Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1904: The colors of the stars (Nicholas Cage performed well ...

The deep, harsh, screams rang through my mind, almost driving me crazy.

"Mr. Francis, can you still support it?"

Holding a shotgun in one hand, Valentine smoked his cigarette and strode forward. Behind him, Francis was panting, the whole man was embarrassed.

"I, I'm going to die, Mr. Valentine."

"Hold on, don't be caught by those monsters!"

Roaring, Valentine turned to look around.

What a terrible situation!

To be honest, Valentine did not expect that the situation would become what it is now. Before, they sent a telegram through the city's post office, but they didn't get a response from Founder. They also knew that Founder had something to go out, and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back at one and a half. So Valentine wanted to solve the problem by himself.

In his opinion, the situation at present is not completely out of control anyway. Meteorites falling from the sky not only attracted the attention of the media, but also scholars and the government. What's more, the situation is very bad now. The connection between plants and animals is mutated. Scholars have warned that the water quality has been polluted. In any case, as long as the media reports these reports, the government will definitely send a professional team to solve the problem-at least Warren Ding thought so.

However, after that, things have changed drastically.

The next day, they found the body of a reporter who had come to cover the incident by the road. He drove out of the cliff at a nearly hurricane speed and died.

Immediately thereafter, members of the investigation team from the university who were responsible for conducting the tests and investigations disappeared, and their shadow was completely invisible throughout the camp.

Not only that, when they wanted to leave, they found that the car was damaged, and the radio to the outside world was also ineffective, and they could only hear a nearly mournful scream. Want to leave on horseback, but found that those horses have changed their temperament, like a beast like crazy.

In the end, the impatienceable Valentine detective found the village chief, but the village chief couldn't keep his door behind him and did not communicate with them at all. Helplessly, Valentine had to break in, but there he and Francis saw only the body of the village chief.

No, not just corpses.


Just as the two went deeper into the woods, suddenly a monster pounced out of the bush in front of them. Strictly speaking, it should be a weird fusion of two deer, and their bodies seemed to have lost their borders. Isolation, fused from the middle, the original beautiful fur has already dried up, like fish scales. And in their bodies, there was a faint purple glow.


Seeing this monster, Francis was also shocked, and then he instinctively grasped the crowbar in his hand and smashed it hard against the monster in front of him. With the splashing blood, the monster fell to the ground.

"Huh ... Huh ..."

Holding the crowbar in his hand tightly, Francis didn't even care about the blood spilled on himself, but stared at the corpse in front of him. In his eyes, Francis could see a translucent, colorful purple light swell and emerge, and at the same time, the crowbar in his hand became hotter.

over there.

Francis knew what his enemies were. They were invisible monsters. Detective Valentin had excellent marksmanship, but he could not cause any damage to such monsters. However, his crowbar was different ...


Feeling the heat of the crowbar in his hand, Francis yelled and lifted the crowbar, and struck it hard in front of him. With a near-inconceivable sense of shock, Francis could see that weird color inflated like a balloon, exploded, and then disappeared. In the air.

Dead, dead?

Holding the crowbar blankly, Francis could not help turning his head and looked around, but at this moment, Valentine had stepped forward and grabbed him.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up, you won't be able to leave late!"

"Ah, yes ........."

Mr. Fan Haixin, help!

At the same time that Francis asked the Founder for help, the Founder couldn't help feeling.

"Hey, I'm really a hard worker. I just came back from Antarctica, and now I have to run ..."

While driving on the country road, Founder complained to Nimfu and Ryoko Asakura.

"Because these things are only handled by the owner."

Ryoko Asakura was accustomed to the Founder's complaining and gave an answer with a smile.

"Also, it shows that you are kind and kind."

"You do speak."

Founder shrugged his shoulders, and Ryoko Asakura can be said to be a perfect girl—well, except that she smiled and unloaded others with a smile.

By the way, before coming here, Founder also sensed the position of the two, which determined that they were in a very remote small village in New Orleans, and had not moved during this time. I don't know if it's dead or somewhere to hide ... No matter which it is, it's definitely not better.

"Squeak ---!"

Suddenly, Founder braked and stopped the car on the side of the road. Then he pushed the car door and got out of the car and looked at him.

I saw that the road in front had been blocked by weeds and vines that had grown crazy, and the vehicle could not move forward at all. To continue to move forward, only walk. However ......... the problem is more superficial.

That's color.

Everything in front of you, whether it is trees, grass, vines, or other things, shows a purple that can't stop shining. When you look at it, it feels like you are taking a picture of the scenery in front of you and taking it. The purple ink smeared it.

"Woo ... hh ..."

Er Ha lowered her body, stared fiercely at the purple in front of her, opened her mouth, and made a greedy growl.

"Well, you can't eat this, it will make you sick."

"This is a two-way erosion of information. Master, what should we do?"

"Not much."

Facing Nimfu's curious inquiry, Founder shrugged his shoulders, then took a step forward.

"Just burn it all."


As Founder stepped into the wood, everything around him burned, whether it was trees, flowers, or even birds and animals on the branches. Soon, the hot flame swallowed up the original purple , Dye the whole world a bright red.

And the Founder just walked along the path step by step and walked forward.

The flames spread all the way, as if the Burning Legion was overwhelming. The purple light was completely engulfed before it could escape. Not even the air was able to skip the attack of the initial fire.

However, the flames did not burn permanently. On the contrary, the flames just swept away from those things. Where the initial fire passed, the trees, flowers, and animals that had been burning turned gray, and then turned into a pile The pile of dust was scattered with the wind.

If you look out of the sky, you can clearly see that a large area of ​​purple has been erased by bright red light and turned into gray. And the Founder just moved forward, forward, and then forward. Leaving the woods, came to the town.

And the situation in the town right now is no better than anywhere else.

The whole town was dark, the rainstorm was pouring down, and the shaking lights were flashing with strange purple, but even this dark night could not stop the flames from invading. The bright red fire ignited the dark night sky and quickly began to burn, and in the place where the night was burned out, a clear blue sky and sunlight once again emerged.


A sharp cry like a tinnitus emerged quietly, and Fang Zheng looked up and looked forward, only to see in the water well at the end of the road, a number of huge, stout, as if colored tentacles condensed from it, obviously These alien visitors also realized that their crisis was coming, and they wanted to leave, but unfortunately ... Now that they have merged with this land, there is no way to leave.

"Go on."

Founder slammed his finger, and soon, Mars swept across the air quickly, fell into a wellhead in the distance, and then the purple tentacles that were beating wildly quickly retracted.


The dazzling pillar of fire rose into the sky, shining a bright red into the world.

When the Founder found Francis and Valentine, they were hiding in a cellar trembling, and it seemed that they had not dripped for many days, and it seemed that they were not far from death. The first time they saw the water and food handed out by the Founder's hands, the two pounced on them as if they were beasts ... well, it seems that they almost died.

"You are really weak, then."

Looking at the dusty servants, the two men with yellow skin and thin skin, Fang Zheng couldn't help smirking.

"I didn't tell you long ago, just investigate, don't you do anything?"

"No, I'm very sorry, Mr. Founder ..."

Francis gasped after eating a piece of bread.

"We, our ..."

"It's not his problem, it's my fault."

Valentin, who was getting angry at this moment, whispered in a strong face, then lowered his head and confessed his "stupid move" to Founder 151.

At the beginning, as Valentin reported to Founder in the telegram, but later, because Founder had not responded at that time, and the meteorite incident also attracted the attention of the media, scholars and government, so Valentine wanted Try to solve the problem yourself without the assistance of the Founder. He believes that as long as he cooperates properly with the government and scholars conduct investigations, he should be able to figure out all this.

But the result is this.

Chased by monsters, there is no way to go to the ground, there is no way to the ground, they can only hide in the cellar left by the hunter, shaking, if the founder does not come, I am afraid that in a few days, they will collapse.

"Ha ha."

After listening to the two of them, Founder smiled.

"So, you have learned now? So do you want to continue? This time, you should understand that this is not a game."

The Founder held his arms in his arms and smiled at Francis and Valentine in front of them. It would not be unexpected for the two to do so. You should know that Francis encountered the deep dive before, and Valentine in the back. When encountering Cthulhu, basically the Founder rushed up to finish it, and they were not in danger of their own life, so they will inevitably have an idea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But this time ... presumably they can finally understand This is not an ordinary game.

Indeed, for Founder, even Star Acacia is just a guy he can destroy with a Mars. For Valentine and Francis, however, this is a monster that can kill you.

Obviously, as long as the report is withdrawn and left, it is enough, but in the end, I think of myself to try to solve the incident ...... well, although this is just human nature.

"So what do you think now?"


Upon hearing Founder's inquiries, the two looked up and looked around-just now, here was still shining purple, the forest under the dark night, but now, looking out, there was a pale gray everywhere. Colors.

At this moment, they finally understood what they were dealing with.

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