Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2377: Rebirth and... (The takeaway was not delivered today)

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When Ellie opened her eyes again, she only felt a splitting headache.

"Woo......here is..."

Ellie slowly opened her eyes and looked around, only to see a mess where she could reach her eyes, dark and dull. But for Ellie, who is a vampire, this level of darkness clearly does not pose a problem.

At the same time, Xue Cai's voice rang in her ears.

"Great, senior, you finally woke up, are you okay!!"

"Xue Cai..."

Ellie reluctantly turned her head and looked at Xuecai's little face that was about to cry.

"We are..."

"Great, senior, you finally came back to life, I'm really worried... Just now you obviously had your head cut off, and your body was torn apart! But after that, after that... …It’s as if time has started to turn back, and your body is back to its original state..."

Xuecai lowered her head and said nervously.

"But you never wake up..."

"Sorry to shock you."

Ellie sighed, feeling extremely tired all over her body. This feeling was as if she had just been seriously ill, and it was difficult for her to even stand up, and Xue Cai shook her head vigorously.

"No, senior, I should say sorry. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have interfered without authorization. If it weren't for me, that man..."

"Well, it's not your fault, it's just an accident. After all, we don't have much information..."

Ellie smiled and shook her head, while sighing secretly.

Sure enough, as a low-magic world, Harry Potter's curse has extremely limited effects in this world. Of course, dealing with some ordinary goods is no problem, but dealing with those strong is a little insufficient. Although Ai Li's Hushen Guarding is very powerful, it is completely accomplished by relying on her own powerful magic power, which is similar to "Strong Big Brick Flying", not how strong the Hushen Guarding spell itself is.

The armor body is also the same. It is the limit to be able to withstand the opponent's one or two attacks. Just now, when Ari rushed to save Xuecai, she was still wearing the armor body. The result was not an axe and head by that **** teacher. It's all split.


At this moment, a low vibration sounded, and the surrounding ground also shook, dust scattered down, and Ai Li also forced herself to sit up.

"What's the situation outside now?"

"I don't know, Senior, after all, it only took more than ten minutes after we fell until you woke up... But the fighting outside has not stopped, but the position has changed."

"Can't the security team and the demon attacker take down that guy? Forget it, this is a matter of course..."

I can’t win, so the ordinary attackers and guards on Xianjin Island naturally have no chance of winning. I have to say that the magic trick is really tricky. At least Ellie’s current methods can’t compete with it. . Next, either let the manipulator Fang Zheng behind him find a new plug-in to hang on to him, or directly awaken the beast.

But the power of the beasts is not easy to control. After all, you call the guard of the gods by yourself. It is also very convenient to control. However, the beasts have their own will, and each is too strong, no matter which one you take. Come out, will cause large-scale casualties.

But then again...

"The feeling of rebirth is really uncomfortable. Why does Akate like to give blood so much?"


Upon hearing this name, Xuecai looked at Aili suspiciously.

"Senior, who is that?"

"A vampire I used to know, what he likes to do most is to let others kill himself once, and then kill others... Frankly speaking, I didn't understand his hobby before. Now I don’t understand even more, that guy shouldn’t be a masochist..."

"Senior knew vampires before?"

Faced with this unexpected answer, Xuecai was somewhat surprised, and Ai Li nodded.

"Well, I know a lot..."

The same is true for careful calculation, from the vampire archbishop in the main world to the chief of the necromancer, then Akat in the world of HELLSING, Sophie in the game world, and currently as Flandre and Gu Mingdi love toy Cree Lu, and the maid he conquered in the box garden, Leticia the box garden knight. There are also El Quite and El Teluci who have met in the world of the moon...not to mention the "daughter" Flandre that I made by myself.

That's a lot.

Forget it, now is not the time to consider these issues.

Ellie reluctantly leaned on the wall and stood up, still fighting outside, could she sit here? However, just when she wanted to do something, Allie's legs softened and she sat on the ground again.



"Sorry, maybe it was a bit too much when I was reborn...I am not familiar with this, after all, I was beheaded for the first time..."

While speaking, Ellie took up the magic wand and frowned at the ceiling that vibrated from time to time.

"The situation looks a bit bad."


Upon hearing this, Yukina was silent for a moment, and then she looked at Ai Li.

"Senior, please **** my blood."


Faced with Xuecai's proposal, Ai Li was taken aback.

"no problem?"

"Of course, senior needs strength now, so my blood should be able to bring you strength. And... and senior was killed to save me... Although he did not die, there is, that... …The teacher Jr got the information about the technique because of my carelessness, so I must take the responsibility…”

Xuecai's voice is getting lower and lower, she is not so much answering Ellie's question, it is better to convince herself. Then she suddenly opened her collar and closed her eyes.

"Please use it, senior."

"Is it really okay?"

"Of course... if you want to defeat the enemy, our current strength is not enough, so you need the strength of the senior! If you **** my blood, then your power should be greatly increased. That way we can stop the enemy!"

Although the tone was very high-sounding, Xuecai's cheeks were still blushing. Ai Li resisted the dizziness and came to Yukana and stared at her. Then she stretched out her hand and slowly hugged Xuecai into her arms.


Feeling Ai Li's hug, Yukina's petite and soft body became tight for a moment, and Ai Li stroked her hair lightly.

"Thank you, Xuecai...just relax, it hurts only at first...should."

While talking, Ellie opened her mouth, and then bit Yuk Cai on the neck.


The pain caused by the teeth that pierced the skin made Xuecai snorted. She closed her eyes tightly. At this moment, Xuecai could fully feel the body of Ai Li that was attached to her body, which was also slender and soft. The body even makes people want to embrace the charm. It was filled with a fresh fruit aroma, making Xuecai feel a little dizzy involuntarily.

No, it's not just fragrance.

With the passing of blood, Xuecai seemed to feel the heartbeat in her body gradually resonate with the beating frequency of the heart in Ellie's body...

"Puff, puff, puff..."

At first I just heard the sound, but soon, this kind of vibration seemed to be transmitted into the girl's body. The inexplicable and itchy feeling before appeared again, but it became more and more than before. Strong. At this moment, Xuecai gritted her teeth tightly and stretched out her hand to hug Ai Li's body tightly. She was so hard, as if she wanted to completely merge the two into one...


Xuecai's eyes widened suddenly, her eyes had lost their lustre at this moment, and she had become completely blank. The only remaining reason made her bit her lip, while her smooth thighs could not help rubbing, as if she was forcibly enduring some kind of inspeakable stimulation.

No one noticed. At this moment, the center of Xuecai's lost eye pupils slowly showed a heart-shaped pattern, which was shining with pink brilliance and appeared in Xuecai's eyes. , And then more and more shiny. At the same time, Xuecai's panting sound became heavier and heavier, the kind of stimulation she had never experienced from her spine all the way up, as if lightning broke through the last intellectual barrier of the brain.


Finally at this moment, Xuecai opened her mouth and let out a silent scream. The next moment when UU read www.uukanshu.com, Xuecai's legs softened like this, and she leaned on Ai Li's body and slowly closed her eyes.

"Xue Cai? Are you okay?"

At this moment, Ai Li also recovered, watching the Xue Cai who fell on her hurriedly asked, and after hearing Ai Li’s voice, the latter opened her eyes—at this moment in the girl’s eyes His love has disappeared.

"No, it's okay, senior, it's just...I didn't expect it to be so exciting...that...

"Is there any pain? I'm sorry, I'm not too familiar with this aspect... I shouldn't have sucked too much."

"There is no such thing, but you said that you are not too familiar with it... Haven't you sucked blood before?"

"Only once when dealing with the Fourth Real Ancestor, but I didn't need to care about her thoughts at the time. After that, I didn't **** blood anymore... After all, I didn't need to **** blood to survive. "

"That's it..."

I don't know why, after hearing Ai Li's answer, Xue Cai felt a little joy in her heart. But she coughed hurriedly, put away this strange and complicated feeling deep in her heart, and forcibly changed back to the serious look just now.

"Then, senior, that..."

"Thanks to you, it seems that there is no problem now."

Ellie raised her right hand, and with her movements, golden lightning burst out from her body. Should I say that I am a vampire? After sucking the blood, Ellie felt that her magic power was as if she had knocked on the medicine - but this was also normal. After all, only the vampire who sucked the blood could truly show her power.

"Let's go, let's get rid of the violent guy first!"

"Yes, senior!"

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