Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2710: The style of painting is really wrong! ! (Delivery of Donna's special code...

To be honest, looking at Fang Zheng and the two girls in front of him, Kirk was stunned.

Now in the interstellar age, everyone has long been accustomed to using long-range weapons. For example, the standard equipment for the crew of the Enterprise is a phased pistol. This pistol has two forms, one for stunning and one for lethal.

As for cold weapons?

This kind of stuff... is there anybody else?

Even if it is used, it is not used on this battlefield. What can this weapon do on the current battlefield?

But before Kirk could say anything, Fang Zheng turned and left with the two little girls, and before Kirk could speak, they disappeared at the end of the passage.

"No way, now I have to act according to the plan first."

Founder's speed was faster than Kirk thought. They had just arrived at the designated location, and before they had time to confirm the situation, a rapid alarm sounded. Then Kirk watched as a large group of heavily armed soldiers rushed out of the room and hurried to the other side.

"Is it really okay?"

Seeing the aliens leave, Kirk looked quite uneasy. After all, there were hundreds of people, and there were only three people on the opposite side. No matter what he thought, it was impossible to stop the attack of so many people. So why should they make such suicide-like actions?

Just as Kirk was shaking, Spock next to him spoke again.

"Now is the opportunity, Captain, if you don't act quickly, then it's too late."

"Okay, I see, Spock."

Kirk gritted his teeth and squeezed the pistol firmly.

"follow me!"

With these words, Kirk jumped out and rushed towards the enemy camp ahead.

At this moment, the battlefield on the other side was full of blood and blood that Kirk could not imagine.


The aliens raised their weapons, pulled the trigger at Fang Zheng and others, beams of light flew out, hitting the target in front of them. However, in the face of the alien's attack, Fang Zheng did not care. On the contrary, he flashed suddenly, his figure swayed from the arc in front of the opponent, and then the dark sword swept past, and in a flash The enemy is divided into two.

"Monster ah ah ah ah!!!"

Seeing this scene, the alien soldiers next to him screamed and backed away, and when they heard their speech, Ling on the other side raised an eyebrow in dissatisfaction.

"What are you talking about, obviously you are the monsters!"

While yelling, Ling waved her hand vigorously, and saw the black sickle flung out along with her movements, rotating and advancing forward. Wherever she went, a black flash appeared on the alien soldiers. Then these The alien soldier fell to the ground without saying a word and turned into a corpse.

"Hey, what are these guys?!"

Seeing the incomprehensible scene before them, the remaining soldiers were shaken. At the beginning, only three people from the other side swaggered in. They didn't take the other side to heart. But soon, the form changed.

Obviously it looks like an ordinary human, but the action and speed are completely beyond their imagination. Even if it is aimed and shot, it will not cause any damage to the opponent, but it seems to be resisted by a transparent barrier, so it is useless. The other party rushed in front of him like a beast, beheading them without changing his face.

I don’t know if it’s because of the development of science and technology. The wars in this world actually seem to be "pure" because they use energy weapons, so even if they kill the enemy, they rarely show a cruel side. Therefore, like Fang Zheng swung a sword, watching his comrade being chopped off, his intestines flying all over the sky, his body lying on the ground, but still groaning in pain, this kind of war scene that appears only in ancient legends and myths. It is enough to make people feel scared.

"Quick, run!"

"Start the fighter immediately! Fighter!"

The alien soldiers broke up screaming in horror, trying to drive the metal fighter plane against the enemy in front of them, but when they came to the fighter plane, they were surprised to find that they could not even open the fighter plane's door. In just a moment, the entire battlefield became completely chaotic.

"that's all?"

Seeing the alien soldiers running around, Ling looked dazed. In the battles she had experienced before, the enemies were very tenacious, and there were a lot of enemies here, but Ling felt as if they were completely vulnerable. Only after they repelled a few attacks, these people were scared. Ran around, completely out of tactics.

Even the wild hunt encountered in Xili's world is not so vulnerable.

When Ling encountered these alien soldiers for the first time, the frenzied group attack of the other party left her quite profoundly affected, so Ling thought that after coming here, she would also encounter the same frantic attack. That's why she will be the first to be strong, and the opening of the National Chiao Tung University will take advantage.

However, what Ling did not expect was that the opponent was so vulnerable. After repelling two or three waves of attacks, the rest of the people chose to flee, unless it was those who had not fought against him, as long as they fought against him. Round, it will collapse immediately.

Why are the psychological qualities of these alien warriors so bad?

"The Interstellar Age is like this."

Fang Zheng stuck his sword on one of the corpses with his backhand, looked around, and said. The biggest difference between this world and the world they have experienced before is "fantasy" and "technology".

In the fantasy world, there are powerful individuals with personal strengths that can subvert everything, such as swordsmen who have stepped into the realm of reason, or demon hunters with superb skills, and wizards who can emit light and whirlwind. They can all change the direction of the whole world by themselves.

But in this world, such people do not exist.

In other words, with a powerful force that ordinary people can't imagine, they can easily do things that ordinary people can't do...Although there are aliens in this world, these aliens have some special abilities, or relatively Apart from the greater strength of human beings, there is nothing special about it.

In addition, the technology in this world is relatively advanced, which leads to a similar situation. Although in terms of combat effectiveness and damage, the powerful combat effectiveness of this era is far from comparable to that of the cold weapon era in the Middle Ages, but in terms of the cruelty of the battlefield, it is another matter.

Even if it is a confrontation between two warships, it will only be a face-to-face bombardment. For the ground army, it mainly uses energy weapons to shoot down the enemy. Of course, people will die if they are sucked into space, and they will die if they are hit by energy light bombs, but the **** and disgusting battlefields of the Middle Ages will not appear frequently.

Therefore, the civilization of this world has a very low acceptance of the upper limit of the level of blood. It is like cutting people into two pieces and cutting off people's heads. For Fang Zheng and Ling, it is simply a daily battle. But for people in this world, common sense is to use energy weapons to defeat and kill each other. The two people who kill by hurting each other's body so easily and freely are obviously already monsters.

"It's really troublesome."

Fang Zheng explained to Ling a little, and the latter frowned.

"Are people in this world like this?"

"Maybe, don't you think Kirk is the same? They are probably still acting with the idea of ​​‘if you can defeat the enemy, don’t kill them’."

"But the enemy won't let them go... the thinking of people in this world is really strange."

Ling shook her head suspiciously.

"If you don't have power, you will only be destroyed. If you don't have power, you won't be able to control your own destiny... People in this world are too naive."

While staring at the sickle in her hand, Ling said in a low voice, then she looked at Fang Zheng as if she was about to change the subject.

"By the way, big brother, there is no problem with Altina, right?"

"Should not, I think it's almost the same, she should have done something."

At the same time, a tall alien strode out, staring at the surroundings.

"What happened? How could we be attacked?"

"I don't know, UU read www.ukanshu.com, but you must leave here immediately!"

Another brown alien grabbed him and shouted loudly.

"You have led us to this point, to complete this task, Crow! This world needs you, get out of here, hurry!"

While speaking, the brown alien handed the ring to him. And the alien was about to leave after grabbing the disc.

However, at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded.

"No, you can't go anywhere."

Accompanied by this sound, suddenly, dozens of black lightsabers fell from the sky, splitting the two of them and imprisoning them, and then, Altina appeared out of thin air on her silver body and slowly landed on the ground.

"I want you to immediately put down your weapons and raise your hands to surrender, otherwise you will kill you."


Hearing Altina's warning, the leading alien stared at her viciously, and then he roared suddenly.

"Surrender? No, I won't surrender even if I die!"

While speaking, the alien pointed the ring in his hand at Altina, and then reached out to turn it around-but at the same time, Altina also raised her hand, followed by the black blade. It fell from the sky and formed a dark circle on the ground. The next moment, two aliens trembled, and a ray of white light emerged from their bodies and flew into the air. Then, the two aliens looked like It was a broken puppet that fell to the ground like a puppet, and there was no sound.

"The mission is over."

Altina walked to the alien, picked up the silver ring, and at the same time reported faintly.

"The enemy leader has been killed."


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