Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2349: Different choices (this bear...has become a cat again)

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"I know what you are doing."

It's rare for Dumbledore to be so straightforward, and obviously he has had enough trouble. Ellie stared at him, her expression unchanged.

"I found Tom Lloyd and he told me everything, Miss Ellie..."

"Oh, so what?"

Ellie stared at Dumbledore without the slightest nervousness.

"Does the Ministry of Magic have any thoughts? Or do you mean what you will do? I think the Ministry of Magic doesn't care what we are doing. Fudge is only worried that you will usurp his position..."

"I just hope you can give us some time, you know..."

"Time, time, and time are always the most valuable and least valuable things."

Allie shook her head.

"Professor Dumbledore, I didn’t tell you about it, but I’m not afraid you know why? Because this is the general trend. The number of pure-blood wizards is decreasing, the number of half-blood wizards and Muggle wizards More and more, but pure-blood wizards will always occupy the upper level of the magic world. They pretentiously, feel that they can rule everything, and seem to feel that all this will never change."

"But the Dark Lord is now..."

"Voldemort appeared because of this."

Ellie shook her head and interrupted Dumbledore.

"In my opinion, the magical world needs a complete reform, Professor Dumbledore, you should have done this when Voldemort died eleven years ago. Voldemort is only the appearance, not the cause. Why did Voldemort win in the magical world? So many wizards? Is it really all about threats? No, the truth is that pure-blood wizards are threatened. They know that there are more and more Muggle wizards. If they don't do something, they will be finished sooner or later. Then this time Voldemort appeared and told them that he wanted to create a whole new magical world. Only a pure blood wizard could rule everything, including the Muggle world..."

Saying this, Ari spread her hands.

"It's tempting, isn't it? In fact, I know that many pure-blood wizards agree with Voldemort's ideas, but some of them are timid and afraid to join in."

Hearing Ellie's answer, Dumbledore was silent for a moment.

"But your approach will only make them oppose each other..."

"It surprises me, Professor Dumbledore, you seem to think that they are not opposed enough now. If you could reform the magical world eleven years ago, I promise that even if Voldemort is resurrected, there will be few willing to follow him. People. But now I believe he can find a lot, just like eleven years ago."

"The magic world has its rules..."

"However, wizards are not inhumane."

Ellie replied, staring at Dumbledore coldly again.

"No old ruling class will take the initiative to leave its position willingly. Only with violence, unmistakable, practical violence can they completely overthrow their fantasy and let them understand reality. Compromise is just a kind of weakness. I think now even if Voldemort appears in front of you and says to you, “Oh, Dumbledore, do it well, don’t struggle, surrender, or more people will die.” You won’t do what he said. Do it, right."


This time, Dumbledore was silent for a long time. He closed his eyes and then opened them slowly. He seemed to be ten years old instantly.

"I once had a friend who thought about overthrowing the International Secrecy Law. He foresaw the future of mankind. He wanted wizards to rule mankind..."

"But he can't do it."

Ellie smiled slightly.

"The wizards may have forgotten this. Their ancestors did not voluntarily give up their ruling position. They did try to rule mankind, and then failed. Then they chose to hide themselves. So even yours There will be no difference if old friends succeed. There will be a brand new witch hunt, and then those confident wizards will find that they will be tied to the cross and burned to death like their ancestors—or worse. This is why the ruler of the earth is now humans, ordinary people, rather than wizards, giants, werewolves, vampires and the like."

"It seems you really know what you are doing."

Hearing this, Dumbledore's gaze softened when he saw Ellie, who smiled.

"Of course I know what I am doing, Professor Dumbledore. I have been in Hogwarts for several years, and I have observed and understood enough of you...Of course I know what I am doing. It is a wizard. , It’s because you haven’t seen the world clearly... Wizards can never rule the world, even if Voldemort succeeds, there will be no difference. But this is not a solution, we can’t always expect a savior to save This world, so the best way is to make magic public, so that magic can become a normal part of this world again."

"It would be dangerous..."

"Anything is risky, do you know? Professor Dumbledore, I always think those abstract painters are idiots. They are afraid that they have holes in their brains to draw things that normal people can't understand. , But there are always people paying tens of millions of pounds for the garbage. Magic is only part of people’s lives, not all...It’s no different."

This time Dumbledore didn't answer immediately. He just stared at Ellie, who also watched him quietly. This time, the silence was silent for a long time between the two.

Finally, Dumbledore sighed lightly. Looking at the girl in front of him, he felt that he was really old. In fact, Dumbledore felt that he was so powerless for the first time, even in the face of Voldemort. When he found Ellie, he thought she would panic, fear, and worry.

But to Dumbledore's surprise, Ellie was very calm and told him straightforwardly that she was not worried about knowing the consequences of this.

Indeed, what are the consequences?

Dumbledore remembered the situation when he asked Tom Lloyd before. He was afraid of himself, but when he told how the Muggle governments promised him, his eyes were obviously full of brilliance and hope. Dumbledore couldn't give it to him. Perhaps, as Ellie said, he should have served as the Minister of Magic, so that he could do something. But the fact is that he prefers to stay at Hogwarts, perhaps as Ellie said.

He did nothing.

Ellie didn't care if this matter would be discovered, she didn't even hide her meaning, she just visited the Muggle wizards in general, and then offered them invitations and promises. It's that simple. She doesn't worry about the Ministry of Magic discovering what she is doing, because her backer is on the Muggle side, and even if the Ministry wants to do to her, Ellie's strength can guarantee that they can't do anything. .

This gave Dumbledore a sense of powerlessness, which was completely different from Voldemort and the Ministry of Magic... So he had only one choice.

"Then, Miss Eri, I hope you can help protect Hogwarts...the students...they are just children..."

"We are not the Ministry of Magic, and we won't be despicable to that extent."

"I hope to see your actions."

After saying this, Dumbledore turned and left, while Ellie thought for a moment, then his eyes lit up.

She understood what Dumbledore meant.

Soon, it's the beginning of the new year.

Ellie was still sitting in the box. Hermione did not come to class this year. Considering the danger, she secretly signaled that Hermione had better take a break from school for a while. And Hermione was obedient, she didn’t know what happened, but what happened after the Triwizard Tournament ended last year scared Hermione, so after communicating with her parents, she planned to go to one of them. Classes are held in a private school. As for the magic part, Ai Li will be responsible for tutoring her.

Although she knew it for a long time, when Ellie walked into the restaurant and saw an old woman in a pink sweater who looked like a sow sitting in her place, her eyes twitched.

But Ellie didn't say anything, she walked straight to her table and looked at the old woman.

"This is my position."

Then she whispered.

Hearing Ellie's words, the other professors all turned to look at her, while Dumbledore coughed, squinted his eyes with interest, and said with a grin.

"Oh, Miss Eri, I don't think I have introduced you yet. This is Professor Umbridge, the new teacher in Defense Against the Dark Arts class."


Ellie raised her brow and looked at Dumbledore.

"I didn't seem to receive a notice of resignation?"

"I'm sorry, but this is an order from the Ministry of Magic. To be honest, I am also surprised..."


However, before Dumbledore had finished speaking, she saw the old woman coughing. She stood up with a grin, turned her head to look at Ellie, and spoke in a pretentious, little girl-like tone.

"Oh, that's it, my lovely child, our Ministry of Magic knows about your situation. It is really not easy for a young girl to teach other children such a dangerous course. So we decided to send someone. To replace you as the lecturer of this course..."

"Of course, you need to get your approval first."

Dumbledore added with a smile, and Ellie knew what he meant.

Obviously, as in the original book, since Fudge had completely torn his face with Dumbledore, he wanted to control Hogwarts, so he sent the annoying Professor Umbridge to serve as the black magic. The teacher of the defense class, and of course Dumbledore did not welcome her, but for the sake of "internal harmony", he could not openly oppose the order of the Ministry of Magic, so he asked Professor Umbridge to discuss with Ellie. …...After all, Ellie is not subordinate to the Ministry of Magic, and she is not a Ministry of Magic.

Of course Ellie can perceive the little pride in Professor Umbridge’s eyes. Maybe she thinks she can easily persuade a little girl. After all, she is a representative of the Ministry of Magic, a senior vice minister, and she is just a dozen A year-old girl, frightened, helpless, and upset, just hearing the name of the Ministry of Magic can scare her...

"Ministry of Magic? What does the Ministry of Magic have to do with me? If this lady Umbridge wants to be a teacher so much, then she can teach magical animal protection...I remember Professor Dumbledore doesn’t seem to have Find a new teacher."

"It is not easy to find a replacement after all."

Dumbledore replied with a smile again, and the others pretended not to see the iron and rigid expression on Umbridge's face.

"This is your question, Professor Dumbledore. Alright, now Ms. Umbridge, please get out of my chair. I'm fed up with the disgusting smell of your cheap perfume."

"Oh, you can't talk to me like this."

Hearing Ellie's order, Umbridge's expression suddenly changed slightly. She stared at Ellie and opened her mouth.

"I am the representative of the Ministry of Magic..."

However, Ellie was not in the mood to listen to her nonsense. She raised her magic wand and pointed it at Umbridge. The next moment the old woman in pink screamed and flew directly from her chair. After drawing an arc in the air, he sat on the ground like a fat pig.

"You, how dare you attack the officials of the Ministry of Magic!!"

Umbridge screamed and jumped up, then she suddenly raised the wand in her hand and aimed at Ellie.

"Except you..."


However, Umbridge's spell hadn't been finished yet. With the sound of a gunshot, the magic wand in her hand shattered in an instant. It was not until this time that Ellie put away the revolver in her hand, which was smoky.

"If you dare to talk nonsense, I'll break your head."


Umbridge seemed to be frightened. She was there in a daze, holding a broken staff, which looked like a sculpture. The other teachers watched this scene amusedly, without saying a word. It wasn't until a moment later that Dumbledore coughed and broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Umbridge, it seems you have to discuss this matter with Minister Fudge."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, Umbridge's face changed again and again, and finally she gave Ellie a vicious look and turned away.

"I'm really sorry, Miss Ellie, it seems that this lady has a bad temper."

It wasn't until her chubby body disappeared in the corridor that Dumbledore looked at Ellie with a smile, who shrugged.

"I don't mind, it's just an extra corpse for me, and..."

While talking, Ellie turned the gun in her hand.

"I don't need to use the Unforgivable Curse to kill him."

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