Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1903: Neglected Points (Recently a Cthulhu movie)

The expedition returned dimly to Arkham.

Although there were no gains in this expedition, and many people died, almost everyone was relieved. Professor Mike apologized to Founder when he separated, saying that the responsibility for the failure of the expedition lies with him. However, Founder didn't take it seriously. On the contrary, he also told the other party that if something similar happened below, he could find himself again.

After all, the local people of Akam are full of ancient gods and old dominators. If you go out and turn around, you can open a copy of the ancient god. Maybe there are any hidden copies waiting for the Founder to explore.

For the Founder, this time he went to Antarctica and made a profit.

Just this "copy", Founder met the ancients, the dogs of Hugues and Tindalus. Among them, the ancients and Hugues were burned by the Founder, and the dog of Tyndros ... ...


Just as Fang Zheng opened the door, he saw a fat and fat Husky screaming at him, shaking his tail and lying on Fang Zheng's body, and Fang Zheng also grinned, reached out and touched his furry head. .

"Good, good, um ... uh nimfu adjusted you pretty well."

The siberian husky that looked like a pig in front of him was not someone else, but it was Msisha, the master of Tindarus. On the other side of time, the Founder, who was transformed into a time dragon, fought a horrifying battle with Mishishha ... it was impossible.

It should be said that it is a one-sided bullying fight.

The time dragon is free from time and is the master and controller of time. However, Msisha is just a condensate of the concept of time. This is simply a restraint relationship comparable to natural enemies. The two meet and the result is Msis Ha, holding his head, was found violently blown by Founder, and after a half-death, he pulled over as his pet.

By the way, the reason why Founder asked Nimfu to adjust Mussyha into this round and fat form of two-ha is also related to the concept of Tindarus. In the world view of Tindarus, time is divided into angles and curves. Humans and other races live in the "curves" of time, while the dogs of Tindarus live in "angles", which is why they Causes that appear to be transmitted through an angle.

Therefore, by condensing the information, Founder created a round and fat Erha shell, and put Msisha in it, which is equivalent to a collar, which firmly controlled the Lord of Tindarus. The Founder will never let Mishishha go. Time Dragon is full of strong interest in all existence with time characteristics, no less than the human desire for beauty. And like the dog of Tindalus itself, the existence of time condensate meets the time dragon who likes to collect time-related items, then it obviously has only one end.

But this is not entirely a good thing.

Because when recovering Msishar, Founder also got a system prompt.

Thinking of this, while touching the furry head of Erha in front of him, Fang Zheng opened the system smoothly. Browse the previous system prompt again.

[Get Hidden Achievement 5 /? 】

[Get Soul Volume X3]

[You have obtained the allegiance of the Tindarus clan]

[Special Mission "Concerns in the Void" opens]

[Your battle with Msiskha crossed the boundaries of time and space, and attracted the attention of a powerful being in the infinite void, showing it your power, gaining its recognition or obedience (in the infinite void, billion Wan Guanghui's sphere is watching you quietly)]

No need to ask, Founder knows who this task reminder is.

"Uger Sotos ..."

Looking at the task in front, Fang Zheng frowned.

Finally, do you still have to confront the Three Pillars?

Even the Founder knows the strength of Jugsottos, which is the supreme foreign **** second only to Asatos, who knows the existence of all-powerful all-seeing. Compared to it, all things like the ancient Cthulhu, the Hugues Deep Diver, are all pediatric experts.

It's not a good thing to get that guy's attention.

Founder is not sure if he and Jugsottos will fight if they fight each other. Although he and Jugsottos are both beyond time and space, but otherwise, The two are not similar.

Just as each deity has its own different way of life, the way Founder and Jugsothos are completely different.

The way of Jugsothoth's action is to stand outside the world, watching everything inside freely and indifferently. It's like a real-time strategy or business simulation game player. It always likes to watch the villains running around on the screen, occasionally clicking the mouse to create some natural disasters, and watching those villains running around. very funny.

However, Founder is more like FPS and RPG gamers, prefers to participate in it himself, and then slowly changes everything from the corner.

All in all, this is the difference in how and how the game is played.

But this is not inferior.

It's like two people are playing against each other in the game, maybe one of them is not the other opponent, but when that person unhappyly throws down the keyboard and picks up a chair to smash the opponent in reality, the winner will be the other Something happened.

Now, what Founder is worried about is what is the boundary of the so-called "omnipotent and omnipotent" of Jug Sotos. After all, omnipotent is just a saying that a lower civilization praises a higher civilization, like Founder ’s Heavenly Palace. They are all omnipotent civilizations, but there is nothing to do with chaos. It's just that the realm of fighting with chaos is too high, so that lower civilizations can't feel it at all.

The holy nation of the Lord of the World praises the goddess of order as "omnipotent and omnipotent", so they will never think that the goddess of order is a pervert who would like to watch small BL movies and engage in unspeakable aesthetics.

And from the experimental results of so many failures that Fang Zheng has seen in other coordinate points, the goddess of order is far from being omniscient--of course, there is no need to specifically talk to the people of the Holy State. .

But ... if his reasoning is correct, and this world is also the testing ground of the goddess of order, then as the core of the "setting" of this world, Arthas must have some relationship with the goddess of order, like the third coordinate point Like the King of Golden Nightmare ...

Wait, it won't really be like that!

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng was shocked.

He suddenly remembered something.

If Founder remembers it right, Asatos also has a nickname "the core of the original chaos". If it is set, then Asatos should belong to chaos.

But it was made by the goddess of order?

Wait, when did the King of Nightmare happen?

Founder found out that he ignored an important point. He only related to how the third coordinate point was broken, but Founder forgot one thing.

That is the explosion of the third coordinate point and the chaotic invasion. When did it happen?

Judging from the passage of time in several worlds at the current third coordinate point, it should have been tens of thousands of years ago. If judged according to the same time, the goddess of order at that time must be alive. In other words, the goddess of order at that time was likely to have personally observed the invasion of the core in the third coordinate point and the resurrection of the king of the golden nightmare!

Will and order born from chaos!

Is the goddess of order trying to create something like a king of golden nightmares in this world?

What exactly does she want to do? Complete integration of order and chaos? Or seek unity in the fusion of chaos and order?

Anyway, until now, Founder finally has a judgment on the world he is in.

Suppose that this world is the goddess of order that appears after observing the destruction of the third coordinate point and the birth of the golden nightmare king, then it is obvious here-it is also a testing ground for the goddess of order.

As for the content of the experiment, I am afraid that only Hugo Sotos or Asatos know ...


As Founder stroked the dog's head and thought, the knock on the door rang, and he walked in towards Cang Liangzi.

"Master, Master Francis's telegram."


Founder questioned and reached for the telegram, only to find out that it was sent last week, but he and Nimfu were on their way back to Arkham, so they did n’t know the situation at all. The world's backward means of communication is really annoying enough.

"Well, let me see ..."

On the one side, the Founder launched a telegram saying that Francis and Valentine found traces of a meteorite fall in a small town in New Orleans. According to their observations over the past few days, some of the towns seemed to gradually appear. Strange ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The specific situation is still under investigation ...

And then sent a few telegrams in succession, saying that the local environment has changed, the water in the local wells has a strange smell, and many plants have begun to become deformed. Not only that, the local residents also seem to gradually become Irritability ...

"Anything else?"

Founder read three telegrams in a row and looked at Ryoko Asakura, who shook his head.

"No, there are only three telegrams I found in the mailbox."

"So there is a problem over there."

Fang Zheng sighed, stood up and stretched. No response was given after only three telegrams. Although Fang correctly believed that they should be fine, but who said that? After all, they gave them crowbars. How much should they ... be alive?

"Well, get Nimfu ready, and we'll go over there to see what's going on."

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