Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2709: Wrong style of painting (I experienced sandstorm and heavy rain today)

Although looking at the bridge before, Kirk had discovered that the opponent did not seem to have many people, but he couldn't think of killing him. There were only seven people on such a huge battleship?

Of course, there are not no warships that can achieve this degree of automation. Kirk once encountered a warship that was set to be manipulated by even one person, and that warship brought a considerable amount to the earth. Destruction. But that's just an extreme situation after all...

"But it's not impossible for you to ask us for help."

Fang Zheng looked at Kirk, and then spoke.

"I need your help if I have something."

"what's up?"

"I want to ask, have you ever encountered any thorny troubles or disasters?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Kirk looked at him suspiciously.

"Sorry, I do not understand what you mean."

"In short, it's like some kind of cosmic storm, or some kind of mysterious and unpredictable disaster event?"

"Uh... isn't this what we are facing now?"

Kirk felt that hiding a group of aggressive alien creatures behind a dangerous nebula was a rather mysterious disaster.

"Oh, not this... In short, I hope the Star Alliance can provide me with this information, such as where a catastrophic event has suddenly occurred, or some incomprehensible cosmic phenomenon..."


Kirk and Spock looked at each other suspiciously, and the latter looked at Fang Zheng.

"Why do you need this kind of information?"

"Because I'm looking for something."

Founder did not hide it.

"That thing will pose a big threat to this world, so I want to find it. This thing should be somewhere in this world right now. That's why I came here, so I hope you can help me... By the way, I have to find this thing. If anyone of you finds it, it's best not to hide it, or I'll have to grab it myself."


Fang Zheng said so directly that Kirk and Spock had nothing to say for a while, and then Kirk nodded.

"I agree to your request. We are the elite of Star Alliance. If you encounter something like what you said, it is likely to be our investigation mission. So I agree with your request. Of course, I will also report to Star Alliance. report."

"It doesn't matter."

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Then, let's finalize the plan..."

After turning on the stealth mode, Bliksem flew back to the previous battlefield again. At this moment, the metal clusters had disappeared without a trace, and Fang Zheng did not relax his vigilance because of this. He sat in a chair and stared at the screen in front of him. At the same time, Spock introduced to the side.

"When we scanned the entire planet before, we found signs of a large number of biological activities underground, but the number of life forms on the surface is extremely small."

"In other words, these mice are hiding in the mouse hole..."

Fang Zheng gave a soft tut.

"If it's not to save people, I'll just blow up the entire planet."

"...I don't think this is a reasonable move."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Spock's face sank slightly, and then he objected.

"I just complained."

Fang Zheng shrugged, then looked forward.

"Have you found the prisoners? Tida?"

"Found it, Brother Fang Zheng."

"Can you lock them back?"

"It doesn't seem to work."

Tida shook his head.

"There is some kind of interference here. I am afraid that there may be errors in the transmission process. After all, we have never tried to transmit living things under interference..."

"Then we have to adopt plan B."

Originally, Founder envisioned that the prisoners would be transported back to the warship directly, and then the enemy's base camp would be bombarded indiscriminately. Now it seems that I have to use another solution that is more troublesome.

"Tio, are there any results from the analysis of the swarm network?"

"Please wait, Mr. Fang Zheng...Yes, I have mastered the frequency of the swarm network and connected to their network."

"Very good, can they be destroyed automatically?"

Although with the capabilities of the Bliksem, these automata are a swarm of mosquitoes, but when people are surrounded by thousands of mosquitoes, it feels like it will not be too good.

"Sorry, this can't be done, because according to network information, the previous attack on us was an automatic unmanned mining machine...it does not have a self-destruct function."

"...Mining machine?"

"Yes, the result of the analysis is like this. This is a drone that uses its own impact and rotating force to break through the earth's crust and dig deep underground to collect minerals."

"That's it."

Hearing this, Fang Zheng suddenly understood. He also wondered before why these aliens use this kamikaze tactical assault. You must know that even ELS swarm attacks have long-range weapons. As a result, this group of aliens knew about collisions, and Fang Zheng thought they were. I like this kind of bohemian hand-to-hand combat.

When he heard this, Kirk spoke suddenly.

"Wait, when they attacked us before, were they really sitting inside?"

Kirk remembered clearly that after that kind of weird pointed fighter pierced the armor of his spacecraft, it would open inside, and then jump out directly one by one heavily armed warriors. It was obviously manipulated, not nothing. Man-machine.

"It is estimated that it has been modified. After all, ordinary drones do not install people. They may have modified the part that carries minerals..."

Founder shook his head.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter, Tio, can you hack into the network and directly block the permission of these drones?"

If the little angel is here, Fang Zheng doesn't need to worry about this problem at all-or the little angel doesn't have to run before here, as long as the little angel's finger swipes, then the drone group will be finished.

But it's a pity that Ling and Tio obviously don't have the data processing capabilities of Little Angel, so Founder only asked this question.

"No problem, big brother!"

This time it was Ling who answered the Founder.

"Tio and I have thoroughly analyzed their bee colony network. As long as we cut in, we can turn off their control system in minutes and turn those drones into a pile of scrap iron!"

Having said this, Ling even made a V gesture at Fang Zheng with confidence, while Kirk stared at her, then was silent for a moment and then asked suspiciously.


"...What but?"

Ling blinked her big eyes suspiciously when she heard Kirk's inquiry.

This time Kirk was puzzled.

"No, according to my experience, such good things are generally very difficult. For example, we need to sneak into the enemy's command center and find a suitable operating platform..."

"No need. Our Bliksem can easily plug into the swarm network. Why do we need to waste time looking for a control platform on the ground?"

"So you mean...you just press a button here and those drones will turn into scrap?"

"It's better to say..."

While speaking, Ling turned around with a grin.

"They have become scrap iron."

"…………It's that simple?"

"How complicated do you want?"

"...Sorry, this is not the same as my previous experience."

As the captain of the Enterprise, Kirk faced danger more than once and tried to turn the tide. He has had similar experiences several times, but every time Kirk is faced with a very heavy choice, or a difficult task that is almost suicidal, it is as simple as this, just a simple move of your finger. Can remove the threat... This kind of thing even Kirk has never seen in his dream.

"Okay, then let's take action next."

Founder didn't care about Kirk's mental journey, he was very fast, and since he had decided to act, it was the most important thing.

"Now that the opponent's fighter control system has been locked, what we need to do next is to save people..."

Having said this, Fang Zheng looked at Kirk.

"Sorry, I don’t know what your Star Alliance is like, but Bliksem’s teleportation is only a temporary emergency. It was because of an emergency, so the group teleportation was used. Strictly speaking, we don’t agree with it. Used to transmit in a non-emergency state."

After talking with Kirk, Founder found that people in this world seem to regard transmission as a very convenient thing. Whether it is going out or in, moving goods, basically everything is done by transmission. But Fang Zheng would not take such a risk. He knew that there were too many factors that could interfere with the transmission, such as space turbulence and gravitational fluctuations. Therefore, on the Bliksem, Fang Zheng only used the transmission as a final means.

Normally, he actually prefers orbital airborne.

After all, this one is more exciting.

"So this time, the Bliksem will land near the target location, and then we will be divided into two groups, one group attracts the attention of those guys, the other group takes the opportunity to cut in from the back and rescue the captured crew members, and then we Meet at the designated place and take the Bliksem to leave. If these guys don't give up, they will be bombed directly on the ground."

Having said this, Fang Zheng stared at the two.

"Any comment?"

"I have got."

The alien with sharp ears and thick eyebrows made a sound again.

"Who will be responsible for lure the enemy?"

"I’m here. I’m idle and I’m idle. It’s good to have a rare opportunity to move my muscles and bones. As for the rescue of the crew, it’s better to leave it to you two. After all, you are the people they are familiar with. If I run to save As far as people are concerned, you have to waste time explaining to them what's going on... I don't want to cause this trouble."


Spock nodded and looked at his captain.

"I will gather a group of crew members who are good at combat, Captain..."

"No, Spock, I want to go too."

However, Spock was interrupted by Kirk before he finished speaking.

"They are my crew members, and in this situation, one more person would also have more strength, but Mr. Fang Zheng, are you planning to go alone?"

"Of course not, Altina will go with me."

"I want to go too, big brother!"

Hearing what Fang Zheng said, Ling hurriedly jumped and raised her hand, while Fang Zheng nodded, and then looked at Kirk.

"Oh, now there is one more."

"Wait, are you kidding me."

Looking at Ling and Altina, Kirk was stunned.

"They are just children!"

"Don't underestimate me, Ling is much better than you, uncle!"

Hearing Kirk's words, Ling glared at him, but Altina was completely indifferent. UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to have not heard it at all.

"Yes, this is..."

Kirk looked at the two girls and couldn't say anything, although he had also seen some aliens with short stature. But these two are just ordinary human little girls, asking them to lure the enemy's firepower and save people by themselves. Kirk can't do this kind of thing!

Unfortunately, he said nothing, and Fang Zheng didn't care. Soon, the Bliksem in stealth stopped silently on the edge of a hill outside the enemy base. Then, the hatch opened and a group of people opened. Came out of it.

"Then, just follow the previously stated action."

Fang Zheng gave an order, and Kirk nodded, but he looked at the two girls, still a little worried.

"Mr. Fang Zheng, don't you need weapons? If you need them, I have..."

While talking, Kirk took out the phase pistol in his hand, which is a standard equipment for starship crews, and has the power to stun and kill the enemy. Seeing that the three people in front of him seemed to be unarmed, Kirk was obviously still a little uneasy.

"Oh, no, we have weapons."

While talking, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and drew a black sword out of the void. Ling also smiled and stretched out his hand. Then Kirk saw the little girl's right hand stretched out, a hand The pitch-black sickle suddenly bounced and appeared beside her, while on the other side, Altina raised her hand, following her movements, a strange silvery-white existence appeared behind the girl.


Seeing this, Kirk was completely confused.

This style of painting... doesn't seem to be right?


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