Dimensional Codex

Chapter 1919: It's her? (The back of my hand is like a pig's hoof. (? ...

Why didn't Fang Zheng think that he was only one day late and one of the houses was burned out?

For the sake of insurance, he also sent Nimfu to investigate. As a result, Nimfu came back and said that there were no ghosts left. At the same time, she also reported to Founder the case records that she had stolen from the police.

"So are a bunch of idiots breaking into the empty door to steal, and then fight because of the uneven distribution, then kill each other and set the house on fire?"

Founder looked at the document in a strange expression, only feeling that something was wrong with his eyes.

"There's something wrong with this group of people!"

"In fact, they do have problems in their heads."

Asakura Ryoko came together with a smile.

"Oh? How?"

"The patient just now has been transferred to the psychology department. He heard that he was very excited and shouted. According to the police, he set the house on fire, and according to the investigation information at the scene, it seems that this person Killing other associates with a kitchen knife in the kitchen before setting fire. "

"Really neuropathy ..."

Founder shook his head, then stood up.

"Forget it, I'll check it out."

Just as Ryoko Asakura said, the founder in the white coat had just walked into the site of the psychology department, and he heard the roar from the ward in the distance, which caused him to frown. Then, he brought Ryoko Asakura to the door of the ward. At the moment, there were two policemen standing at the door of the ward. They were also suffering a face, as if it were the scene of a pig killing.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kasuga from the Department of Psychology. Can you let me in?"

As he said, Founder took out his credentials, and the two police officers took the documents and looked at them, then nodded.

"Okay, no problem, but be careful, this guy is very cruel, not a good guy to deal with."

"I know."

Founder retrieved his credentials, opened the door of the ward, and walked in. Soon, he saw the young man bound by the straps on the hospital bed. He looked like a high school student. A bad boy, and at this moment his cheeks are pale and his veins are violent, as if an angry bull is struggling and roaring.

"Let me go! Let me go! I'm going to see her! She's mine! Mine !!!"

"To shut up!"

Hearing the young man's roar, Fang Zheng also looked pale and hummed. When he heard Fang Zheng's low drink, the teenager who was still yelling just shut his mouth and looked at Fang Zheng in horror. At this time, the two policemen outside the door also gave a curious glance inside, and then recovered their eyes after confirming that the patient was OK.

"Come, let me check it for you."

As Founder said, he stretched out his hand and pressed it against the young man's chest, looking like a doctor auscultating. But at the same time, his eyes turned into a golden dragon pupil, staring at the man in front of him.

"Tell me, why are you going there ?!"

"Because, because ........."

Staring at Fang Zheng's eyes, the man seemed to be hypnotized. He also lowered his voice and murmured to himself.

"Because she said ... I hope we help her ... that is her home ... she has very important things there, and hope we can help her find it, so we go ... but, Obviously I found it. Obviously it was me ... "

Having said that, the man was excited again.

"However, Yamada's asshole, that asshole, I found it first, I found the key from the corpse first!"

"Wait, what body? What key ?!"

Hearing this, Founder was shocked, and hurried to ask again, and the man obediently gave the answer again.

"The corpse ... is the corpse in the back room. In the well, there is a back room ... there is a corpse inside him. The key on his body is what she wants. I got it, but Yamada Robbed it! He took the key from me and gave it to her! Then they left! Obviously I found it, it was me, the bastards, **** ......... !!! "

"What does the key you said look like?"

Fang Zheng asked again, and the man's eyes became more confused.

"I don't know, silver-white, silver-white ...... very beautiful, pretty, pretty keys, like, like ...... haha, hahaha, hahahaha ...... as if she's pretty, ah Why didn't I think of it, it was her, the key, it was her ... hahaha ... "

The young man in front of him became more and more insane. He grinned, revealing a smirk like an intellectual disability, saliva flowing down the corner of his mouth, his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling without a gap.

"Who did she say?"

Hearing here, Founder also seemed a little irritable, but facing the issue of Founder, the man suddenly changed his face.

"No, you are not allowed to grab it, she is mine! Mine!"

Having said that, the man actually stretched out his hands, broke the restraint belt, and grabbed Fangzheng.

"She's mine, mine !!! It's my woman !!! Fujiang !!! I'm the man who loves you the most !!!"

"what are you doing?!"

"Let him go !!!"

At this moment, the police at the entrance noticed that the situation was wrong, and rushed in, pressing the young man back on the bed, and the young man twisted his body as if he didn't care. Screaming and struggling, even the two strong policemen couldn't stop him.

"Fujiang! Fujiang! Obviously I did so much for you, why, why do you treat me like this !!!"


With a somber face, Fang Zheng took two steps back, then made a gesture, and soon, Ryoko Asakura came over.

"Inject him with a sedative."


Upon hearing Fang Zheng's order, Asakura Ryoko immediately stepped forward, with the assistance of two policemen, to give the man a sedative, and let him fall asleep again. At this moment, Fang Zheng was also dull and frowned.


I didn't expect that this incident could still be related to her!

Founder Fujiang naturally knows that, after all, it is one of the three female ghosts in Japan that are tied with Sadako and Gaya, but strictly speaking, Fujiang is not a ghost and evil spirit like Sadako or Gaya. She is a complete living body, with an excellent appearance, which can make all the men who see her crazy, and fall in love with her crazy.

Not only that, Fujiang also has a unique charm that will allow those men who are obsessed with her to divide her body, and more importantly, after the corpse is divided, each part will grow a brand new Fujiang ... Ok?

If you think about it, it seems that it really fits the characteristics of Cthulhu.

Is Fujiang, like Saya, a relative of Sabu Nicholas? After all, think carefully, Fujiang will clear the SAN value of everyone close to her, and then divide it into corpses, and each decomposed corpse can regenerate a new Fujiang, which is not another form Is the Split Breeding?

Thinking of this, Founder immediately returned to the office and found Saya.

"Saya, do you have siblings?"


"The black goat pup summoned by Dr. Yaiya Yan, only you?"

"Well, at least I haven't seen other compatriots."

Facing the Founder's inquiry, Saya shook his head.

"So, what experiments did Dr. Oya have done?"

"I don't know, but my dad did collect part of my tissues and take them to the hospital for experiments. As for the results ... I don't know."

So the crazy scientist thing is really harmful.

Founder has more or less some speculation, but ... still need to confirm it.

"Saya, you and Nimfu secretly cut the archives of the hospital, investigate some patient records over the years, and see if there is one named Fujiang. I will let Liangzi cooperate with you to investigate."

"Okay, I know, but who is this Fujiang?"

"Maybe one of your father's experiments. As for your father ... well, according to the clues he has got so far, he is no longer alive."

"is it……………"

Hearing here, Saya's expression seemed a bit silent.

"So, can't I go back?"

"No, it's okay to go back. The main thing that opened the door should be taken away by this woman named Fujiang. Although I don't know what she's going to do, start investigating with her first."

As a doctor, it was not difficult for Founder to find the patient's information, but it took only half a day for Nimfu to find the information of a patient named "Fujimoto Fujiang" from the file.

"Fujimoto Fujiang, 17 years old, was hospitalized due to a fire accident in his home, his parents died, no relatives, and third-degree burns. The patient once had a thought of resignation, and Professor Aya Yahiko of the department of psychology was responsible for mental treatment ..."

That's it.

Looking at the patient information in his hand, Founder nodded, he had almost guessed the cause and effect of the matter. The original "Fujiang" does not mention why Fujiang has this ability, but in this world, Founder has almost a vein. Obviously, according to memory analysis, Fujiang is a beautiful young girl. For herself The beauty of her is also quite conceited ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ According to the information in the file, Fujiang was admitted to hospital for treatment due to a fire at home, and third-degree burns have been considered to be very serious skin damage, and this is still the 1930s, cosmetic technology Nothing has happened. It can be said that if there were no accidents, Fujiang would be totally ruined in his life.

No wonder she has thoughts of resignation.

As a Black Forest cub, Saya has a very powerful regeneration ability. In the game, she was finally killed by freezing it with liquid nitrogen, which means that ordinary weapons cannot kill her at all. And Dr. Yaiya Yan obviously also liked Saya's regenerative ability. Maybe because of this, he would take Fujiang as a test product and inject something from Saya.

Ah, this familiar recipe, familiar taste, can not help but think of the blood therapy in Yanan Town.

Sure enough, human stupidity is passed down from generation to generation.

Just burn a fire in Japan.

At this moment, Fang really has such an impulse.

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