Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2808: Transfer to school (Meow turning his belly and basking in the sun)

"I'm going to transfer school."

Suddenly hearing Shizuku's words, Hina Saki Crimson was shocked.

"Transferring? Sister Shizuku...hey? Sister Shizuku, are you in school?"

Halfway through the words, Hina Saki Crimson seemed to have reacted. Although Shizuku wore a sailor suit all day, she had hardly seen her ever been to school.

"of course not."

"But you said to transfer...?"

"Oh, there is a commission."

While talking, Shizuku waved the envelope in his hand at Hina Saki Crimson, and then he explained to her.

"I received a commission to help them deal with some troubles, so I have to go there as a transfer student."

"So that's it..."

Hearing this, Hina Saki Crimson was finally relieved, and then curiosity suddenly poured out.

"What commission?"

"This time the commission is more troublesome...and quite interesting."

While talking, Shizuku motioned Hina Saki Crimson to sit down, and then spoke.

"Inside, there is actually another story."


"Well, in the third class of that school, there was a student named MISAKI. He was very popular among the classmates. He was a popular idol role. Then MISAKI died because of an accident. This The classmates were very sad, but perhaps they could not accept the fact that he died. Suddenly a classmate pointed to MISAKI's seat and said that he was not dead and he was still there... and then the other classmates seemed to be infected, one after another. Think so. After that, they have been pretending that MISAKI is not dead, and they are still living a normal school life like one of them. Even when they graduated, a chair was specially prepared for MISAKI to use. Take pictures."

"...This story sounds very touching, but... Since the other party needs your help from Sister Shizuku, could it be said that the person named MISAKI really came back?"

If it's just a story, then Hina Saki Crimson would still think this is a good story. But since Shizuku told himself, then the story is obviously not that simple.

"Listen to me, in fact this is just the beginning."

Shizuku waved his hand.

"In the third class of the second year after this, a strange thing happened, that is, when there was an extra person in the class."

"One more person, but no one noticed?"

Hearing this, Hina Saki Crimson felt that her back was getting cold.

"Well, it means that everyone's memory has been tampered with, as if that person did not come out of thin air, but has been with them all the time. But then is the beginning of the trouble. Since this happened, All kinds of accidents will occur in the third shift for three years."


"Well, accidentally died, died of illness, there are teachers, students and even parents of students..."

Shizuku flipped through the information at the back.

"In general, people who are related to Class 3 and Class 3 almost die every month."

"how come……"

Hina Saki's complexion was dark red and green.

"The school has also thought about changing this. For example, they removed Class 3 and changed it to Class C, but this is still useless. According to the results of several attempts, the important thing is not the third class of the third grade, but the third grade of the third grade. This class...so it seems that changing it to nothing has any effect."

"Then...Is it the ghost named MISAKI at work?"

"I don't know this, but from these reports, this kind of thing has been going on for more than 20 years... Well, if this is done by evil spirits, then it's really annoying."

"So Sister Shizuku, where are you going to go?"

"Well, I will go over there to investigate the specific situation. This time you don't follow. No matter what the situation is, this time the demonization may be very dangerous. With the help of accidental killing evil spirits, it is comparable to ordinary evil spirits. It’s a lot of trouble."

"So how long do you plan to stay there, Shizuku?"

"For now? One month, I will leave immediately, first investigate the situation there and then make a decision."

"I understand."

Hearing Shizuku's answer, Hina Saki nodded crimson, then she hesitated for a moment, looked at Shizuku and said.

"That... Sister Shizuku, I have something I want to tell you."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Do you remember what we said at the ice house... before my great-grandmother disappeared?"

"Um... I remember, what's the matter?"

"She said at the time that there is something as terrible as there in the Ice House Residence. Does this mean that there is more than one gate of Huangquan? The great-grandmother has seen the gate of Huangquan before? And the yarn weight she said...I Also cares a lot."

"So you mean, you want to investigate?"


Hearing Shizuku's question, Hina Nodded crimson.

"I want to investigate the information about my great-grandmother. I want to know what our family is involved in."

"Okay, no problem."

Facing Hina Saki's Crimson proposal, Shizuku thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Remember to bring your mobile phone. It can protect you if you encounter danger. Also, if you have any problems, call me."


Hina Saki Crimson's doubts about his family came back from the ice house mansion, especially the few words left by Zongfang Yache before he left. After figuring out the secrets of the ice house mansion, Hina Saki deep Red tossed and turned, unforgettable. Changing the previous words, Hina Saki Crimson may not know how to start if she wants to find clues. After all, she is an ordinary female high school student, neither Conan nor Morilan. If she is just investigating, for Hina Saki Crimson It's too difficult.

But the situation is different now. Under Shizuku’s guidance, Hina Saki Crimson has already used her own "backtracking" ability to a considerable extent. To be honest, let Hina Saki Crimson release now, as long as there is a suitable object in hand. Here, from finding people to finding things, there is almost nothing she can't find. It is precisely because of this that Hina Saki Crimson has the urge to investigate his family history.

Of course, she is not stupid, Hina Saki Crimson has seen how terrifying the gate of the Yellow Spring in the Ice House Mansion is. Shizuku has the ability to chop those wronged souls into pieces easily, but Hina Saki Crimson does not have the ability. However, Shizuku gave her the mobile phone in her hand...Hinasaki Crimson was somewhat relieved.

After determining what he was going to do next, Hina Saki Crimson looked at Shizuku curiously again.

"By the way, sister Shizuku, where are you going?"


Hearing Hina Saki's Crimson's question, Shizuku looked at the address on the envelope.

"Yejianshan North Middle School..."

"Hey? Sister, are you going to junior high school?"

"What? What's the problem?"

Seeing Hina Saki's crimson surprised expression, Shizuku raised his eyebrows.

"I think I am very young."


Is this the problem?

On the second day after this, Shizuku went to Yejianshan Town to investigate the mysterious incident that took place here.

To be honest, after seeing the letter, Shizuku became very interested in this incident, because it was obviously very similar to the Japanese version of "Reaper Is Coming". According to the description in the letter, the victim either died accidentally or died of illness, and one person would die every month, including classmates and teachers in Class Three for three years and their relatives within two generations.

Frankly speaking, for Shizuku's analysis, this was not like an ordinary ghost murder. If it was an earth-bound spirit or a resentful spirit, it would not kill people so indiscriminately. Like the mansion resentful spirit she took over before, the other party only kills children ten years old and below, and basically does not move over ten years old. However, this kind of resentful spirit that only kills people who are related to the third class of the third class... is this really a resentful spirit?

Looking at the information in front of him, Shizuku thought hard, but he was still puzzled. The movie "Reaper is Coming" is a good explanation. It is a group of people who should have died. Because they escaped the death by spoiling in advance, they were chased by the death. But the incident in Class 3 of these three years... the person is already dead, even if the whole class pretends that he is not dead, it can't change the reality. UU reading www. uukanshu.com But why does this phenomenon occur?

The principal also said in the letter that he also invited people to get rid of the spirits. In fact, the students in Class 3 even went to the shrine when they were staying together. The result was still useless, and some people were even killed by thunder. ——This is completely beyond the scope that the Wraith Spirit can do.

After all, in general, thunder and the wronged soul are mutually restrained, just as incompatible with each other as water and fire. It's not difficult to kill people with unjust souls, but it's very difficult to kill people by manipulating thunder and lightning.

Those with spiritual abilities who were invited by the principal said there were no grieving spirits at all...

As Shizuku thought, the car had already drove into the night.

Here is just an ordinary small town. Looking around, you can see patches of rice fields and buildings in them. A river flows through the town, dividing the whole town into two parts, north and south. The small town of Yejianshan is surrounded by mountains, and it looks like a very ordinary and quiet country place.

However, in Shizuku's eyes, she saw a completely different scene. That was the scene that Fang Zheng, who had traveled through countless worlds, seemed surprised and surprised by it.

I saw above the entire town, a weird, distorted color that kept rotating, as if something indescribable was covering the entire town. The unjust souls gathered together, screamed, and uttered screams of sorrow and sorrow. It was like some kind of machine, slowly crushing these wronged souls, gradually tearing them into pieces. But Shizuku could feel that this was not a monster, nor was it a monster or a powerful wraith. If he insisted on saying it, it was more like the "order" of the cycle of heaven and earth-a **** grinding disc.

"What the **** is this..."

Staring at everything in front of him in surprise, Shizuku muttered to himself.

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