Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2639: Taste it (Civilization Six has a zombie mode which is really hard to fight)

After a full meal, everyone rested here. After all, after being chased by dinosaurs for a long time, everyone was tired. At this moment, the two bear children fell asleep after eating, and it was the doctor who pulled them to the tree. And Fang Zheng and Kleiya naturally don't have to worry about such trivial matters. Survival in the wild is accustomed to them, and finding a place to sleep is no problem.

The next day, the doctor and the three were awakened by the smell of food. When they climbed down the tree, they saw Fang Zheng making eggs on the stone slab and made a gesture to them at the same time.

"Get up? Go wash your face and hands and prepare for breakfast."


The two children immediately became energetic, nodded and ran to wash their hands in the stream next to them, while the doctor shook his head and headed to the slate, glanced at the breakfast in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh.

"I didn't expect that we would still be able to eat a good breakfast here...Huh? Wait, why is there an omelette?"

Halfway through, the doctor seemed to have reacted, looking at Fang Zheng in surprise, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, I picked up a nest nearby and used it to make breakfast omelettes. Why? Are you not interested in dinosaur eggs?"

"Hey? Dinosaur eggs?"

At this moment, the bear children who had washed their faces also came back. Hearing Fang Zheng's words, they looked at the fried egg on the stone slab in front of him in surprise.

"But didn't Grandpa say that there are only female dinosaurs in the wild?"

"They used frog DNA to fill in the missing parts of the dinosaurs."

Now the doctor is thinking about it too.

"There is a kind of frog that will actively change gender to reproduce in the case of group females. Now it seems that these dinosaurs may also be like this..."

"Okay, let's eat."

Founder didn't bother to care about this. He sprinkled a little salt and then announced that he would start the pot for dinner. At the same time, Fang Zheng expertly picked up a dinosaur egg and knocked it next to the slate. Before the doctor could stop it, he beat the yolk on the slate and fry it again.

"...Mr. Fang Zheng, this is a dinosaur egg!"

"I know."

Looking at the green-faced doctor, Fang Zheng glanced at him inexplicably.

"What about this? There are hundreds of dinosaurs on this island now, and eating an egg will not make them extinct. Besides, these dinosaurs were not survivors of the Jurassic period, but were cloned. Just like that Tyrannosaurus rex, what if I chop off one head? It costs nothing to clone another head. Is money that can solve the problem? But don’t say, this dinosaur’s meat is delicious and it is really top-quality. I don’t know if this park in Hammond can’t be opened yet. If I don’t open it, it would be nice to build a breeding base to export dinosaur meat all over the world..."

"Are you going to eat them?"

Upon hearing this, the girl suddenly widened her eyes again and looked towards Fang Zheng.

"Isn't it nonsense? How can I get so delicious without eating too much? At that time, I will get a man-made breeding base. Don't tell me, these brontosaurus bodies are much bigger than pigs. If they are fattened, eat a mine. The dragon’s meat is estimated to be able to support 200 pigs, tusk tusk, if it is raised well, it might be able to solve the world food crisis..."

Listening to Fang Zheng's emotions, everyone present looked bewildered, even Claire was no exception. She also didn’t expect that the lord’s first thought after seeing these dinosaurs was fattened and eaten... But indeed, if it was such a huge animal, it would provide more meat than ordinary farm-raised poultry. Some more.

"You, how can you think of such a cruel thing!"

Upon hearing this, the girl suddenly became unwilling.

"It's nothing more than carnivorous dragons, those herbivorous dragons are so smart and docile..."

"According to scientific research, pigs are also very smart, and we don't see you to protest when we eat pigs."

Founder snorted softly.

"Why? You can't eat if you're smart? Or are pigs that dinosaurs can't eat? Just because pigs are ugly? Are you discriminating against ugly?"


Faced with Fang Zheng's answer, the girl opened her mouth, and finally bowed her head and said nothing. And Fang Zheng snorted. He doesn’t have any good feelings for this kind of White Left Mother Bear and Child. Basically, in Fang Zheng’s opinion, these are all mentally retarded. The African people are still eating grass. You guys are talking about some illusory things here. It's a hairy use?

As for the question of whether the meat of these dinosaurs can be eaten, Founder naturally has already scanned it with a personal terminal. Basically, there will be no problems. It can even be said that dinosaur meat is not only in this respect than the artificially raised beef and pork. It is nutritious, and the quantity is the majority. It can be seen from this that if individual farms can be established, then I am afraid that within a few years, dinosaur meat will occupy most of the meat market.

So these Europeans and Americans like to make these things that are rare and expensive, but Founder doesn’t care about this. He prefers to price things as cabbage so that everyone can afford to eat... If you can make those greedy and inadequate It would be great if all the idiots who sold caviar at sky-high prices to show their "taste" went bankrupt.

"Sir, why do you say Grandpa can't open this park?"

Perhaps to break the awkward atmosphere on the court, the little boy hurriedly asked, and Fang Zheng rolled his eyes.

"Is it unclear? Yesterday, Tyrannosaurus rex broke through the high-pressure cage. It means that there must be something wrong with the management office. Otherwise, it won't be like this ghost. Besides, you haven't seen anyone here all night. Looking, it has already explained the situation. In short, for the moment, the security system of the entire park is completely finished, and the dinosaurs here are also regarded as herding sheep. Maybe now those dinosaurs are flying and running around the streets. After such a safety accident, it is difficult to say whether the park can continue to operate..."

Having said this, Fang Zheng stretched out his hands helplessly, and hearing his words, the two bear children could not help but fell into silence.

"Well, I will send you back to the management office to see the situation after eating. If it doesn't work, you should go home."

"Aren't you going back?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, the doctor was stunned, and Fang Zheng curled his lips.

"I'm still planning to research on the island for a while...Well, if I don't have to leave, I think I will be more comfortable staying here."

"But you don't..."

Originally, the doctor wanted to ask Fang Zheng if he was not afraid of danger on this island? But I turned my head and couldn't see the remains of the Tyrannosaurus rex corpse in the distance...Well, this one is really not afraid.

He didn't intend to stay here and eat the dinosaurs on the entire island.

Although the doctor felt that his idea was a bit absurd, he had to admit... he really believed that the man in front of him could do it.

In any case, after a full meal, everyone was on their way. Compared with the horror before, this time the victims seemed to relax a lot. In any case, the one who was leading the way was a man who was able to kill the Tyrannosaurus with his bare hands and was able to slice it up. That’s what they did. I believe that even if there is any danger, there shouldn't be any major problems.

In fact, the same was true. When they walked all the way back to the management office, no one encountered a dinosaur again.

Nor did they meet a single person.


The children rushed into the management office and called out loudly, but there was no one in the management office. They also went to the control room, which was also empty. The people who were supposed to be in the management office didn't know where they went. Fang Zheng had watched the movie, but he knew that these people had gone to the refuge. But...the location of the refuge is not described in detail in the movie, so for now, it is difficult for Founder to find them.

"What's going on? Where are all the people?"

The doctor looked around suspiciously, feeling a little uneasy.

"Maybe Grandpa went to see us."

"But someone should stay here..."

The two bear children were also talking about it at the moment. In the face of this unexpected situation, no one knew what to do, and Fang Zheng walked into the control room and glanced around.

"The power went out, um... Maybe they went to deal with the problem of circuit failure."

While talking, Fang Zheng made a gesture to Claire.

"You stay here, I'll go to the power distribution station to take a look."

"Okay, sir."

Claire nodded, and Fang Zheng waved his hand and walked out the door.

However, at this moment, suddenly, two raptors suddenly appeared, one on the left and the other on the right, opening their mouths towards Fang Zheng and biting them! !

"heads up!!"

Seeing this scene, the doctor and the two children screamed in shock. However, the next moment they saw Fang Zheng stretch out his hands at the same time, grabbing the necks of the two Velociraptors that attacked him one by one, and then slammed their heads hard. The next moment, accompanied by the cracked brains, two Velociraptors It just fell to the ground. Then Fang Zheng kicked the table next to him, and saw the table galloping forward as if it had been violently hit. At the same time, the last raptor jumped out from the other side abruptly, intending to escape, but its speed was still slow. After a step, I saw the edge of the table mixed with huge impact as if a thick blade galloping past, UU看书www.uukanshu.com directly crushed its slender and thin neck, and then the raptor struggled. Then limply turned into a corpse.


Seeing this scene, the doctor and the two bear children were completely stunned, and Fang Zheng clapped their hands.

"Then I'll come when I go... By the way, Claire, move the bodies of these three velociraptors to the kitchen for bleeding. I want to taste the velociraptor meat."

"Okay, sir."

Sure enough, he still wants to eat...

I don't know why, but the three of them were not surprised at all when they heard Fang Zheng's order. The doctor stared at Fang Zheng with a complicated expression, and couldn't help but recalled the words he said at the dinner table yesterday.

"Is it at the top of the food chain...This man is undoubtedly standing in this position."

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