Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2641: Christmas Eve

The time difference between the biochemical world and the continent of Semiria was obviously a bit big. When Fang Zheng came to New York again with the excited girls, it was already Christmas Eve. The entire New York City was covered by snow, and the climate was cold and dry.

But for the girls, this is nothing. Looking at a city in front of them that is completely different from their own world is enough to make them ignore the cold wind.

Founder did not let these little girls go to stay in a hotel. He had already drawn money from the FBI and bought an apartment on Manhattan Island for accommodation. Of course, in order to avoid causing commotion, Fangzheng still asked the girls to put their weapons in the instrument box to disguise. Although it is very common in Symria, if you watch a group of girls holding various weapons in the street in the United States Strolling, but you will be called by the police to drink tea.

On the contrary, if you carry an instrument on your back, it will only give people a sense of symphony orchestra.

Fortunately, the trip outside of school was fairly smooth.

From the first visit to the Petronas Twin Towers to the Statue of Liberty, and to Times Square, no one encountered any trouble along the way. Only when they were going to Brooklyn, the girls were slightly intercepted by local bandits and robbers...and naturally, there was no need to say more.

After all, the physical qualities of people in the two worlds are different. Girls like Laura and the martial arts department can even grab the opponent's weapon directly before the opponent shoots. And even girls like Alfin and Miaojie can easily avoid each other’s shooting — how to say it, although it’s not obvious on the surface, the people on the continent of Symria are average in terms of physical fitness It is more than one level higher than ordinary earthlings.

This reminded Fang Zheng of a sci-fi that he had seen before, which described the story of a man on the earth landing on the moon and then fighting a local man on the moon. According to the setting of that story, because the gravity of the earth far exceeds that of the moon, an ordinary terrestrial man on the moon is simply a superman and a Hercules. He can jump tens of meters high and lift a huge moon rock at will. .

And because those people on the moon were born in a low-gravity environment, they were simply unable to resist this powerful force, and they were eventually beaten by the people on the earth.

Now it seems that the gap between the continent of Simria and the earth also means something like this.

Even Kiya, a weak-looking girl, appears to be agile when facing the people on Earth, and can easily avoid the attack of the other party... Of course, considering Kiya's identity as the treasure of zero, she It's not just an ordinary person.

Generally speaking, the girls are very satisfied with this trip outside of school. Next, it will be the opera on Christmas Eve.

Soon, three days passed in a flash, and in the evening of the third day, the girls also came to the Metropolitan Theater in New York, wearing uniforms and carrying musical instrument cases, to enjoy the opera that will be performed here.

Perhaps because of Christmas Eve, the opera house was also full of people, but fortunately, Founder had already prepared and bought group tickets in the VIP seats, so the girls did not have to huddle with other people, but through VIP The passage came directly to the seat in the center of the second floor.

"I really don't know what an opera in another world will look like."

Sitting on the chair, Princess Alfin was also staring at the stage enthusiastically. In the past three days, she has also visited a lot in New York, but because most of the things are very novel and incomparable to the empire, it is just a new look. But opera is different. After all, opera is currently the most popular form of performance on the continent of Simria. As a member of the royal family, the Queen Alphan has certainly not seen opera less.

Compared with other things that she can't say, Alfin still has certain criteria for the opera.

"Opera is so boring, I want to play games more... I'm going to fall asleep listening to the things people sing..."

Ling yawned and showed a boring expression, just as some people like to listen to Peking Opera and some people think it is a ghost. For things like opera, not everyone likes it. To be honest, if it weren't for the "group activity", Ling would be nesting in the bedroom of the apartment and playing games with Tida, Tio and Kia on black.

It seemed to Ling that so many people gathered in the theater to watch another group of people sing and dance, it was really stupid, anyway, she didn't like it very much. With this time, Ling might as well code a few more lines of code, or engage in some interesting games, after all, even though he has occupied Clos Bell, he has become a country completely independent. However, Starlight Technology still maintains the momentum of releasing new games... There are still many fun games waiting for itself.

"This is my first time watching an opera. I don't know if it will be interesting."

Qia poked her head out curiously and looked towards the stage below, her eyes shining with curiosity. After all, she was still a child, and she mostly went to school on weekdays. As for places like theaters, after all, adults went to them. Founder was not interested, and other people rarely went there. Naturally, Qi Ya couldn't go alone.

So she is still looking forward to this opera.


At the same time, as the bell rang, the lights of the entire theater dimmed. Then, the red curtain was gradually opened and the performance officially began.

Fang Zheng didn't watch opera much, so he was also sitting in the chair next to him, watching the performance in front of him boredly. For the moment, in simple terms, this opera is a very clichéd story. It is about the prince falling in love with a woman, and the king accuses the woman of being a witch and wants people to burn her to death... um, This kind of story is not uncommon, of course, in the eyes of a girl from the continent of Semiria, it seems to be very slotted.

"The king doesn't know what to think. If that woman really has magical powers, she can completely protect herself, and ordinary flames can't burn her to death, okay."

Seeing this, Lixia couldn't help complaining, and Liz beside her frowned.

"Abusing the name of a **** to make one's own folly, the goddess will not let go of such despicable and evil people!"


How should I put it, I feel that listening to them chatting is better than opera.

Fang Zheng had silently decided that after returning this time, he would ask each of them to write a one-thousand-word postscript... Well, this is also an old routine.

At this moment, the plot on the stage below is also continuing.

"She is a witch, guard, tied her to the stake and burned her to death!"

Following the king's order, the guards stepped forward, and the prince stepped forward to stop him, and at the same time raised his hands in pain.

"Father! If you must kill her...please allow me to die with her...!!!"

Then I saw the woman in a bright red dress walking to the prince and asking him to stand up, then the woman turned around and began to sing.

"sounds so good……………"

Listening to the woman's singing, Alfin and Miaojie showed intoxicated expressions, but Ling and Tio were obviously unmoved.

"Just this ghostly thing, what is so good about it?"

"I want to go back to play games..."

But at this moment, suddenly, an unexpected scene happened.

When the woman was singing, the prince and king standing next to her suddenly burst into flames. They struggled desperately to back away, and then fell to the ground. The woman remained unmoved, still singing.

"Hey? It seems a bit interesting now, is this woman really a witch?"

"Then why did she burn the prince to death? Didn't the prince really love her?"

For the girls from the continent of Symria, this is not unusual, but at the same time, Fang Zheng realized that the situation was not quite right.

This is not a show!

Those people are really burning up!

Is this the legend that the human body cannot burn itself?

Just when Fang Zheng was extremely puzzled, he saw the prince who had been completely swallowed by flames staggering forward, then fell directly off the stage and fell into the audience. For a while, there was chaos. Not only that, Fang Zheng also saw other places around him, and the audience started to catch fire.

What's this? Collective spontaneous combustion?

"Instructor, things seem to be something wrong."

Altina walked to Fang Zheng's side and said in a low voice, while Fang Zheng nodded.

"I saw... Don't move! Everyone, keep calm!"

At this moment, the other girls also realized that it was not like a performance, and suddenly became nervous, but after hearing Fang Zheng's shout, they quickly calmed down and looked around. At this moment, there were fires and screams everywhere in the entire theater, a large number of spectators fled, and more people started to catch fire directly on the spot. Not long after, the entire theater suddenly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"Altina, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Liss, you first evacuate with other people, and go back to the apartment immediately."

Seeing this, Fang Zheng also made a decisive decision, and he didn't know what was going on either. You said that if it was some kind of magic or superpower, then he shouldn't feel it at all, but the scene before him was indeed strange and unusual. Just in case, Fang Zheng still ordered the others to retreat immediately.

"Understood, what about you instructor?"

"I'll see what's going on, that woman must have a problem!"

At this moment, most of the people in the theater are almost running away, and the rest is basically burnt coke, only the woman who is still unmoved is standing on the stage and singing — Fang Zheng can’t believe this is because of her. Just like your wife, you are so good at that group of musicians, you are desperate not to have to be dedicated.

After instructing the others to leave, Fang Zheng also jumped, jumped from the second floor auditorium, and dashed towards the stage.

He wanted to see what the **** was this woman doing?

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