Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1541: The power of the magic eye

Huge branches of trees gathered, like a mighty army, surrounded by five people in all directions. The sharp branch was like a spear, piercing the target in front of it.

Facing the branches in front of her, the two rituals were also not afraid. She flickered, and then saw the sword flash, and then the "army" formed by the branches in front of the two rituals was directly torn apart. For the two ceremonies, they kept their feet on the ground, waved the knife again, and attacked the branch next to them.

Although it is also connected to the roots, in fact, the gap between the two rituals and the love song of Sha Tiao is still very large.

Founder also investigated this. Unlike Sage Love Song, although the two rituals connected the roots, she did not enjoy the benefits brought by the roots.

The reason is simple, it's the way.

The practice of Liangyi family together with the roots is to give the roots a personality. This idea is correct, that is, to wrap the intangible with the tangible. This is like a person. If you just say "people", then there are six or seven billion people in the world. Who knows who you are talking about.

But if you say a name, then this limited scope is small. If you add the country, city, street, company, job title, gender, etc., then you can more accurately determine and grasp the existence of a person.

And this is how Liang Yijia fixed the roots hidden in countless ways.

However, this also created a problem.

That's the difference between me and him.

Each person is a corresponding individual, because after the roots get a "fixed" concept, there are only two results, either it erases the personalities of the two rituals, or it exists as another personality. But in this way, the two rituals will not be able to enjoy the benefits brought by the roots.

It ’s like two people are called Wang Er, but the first Wang Er is an ordinary high school student, and the second Wang Er is the president of a multinational company. Even if they have the same name, the former cannot have the latter. Wealth and rights.

This is also the relationship between the two rituals and "".

But Sage Love Song is different. She has been connected to the roots since birth. It can be said that the roots are hers, and she is the roots. So Sage Love Songs can do whatever they want, and do whatever they want.

This is the difference between biological and foster.

I have changed the love song of Sha Tiao. Here, what is the son of Lu Hailin is Lu Hailin herself, which is a matter she resolved with a finger.

However, the two rituals were not treated so well.

This is also the reason why the two rituals can stay in this world leisurely. Like Sage Love Song, now they are hiding in the game world and are unwilling to go home. They are busy playing games every day, and they are enjoying themselves. .

How do you say ...... as if you don't work hard, you have to go back to inherit Wan Guan's property.

But even so, the two rituals were very easy, thanks to the help of the death eye. At least it's much easier than Gray. Gray doesn't kill her eyes, so she can only use a sickle-like weapon to rush straight up to resist her request, which is t, and everyone doesn't expect much output from her.

The other ds is Asami Fujino.

Her fighting style is simpler than the two ceremonies.

"Twist it."

I saw Asami Fujino staring at the front, and whispered something, and then the behemoth that the dozens of branches clung together suddenly twisted and cracked, and it turned into a pile of twists in a blink of an eye, scattered on the ground in minutes. Not only that, but the branches that came from all directions also cracked.

Different from the awakening between life and death in animation, because of the formal system and learning, Asami Fujino has awakened and mastered the use of his clairvoyant eyes and twisted magic eyes.

If you want to talk about threats, dying evil eyes are naturally the strongest. But in terms of mass killing, Fujino is the first. She used twisted magic eyes, not just simply staring face to face. On the contrary, Asakusa Fujino can take advantage of the characteristics of his clairvoyance, overlook everything around him from above, and then twist it.

This method of use is a bit similar to drone air strikes, and it refers to the large-scale aoe's overall damage.

Of course, drones cannot conduct air raids casually. They need a lot of assistance. For example, radar guidance is indispensable.

Fortunately, one out of three people is in charge of this job.

"Fujino! At six o'clock, in the woods!"

With the silent shout, Fujino's eyes slightly turned, and then she saw that the woods and the ground were twisted and torn by invisible forces, and the roots and vines that were hidden underground were exposed, and then torn Got debris.

As for Olga Marie ... she was completely staring at the moment.

The two ceremonies and others are the holders of the magic eyes. Olga Marie knows that because when the first meeting, Red Horsetails said that the people of Qianjieshu received the invitation from the magic eye collection train, so they Then come to see what guys dare to be so brave and move the ground on the head of Qianjieshu.

At that time Olga Marie had no fluctuations in her heart and even wanted to laugh.

But now ... she finally knew where the opponent's strength was.

In fact, magic eyes are not rare for magicians, but most of the magic eyes possessed by the magicians in the clock tower are very rare. Her follower Theresa has the magic eyes of the future vision. In fact, there are very few magic eyes that can really be used in battle.

But now the power of the magical eyes shown by Asami Fujino is to surprise Olga Marie secretly.

With just one glance, you can tear the earth and distort everything. This power is not even comparable to ordinary magic!

Theresa once said that there will be rainbow-level magic eyes at this auction. Is this the rainbow-level magic eyes?


"That's not the case! It's just consuming your power!"

Although as a magician, Olga Marie was only able to stand next to hang up, but this does not mean that she could not see the form clearly. Indeed, the strength of the crowd is quite powerful, but now they are just outside the forest. At present, because they are blocked, they have no way to move forward. In this way, they will only fall into a war of attrition ... Obviously bad for them.

"Do you have any ideas?"

The two ceremonies cut open a bunch of branches and roots at the same time, and asked at the same time, but in the face of the two ceremonial inquiries, Olga Marie could not help but stunned. But she was a magician anyway, so she quickly answered.

"The son of Lin Hailin relies on the spirit veins on this land to act. If we can find it to absorb the magical foundation of these veins ... maybe we can cut off their connection with this land and lose the support of magic. , Then it will be much easier! "

"Can you find it?"

"Of course ... I can feel ..."

"All right, let's go!"

Speaking of this, the two rituals said nothing, grabbed Olga Marie and ran towards the depths of the forest, which suddenly shocked Olga Marie.

"Wait, what are you doing ?!"

"Can't you feel that? Tell me where you are?"

The two rituals are not good at magic flow and perception. She belongs to a complete combat school. In a word, she is reckless. Besides ... doesn't anyone else do things?

"Over there! Fifty meters away!"

Although unhappy, Olga Marie pointed out, but even then, she did not stop complaining.

"You are so reckless! Even if you know the root position, it is very difficult to separate it! It takes a lot of time! Now we can't help it ..."

"found it!"

However, before Olga Marie's words were finished, she saw the two rituals in front of her suddenly light up, staring at the ground not far away, and then Olga Marie saw her abruptly leaping, holding her hands tightly. Knife, stab hard at the ground!


The cold wind around me seemed to stop suddenly at this moment. Then the next moment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a scene happened that Olga Marie could not imagine.

The surrounding trees began to wither quickly, weathered, and turned into dust and disappeared into the air. The surrounding earth also began to tremble, transform, and form a new attitude. Soon, the original snow-covered forest quickly disappeared, replaced by a wilderness. This is what the land originally looked like.

"You, how did you do that?"

Of course Olga Marie knew what was going on, because the region's foundations were cut off, and a part of the body of the son of Lin Hailin, who had lost his magical support, collapsed due to lack of magical power.

The phenomenon itself is easy to understand, but it cannot explain how the young girl did it!

You know, the son of Er Hailin is also a plant in nature, and its appearance is like using his own rhizome to penetrate into the veins, and draw the magic of the earth veins to show himself. So if you want to cut off the magic, you must pull this rhizome out of the vein.

If Olga Marie were to do it, she would probably take a long time and use a lot of precious magic supplies. However, this girl is just a knife! Just cut off a foundation of Er Hailin!

That's just an ordinary knife!

Could it be that mysterious magic prop?

However, facing Olga Marie's puzzled inquiry, the two rituals just stood up silently and glanced at her.

"Don't you still want to buy my magic eye?"


Hearing here, Olga Marie was stunned, she stared at the magic eyes shining with colorful brilliance in the eyes of the two rituals at this moment, only feeling that her blood was frozen.

Although the two rituals did not speak directly, Olga Marie had guessed what she meant.

Straight ... Magic Eye ...

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