Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2640: Off-campus travel (it’s so hot today)

After this, as at the end of the movie, Fang Zheng found Hammond and others in the refuge, and then the old Mr. Hammond contacted the helicopter to take them away. As for Fang Zheng, he just played missing and waited for them to go. After the helicopter, it was discovered that Fang Zheng and Kleiya were gone, but he left a letter to Mr. Hammond saying that he wanted to have fun here, you first withdraw and we will see you later...

Hammond, who doesn’t know the situation, is naturally at a loss, but the doctor who knows the truth and the two bear kids are silent. God knows what this old man will be when he learns that Fang Zheng plans to eat his own dinosaur. reaction. In order to prevent this old gentleman from having a heart attack on the helicopter, it is better to hide it from him.

After everyone left, Fang Zheng took Kleiya to "tour" the entire island, and came to the "Jurassic on the Bite of the Tongue", and at the same time selected several delicious species.

In Fangzheng’s view, the best breeding and the most suitable for breeding and killing is Brontosaurus. As a result, Brontosaurus has a gentle temperament, slow response, and provides a lot of meat. As the largest dinosaur at present, Brontosaurus is also very good to feed. , It is easier to slaughter - after all, not everyone has the ability to cut Tyrannosaurus with a sliding shovel.

Of course, if you want Fangzheng to evaluate it, the most delicious dinosaur is Mosasaur...This is also the most difficult dinosaur to be tamed and captured. If it weren't for Fangzheng, most people would probably not have the ability to fish it out of the sea. Mossaurus’s meat is delicious and tender, with the fineness of fish meat and the toughness of red meat. As a deep-sea fish, Mossaurus’s meat also has a heart-to-heart coldness. Even sashimi is delicious.

With that bite, the taste melts in the mouth, and you can feel the sweetness and coldness of the fish all the way down your throat...Tsk tuna, even the best tuna can’t make this kind of sashimi, okay? !

So after searching the entire island, Founder was satisfied with a large amount of dinosaur meat and returned to the continent of Simria, and then handed over all the dinosaur meat to the chef of the Starlight Tower to be responsible for the cooking - after all, the continent of Simria. There are also many dishes made with the meat of monsters, so it is also good to let them make some delicious dishes with dinosaur meat.

And the fact is that the food in the restaurant became more and more delicious after that, and even merchants came to ask how the ingredients were obtained...

It's better to just build a farm on the continent of Symria. With the magical abilities here, it is more than enough to deal with dinosaurs.

By the way, after returning to Semuria, Claire immediately asked for leave to retire. It was not that she was going to report to the Iron-Blooded Prime Minister, but Claire was horrified to find that she was fat after returning!

I have gained a few kilos! !

The smooth belly now has fat! !

This is a crisis comparable to the destruction of the world! ! !

So Claire hurriedly took a leave of absence, and then devoted herself to the great cause of weight loss.

And Fang Zheng resumed his teaching, including Ma Zhe, who taught Alfin and others in the liberal arts class, and inspected the progress of the air battleship made by Tida. It took a few days of plain life... …However, less than a week later, when Fang Zheng stepped out of the classroom after the lecture again, he was blocked by the girls in the martial arts department.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, you are partial!!"

"What's wrong with me?"

Seeing Ai Leiin who was protesting to him angrily, Fang Zheng looked dazed.

Aren’t the girls in the martial arts department mostly recuperating these days? Why did you suddenly look like you are looking for yourself to settle the accounts?

"Oh? What happened? What happened? Mr. Fang Zheng?"

"Yeah, you didn't do anything to the girls in the martial arts department, right?"

At this moment, the political students who had finished the class also gathered around curiously, and Alfin and Miaojie, the two little guys who feared the world would not be chaotic, stared at this scene with shining eyes.

These little girls...

Fang Zheng silently glanced at the blond emperor and the green-haired noble lady. These two people are the most troublesome in the liberal arts class. This is not because of understanding problems. Both Alfin and Miaojie are very smart. The girls, they can also absorb and understand the knowledge they tell, but these two people belong to the kind of appearance that looks like everyone, but they have a black belly in their bones... to put it bluntly , Is the kind that likes to watch hilarious pranks.

"Shut up, you guys."

Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and smashed the head of the two provoking people, then looked at the girl in Wu Yike in front of him.

"What's wrong? Why am I partial?"

"It's not Miss Claire. You took Miss Claire to such a good place, but you took us there. Are you not partial?!"

At this time, the girls in the martial arts department also complained, and under their complaints, Fang Zheng also understood where these girls' dissatisfaction came from.

The culprit still came from the dinosaur meat brought back by Fang Zheng.

These dinosaur meats are naturally very delicious after being cooked by the chefs of Semuria, and they are very popular with girls, and they are also very curious about where the meat comes from. As a result, I was told that it was Fang Zheng and Claire brought it back, because it was impossible to disturb Fang Zheng for this kind of thing, so the girls asked Claire, and they learned from the latter what they experienced after going to the world. all.

Beautiful islands, strange animals and plants, as well as picnics and camping in the mountains and rivers — thinking back to the dishes they ate in the restaurant, the girls in the martial arts department suddenly felt unbalanced.

They are all in the same world, so why are we facing either zombies or mutated disgusting monsters when we travel through the past, and Kleia’s travel through the past is to travel through the mountains and eat food!

The girls wanted more and more angry, so they collectively ran over to Fang Zheng to protest.

"We also want to go to the mountains and play, and we also want to have a picnic! We don't want to fight zombies anymore!!"

Even if you want to fight now, there are no zombies to fight you for the time being. The culprit is the capital. It would be nice if it could end here.

"Okay, okay, next time I will take you to relax and stop beating zombies, let's go."

Fang Zheng also raised his hand to surrender to the young girls’ protest. Thinking about it, it’s really time for them to relax. Two consecutive journeys to another world are faced with zombies and mutant monsters. This kind of mental pressure is indeed not something ordinary people can bear. Of it. Although the girls who came to school here must have nothing to do with ordinary people everywhere on the street, but this kind of test is indeed too exciting for them.

In the end, Fangzheng promised to relax after taking them across the past next time, and not to fight, and when he heard this, Alphan and Miaojie, who were not too troubled to watch the excitement, also voluntarily asked to join. We welcome with raised hands. After all, if it were just them, maybe Founder would find some ground for training, and if the students in the liberal arts class were also allowed to go there, then Founder would definitely not mess up.

"Then just make an off-campus trip!"

Tossed by the girls, Fang Zheng finally announced his decision. No matter what arts class or martial arts class, all the students of the entire Semilia Academy traveled to that world once.

Aren’t there similar off-campus trips in Japanese schools? For example, go to Kyoto or Okinawa, experience the local cultural customs and folk activities there, and spend three days of travel leisurely --- Founder originally planned to do it, but now the martial arts students here are so excited. He simply decided to put his off-campus travel destination in another world.

It's just that Fang Zheng couldn't tell where he was going to be teleported to for a while. Although the martial arts students wanted to go to Dinosaur Island, the living conditions were a bit too bad for Alfin and others. child. But it doesn't work in places that are too far away, um...In addition, this group of people is also the physique that triggered the event. You must know that Fang Zheng didn't want to deliberately do things, except for Resident Evil.

Just choose New York nearby...it just so happened that Founder was going to talk to Mr. Hammond about the transfer of the island to see if it could be done. If possible, he would buy another island specifically for raising herbivorous dragons. So that it can be slaughtered...

In case something happens, the trouble is also the old beauty, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Founder also made a silent decision.

Since off-campus travel is required, it is natural that all staff must act together. Founder is not worried about this. After all, the world is also engaged in such things as off-campus travel. You can make up an identity by yourself using the slogan, and then you can easily do it. The form of a tour group.

As for the personnel, the girls in the martial arts department are naturally going, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and others are no exception, including Tida, Ling, Tio, and Kia who are busy developing the flying battleship. Culture is very interested. Of course, Fang Zheng also asked Ilia and Xiao Hei, but these two people are tired of those things on the earth, they now prefer to explore and travel on the continent of Simria.

It’s just that you still have to pay attention to the choice of travel goals, um... New York, you can take them to see the Petronas Twin Towers, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square... Originally, Founder planned to take them to the movies. Later, I changed my mind to thinking that the ideological connotation of American movies is basically cultural rubbish, and don't poison the little girls in another world.

So after thinking about it, Founder still made a decision...Stop watching the movie, go to the opera.

After all, there are operas on the continent of Simria, and the stories of operas are generally relatively old-fashioned, and there will be no special cultural conflicts... It is so decided!

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng filled out the itinerary with confidence.

Everything is ready, the next step is to take the little girls on an off-campus trip!

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