related to the Star God?"

At this time, Neveline, who had been silent by the side, suddenly said, and Fang Zheng nodded.

"Yes, Star God is the purpose of my coming to your world, but unfortunately, it seems that it will take a little time to find Star God now."

"What are you waiting for? We have any clues to help."

Hearing here, Ethelya was immediately excited.

"Let's get that thing called Star God early, and then you can call the fleet to destroy these **** monsters!"

"Of course, if there is anything I can help with ..."

However, at this moment, Fang Zheng stopped suddenly, then narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance. Seeing Founder's response, the three golden fairies turned their heads in confusion, looking down at Founder's eyes. Only to discover that Founder was watching a floating island not far away.

"Where is that?"

"There? That's the kingdom of El Pez, a country with bad eyes."

Upon hearing Founder's inquiries, Isaiah swaggered her mouth and replied, apparently she did not like the country.

"Let the airship go over there."

Founder immediately ordered, but when he heard him, the three girls looked at each other.

"Where? But the wings are not involved in the internal affairs of other countries, and there have been no beast attacks ..."

"So it simply doesn't work?"

"This ......... probably not ..."

Kodori answered this bitingly, and Founder nodded.

"Okay, I see. Then I'll go back."

After saying this, Founder flickered, and flew into the sky the next moment, flying towards the floating island.

Looking at this scene, the three girls could not help but widen their eyes in surprise.

"What is he going to Alpes?"

Ethelya asked puzzledly, and Kodori shook her head, but hadn't waited for her to say anything. I saw that Nefran, who had been silent, suddenly appeared behind her with shining colorful wings, Then she said nothing and flew directly into the sky, chasing after the place where Founder left.

"Wait, Neveline, I will go too!"

Seeing Neveline leaving, Ethelya also screamed, and hurried to follow, leaving only Kodori standing in a stunned position.

"Wait, what are you doing? It's against the law to go to another country without a notification ... hey!"

However, before Kodori's words were finished, Nephrine and Ethelya had flew away. Looking at this scene, Kodori stomped angrily, and then spread her wings, hurried to follow.

The scene in front of me flashed.

Founder didn't care about the town below. He just heard the sound coming from his ear, and he flew forward all the way until he reached the front of a castle.

"That's the city of Alpes. What is he going to do there?"

Seeing this from a distance, Isaiah's eyes widened in surprise. But the next moment, the founder's actions made her stunned-only to find that Fang Zheng rushed down, hitting a big hole directly in front of the castle!

"Oh my God, what is he thinking?"

Seeing this scene, Ethelya was stunned, and even Neveline was stunned, but soon, she flapped her wings again and flew forward.


There was a violent impact, and the castle was obviously not enough to withstand the impact of the Founder. He directly broke through the wall and stepped on the floor. When the Founder fell to the ground again, he had already appeared in a dark basement. There are dim fire lights everywhere, and some strange-looking instruments, like an alchemy. Beside, a group of pigs in white coats turned their heads in surprise, looking at the unexpected guests.

"who are you?"

"Why break into here?"

The pigs were yelling and asking, but Founder didn't answer their questions. He just turned his eyes to the wall in front of him. I saw there. Several girls were bound by iron chains. They were inserted like test tubes all over their bodies. Things, blood and magic slowly flowed out, and the dark iron block tied them in.

For this scene, Founder is not surprised, and people in the dark world have done similar things, so it is not surprising that people in this world will have such actions.

But this does not mean he will accept such things.

And Founder's response was very simple.

He snapped his fingers, and soon, the invisible magic quickly released the restraints on the girls, and then protected them in a round bubble.

"What do you want to do? Stop now! You are fighting the royal family of Elpes!"

A pig head rushed over with a roar, but Founder just waved his hand without turning his head back. The next moment he saw the huge pig head soaring into the sky, and flew to the side with blood. The fat body in a noble dress stumbled to the ground.

This scene immediately angered the people in front of them, and they also fell into fear.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

At this time, Neveline, Ethelya, and Kodori also arrived, and they were shocked to see the pigheads who had lost their heads on the ground. But soon, when looking at the scene here and the girls, the three were stunned.

"Is this ... the golden goblin?"

Asya knew at first sight that the girls whose bodies were cut open and looked miserable looked like her own race. This made her expression of suspicion suddenly become angry.

"How dare Elpez do this? They are breaking the treaty!"

According to the treaty, every golden leprechaun on the floating continent should be managed by the wings. Golden fairies were not born by humans like the cursed son. Instead, they are more like natural spirits, born and born from natural lakes. They appear as babies in lakes, streams, and rivers, where they are discovered and then raised.

Of course, after the gold fairies were found to be able to use the relic weapons to fight against the beasts, basically the gold fairies in various places would be handed over to the wing army for unified management, which is also a treaty signed by the floating island civilization.

But now, Elpez actually detains the golden fairies in private, and uses them to experiment?

"Kill them !!"

Finding himself unseen conspiracy exposed, another pig man in a noble costume shouted immediately, and then saw a group of soldiers with muskets rushed over and raised the rifle in front of Fang Zheng and others.

However, Founder just reached out and slammed his fingers. At the next moment, the body of the soldiers and the researchers in white clothes suddenly exploded as if they were filled with gas balls. Blood and internal organs were mixed and scattered, bringing bloodiness. Breath.

"Hey, this ..."

"Can you take them away?"

Founder didn't even look at the corpses, as if he had just done a trivial little thing, he turned his head and looked at Kodori and asked. Kodori looked at the corpses lying on the ground with a complex look, then nodded.

"I can contact first attachés! Take them to the airship!"

"That's good."

Founder nodded.

As he said, he turned around and walked to a terrified paranoid who had collapsed to the ground, reached out his hand, grabbed its collar and pulled the pig up.

"Who planned this?"

"This this……………"

Faced with Founder's inquiries ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the pig shivered.


"Yes, Her Majesty ..."

"Okay, I get it now."

When Founder heard this, he nodded, and then he just shook his hand. The next moment he saw the pig aristocrat whistling and flew out, and slammed into the wall next to him. His head was like "watermelon" and was directly hit It's a mess.

"Well, let's leave here."

Having said that, Founder clapped his hands as if he had done a trivial task, but this left the three without knowing what to say. After a while, Kodori seemed to react.

"What are you doing ?! How can you ..."

"Of course I can. I do whatever I want."

Founder looked at Kodori.


"I know what you mean."

Founder waved his hand and interrupted Kodori's speech.

"I know, you golden fairies see themselves as warriors, as consumables, and one day they will die. It doesn't matter to you. But it's the same to me. What do you think of you You, it ’s yours, how others see you, it ’s other people ’s things. And how I see you, it ’s also my thing. How you see yourself, how others see you, has nothing to do with me, I just do what I want to do. "

"... So, what do you think of us?"

At this moment, Neveline asked again, and Founder shrugged.

"At least ... I don't think you deserve this treatment."

Then he said quietly.


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