Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1542: Different ways do not work together (Are you happy in the Mid-Autumn Festival? ...

As the two ceremonies waited hard in the ice and snow for the son of Er Hailin, Fang Zheng curled up in the warm and comfortable carriage, humming the song, and chatting with Fioré.

"What? Insufficient funds? Additional, additional, what we have is money, capitalism is good. As long as there is money, killing and arson are all done, let alone what we do is still legal ..."

Founder and Fiore are discussing nothing else right now, it is part of Founder's "game changes the world" plan.

After getting the information from Ai Ge, Founder had already figured out how to use the information, and he divided it into three parts.

First, create a sum animation based on these materials, then launch a card game based on this, and finally port it to the mainframe.

The general content of this animation has also been designed by Founder. Most of its content borrows from Harry Potter, except that the protagonist is changed to a Japanese-English mixed race. In addition, the plot is similar to the original. The protagonist is an orphan. Living in a distant relative's home, and then received an invitation to study from London, then the protagonist eliminated the difficulties and went to London, and came to a magic school he had never heard of-the Clock Tower.

The next story is similar to the story of Harry Potter. The protagonist spends an unforgettable life in school, and then discovers the secret of his own life, and at the same time fights against the existence of Voldemort who threatens them.

Roughly this is the case, except that changes have been made elsewhere.

For example, he changed the original four colleges to the twelve disciplines of the Clock Tower, and the fighting methods between magicians also changed to a duel card form similar to Yugioh. Students in each discipline have cards with different attributes, and they can also create new cards with their own power. Students between disciplines also use these cards to fight.

As for why you use cards to fight ... do you manage?

Can't save the world with a Quinte card?

The problem lies in the cards of these twelve disciplines.

That's right, Founder exposed the most secret magic of the clock tower's twelve monarch families to the public in the form of cards.

After all, magic itself is a very small thing. Except for avid readers and players, most people actually don't like to dig deep into the theory or knowledge.

However, making a card is different.

For example, a "XX" card has the effect "XXOO", so as a player, it is easy to remember. One of the reasons for the mysterious disappearance of magic is that it is well known that once this game spreads to the entire world and is known by people all over the world, the magic system of the twelve families is no different from a complete crash.

As for whether it can be done, Founder is really not worried at all. As long as there is money in the capital society, you can do everything. Just like melatonin, you may not like melatonin, but you must not know it. If there is this magic of melatonin, then I am afraid that the grave grass will be high.

Moreover, money can make ghosts grind.

Founder paid for the famous light house in the world, asked him to write this book, and then promoted it. Facts have also proved that everything is going well. With the promotion of Founder at all costs, this book has been circulated throughout Asia. At this time, Founder has begun to launch the comic version and animated version. After the animated version was broadcast, the audience ’s foundation It should have spread to the whole world. At that time, he can also hold some similar international competitions to attract the attention of players from various countries, and then sell card games. At the same time, maybe he can still make a movie or TV series, as long as the quality is excellent, The picture is outstanding, and the rest must not be a problem.

As for money ... the CIA has money.

No, it still has FBI.

Founder is also a small Confucius who drilled this task-although the task said that it is not allowed to use more technology than this world to make games, but using technology beyond this world to make money is not within the limits?

And as long as you have the money, is it still the problem?

So, the system is still too young.

Let me see, what is your dad or your dad.


At this moment, the knock on the door rang, and when he heard the knock, Founder closed his personal terminal, and then turned into a red horsetail again.

"Come in."

As the Founder spoke, the door of the guest room opened, and then an unexpected person came in.

It was a young man with glasses who looked polite --- Colles Fulvigi Jugdomirena.

"Miss Red Horsetail."

"Hmm? What are you doing to me?"

Fang Zheng looked up and stared at the young man in front of him.

"I have something, and I want to talk to you alone, it's about modern magic ..."

"Modern Magic?"

Hearing here, Fang Zheng narrowed his eyes.

"If it was about modern magic, wouldn't I ask Webb? Why ask you this fake?"


For a moment, the whole room was shrouded in deathly silence. After a few minutes, I saw Cowles—or someone incarnate as Cowles, stood upright with a bitter smile.

"I didn't expect it to be seen through by you."

"Crap, I knew at first sight that you were fake."

Founder raised his eyebrows, joked, using illusions in front of the Prophecy Mage? You are impatient of living. This trick may be able to fool others, but if you want to fool Founder, that is dreaming.

"I am sorry."

The counterfeit looked down.

"Although I want to talk to you as I am, but because it takes some time, there is nothing I can do."

"It doesn't matter, I have no interest in why you fake Coles, but if you think you want to play with our Tree of Thousand Trees because of your three-legged cat's trick, then you are dead."

"I have no intention of teasing the Tree of Thrones. In fact, even if you don't point it out, I will confess my identity."


Hearing here, Founder changed his posture and leaned on the sofa.

"So what? You guy who doesn't even dare show his face, still have identity?"

"of course."

The fakes smiled slightly.

"You can call me DR. Hatteras."

"The one who sells yachts?"

"Just the same name."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, what do you want to do? Make a statement in advance, if it is a charitable donation, we will not pay a penny."

"In fact, I want to work with Qianjieshu."



Hatteras stared at the red horsetail in front of him and continued.

"I have heard a little about what Thousands of Trees did. In fact, I have the same view. For two thousand years, magicians have targeted root causes, but doesn't that seem too stupid? The **** magician does not have the right to choose, but just ghosts and puppets left over from history. "

Speaking of this, Hattrex raised her hands.

"So, I want to revolutionize the way the modern magician exists."


When Founder Hattres spoke, Founder just nodded.

"So? What are you going to do?"

"Sorry, I can't tell you this yet."

Hatteras shook his head slightly.

"We need to build more trust. Until then, I can't tell you my specific plan."


Founder nodded, but what he said next exceeded what Hattrex imagined.

"But I refuse."

Upon hearing this answer, Hattrex's expression suddenly freezes.


"We have our own practice. We do want to change all this, but our purpose is for this world and for the survival of the entire human race. We have a strict plan and we have a clear plan. Goal and direction. "

Having said that, Founder spread his hands.

"And you? So far, I have been hiding behind the scenes, and I dare not even see anyone, not only that, but also casually killing ..."

"For great goals, small means are necessary."

"Of course, I agree with this statement, but unfortunately, the differences are different."

Founder hummed quietly.

"Sorry, I think that even if we have the same purpose, our ideas and means are completely different ... ... but you can try your ideas. I will not support or disagree. The same is true of Qianjieshu.

However, in the face of Founder's answer, Hattrex's expression remained unchanged.

"You don't need to answer so quickly, Miss Red Horsetail."

He said with a smile.

"Perhaps, after a while, you change your mind."

The snowstorm was still whistling.

The girls whizzed past the withered forest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and moved forward.

"How long do we have to reach the main root system!"

"How do I know that the magic flow of this place is difficult to judge!"

Olga Marie ran out of breath and complained dissatisfied. However, at this moment, Gray stopped suddenly.

"Huh? What's wrong? Miss Grey?"


Looking at the girls who turned to look at themselves, Grey bit her lip.

"You go now, I ..."

"No, don't leave here."

However, before Gray's words were finished, she was interrupted by a voice that appeared out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, a woman in a red jersey with dark hair and a dagger in her hand walked out and stood in front of them.

"Sorry, little girls."

The brunette woman raised her dagger.

"This is my Lord's order."

"what is that?"

Looking at the dark-haired woman in front of her, Olga Marie could not help shaking, she could feel the strong sense of oppression and strength from that woman, and the gray side was holding the sickle tightly.

"Be the follower ..."


"It was she who attacked me and Master ..."


Hearing here, Olga Marie's face changed greatly, but the two ceremonies were brightened, then she clenched the knife, came out, and stared at the woman opposite.

"I also heard Xiao Hong tell the story of the Holy Grail War. I didn't expect that I would meet a follower here ..."

While talking, the two ceremonies raised the knife in their hands.

"So let me see how powerful the heroes in human legends are!"

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