Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1540: 5 people started the group (do you all eat moon cakes today)

"Wait! Where are you going ?!"

At the same time as the two ceremonies waited for the train to leave the carriage, Olga Marie and Gray were also rushed over, and saw the three men intend to leave the carriage.

"Isn't this forest blocking our way? I'll kill it now!"

The two rituals shook the dagger in their hands proudly, and Olga Marie's eyes widened in surprise when she heard her answer.

"Wait, do you want to die? This is the son of Ou Hailin! Why doesn't the red horsetail stop you?"

"Go where you want to go."

At this time, however, Founder also leaned out and answered Olgamari's inquiry.

"It's also time for these children to learn to upgrade their monsters. A child of a crippled Hailin, I believe they can handle it. Then, come on."

After saying this, Founder waved his hands, and then returned to the guest room. And when she heard her answer, Olga Marie was incredible. She couldn't believe it, the other party would say such a thing! You know, that's the son of Er Hailin, the child of one of the 27 ancestors! Son of the High Dead! All ordinary magicians can't keep their doors closed at this time, let alone say that the cold is enough for them.

And these young girls ...... they want to go deeper into it and destroy the son of Er Hailin?

Just kidding!

"and many more!!"

Seeing that the three were about to leave, Olga Marie sighed.

"I will go with you."


Hearing Olga Marie's words, the two ceremonies looked at her in confusion, while Olga Marie hummed and turned her head.

"Of course, you are not orthodox magicians. You don't know anything about this forest. In this case, starting out is a dead end. I will go with you and I can give you some advice."


When hearing this, Seto said silently.

"Miss Olga Marie, you just lost your followers. Maybe the prisoner is still staring at you now. It would be safer for you to stay here."

"Don't underestimate me!"

Hearing here, Olga Marie suddenly stomped.

"I am the successor of Animusfia, and Theresa has trained me to be a magician on my own! I am not as vulnerable as you think!"


No one could speak at this moment, although they wanted to remind Olga Marie that she was crying and asleep in the red horsetail's arms yesterday, but ...

"I'll go as well."

At this moment Grey came over and said.

"Miss Grey? Don't you have to take care of your master?"

"In such cold weather, if we continue, Master will not be able to support it. I have asked Cowles to take care of Master."

That being the case, what else to say, go away.


Stepping out of the warm compartment, the cold chill came out, which made everyone shiver.

"so cold………"

Seeing the heavy snow and biting cold in front of her eyes, Olga Marie frowned.

"I said, do you really intend to go deep into the forest to kill the son of Er Hailin in this case? In this case, don't say anything else, I'm afraid to freeze to death without finding it."

Indeed, as Olga Marie said, in this snowy and frosty environment, it is surrounded by unfamiliar terrain and dense forests. In fact, this cold is not ordinary cold, although the magic eye collection train turned on when entering the son of Erhailin, but the chill inevitably invaded it.

After all, this is the essence of a dead person, not a common mist.

This is why Gray took the risk, and if she continues like this, nothing else, her teacher will definitely not be able to support it.

"Please wait a moment and let me come."

But obviously everyone was aware of the problem, and then Olga Marie saw Asami Fujino stood up and came to the two ceremonies. Then she stretched out her fingers and swept across the two rituals, mumbling to herself A few words. Then he walked in front of the mute and repeated the action.

Is this some kind of magic?

Olga Marie frowned, holding her arms, staring at the scene, and at this time, Asakusa Fujino came to her.

"That ... is it OK?"

"Of course, I'll see what you're doing."

"So, it's rude."

On the one hand, Asakusa Fujino repeated the action again, and then slightly pointed at Olga Marie.

The next moment, something magic happened.

Olga Marie could feel that the bitter chill suddenly disappeared in the wind that was blowing head-on! Although the wind was still blowing and the snow was still falling, she did not feel the slightest chill at all! No, it's not that I didn't feel it, but the cold that made people shudder, but now it doesn't matter at all!

"What did you do? How did you do it?"

Seeing here, Olga Marie was suddenly surprised. If the magician used any means to resist the cold, then Olga Marie could understand, after all, magicians have magic markings. The magic engraving itself will strengthen their physique and even be immune to certain climates.

However, Asuna Fujino in front of her was able to easily release a weird magic, and seeing her look was available to everyone!

Not only that, but Olga Marie was surprised that in the process, she has been paying attention to the changes of "Mana" around him. In fact, when Asana Fujino casts a spell, Mana does change, but the degree It's no different than a junior magic of a hint class!

However, the magic effect has almost reached the level of classic magic!

If you use a popular analogy, this is like a person using a slot machine, one coin is worth 500,000. Once, you can say that it is luck. If you use it consecutively and succeed three times, it is not luck!

As for whether Asami Fujino mainly used the magic in her body, this possibility Olga Marie did not consider at all. She can feel that there are not many magic circuits in Asami Fujino's body. If it is in the way that the magician of the clock tower uses magic, then the second magic will be enough to exhaust her magic power. Already.


In the face of Olga Marie's inquiries, Fujino Nozomi took a moment.

"This is to endure elemental harm and help us adapt to our current environment ..."

"So, how long will it last?"

"Twenty-four hours."

"Are you joking?"

Hearing here, Olga Marie was really shocked. No magician she knows can sustain a magic for a whole day. It should be known that almost all of the current magic needs to be maintained through the consumption of magic power. Therefore, most magicians in this world are only ready to use magic when facing battles. They are not used at all on weekdays.

This is why the Aegean cuts off the kind of people who can often succeed.

But unfortunately ... Asakusa Fujino did not learn magic but magic.

Here Olga Marie was skeptical of life, and the two rituals and Seto mute there were not idle. The two rituals gave her the insight of maggots and the elegance of cats to enhance her perception and agility. This is why she chose the magic of change as the main course. After all, for the two rituals, the devil's eye in the attack means died directly. You can kill everything, so what she needs is a secondary spell that can strengthen her.

Otherwise, even if the evil eye is so powerful, the speed and response can't keep up.

As for Seto Mute, it is to impose its own tactics to defeat the enemy ... This is also the standard routine for predicting the opening of the mage.

As the only mage of protection in this group, Asami Fujino is the most tired one. She will not only release elemental damage to fight cold weather, but also release armor to protect everyone from harm. A magic alert has been released to ensure that it will not be attacked ...

And this approach saw Olga Marie and Gray intimidating.

Especially Olga Marie, there are very few magic spells in this world that last long, so magicians basically wait until they are used. It was unimaginable for Olgamari to see the practice of magically casting spells on himself before the start of the battle, like the trio.

If Aiguchi cuts into a wizard in the main world, he won't even know how to die. Because the origin bomb is basically useless to the mage in the main world.

The reason why the origin bomb can abolish the magician's magic circuit is because when the magic of the moon type world is performed, the magician needs to open the circuit to maintain the magic power.

In the words of the main world, this is actually a "bootstrap" type of spell, just like you need to use electricity to maintain it before you can turn on your computer and use software. Once there is no power or jumps, then the computer will naturally stop cooking, maybe it will burn the motherboard.

However, the main world's protection spells are basically types that are not subject to control as long as they are released. They do not need to be maintained with their own magic power, and they can always function when thrown there. Unless it is eliminated by a spell such as Dispel Magic or Grand Sunder, or it is activated.

Therefore, if the guardian palace uses his set to deal with the mage in the host world, basically the originating bomb is directly invalidated by the protective arrows, or it is simply blocked by the shield.

Of course, the main world also has "guide" spells, but this kind of spells are generally attack spells, such as secondary magic missile storm, magic missile storm, powerful magic missile storm, and magic missile storm ...

It depends on whether your guardian palace has the courage to pull the trigger against the overwhelming magic missile. You must know that the magic missile is tracking, and it is impossible to avoid it. The inherent control is to accelerate to 16 times. People should hit you. , You still have to die.

"Okay, let's go!"

During the two ceremonies, Asakusa Fujino and Seto Mute are in the moon type world, but the education they receive is the education of the caster of the main world. Therefore, the method is the same as that of the master of the main world. First, let them be invincible. , And then no matter how tossing. So after making sure the spell was okay, the two rituals rushed into the forest first, and the rest hurried to keep up.

So, a group of five people, "Children of Erhailin", started their journey.

Two ceremonies and Asakusa Fujino are responsible for output, Seto Mute is responsible for assistance, Gray is T, Olga Marie ... uh ...

Go to the spring to hang up.

However, everyone went deep along the forest, but found nothing, no mobs, no elites, and even less ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the whole forest, there was almost nothing except snow.

"I said, where are you going now?"


After hearing Olga Marie's inquiry, the two rituals also spoke. After hearing the two ritual shouts, Seto closed her eyes silently for a moment, and then pointed to the northeast.

"Go over there."


Looking at where Ms. Seo pointed out, Olga Marie frowned. That place was blocked by trees, and there was no way to get through it. How did this go?

"give it to me."

Seeing this, the two rituals suddenly lighted up, then she stepped forward, and then Olga Marie and Gray saw the two rituals come up with a ... foldable knife.

Yes, the folding knife does not seem to be any different from a normal fruit knife. The two ceremonies just held a fruit knife and made a small stroke in front of the trees in front of them.

Just a moment.

The next few trees fell in front of the two rituals.

"this is……………"

Compared to Olga Marie, Gray was even more surprised this time.

She is not a magician, but she knows quite well about fighting. Gray can see that the two rituals just now are not a secret technique and there are no unique tricks. She just swipes gently, and The speed even made Gray wonder if the opponent had cut into the bark.

However, just like this, these towering trees are so directly broken into pieces? !!

However, she hadn't waited for Gray to think again, and suddenly, Asami Fujino's voice sounded in their ears.

"Be careful, there are enemy attacks !!!"

Fujino's voice had not fallen, and then she saw dozens of huge sharp branches from all sides of the forest, like venomous snakes, rushing towards a group of five people.

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