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Chapter 2350: Umbridge (I don’t know when I can go to Hainan)

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In the end, Umbridge still failed to get the job as a teacher of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class as she wished. She was only forced to teach the magical animal protection class. This made her very uncomfortable. She always looked gloomy when she looked at Ellie. Egg Ellie doesn't care about her at all, and completely ignores her existence.

What's even more annoying is that Umbridge can't do much.

Harry was also angry.

As in the original book, Harry is under tremendous pressure at this moment. No one knows what he has encountered. The articles criticizing him in the "Daily Prophet" say that he is a liar who likes to attract attention. He is deliberately saying mysterious It's just a lie and so on that people are resurrected to attract other people's attention. Therefore, the pressure on Harry at school is also considerable. Now he does not sleep in the dormitory of Gryffindor College almost every night, but ran to find Snape... What were the two of them doing all night? Ai Li didn't want to know the answer to this kind of thing.

It has nothing to do with her anyway.

The students don’t like Umbridge. Her magical animals are neither fun nor interesting nor tasty. Just like in the original book, Umbridge does not even show them any magical animals, but just asks them to be simple Reading—In fact, if it wasn’t for the person who was disgusting, Ai Li still thought it was a good way of teaching.

Although many students hate this, is the teacher teaching to make students like it?

The so-called "I like learning" is simply a delusion in literary works. Well, besides being a master, isn't learning always painful?

happy learning?

My brain is cramping, how could such a thing exist in the world. You might as well expect money from the sky to be more realistic.

However, with the promulgation of Education Order No. 23, the students suddenly became nervous.

As in the original book, Education Order No. 23 gave Umbridge the title of a Hogwarts Senior Investigator. She can use this identity to review the courses of other teachers to ensure that they can meet the standards. This immediately made the entire Hogwarts teachers and students very upset.

But soon they found that this woman was even more annoying than they thought.

Not only does she always interrupt other teachers' teaching in class, she always asks some messy questions, and finally makes a mess.

And now the teachers and students of the school are eagerly waiting for Ari's defense against the dark magic class.

Especially Ron and Harry.

"Wait, Harry, Professor McGonagall gave her a severe lesson. I think Teacher Ellie will only treat her more cruelly... If she can also give that woman a runaway, let She just ran a few hundred laps around Hogwarts."

This was what Ron said to Harry before the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and in fact, when they walked into the class and saw Umbridge’s pudgy figure in a pink sweater, all the students’ eyes glowed-- -Except for the freshman who just entered the first year, Ellie has already been "foul" in the hearts of other Hogwarts students. They are now waiting to see how Ellie cleans up Umbridge.

But the first sentence Ari said in class made many students disappointed.

"Everyone put away their wands and picked up the quill."


Hearing this, many students were stunned for a moment. They originally thought that as a "stopping power", Ai Li would choose to cast some evil spells on Umbridge, or perform some very powerful magic. But now it seems that Ellie does not intend to confront this nasty old woman head-on?

This is kind of boring.

Although they thought so in their hearts, the students obediently took out the pen and paper, and then watched Ellie stand on her toes and wrote the word "fear" on the blackboard.

"Today, we are going to learn the essence of black magic."


"Dark magic defense class, you already know that it is to defend against black magic, but what is the purpose of black magic?"


"Of course, everyone has their own answers, but if I were to tell you, the essence of black magic lies in fear."

While speaking, Ellie picked up the Daily Prophet.

"This is the news about the event that happened during the Quidditch World Cup. I think you have all read it, but I think you don’t know why your parents and those adults are scared just by seeing this dark mark. Don't possess the soul."


Hearing this, all the students nodded in a hurry. They were all born after that. They had no impression of these Dark Marks. So after seeing these marks, they were puzzled by their parents’ complexion and trembling with fear. , Isn't it just a mark? What if it represents the Dark Lord?

It's not that there are no students who dare to ask, but they are directly scolded by their parents, and there is no more information.

But even so, their inner curiosity has not disappeared, but has become more and more vigorous. Right now, I heard that Ellie would tell them this story in class, and all of the original thoughts that were still loose were immediately taken back, one by one with wide eyes. Ellie.

"In fact, at the very beginning, this mark didn't have any special meaning. You can probably see that Voldemort should have no artistic cells to design such a disgusting thing."

Having said this, Ellie even made a small joke, and the others also chuckled—Ellie and Harry Potter were the only two in Hogwarts College who dared to mention Voldemort’s name casually and didn’t care. People, they are all used to it. From the initial nervousness to even ridicule now, it is enough to prove everything.


"No one would take this mark seriously at first, but then you also know that Voldemort and his party members raged everywhere, killing those who dared to oppose and resisting them, and then released the mark outside their homes. , So this mark has a different meaning-try to think about it, when you return home with your tired body after a day of work, you see the dark mark floating in the sky outside your house, you seem Realizing something, I stumbled into the house and saw only the bodies of your family members..."

With this, Ai Li's voice became deeper and deeper, and when the students imagined this scene, their faces were pale and livid, and some of them were about to cry.

"That's why this mark has changed for many people. The essence of the Dark Mark is just a mark. It does not have any powerful mana, but when it is connected with some kind of evil deeds, it is given. It is a brand-new feature that makes this mark so scary..."


"Professor Umbridge, if you are in poor health, get out of my class."

Ellie put down the chalk in her hand and looked at Umbridge who was sitting behind and coughing. There was no light in her eyes. Umbridge's expression stiffened slightly under her gaze, and then smiled.

"Oh, of course not, Miss Eri, I just don't think you should scare these lovely children..."

However, Ai Li directly retracted her gaze and looked at the other students.

"Then today, I will teach you the meaning of fear and symbolism, and the nature of black magic."

Having said this, Ellie stretched out her hand and pointed to Umbridge.

"Professor Umbridge, don't mind coming over to help."


Looking at Ellie's indifferent bright red eyes, Umbridge really wanted to mind.

"Teacher Ai Li, you should know that using black magic in the classroom is quite dangerous, and you have to teach these black magic to these children. The Ministry of Magic will not allow it..."

"I don't need to use black magic to make them understand the meaning, so do you want to help?"

"……………no problem."

Hearing that the other party said that he can't use black magic, Umbridge finally breathed a sigh of relief deep in her heart. She walked forward with a smile and nodded to the other students. Ellie snapped her fingers and quickly turned the classroom blackboard into a wooden bed. Then she drew her wand directly and pointed it at Umbridge's back.

"All petrochemicals!"

Umbridge, who was gesturing to the students, didn't expect that Ellie would dare to sneak attack behind her, and she fell to the ground. Then Ellie waved her magic wand again and nailed Umbridge to the wooden bed.

"Next, I want to use a very common thing to make you realize the connection between symbolism and fear."

While talking, Ellie stretched out her hand, then took out a handful of...nails from her pocket.

"You know what this is."

Facing Ellie’s question, the students nodded, nails, who doesn’t know.

No matter how stupid the wizard is, he won't even know the nails.

"Are you afraid of nails?"


The students shook their heads one after another. What do they think is so scary about nails?

"Then I'm going to introduce an ancient punishment called nailing. Well, in simple terms, it is to use a hammer to drive a nail into the finger of the prisoner to make them feel pain. Just like this... "

While talking, Ellie walked to Umbridge’s side, then took out a ten centimeter long nail and pointed it at the nail of Umbridge’s finger, and then raised the hammer held in the other hand. . Seeing this scene, Umbridge's frightened eyes changed, and the other students also sucked in air, staring at Ai Li.

Then she saw the girl raising the hammer and smashing it down at the fingertip of Umbridge's right ring finger.



Umbridge didn't speak because she couldn't do anything now. And the students suddenly screamed at the moment when Ellie's hammer fell, and many people even trembling with their right hands, turning their heads and couldn't bear to look directly. However, Ai Li did not care at all. She picked up the iron nails again, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com waved the hammer again and again, and quickly penetrated the five iron nails through the nails, killing Umri. Odd fingers nailed to the board.

At this moment, Umbridge had already rolled his eyes and passed out.

"Old teacher, you are too cruel!"

At this moment Harry finally couldn't help but stop, and Ellie glanced at him, then waved her wand, and then saw that all the nails of Umbridge's fingers had disappeared, and her hand... Any scars.

"Cruel fart, this is an illusion, to make you play."


Hearing this, the students sighed in relief and collapsed on their chairs. Some even felt that their backs were soaked with sweat.

"Well, now who of you wants to touch this nail?"

While talking, Ellie handed the nail over, but this time the students saw the humble, ordinary, dark nail in front of them, but they were all fearful, shaking their heads desperately to hide back. ———It's as if what Ellie handed over was not a nail, but some terrifying monster.

"So now you understand the meaning of fear and symbolism?"

Nodding desperately, afraid to speak.


Ellie swept around the students in front of her.

"Then today's homework is to write an essay on fear and symbolism and black magic, one foot long, and talk about your own opinions. That's it, get out of class is over."

After speaking, Ellie stretched out her magic wand and waved it at Umbridge again. The petrification on Umbridge's body was released in the next moment, but at the same time...


With a soft sound, a stench rushed towards her face, which made Ellie frowned and took two steps back.

It's really not good, just peeing scared?

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