Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1505: What is the fight for? (Wake up, lick your paw and get up ...

The run-down laboratory, the corpse all over the ground, the weak and terrible golden fairies, made Kodori and others speechless for a while.

Should they be treated like this?

Kodori herself said it was not good. Gold fairies are consumables and weapons to protect everyone. Others have always regarded them as special secret weapons. Weapons are weapons. Should weapons have their own thoughts, their own thoughts?

They never thought about these issues, nor did they have time to think, because they would always fight, fight, fight again.

Founder reached out his hand, and soon, a holy light fell from the sky and fell on the injured golden fairies, and then healed the wounds on them quickly.

"Let's go and leave here."

Founder hooked, and then a leap jumped out of the hollow again. And those gold fairies were also packed in bubbles and left with the Founder. Seeing this scene, the three looked at each other and hurried to follow.

When the four left the castle with the golden fairies, they immediately found that they were surrounded by several airships over the castle.

"What exactly do you want to do? Wing Army!"

The sound from the horn sounded anxious.

"This is the King City of El Pez. You broke into it like this ..."

"Ignore him."

Founder didn't even look at the airship, and left with other gold fairies. The three of Kodori followed behind, and were silent. They didn't have to follow along after all, after all, Founder just said he just went back and went back. The results are now good, not only did he come here for nothing, but he was also involved in a troublesome situation. Although none of the three knew politics well, they also knew that such an arbitrary invasion of other countries and the sabotage in Wangcheng City would definitely bring very serious consequences.

However ... I did everything, and regret was useless.

When the Founder and his party returned to their own airship again, the Lizard officer and others also came to the deck.

"What on earth happened?"

As the Founder and others came down from the sky with a few golden fairies, the Lizard officer asked with a serious expression.

"Alpes broke the treaty!"

Kodoli was obviously quite angry, not only because of the breach of the treaty by Al Pez, but also because of the treatment suffered by her compatriots.

"They detained the golden fairies privately, and they also did some bad things to them!"

Kodori wasn't quite sure what those people were doing, but just those she had seen before were enough for her to give a fairly reliable answer.

Although strictly speaking this answer is not reliable.

"So what did you do?"

"We didn't do anything."

In this respect, Ethelya was much smarter than Kodori, and hurriedly waved.

"My brother's movement is much faster than ours. When we went, my brother directly smashed the city of Alpes, rushed in and rescued people ...... well ... of course, several people were killed. ... "


Hearing here, Officer Lizard frowned.

"A few pigheads ..."

"Is it the aristocracy of Elpes?"

The Lizard officer had some headaches. He turned his head, but Founder and Neveline didn't even bother about this. The gold fairies had been subjected to the ravages of the experiment before, and they were already very weak. Founder put them on the deck first, and let these golden fairies take a good rest. Then he took out the terminal and started to scan and judge one by one. Then, he should use the holy light and the medical glue. gum.

Looking at this scene, the Lizard officer who had originally planned to walk over also stopped, hesitated for a moment, and then turned to leave.

"Keep moving on as planned."

The wing airship picked up a few golden fairies and moved on. And those golden fairies seem to have caused psychological shadows because of the previous inhumane experiments, and they have been hiding in the cabin and dare not go out. Only when Founder and Nefron appeared, they were more relaxed.

Although the golden fairies have a weak idea of ​​death, this does not mean that they do not know the pain, even if they will not die, they are not afraid of death, and they are frightened by a group of people playing with it on the experimental table.

To be honest, Kodori and Ethelya are also very new to this situation and do not know what to do, but the Founder seems very calm. It's like the doctor in charge, so go to the cabin to find time to talk with them and talk. However, these golden fairies were soon soothed.

As for Neveline ......... Followed by Founder like a puppy, didn't care about this trouble at all.

"You seem to be good at doing this kind of thing?"

Kodori followed him a few times and finally couldn't help asking, while Fang Zheng nodded.

"Of course, I've been to many worlds, and I've seen all kinds of things. In fact, there used to be a world like yours."

"Oh, really?"

Hearing here, Ethelya and Nephrine came together.

"Yes, that world is similar to you, it is almost destroyed, of course, it was human beings who died by themselves, and then a monster called gut gastro ... It doesn't matter that a monster looks like a beast. Humans in that world use a slate to prevent the intestinal animals from invading the city ... "

As he said, Founder also opened a personal terminal and gave them information about the dark world.

And when they heard that the slate can prevent the gastrointestinal animals from approaching, the fairies who were present couldn't help showing their envy.

"If only we had this kind of thing here."

Kodori couldn't help feeling that the people in this world built floating islands because most beasts could not fly. But there are exceptions. For example, the sixth beast will spread the seeds into the air by the wind, and once it is on the floating island, it will hatch immediately. This is also the enemy that goblin soldiers often face.

If the world can have such a stele that prevents the beast from approaching, then the goblin soldiers will be much easier.

Then they saw the existence of the cursed son and what happened to them.

Seeing these, the three could not help but be silent. The experience of the cursed child was similar to that in the world, but it was even worse. After all, no seed is still protected, but the cursed son ... has become an enemy of that world completely.

"How are those kids now?"

After Founder finished the short intro, Neveline suddenly asked, and Founder shrugged.

"Most of them are currently in the Temple of Heaven, living a fairly peaceful life, and very lively. If you want to see it, I will take you back to the Temple of Heaven after all this, and feel it for yourself."

"So ... do you want us to be the same as them?"

"Almost, if you can live a better life, why sacrifice yourself? Of course, it depends mainly on your own will."

Having said that, Founder glanced at the three of them.

"You are fighting here hard, aren't you also protecting the little girls in the warehouse?"


Hearing the Founder's questioning, all three were stunned, and the Founder smiled.

"In the movies I've seen before, there is a line I like," I didn't have a choice before, now I want to be a good person "... I think this sentence is suitable for you. It used to be There is no choice, but now ... you can think about it carefully and think about what kind of person you want to be and what your happiness is. "

"Our happiness ........."

When hearing this, Kodori could not help but fell into silence, and Athiya frowned, thinking rare.


At this moment, suddenly, a cough sounded, and everyone turned their heads, and saw the Lizard officer standing in the corridor, watching them seriously.

"We just got the order, emergency."

In the face of the Lizard officer's words, the expressions of Kodori, Nephrine and Ethelya immediately became serious.

According to the Lizard officer, they originally planned to go to the second island, but received a report on the way. The salvage team heading to the ground was attacked by the beast. Although the beast was successfully repelled, the airship was severely damaged and could not be repaired . Because they were on this route, the closest to the crashed salvage team, plus the only three goblin soldiers were also here, so the high-level wing army ordered to go.

The so-called salvage team is also a chore. People on the floating islands go to the ground at regular intervals, and then salvage something from the human remains and take it back for use. Kodori the holy sword they used was salvaged from the ruins, so they are called relic weapons. The salvage team is very hard and dangerous. After all, the ground is no better than a floating island. Although the Seventeen Beasts cannot fly except the sixth beast, but because of this, the ground has become their territory.

Once you encounter Seventeen Beasts, it is very dangerous.

And the salvage team also has a tradition that the number of people who can leave the ruins cannot exceed seven at one time, otherwise it will undoubtedly die.

Although I don't know where the tradition comes from ... Of course, Founder just listens to it.

Soon, the airship changed its target and began to gradually descend, and then the yellow earth appeared in front of everyone.

This land is dead.

No introduction is needed, and Founder can see it at a glance. There is only desert on this land, no grass, no water, no trees, the traces of life have almost completely disappeared, there is a dead silence everywhere.

This place is even worse than the chaotic land of the main world. Although it is also eroded by chaos, there are still trees and water.

But here ... It's like a dead body, the meat has been dried, the skin is gone, and even the flies are not willing to stay and take a sip, leaving only the last bones buried in the sand.

And those ruins are the last bones left.

Founder stood on the deck and looked at the ground below. An airship crashed into the ground and was broken into two pieces. Next to it is a cleaned-up camp, and not far away, there are remains of human cities covered by wind and sand, of which a large area has been weathered, and the remaining part is dilapidated, it looks like the remains just unearthed by the archeological team ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Soon, everyone on the airship joined the salvage team here and began to quickly move the wounded and supplies. At the same time, the Founder also encountered two other Leprechaun soldiers, Landoluk and Noft.

"It's been a long time, Landoro, and it's better to see you safe and sound than anything."

"You too."

Named Landor Luke, it is a quiet young girl wearing a blue long dress with a dark blue shawl different from Kodori. Norft is a girl with short pink hair that looks like a tomboy.

"Also, this is ..."

As he said, Landor Luc turned his head, looking towards the Founder with cautious and careful eyes.

"My name is Founder, and I'm currently managing the Fairy Warehouse."

Founder nodded in front of the two of them, and when he heard Fang Zheng's answer, Landuolu frowned.

"No breeding, are you also a ghoul?"


Hearing here, tomboy Novart suddenly felt energetic.

"Might you be Nigolan's husband?"

"Not at all!"

Before the Founder answered, Kodori next to her could not help but refute, and the Founder smiled.

"I am human."


Upon hearing Founder's answer, both were stunned.

"Human race? Are you kidding me?"

"Although I am human, I am not human in your world."

Having said that, Founder turned his head again, looking at the ruins in front of him.

"And ... it seems I have found something good."

In fact, when stepping on the ground, Founder felt a breath similar to the goddess of order.

Obviously, the order node he is looking for is here.

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