Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1884: Recast (What to do if I **** on catnip and don't bother typing)

With the assistance of Siou and Alyssa, Founder finally completed the last step of the capacity improvement plan, but only then did he discover another problem.

With the withdrawal of tears, Founder couldn't find a suitable subject.

Fang Zhengzhen knows that there are few incompetent people. Originally, because he always decided that Tears would be his number one experimental subject, so that Founder didn't pay attention to this problem at all, but now when Tears quit, the trouble appeared.

You know, people like Tears are hard to find.

Not only is the incompetent person required, but Founder's fist is also because of her character and conduct. Otherwise, you can just find an incompetent person, and you don't need to hang yourself on the crooked neck tree.

But now ... who should I look for?

Among the incapable people Founder found, Fremia was the easiest, but the problem was that she was too young, and Flanda would not agree, and Founder himself didn't think such a small child could control this. power.

In addition to that, Naruto is protecting Naruto, but Naruto is not incapable. Anyway, she is also a saint, and cannot be used as a general comparison target.

By the same token, it can be proved that Dangma from Shanghai is naturally excluded, let alone Fangzheng and Dangma from Shanghai are not well known.

Chunchun Shili is okay if she is incompetent, but unfortunately she is also capable. Although it is only LV1, but the capable person is the capable person, and cannot be used as an experimental target.

Seriously, after looking around like this, Founder found that he could be as reassuring as Zuo Tian's tears ... ... none of them!

and so………

"This is really a headache, what do you think?"

Fang Zhengzheng drank the coffee in the cup and looked at the girl opposite to ask. however………

"What does this have to do with me?"

The bee eater held the juice in his hands and stared at the founder. No need to ask, she was seen by the Founder again when she was on the street, and then came over.

"It doesn't matter, but since you are the queen of Tokiwadai, you should have some knowledge of this."

"That's really embarrassing. I don't have any qualified people in my pie."

The bee-eater **** helplessly, rolled his eyes, and drank the juice. But then again, at least the LV3 capable people in the bee-eating pievalve ... It should be said that there is no such thing as the inability of Tokiwadai.

"But it really surprised me that Mr. Fang Zheng would come to me to discuss this kind of problem. If there is no ability, wouldn't there be too much in the Academy City?"

"This is a technology that enables the incapable to have the ability. Of course, I hope to use it on the person who is at ease and suitable. It is definitely no problem to pull one on the road, but in case the other party really has the ability, it will trouble me What to do? Not all of these idiot superheroes in Meiman are like this? I'm not stupid enough to find something for myself. "

"That's what it is ... but I can't help this."

"That's no help. Let me have another drink."

"Mr. Founder, you are just like those drunk office workers in the bar ..."

"You drink fruit juice, I drink coffee, and I won't get drunk. What's the problem? Are you afraid that my intentions will be wrong after I get drunk?"

"can not you do it?"

当然 "Of course not. I want to be wrong, and you won't reject me at all."

"Hum, what a joke."

When I heard this, bee-eater hummed.

"Mr. Founder, your joke is really low. Do you really think you can do this?"

看来 "It seems you don't believe it, then it's better to see."

Grandma said here, Fang Zheng put down the coffee in his hand, and then he reached out and reached the bee-eater's chin, staring at her.

看着 "Look at me, bee-eater."

"Haha? What are you doing ..."

However, the words of the bee-eater haven't finished speaking yet, just staring at the Founder in front of him, unable to say a word.

In the eyes of the bee-eater, those dark eyes were reflecting her figure, as if it were deep in the night, as if she wanted to inhale her whole person. For a moment, the bee-eater prayed that he felt completely attracted by these dark eyes and leaned on him unknowingly.

I want to be closer, closer ...

"Woo ..."

When the bee-eater pierced the hot and humid touch in her mouth, she was already stuck to the founder's body, her hands clasped to the founder ... ... as if ...

"Woo ...... woo ........."

I noticed that the bee-eater prayed suddenly widened her eyes, but it was too late. Founder drove straight forward and broke through the last struggle of the bee-eater prayed. The brains of Bumblebee prayed for nothing, and when the lips of the two were slowly separated, the beebee prayed barely to restore the mind.

"You, what have you done to me?"

"I didn't do anything to you?"

He looked at the corners of his mouth and stared at his bee-eater with a flushed expression, and Fang Zheng opened his hands with a smile.

"You are a superpower of LV5. Have I manipulated your spirit? You should be able to feel it."


Hearing here, the bee-eating prayer suddenly changed his face. Indeed, although his reaction seemed to be manipulated by the mind just now, the bee-eating prayer was very clear and he was not being manipulated. She just acted in accordance with her instincts. I don't know why. When staring at the Founder's eyes, Bee Eater felt that her whole body was soft, her heartbeat was extremely fierce, and even her brain was blank.

I usually have a quick-minded brain in my weekdays. There is no response at all. What should I say ... that seems to be worse than mental manipulation.

嗯 "Hmm ... it's a good shot, you see."

Fang Zhengzheng fiddled with his mobile phone, and then displayed the screen in front of Bee Eater Prayer. Bee-eating Prayer looked up, and saw that on the screen, Founder held out his hand, against his chin, and Bee-eating Prayer looked reddish. A little girl in love looked towards the Founder, and then down For a moment, she swooped across her, rushed directly into Founder's arms, held him tightly, and even kissed her directly .........

等 "Wait, wait, is it my initiative ?!"

Seeing here, the bee-eater prayed for a moment, and Fang Zheng shrugged.

"Otherwise? Is there a third person here to press you?"

可 "But ... hey? Wait, who took this?"

Watching the picture on the mobile phone again carefully, Bee Eater prayed that the situation was wrong. If Founder took a selfie with the mobile phone, the distance would be a little too far. On the contrary, it was more like a passerby passing by. of………

Thinking of this, Bee Eater hurriedly operated her mobile phone to quit the video, and then the next moment, her eyes darkened.

I saw it in the BBS discussion column in front of me. Above the video there was a big "shock, Tokiwadai lover exposure" title ...

Seeing here, the bee-eater **** to death.

"I, I am not ... I did not! I was manipulated!"

"Go ahead and tell, who will believe?"

I heard Founder's smile, and Bee Eater prayed for despair.

Indeed, the words of others can also be explained by being charmed or manipulated, even if it was the original harassment of Kihara, he just robbed the control of his ability from the bee-eater, and he used the bee-eater Ability. But right now, Bee Eater prays that he has not been manipulated ...

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

When I thought of it, Bee Eater prayed and fell on the table, holding his head.

"What can we do now!"

"Relax, I will be responsible."

"Don't you have a fiancee, Mr. Founder?"

Noisy and noisy, the bee-eating information network is still in operation.

当然 "Of course, but I have more than one fiancee, in this world."

"......... What do you mean?"

When I heard this, Bee Eater narrowed his eyes and looked at Founder, who just smiled.

"I will tell you when you agree to be my fiancee, of course, you can also try to read other people's memories."


"Relax, I will be very gentle by that time, you just need to count the stains on the ceiling."

"That's not the problem, okay!"

The bee-eater patted the table.

"You are a crime, Mr. Founder! I am still a middle school student!"

"It's okay. Once it happened, I would say‘ because she does n’t look like a minor ’to confuse me.”

好 "Okay, I'm sure, you came to fight with me today, right?"

The bee eater prayed that he was mad at this moment.

"Yes, goblin fights, do you want to participate? I'll set the room? Would you like to be more primitive or more interesting? With your interest, from the classroom to the tram to the torture room?"

"......... Forget it."

I heard here, the bee-eater prayed to calm down immediately, there is no need to compensate himself for the wrath of a moment, you are right.

既然 "That's it, so here it is today."

He looked at the bee-eater in front of him, founder smiled, and then stood up.

"But to be honest, I really hope you can join. In fact, I am not afraid to tell you that we are doing something very meaningful, and I will be very happy if you can join."

"What makes sense?"

"Yes, like saving the world."


"In short, if you are interested, you can come to the research institute to find Kuangsan, and say that I asked you to come, and she will understand."

After saying this, Founder smoothly put a business card on the table, and Bee Eater prayed to pick up the business card and looked at Founder in doubt.

"Mr. Founder, how do I feel like you are saying goodbye?"

差不多 "It's almost the end of my business here, and I'll put time on other things next time ... I may not be able to meet for a while."

After saying this, Fang Zheng sighed, and then turned to leave. Looking at his back, Bee Eater's face looked slightly cloudy, and after a while, she retracted the business card into her shoulder bag.

At the same time, Founder has returned to the underground cavity of the institute.

I'm here, Kuangsan has been waiting for a long time.

"Mr. Founder, have you decided to put the coordinate points in this world?"

嗯 "Yes, yes, it will be safer to put here, so your burden may be heavier."

Looking at Shizaki Kanzaki in front of him, Fangzheng nodded. Due to the "activity" of those players, enough information has been collected under the eyes to recast the third coordinate point, and finally the position of the third coordinate point is fixed— ——Emilia ’s world is not working. Louise ’s world is not working either. The wasteland world is still very chaotic at the moment. In contrast, only the Academy City is quite normal.

"let's start."

Looking at the huge hollow in front of him, Fang Zheng took a deep breath, then opened his hands, and the next moment, a dazzling golden light emerged from it. Immediately after, Founder's eyes came up with a system prompt of the Dimension Code, and a series of codes jumped out of it.

哎 "Hey, I have to code in the other world ... I just hope that no bugs will come out."

Looking at the operation interface in front of him, Founder sighed, and then put his hands on the keyboard.

Then, began to manipulate again.

Fixed order coordinate points, rearrange and combine.

"Hmm ...... / main () ..."

Add notes, fix order units, set variables.

Reference order node parameters, start loop control, supplement standard logs, and analyze predefined objects.

The sun, moon, time, place, living body, non-living body, all the originally fragmented units, are combined again and reclassified.

Read the original coordinate point file, write a new sequence, and catch abnormal errors.

Although all the backup information has been collected, Founder himself does not know much about whether the third coordinate point can be restarted successfully, but in any case, when the first light of the lantern is on and the night is deep, his last line of code is finally hit.

"So, let's start ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~" muttering to himself, while Founder stretched out his hand, and gently pressed the carriage in front of him.

The next moment, the sun and the moon began to flow, time began to accelerate, everything was reintegrating, grouping, trying to return to their original .........

"Titer ---!"

The next moment, I saw the whole sky suddenly flash, and then the originally dark night sky turned into a blue, and there was a huge [errorC: C ++ requires a type specifier for all 浮].

"......... Mr. Founder?"

"it's okay no problem."

Compared to the slightly panicked Kuang San, the Founder seemed quite calm. He looked at the watch. At this moment, it was zero.

So ...

"Zhi Shi Fanzi ..."


With the founder's whisper, I saw a constantly rotating zero hour fan appearing in front of him. At the next moment, the zero hour fan started spinning wildly. With its rotation, the strange scenes outside the scene quickly disappeared and resumed. As is.

"Hoo ..."

方 At this time, Fang Zheng was relieved, and then rubbed his hands.

"Keep going, it's convenient to have an automatic system recovery."

For Founder, this night is still long.

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