Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1918: Trouble coming to my door (I got a big bag bitten by a mosquito!)

In a word, Dr. Oya's house was dirty, messy, and poor.

The room has not been cleaned for a long time, and there is still a smell of rancidity in the air. There are traces of slime left on the floor like something gliding past, and Saya is obviously a little embarrassed to see it.

"Previously, my dad was responsible for cleaning ..."


Founder didn't speak, but walked to the bathroom, opened the door, and then saw the bones of small animals like cats, dogs, birds, etc. in the bathtub ...

"Dad wouldn't let me throw it out and say that it would be bad to be found ..."

At this moment, Saya was as if a college student was caught while sleeping in the house, and he justified timidly, but ... Of course, there was no confidence in it.

The garbage in this place is finished in any dormitory.

Founder snapped his fingers, and soon the flames emerged out of thin air and burned all the bones in the bathtub, so that the source of the bad smell of corruption was dispersed. He stared at the burning corpse, and then asked. .

"What do you usually eat?"

"That ... Dad will buy me some food, such as chicks and ducklings, and I occasionally go and catch some cats and dogs ..."

Speaking of this, Saya timidly glanced again at her Er Ha.

"Can't you eat human food?"

"Human food ...... not delicious."

"Then I'll check you back when I get back."

Founder was not particularly surprised by Saya's answer. Think carefully, since the doctor summoned Saya, he would definitely not let her go out and run around. However, if you want to feed, it is not a problem to feed Saya as a kitten and puppet, based on Dr. Oya's income.

But in this state, Saya actually eats live meat, which means that there must be something special.

Otherwise, it ’s not easy to buy a dead pig or a cow.

Like the monster that Founder met in Dunwich before, the Wilbur family feeds each other by buying cattle and sheep from various places. Of course, if the hungry is anxious, the other party will also eat people.

Maybe because there is no ranch here?

"Well, you go and see nearby, if there is any clue, you also go."

The Founder made a gesture to Nimfu and Ryoko Asakura, and at the same time he said to Saya, then the three girls dispersed separately and searched for clues throughout the house. However, according to Saya, there is no clue in the house. After all, she has lived here before. If she can get some clues from it, Saya does not need to take the risk to run to the hospital.

It is trouble to have no satellite network.

As soon as I came to the bookshelf and looked through the boring scientific research books, the Founder also shook his head and sighed. If this is changed, the little angel is afraid that even the eighteenth generation of the ancestor of the other party will be able to check the sky. Helpless in this era, don't talk about the Internet, there is no computer, check it out.

The first electronic computer in modern human history could not be developed until 1946, and it is still years away.

And it's still a stuff to fill the whole building. It's estimated that the little angel would not even touch it.

Although there is no ghost use.

In fact, in the end, everyone really did not gain much. Except for a few deeds ... well, it is a good harvest to learn that Professor Yaiya Yan has several other residences besides this, but that's it. .

In the next few days, Founder went to work during the day, and by the way he was given treatment for Yuji Sakasaka. Of course, because of Saya's performance in the game, Founder also asked Saya to investigate the other party when he lost consciousness, and Saya also said that he was able to complete this transformation, but he had to find someone first Experiments ......... may not be successful.

In this regard, Fang Zhengke has no moral cleanliness. He went directly to the prison to catch a deadly prisoner of death, and then watched Saya Yeah play with the other person's brain gleefully, and easily completed the entire research work-had to Admittedly, these relatives are indeed several levels higher than humans in terms of IQ. Saya just read the human medical monographs of this era, and then dissected a person's brain in vivo. His understanding of human tissues has surpassed the 21st century. Of top brain experts.

If you think about it, if the black goat pups are going to follow the path of intellectual development, maybe it will be more difficult to deal with it. It is better to simply breed by instinct.

So Fang Zheng hit the iron while he was hot, and let Saya transform the brain of Yusaka Sakasaka, and change his three views back to a normal human form. According to Saya, ...

"The pineal gland in this human brain has been damaged and swollen to a certain degree, probably because of external impacts, so it will improve its own perception level."

"Pineal gland?"

After hearing Saya's answer, Founder was also slightly surprised. He knew that Sakazaka Yuki became like this after a car accident, and since Saya was able to re-correct Sakisaka Yuki's cognition by physical means, It means there must be something wrong in his brain, but neither Founder nor Nimf are experts in brain science, so it is not clear why.

After hearing Saya's words, Founder found that it was actually a pineal gland ...

"It's really surprising ..."

After listening to Saya's report, Founder thought for a moment.

"That is, by adjusting the pineal gland, can you get humans to your level of dimension?"

"It's difficult."

Saya shook his head.

"The structure of the human brain is different from ours. I don't know exactly what my other compatriots look like, but at least the organs I use to feel the outside world are very different from humans. If we want to make humans completely different from me The existence of one level requires a complete transformation. "

"Well, too ..."

When I heard this, Founder also remembered that in the game, Saya had once transformed the girl Haruka who was secretly in love with Yusaka Sakasaka into the same existence as her. At that time, though Haruka was a beautiful girl in Yu Ji's eyes, but in the eyes of ordinary people It has become a monster like Saya.

"Anyway, this matter has finally come to an end."

As he said, Founder turned his head and looked out of the window. Through the window, Founder could see Yuki Sakazaki in neat clothes walking out of the hospital and clapping with each other with his three friends smiling. In the game, due to Saya's intervention, the four friends who once had good feelings finally fell apart. Seiya's secret love Yuyao was transformed into a monster, Saya's friend Qinghai was eaten by Saya, and Qinghai's fiance, the farmer, was And Yu Ji started a battle of life and death.

But now, obviously, it will not develop in that direction anymore, and I don't know if the other party will accept it if Yao confesses to Yu Ji after that.

Just as Founder was thinking, Yu Ji seemed to notice his gaze, turned his head to look at Founder, and waved at him with a smile. Yu Ji didn't know what Founder had done to himself, but he was very happy that Founder was able to rescue himself from that nightmare. At least for now, he doesn't need to have nightmares anymore.

Seeing Yu Ji's greeting, Fang Zheng also nodded and smiled, and Saya also waved his hand with a smile. Seeing Saya, Yu Ji froze, then waved her hand with a smile, then turned and left.

"What's wrong? Yu Ji?"

"Nothing. I said goodbye to Dr. Kasuga just now. Thanks to him, I was able to recover ..."

Having said that, Yu Ji paused.

"Speaking of which, I just saw a pretty cute girl next to Dr. Kasuga, maybe his sister."

"Oh? Yu Ji, wouldn't you shoot at the little girl?"

"Do you have this interest? I'll call the police if I do!"

"Qinghai, don't talk nonsense, Yu Ji is not that kind of person ..."

A group of people left the hospital in a noisy manner, passed by with the whistle ambulance, and returned to their daily lives.

They never know what they missed.

Of course, from this perspective ... it might be better to miss it.


The knock on the door sounded, Saya hurried back to the screen, and then the door opened, and Ryoko entered and closed the door.

"Master, there is something to report to you."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Dr. Danbo Ryoko is investigating about you."


"Danbao Ryoko, she is also a psychiatrist. The two have met before."

"Oh ...... it seems a bit impressed."

When he heard the introduction of Asakura Ryoko, Fang Zheng frowned and recalled, and then nodded.

"She's investigating me? Why?"

"It seems to be related to your recent investigation of Professor Yayan Yanao. I just happened to meet her outside just now. She wants to get some information from me ..."

While talking, Asakura Ryoko showed a harmless smile on both sides. As an alien-based human-computer interaction interface, Asakura Ryoko does not appear to be 16 or 7 years old on the surface, and she is an intern nurse in a hospital, not to mention that her usual performance is also the kind of harmless elegance and purity of humans and animals. It is estimated that Dr. Dan Bao thinks she is better off.

If she knew that the girl in front of her could laugh and break people, then I would not have thought about it.

"In other words, she has something to do with Aya Yayan?"

"That seems to be the case. Dr. Dan Bao revealed to me that Yaya Yan seems to have done some very bad research ..."

As he said, Asakura Ryoko set his gaze on Saya, who protruded from behind the screen, and the latter shouted his tongue out.

"Well ... maybe we can find a chance to talk to her ..."

However, UU reads www.uukanshu. Before founder's words were finished, a scream of screams came from the hallway outside the door, shocking everyone, and the founder frowned, and then he opened the door and looked out, only to see the hallway Several medical staff were pushing the bed quickly across the corridor and running towards the operating area on the other side. At the same time, you can see a person **** on the bed with burn marks on his face and desperate hands Struggling, it seems to want to break free of bondage.

"the host."

At this moment, Ryoko Asakura, who had just left the office, returned with a serious look.

"I asked someone to find out that the patient was the victim of a fire case not long ago, and the fire occurred at 81 Nagano Road, Kubo."

"Huh? How does this place sound so familiar?"

"Of course it is familiar, because it is the last residence of Professor Aya Yahiko we expect to investigate today."


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