Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2376: Fight against... (I didn't expect the water to stop today!)

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"Silver Witch!"

Seeing Ai Li's appearance, Teacher Jian's expression suddenly changed slightly.

"You are a prisoner, is that girl an artificial life form?"

Glancing at the blue-haired girl, Ai Li turned her attention to Teacher Jian again.

"So, that's why you let her use the beast."

It has been said before that Beasts are an existence that consumes a lot of mana and vitality. Therefore, apart from vampires with almost unlimited "negative" vitality, few other races use Beasts. But artificial life forms are different. As literally put, artificial life forms are artificially created lives, which are essentially consumables. Therefore, even if the beasts consume the life of artificial life forms, it is not painful for the maker.

Ellie did not express indignation about this. She has seen a lot of battles, knowing that it is meaningless to talk nonsense with this kind of guy and denounce him for playing with life. People can even do this kind of thing, you and him Isn't talking about it for nothing? Only idiots would foolishly waste their saliva criticizing the villain's inhumane behavior, and Ai Li prefers to use actions to express her dissatisfaction.

For example...

"Shen Feng Wuying!!"

Ellie raised her wand directly, while singing the spell loudly. In the next moment, the invisible blade crossed the battlefield directly, tearing the armor on the J teacher's body. Blood spurted out, and Teacher Jian shook his body and clenched the battle axe in his hand.

"You really deserve to be the Silver Witch. It seems that you are quite dissatisfied with my behavior?"

"I am not very good at language, so I think it's more appropriate to use actions to express... Xuecai, the child and her family are given to you, I will deal with this culprit!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw Ai Li's figure flashing, turning into a white mist and rushing directly at Teacher Jian. The blue-haired girl also hurriedly turned around and tried to stop, but at this moment Xue Cai had already roared and brandished her spear, once again blocking the blue-haired girl's path.

"Do you think I will be caught by you?!"

Facing Ai Li who rushed forward, Teacher Jian also yelled and raised the tomahawk in his hand and slashed at the opponent. The artificial lifeforms he possesses and his beasts are certainly powerful, but as an annihilating teacher who is good at fighting demons, his own strength is not weak at all.

Even the vampire nobles of the old age can be killed with a single blow. From this alone, we can see how powerful their skills and power are.

Teacher Jian is full of all her strength, and there is no room for mercy --- Ai Li can be regarded as a long-established demon attacker. Although she has never appeared on the island of the gods, she can obtain the "silver witch" in this special zone of demon clan. The synonym of is enough to prove that his strength is not under the "gap witch".

Therefore, in many animations, the scenes where the BOSS is attacked because of underestimating the protagonist are of course also impossible to appear here.


The huge battle axe bombarded the ground, dispelling the silver haze, and Ai Li fluttered out of it like a ghost, and quickly retreated. Then a shock bomb spun out of Ai Li's cloak in a rotating direction, flew towards the J teacher in front of him, and then burst suddenly.


The shocking brilliance and sound waves broke out in an instant, making the Jie-teacher who had originally planned to go forward to chase him had to stop and raise his hand to block his eyes. But at the same time, Ai Li's voice sounded again.

"Killing Curse!"

A ray of green light was suddenly emitted, passing through the burst of light that shook the bomb and blasted towards the J teacher in front of him, who seemed to perceive the danger and suddenly jumped back. The power of the reinforced armor burst out in an instant, causing the J teacher to leave the place quickly like a bomb exploded and land behind. The green light almost passed him, hitting the cold concrete floor.


Seeing this scene, Ai Li couldn't help but smashed her mouth. Sure enough, the three unforgivable curses are all trash, and they are also useful in a world where wizards like Harry Potter fight and stupid do not run away. Anyone who encounters such a comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, and physicality will basically stop cooking immediately.

"Call God to guard!"

When she missed a hit, Ai Li immediately shot again, and soon the silver-white dragon appeared in an instant, roaring and flapping its wings, descending from the sky and rushing towards the Jian teacher in front of her.

"not good!!"

At this moment, the teacher's face changed slightly. He was not a fool. Of course, he guessed Ellie's intentions---the other party didn't have to decide the victory or defeat with him at all. As long as they kept pestering him, he would soon be on the island. The guard team and the interstitial witch will also arrive immediately. By that time, if you have two fists and four hands, you will be dead!

Thinking of this, Teacher J also gritted his teeth.


"Order accepted."

Hearing the order from her creator, the blue-haired girl who was in a stalemate with Xuecai also replied in a low voice, and then the battle situation suddenly changed.

The pure white beast suddenly emerged from the girl's body, and instantly swallowed the girl's petite body, turning into a tall white giant in the blink of an eye. Facing the dragon of light pouring down from the sky, the white giant raised his hands and directly greeted him. Afterwards, the two sides collided directly.


The shock wave of the two clashes almost spread to the entire area, and even the surrounding sea water slapped and undulated. With the white giant as the center, the ground within a hundred meters was dented at the same time, and the warehouse itself was torn to pieces in the impact, and Xuecai also hurriedly raised Xuexia Wolf to withstand the biting storm.

No one noticed that at this moment, the teacher J, who was hiding behind the white giant, suddenly took out something, and then he squeezed tightly and shot it at the white giant in front of him. next moment. A glimmer of light emerged from the white giant, as if possessing a certain unique power...

"That's it!"

With a spear in hand, Xuecai rushed forward and jumped up. Xuexialang in his hand swung out again and rushed towards Teacher Jian. Faced with Xuecai's assault this time, the annihilation teacher didn't show any fear. On the contrary, he stared at Xuecai with a smug smile.

At this moment, an arm split from the white giant again and blocked Xue Cai.

"Get out of the way!!"

Facing the split arm of the white giant in front of her, Yukina stabs it without fear, but this time the situation is completely different.

By neutralizing the magic power, Xuexia Wolf, which was enough to smash any barrier, did not break through the white giant's arm again as before. On the contrary, this time Xuexia Wolf stopped even before stabbing the opponent. Not only that, the white giant's arm also exudes the same brilliance as Xuexia Wolf.

"This is...Resonance? How can it be...!?"

Seeing this scene in front of her, Xuecai showed an expression of disbelief. Teacher J sneered at her and said.

"Yes, the sword witch negates the magic power to sever any enchantment's'divine power vibration wave driving technique'-the only trump card in the world that is successfully used by the Lion King mechanism against the demons. Refer to your The battle statistics, I finally completed! The previous experiments were not in vain!!"


Following the words of Teacher Jian, the white giant suddenly stretched out his arm and pierced the chest of the dragon of light. In essence, the guardian of God is still formed by the condensation of magic, although it is not the same as the beast. , But also full of magic. Therefore, in the face of this technique that breaks through by nullifying the magic power, even Ai Li's guarding of God lost its effect. The right hand of the direct white giant suddenly stretched out and directly penetrated the body of the dragon of light, and the dragon of light also wailed and fell to the ground quickly, and then disappeared.


It wasn't until this time that Xuecai realized that she had made a big mistake.

In fact, this Jie teacher has been pursuing the perfection of the "God Vibratory Wave Driving Technique". The previous successive attacks on the demons were to absorb magic power on the one hand, and to record and improve combat data on the other.

But even Teacher Jian himself did not expect that his "cottage version" had not yet been completed, and the sword witch in front of him appeared with the "genuine" "God Vibratory Wave Drive Technique".

After fighting with Xuecai and obtaining the "genuine" technique data on Xuexialang in her hand, this teacher Jie finally completed the last piece of the puzzle.


Soon, the white giant flicked his left hand, and UU reading www.uukánshu.com knocked the snow vegetables to the ground. At this moment, Teacher J also appeared in front of her and raised her axe.

"Although I originally wanted to adjust slowly, but because of the appearance of the Silver Witch, I had to change my plan. Farewell, the poor puppet of the Lion King institution — at least don’t die by the hands of the demons, but die as My man of humanity!"

Before the words were over, the axe in Teacher Jian's hand was already swung down at Xuecai. Xuexia Wolf was beaten into the air, and Xuecai, who had lost her strength, faced this scene, only her eyes widened, helplessly waiting for her death.


Blood spattered, but it was not the blood of Xue Cai.

At the moment when Master Jr swung down his battle axe, a petite figure suddenly appeared in front of Xuecai, blocking the fatal blow for her. Then accompanied by the spray of blood, the petite body shook twice, and then the headless corpse slowly fell in front of Xuecai, while her head rolled a few times, and then fell on Xue Cai's arms. The latter instinctively stretched out his hand to hug his head and stared at her blankly.


Seeing the face with her eyes closed in her arms, Xuecai was at a loss, she didn't even realize what had happened. Immediately afterwards, the ground at the foot of Xuecai suddenly cracked.

In the next moment, she and the petite corpse fell into the darkness and disappeared completely.

Teacher Jian stopped, looked at the black hole in front of him, then frowned and looked around. At this moment, the entire Xianjin Island seemed to have been awakened, and a sharp alarm sounded.

"No way, I have to change the plan."

Thinking of this, Teacher Jian clenched the tomahawk in his hand.

"Go, Astaruti, completely destroy this cursed island of evil!"

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