Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2708: Support request

"Well, now we should go see our guests."

After confirming that Bliksem had left the battlefield and thrown off those enemies, Fang Zheng also nodded.

"Ling, confirm the condition of the battleship, Altina, you and I are going to the third tarmac."

"Understood, instructor."

Hearing Fang Zheng's order, Altina nodded, then stood up. When Ling saw this scene, she complained dissatisfied.

"Why don't you let me go with me, big brother?"

"Aren't you the captain of this battleship? Then this is where your duty lies."


Hearing this, Ling was stunned for a moment, and Fang Zheng smiled and waved to Ling, and then led Altina out of the bridge.

"Ah ah ah ah, I knew I would not be a captain anymore!"

Ling sat back on the chair with her little head in her arms, complaining constantly, while Tida looked at her curiously.

"But Ling, didn't you take the initiative to say to be the captain?"


Hearing this, Ling suddenly had nothing to say.

At the same time, in the tarmac, after the initial chaos, everyone calmed down and began to observe the surroundings carefully.

"I don't know who the other party is."

"But anyway, they saved us, it shouldn't be a bad person."

"That was not what I meant."

Facing Kirk's answer, a man with sharp ears and big eyes shook his head.

"Although our shields were already ineffective at the time, our warship itself was in irregular motion, and the technology that could teleport us out of it in an instant is simply unimaginable. Not only that..."

Having said this, the pointed-eared man carefully observed the surroundings.

"There is no similar transport device here, it looks like it is just an ordinary warehouse, how did they transport us here?"

"It's really weird to say that."

Kirk suddenly became puzzled when he heard the inquiry from his companion. There is also a transmission device on his Enterprise, or the transmission device on the Star Alliance battleship itself is already standard. They can also send people to other places, or send back things from other places.

But there is a prerequisite, that is, whether it is teleporting out or back, the target must be in the teleporting device. But where they are currently, it doesn't look like there will be a teleportation device no matter what it looks like-of course, if this huge room itself is a teleportation device, then it's another matter.

"Not only that."

But the analysis of the pointed-eared man did not end there.

"I have carefully observed their fighting methods. Whether it is shield technology or their warship hull, they are different from any civilized warship we know."

"Then it seems that what we have to face is a brand new alien civilization."

Kirk nodded, then looked forward. And at this moment, I saw the originally closed door opened with a chuckle, but what came out of it was not the kind of heavily armed soldiers that everyone imagined, but a tall, black-haired man, and a man with silver. Petite girl with long white hair.

"Hello, everyone."

Fang Zheng walked into the apron and nodded to everyone in front of him.

"Welcome to Bliksem."

"Hello there."

Seeing that the other person was human just like himself and could still communicate, Kirk was also relieved, he stepped forward and stretched out his hand.

"I'm James T. Kirk, Captain of the Enterprise, thank you for saving us."

"You're welcome, I'm Fang Zheng, this is our battleship Bliksem... Uh, if you don't mind, can you tell us what happened?"

"of course."

Confronted with Fang Zheng's question, Kirk nodded and then recounted the situation. According to them, they found an escape capsule outside a space station with an alien female scientist inside. She claimed that her spacecraft had crashed on the planet behind the nebula, so she asked for assistance. As a battleship with the most advanced technology of Starlink, Kirk’s Enterprise took over this mission and went through the nebula to rescue the stranded spacecraft and crew.

But what they didn't expect was that they were attacked by a swarm of metal fighters just as they passed through the nebula.


Hearing Kirk's explanation, Fang Zheng frowned, but he didn't pay much attention to it. On the contrary, he stared at the man standing next to Kirk as if thinking about something.

"What's wrong? Mr. Fang Zheng?"

Seeing the look of Fang Zheng on the other side, Kirk also asked curiously.

"No, I just think...oh, yes!"

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng clapped his hands suddenly and looked at the pointed ear.

"You are an alien, right?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Kirk and the pointed-eared man looked at each other, and the latter nodded.

"Yes, I am a Vulcan and my name is Spock."

"I'm just saying it's familiar."

Hearing the answer from the other party, Fang Zheng nodded and reacted. To be honest, for a person who is blind in Europe and the United States, Fang Zheng basically can't remember the appearance of those stars, at most he can only tell by the color of his hair. So when he saw Kirk, Fang Zheng didn't have any impression, but he was a bit impressed when he saw Spock.

After all, this man has thick eyebrows and thin eyes, as well as a pair of pointed ears and a bob head like Kato Kee. This kind of facial features is so personal that even Fang Zheng who is blind can remember it.

"I'm sorry, have we met? I don't remember..."

"Oh, no, I just think you look familiar."

Faced with Spock's question, Fang Zheng took it casually, and then he quickly looked at Kirk.

"Then Captain Kirk, let's discuss the next thing in the command room. As for your crew, they can stay in the rest area on this floor."

"Ok, no problem."

Kirk nodded, and at this moment, a crew member ran over.

"Captain! That alien lady is not here."

"What? How is it possible?"

Hearing this, Kirk was stunned, and Fang Zheng looked at him curiously.

"What are you talking about? What happened?"

"That's it, the lady who brought us here to look for the stranded ship and companions... She doesn't seem to be transported to this ship with us..."


Facing Kirk's answer, Fang Zheng raised his eyebrows.

"I'll ask about this, Altina, those people are left to you, Captain Kirk, you come with me."

"Ok, how many people can I take?"

"Of course it's not a problem."

Then Altina went to set up the rescued crew of the Enterprise, and Fang Zheng took Kirk and Spock to the bridge.

"Ling, they said that someone hadn't been sent up, what's the matter?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Ling who was sitting in the chair jumped up.

"Impossible, I have sent them all up!"

"little girl?"

Seeing Ling, Tio and Tida sitting in front of the console, Kirk almost stared out. Knowing that this battleship looks about the same size as the Enterprise, he originally thought there would be a lot of staff on the bridge. But what Kirk didn’t expect was that there were only three little girls in the huge Cambridge who were in charge of manipulating—there were two others sitting beside them, but one of them was reading and the other was staring at them curiously. It's not like a staff at all.

Not only that, these little girls are also very peculiar in their clothes. They wear very beautiful and wonderfully styled clothes and skirts. They don't wear clothes that are easy to move in the universe like themselves and others...

"How did you send it?"

"I asked Tida to lock the biological signals other than the vital signs of the attacker, and then transmit them..."

"Lock the biological signal for transmission?"

Hearing this, Spock frowned suddenly. Existing transmission and transfer technologies also need to lock the target, but they lock the spatial position of the target and then transmit it. And according to this little girl's words, they don't need to confirm the spatial position, as long as the biological signal is locked, can it be transmitted?

Is it so exaggerated?

"I understand."

Hearing this, Fang Zheng nodded, then looked at Kirk.

"Captain Kirk, is there anyone other than that woman who hasn't been teleported up?"

"No, the rest of the members are basically here."

"Hehe, then it seems that the problem is solved."

"………what do you mean………"

Hearing this, Kirk's expression also sank. He is not a fool, of course, he understands the meaning of Fangzheng’s words. The girl said that they transmitted the signal after eliminating the biological signal of the attacker. By coincidence, the alien woman was not transmitted. This also represents the other side. The biological signal is consistent with the attacker.

Reunion wanted not because of this woman’s request for help, and the Enterprise would not go to the planet behind the nebula... and when they passed through the nebula, the metal fighters had been waiting there early... well, this in itself could already explain the problem. .

"What's wrong? Brother Fang Zheng?"

Tita also asked uncomfortably, while Fang Zheng smiled and stroked her head.

"It's nothing, don't worry, you did a good job, and helped us rule out a spy by the way. You did a good job."


Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Tida suddenly smiled happily, while Ling pursed her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Obviously it was my order, okay..."

"Of course, you and Tio did a great job."

Fang Zheng also touched the little heads of Mo Ling and Tio, before looking at Kirk.

"Well, Mr. Kirk, let's go to the combat command room to talk next."

Afterwards, the three came to the combat command room, and Fang Fang looked at Kirk.

"Then Captain Kirk, what are your thoughts now?"

"Allow me to make suggestions, Captain."

Before Captain Kirk could speak, Spock next to him had already spoken.

"We should return to the space station immediately. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com asks for support and help from the Star Alliance. There are so many enemies, and we simply can't fight such a large number of enemies."

"But my crew has been captured, and even if I go back to the space station to request support, I don't know when the reinforcements will come. The nebula is simply a natural barrier, and it is very difficult for the Star Alliance troops to pass through it. Lossless."

Having said this, Kirk looked at Fang Zheng.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, I hope Bliksem can help me rescue the crew members who were captured."


Hearing Kirk's request, Fang Zheng thought about it. He was actually not very familiar with the world. After all, he saw it when he was a child. The one who remembered the most was the bobhead alien with thick eyebrows and thin eyes. However, according to Fang Zheng's memory, this world seems to be quite peaceful, at least there is no competition for power within human beings, but mainly for exploration and exploration...cooperating with such a force does not seem to be too risky.

Of course, the other party is saying that most of the risks are not risks and can only be regarded as trouble.

Founder came here to track the trajectory and residue of Hoarfrost. It would be troublesome to be alone, but Star Alliance is the largest organization in the world. It would be nice if he could get help from Star Alliance?

"Of course this is not a problem."

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng looked at Kirk with a grin and answered.


Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Kirk was relieved.

"How many people are on your battleship? Can you support us?"

"Um... one, two, three, four plus me... there are only seven people in total."



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