Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1883: There is a way

Calian's defeat was almost unquestionable.

Even the Founder did not take any action, but the adventurers who swarmed up directly knocked Kalian, who was fused with the desolate god, completely down. When the unhappy wailing fell to the ground, the cheers of the adventurers suddenly sounded. As for Fangzheng and his party ... just watching the drama by the side.

"... is this over?"

Looking at the adventurous adventurer and the desolate **** who fell to the ground without a sound, Alyssa all had a somewhat complex expression. After all, they could not imagine that what they thought was very difficult would be so easy. Let's work it out ... Karlian is really miserable.

I remembered the scene just now, and even if they knew that Kalyan had no good intentions, everyone could not help but mourn for him. After all, although Kalyan, who was originally fused with the waste god, gained tremendous strength, but under the attack of a steady stream of adventurers, he was turned into a coma with little show of authority.

Speaking of which, those adventurers almost scared to death to siege means, it is really frightening ...

I ca n’t ... But what now?

Looking at the derelict Kalyan, who had fallen silent on the ground, and looked at the excited adventurers around, Amemiya Gentiana, Alisa, and Ye Ye, some of them didn't know what to do, but fortunately Just then, Founder coughed and stood up.

"Tough work for you, good job, you can go back."

"Received, boss."

"Let's go now."

"This mission has a lot of rewards ..."

I heard Founder's words, those adventurers also returned to the magic circle, and then disappeared quickly. At this time, Founder looked at the others.

"Well, that's how this matter is solved, this ridiculous ...... I will deal with it, you don't need to worry."

Such a large piece of firewood will surely burn well.

"Ah ...... yes ..."

However, in the face of Founder's words, the three people in front of him have complicated expressions.

"What's wrong? Any questions?"

不 "No, how do you say ...... it seems to be easy to solve."

"Yes, Mr. Founder."

佐 At this moment Zuo Tian's tears began to vomit.

"This should obviously be a terrifying BOSS battle, isn't it? It should have been that we discovered the plot of the BOSS, and were forced to despair by the BOSS. Then we broke out in order to save the world and pushed the final BOSS back. Orthodox process! Why is BOSS defeated so easily! "

"Because it is very weak, this is how you want to be a boss."

Fang Zheng glanced at Calian, who could not die anymore, and looked back.

By the way, I can still see several adventurers poking around Calian's body there, presumably trying to search for materials?


I just do n’t see it.

"In short, I'll take care of the things here, and leave things over to Finlay."


还有 "Alisa, come on."

After saying this, Founder turned and left, and the others looked at each other, and then what to do and what to do.

As for how to deal with the follow-up over Fenrir, Founder doesn't care, and after taking the BOSS to get paid, the adventurers also hang out with satisfaction. But for Founder, he still has a little trouble to clean up.

"You can't use the magic machine now."

He returned to the camp outside, and Fang Zheng immediately asked Alyssa, and Alyssa hesitated and nodded.

"Oh? What's going on? Alyssa?"

The young girls didn't care before, and after hearing the Founder's words, they found that Alyssa's hands were not like the big exaggerated bracelet-like things.

"Yes, Mr. Founder."

Alyssa nodded her head down. She had already returned to Fenrir before and tried to use the magic machine, but there was no way that Alisa could use her magic machine anymore. The reason is very simple. She has lost the restraint device. Although the previous deification has been cured, if you hold the **** machine, you can feel that the deification in your body will begin to erode again ...

After listening to Alyssa's explanation, the girls also looked very different.

"How come, can't you rebuild a bracelet?"

"Bracelets are unique and it is difficult to find other pairs."

"But ..."

"I have an idea."

Fang Zheng was sitting on the chair with a smile, and at the same time glanced at Siou, who was not far away from the ground-the girl who had rescued Alisa before was lying on the ground and screaming.

"Alyssa, how are your feelings with Heo?"

"This ... is not bad, I think Xiou still likes me very much, and I like her very much."

"that's OK."

He founder nodded, then looked at Alisa again.

那么 "Well, if Siou becomes your weapon, will you accept it?"


However, when I heard this sentence, it wasn't Alyssa that jumped up first, but Lei and Tears.

"What's the matter of turning into a weapon?"

"Say Siou is also a jihadist angel?"


Faced with tears and Lei's questioning, Founder smiled and waved.

"Xiao is not a holy war angel, um ... well, to tell you the truth, she is a **** of waste."


Hearing here, all the people present were choked.

The next moment, everyone blew up.

等 "Wait, wait, you said that child was ...... waste?"

"Isn't the monster a monster?"

"You're kidding us, how do you think it's an ordinary child, there are no horns or tails ..."

Facing the frying pan girls, Founder smiled.

"Is this weird? You also know that high-level waste gods can produce humanized forms. Have you ever seen waste gods with human-like bodies and faces? Then there is a waste **** that has become a human being, and there is what is the problem?"

"No, that's what it says ..."

Facing the Founder's answer, the girls were stunned, and at the moment, Xiou seemed to be awakened by the screams of the girls. She sat up and rubbed her eyes slowly.

呜 "Woo ... but if you say so, will Siou eat ...? Anyone?"

看着 Looking at the cute girl at the moment, Zuo Tian tears asked uneasily, but Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"You don't have to worry about it, Siou doesn't eat people, after all, it's considered the highest level of wasteland, isn't it a loss of cannibalism? She actually eats wasteland."

"Oh ... hey?"

"Eating God of Desolation?"

"Yeah, so if the seed of the world were to be unfolded here, then there would be no food for Siou. And although Siou looks human, her essence is also absurd, that is, after unfolding in the world , Siou will disappear from this world as well. "

I said here, Founder looked at Alyssa.

"Do you want her to disappear?"


Hearing Founder's inquiries, Alyssa looked at Sia, and Sio, now awake, noticed Alyssa's gaze and smiled at her.

"I, I don't want to ... ... but Mr. Founder, is there any good way for you?"

"Of course there are ways, but you need your help."


"Yes, you and Siou ...... by the way, help me with an experiment."

I said here, Fang Zheng could not help but glance at the tears, but he still remembers that he still has a major project in the Academy City unfinished.

That's the capacity improvement plan.

Although it is said that through the analysis of color gold, Founder already has a specific plan to influence the individual's ability to obtain through divine power, but how to complete it is also a problem. And now, from Alyssa and Theo, Founder has also successfully found the last piece of puzzle-over-permeation of divine power will overwhelm the human body, but after the injection of oracle cells, human physical fitness will multiply geometrically. In the future, resistance to divine power will also increase.

In other words, if you fuse the oracle cells and match your own divine power, then maybe you can really create a substance that can improve your ability!

As for how to deal with the problem of Siou, Founder has already made a decision. As a god, he also has the right to modify the characteristics of the message. After all goes well, as long as the consultation characteristics of Siou is changed from "desolate god" to "jihadist angel", Then there is no problem.

The reason why it is a jihadist angel is because after all, Siou was originally a desolate god, and there was a connection with the **** cells in Alyssa's body. You can learn from it completely, instead of recreating it yourself-just copy and paste and then change the value.

这 After this, Founder returned to the Academy City again. At the same time, he also found Zuo Tian tears, and explained his ideas to the other party. Originally, Fang Zheng thought that Zuo Tian tears would be very happy to conduct experiments, but ...

"I'm so sorry!"

"Uh? What's wrong?"

I looked at Zuo Tianzi who bowed and apologized to herself, and Founder could not help but sigh, and Zuo Tianzi continued.

其实 "Actually ... that, Mr. Founder, I have a new idea."

"Oh? Come and listen."

"According to your founder Mr. Founder, you are going to transform me into a person with the same ability as Ms. Misaka and Ms. Shirai."

"Well, the principle is the same ...... is there a problem?"

"That ... is like this."

佐 Although Zuo Tian's tears were a little hesitant, he continued to talk.

"Although I have always wanted to be truly capable, but in the previous few battles, I also found that not all of them are powerful, and sometimes they are restrained ... ... "


When I heard this, Founder immediately remembered the previous AIM force field disturbing the sound, which was indeed the case. Misaka Misaka is really powerful as an LV5, but as long as you choose the right method, anyone with no chickens can handle her.

The premise is that the method is correct.

"So at that time I was thinking, do I have to be entangled in abilities? After all, Ms. Misaka and Ms. Shirai are already powerful people, but sometimes they ca n’t use their power for some reason. If I am the same as them, will it become the same situation? But the other way around ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If I am different from them, then once someone suppresses their power, at least ... I still Can you be a candidate? "

Although Zuo Tian's tears were a little flustered, but Founder understood her meaning and had to say that Zuo Tian's thoughts were indeed in place, but ...

"Is this okay? If so, it means you can't have the ability like them?"

"It doesn't matter, because there is a bracelet that you gave me, Mr. Founder, don't you? And I have Lei beside me! Everyone wants to help each other!"

Looking at the tears with a cheerful smile, Fang Zheng nodded comfortably. Obviously, after this series of adventures, the tears also grew up, and more importantly because of Lei's sake, her pursuit of strength is no longer as persistent as before.

That's the case ...

没 "No problem, since you think so, then I have no opinion."

"But Mr. Founder, what about your experiment?"


Faced with the inquiries of the tears, Founder was also pondering, and had to say, this is really a problem. You have to know that just before today, Fang Zheng didn't think that Zuo Tian's tears would one day take the initiative to show that he didn't need the ability, so he didn't find other candidate experimenters.

But now it looks like there may be another candidate.

Who is better to look for?

:. :

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