Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2375: Attacked late at night (Cthulhu actually has Cthulhu in Six Miles of Civilization)

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When Ai Li left the funeral home, Xue Cai appeared in front of her very depressed, her head downcast.

"I'm so sorry, senior."

"There is nothing to apologize for, normal people will see this reaction."

Allie waved her hand and interrupted Yukina's apology.

"This is not something most people can bear. After all, this is different from simply killing an enemy. You don't need to feel sorry for it. On the contrary, if you see the autopsy for the first time and your eyes glow, I will worry about you. It's a pervert."

"a ha ha ha………"

Hearing Ai Li's comfort, Xue Cai didn't know what to say, so she laughed twice, and then quickly changed the subject.

"So Senior, did you find anything?"

"Hmm...There are some, but I don't have a clue yet, Xuecai, have you ever heard of a technique that can drain others' magic power in a very short time?"


Hearing Ari’s inquiry, Xuecai was stunned for a moment, while Ari walked to the vending machine next to him, bought two bottles of drinks, handed one of them to Xuecai, and then looked towards the empty streets. , Then whispered.

"According to my investigation, it is currently certain that the other party has almost absorbed the magic power from the victim in a very short period of time, and then killed it... Well, this technique is quite rare."

"Short time? How short is it?"

"I am afraid that it will not exceed ten seconds at most. The magic power absorbed is basically equal to the level of a vampire in the old age."

"Such a short time?"

Upon hearing this, Xuecai frowned, she thought carefully for a moment, and then shook her head.

"Sorry, senior, I can't find a similar way in my memory. If you want to simply break or dispel the magic, there are several ways to do it, but to absorb the magic... I'm sorry, I can't think of any clues."

"It's not surprising, maybe someone specially made it to deal with the demons... Okay, Xuecai, let's go back, it's too late now, and we have classes tomorrow."

"Okay, senior."

In the end, the two did not do any further investigation, but went back to sleep, and then resumed class the next day.

But in addition to class, Ellie has another very important thing to do, and that is to conduct night patrols on the entire Xianjin Island from today. After all, according to the previous three attacks, the opponent only took action in the dead of night, when the humans were resting and the demons were active. Since the identity of the opponent cannot be determined, then simply use the most stupid method of waiting for the situation.

But what was unexpected to Ellie was that Xuecai also strongly requested to join this mission. Although she was a little uneasy, but in line with the principle of one more person, one more strength, Ellie finally nodded in agreement. But she still urged Xuecai specifically, once she found the target, she immediately sent a signal to report back, and she would rush over as soon as possible.

Xuecai naturally nodded and agreed.

As for Ai Li, sitting on the broomstick and flying directly to the high altitude to inspect, so that she can bring the entire Xianjin Island into the field of vision, and she can perceive an accident in any place for the first time.

What a strange person.

Seeing Ai Li disappearing into the night sky, Xue Cai is still somewhat emotional. She has been in contact with Ai Li for two or three days, but to be honest, Ai Li does not feel like the arrogance in the rumor. The terrifying fourth true ancestor, in fact, many times Xue Cai even forgets that Ai Li is the fourth true ancestor...

Thinking of this, Xuecai couldn't help but yawned, and then hurriedly covered her mouth. She didn't tell Ai Li, in fact, she didn't sleep well last night. As soon as I closed my eyes, Xuecai's mind appeared in the **** heart, intestines and various organs --- how to say Xuecai was also a sword witch, and she was indeed quite knowledgeable in fighting.

But as Ellie said, cutting a person into a corpse is completely different from splitting a corpse and pulling intestines from the inside.

Xuecai tossed over and over all night and didn’t fall asleep until dawn for a while, and then hurriedly got up to school, and of course she was serious about not allowing herself to sleep in class, so she took a rest during the lunch break, but now Obviously a little sleepy again.

But now is not the time to talk about this.

Xuecai patted her cheek hard, her eyes became firm and focused again. According to the predecessor, the other party will do it every night, so tonight he will also have a high probability of attacking the demons, so Xuecai is also concentrated, wandering around and patrolling - after all, she is here to follow Ai Li to attack. As for the work of the magician, Xuecai can only execute the job now that the other party has given it to him.

However, when Xuecai came to a warehouse area, a loud noise suddenly rang not far away.


A violent vibration came along with the explosion, and Xue Cai also hurriedly turned her head to look at the place where the explosion occurred. A fireball with a diameter of tens of meters rose into the sky, like a bomb exploding, setting off a violent air current. In the flames, a **** bird was spreading its wings, manipulating the flames in front of him.

"Monster? Is there a vampire fighting?"

Seeing this scene, Xuecai also felt tight, and then she hurriedly opened the guitar case behind her back, and then took out a silver-white long spear from inside. The next moment the long spear stretched and unfolded, and then Xuecai held it. Tightened the spear, rushed towards the place where the explosion happened quickly.

It didn’t take long for Xuecai to arrive at the battle site. At this moment, she could see a man in a suit raising his hands anxiously not far away. From the current situation, he should be manipulating the fire. The vampire of birds and beasts. However, unlike what Xuecai had imagined, at this moment, the vampire who had manipulated the firebird and plunged the entire warehouse area into a sea of ​​fire did not have the slightest expression on his face. On the contrary, he was panicked and stared at the surroundings with abnormal nervousness, as if What to look for in general.

However, the next moment, a scene that Xuecai could not imagine appeared.

In the flames, a huge, translucent white arm suddenly stretched out, grabbed the firebird's wings, and tore it off. Although the Firebird was struggling desperately, the next moment it was directly held tightly by the big white hand, and then quickly disappeared in it.

Is that devouring magic power? !

Seeing this scene, Xuecai suddenly remembered the information that Ellie said to herself that she "can absorb a lot of magic in a short period of time". At this moment, she did not hesitate to take out the signal that Ellie had given herself before. The gun was aimed at the night sky and pulled the trigger.


The bright red light flare up into the sky and then dispersed. At the same time, with a scream, the vampire manipulating the Firebird and Beasts also had blood from his chest and fell directly to the ground. Although the injury was fatal, he still managed to survive.

"Are you okay, cheer up!"

Seeing the injured, Xuecai rushed to the other side, but at this moment, a low man's voice suddenly came.

"I didn't expect that there would be witnesses."

Hearing this sound, Xuecai raised her head in surprise and looked forward. Not far in front of her, there was a burly man standing nearly two meters tall. He was holding a giant axe in his right hand. He was wearing reinforced armor and robes. At this moment, the man stared coldly at Xue Xue. Dishes without saying a word.

"Please stop fighting and commit torture against the incapable demons, but this violates the special handling law for attacking demons!"

"Why should I follow the laws set by the flattering people of the demons!"

Facing Xuecai's warning, the man suddenly waved the battle axe in his right hand and roared in a low voice. Then he jumped and swung his battle axe at the badly injured vampire beside Yukina.

"Xuexia Wolf!"

Facing the giant axe thrown by the man, Xuecai had no choice. The long spear in her hand sprang out with the girl's call, blocking the man's mortal blow. Both sides trembled at the same time, and then moved back. At this moment, the man's eyes looked at Xuecai, somewhat changed.

"That gun, is it a seven-type assault-destroying machine gun? It is engraved with the Godhead vibration wave driving technique, the secret weapon of the Lion King mechanism. I really didn't expect it to appear here..."

While speaking, the man showed a cold smile.

"Well, since you are the sword witch of the Lion King institution, then let me see how powerful you are. I am Rudolph Aosta, little girl, the annihilation teacher of Rotan Lingchia, let me see You are amazing!"

Before he could say anything, the man waved his battle axe again, and rushed towards Xuecai again.

And Xue Cai also gritted her teeth and fought the man again.

The man's skill is quite good, as can be seen from his ability to almost kill the vampire of the old age with one blow. But Xuecai is not weak. As the sword witch of the Lion King institution, she can be sent here to be responsible for monitoring the Fourth True Ancestor, of course not just because she has a good-looking face.

Although this does account for most of the factors.

"—The dawn of breaking the devil, the **** wolf of Xuexia, quickly help me kill the evil gods and hundreds of ghosts with the power of steel!"

Accompanied by the chanting, Xuecai once again stabbed out. Although Teacher Jian used his tomahawk to block the blow, he was still hit and flew out. But Xuecai obviously didn't mean to be merciful. She rushed forward when she succeeded, the spear in her hand turned into a violent storm, and she stabbed the target in front of her time and time again.

"What a powerful force and this speed, you really deserve to be the sword witch of the Lion King mechanism. So... it's my turn! Do it! Astaruti!!!"

Accompanied by Teacher Jian’s roar, the next moment, Xuecai suddenly saw a petite figure leap out behind his burly figure. It was a man who seemed to be about ten years old. A girl with long hair and a cloak. Her blue eyes didn't seem to have any emotions, they were as cold as mechanical.

"Task acceptance, execution, "Qianwei's fingertips"."

Accompanied by words without the slightest emotional ups and downs, Xuecai saw a huge white arm suddenly leaping out of the girl's back and waved it towards herself.

At this moment, the snow vegetable is inevitable, only to bite the bullet and shoot it out.


The silver-white long spear collided with the white giant hand, bursting out a fierce magic and spiritual impact. At the same time, the blue-haired girl also showed an expression of pain. Her attack failed to hit the target. On the contrary, the silver spear in Xuecai's hand had pierced the white palm...


Just when Xue Cai was about to penetrate the white transparent arm, the blue-haired girl suddenly screamed, and then the other arm suddenly came out of her body and punched Xue Cai again!

Can't avoid it!

At this moment, Xuecai was holding a spear in her hand, and there was no possibility of avoiding it. She could only watch the fist getting closer and closer to her, getting closer and closer, and then...

"Iron Armor Bodyguard!!"

A crisp voice came from the air, and at the same time, a translucent barrier suddenly appeared beside Xuecai, helping her block the mortal blow. The torrents of magic collided and exploded.

At the same time, a figure also fell from the sky and landed in front of Xuecai.

"Sorry, some things were dealt with just now, it was a little late."

Ai Li held a magic wand and looked at the tall man and the blue-haired girl opposite.

"It seems that you are the criminals I am looking for?"

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