Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2809: Tricky (it's another storm this afternoon)

At Ye Jian Shan North Middle School, Shizuku met his client, the principal of this middle school. But he didn't seem to want to talk more about this matter, so he directly pushed Shizuku to a librarian, Chiaki Tatsuji, and listened to the principal's introduction, this was the instructor of the third class when the incident happened that year.

It's just that now he is no longer a teacher, but has chosen to be a librarian.

Chiaki Tatsuji was about forty or fifty years old, but he looked rather haggard, with white hair, and looked almost like a sixty or seventy-year-old man.

"Are you here to investigate the curse?"

Looking at Shizuku, Chiaki Tatsuji made no secret of his inner doubts, and Shizuku didn't care, just smiled.

"Yes, I am the demonist who took over the commission to deal with this matter, so can we skip this step and have some more useful information exchange?"

"………of course."

Faced with Shizuku's question, Chiaki Tatsuji nodded, then sat down in the chair and stared at her.

"What do you want to ask?"

"In most cases, I have learned from the information sent to me by the principal, but I still have to ask, when you know that the target of the curse is the third class of the third grade, did you take other measures? For example, There are only two classes left in the third grade? Although it will be more crowded to put the students in the four classes in two classes, it can also prevent the curse."

"We did consider it."

Chiaki Chenzhi gave a wry smile.

"But it's useless. On the contrary, the curse has expanded.... That year the number of people who died was the largest, and the third graders in the entire school died accidentally. In the end, we had to compromise and reopen the third class. Come back...At least this way, the curse can be limited to a certain range."

"That's it."

Hearing this, Shizuku nodded, and then she took out the list.

"Mr. Chiei, when I saw this list, I found a problem. Ten years ago, there was a period of time when the rule of one person dying every month was broken. What is going on?"

"Ah... that was someone in the class at that time thought of a way."


"Yes, according to the curse, there is one more student in the third class of three years. If this is the case, then as long as you select a student and treat him as a non-existent person, you can make the extra student disappear again... The third class keeps the original number. I have to admit that this method is indeed very effective. As you can see, in the first semester, there were no deaths."

"But in the second semester, things changed?"


Chiaki Tatsuji nodded.

"Because that student couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't bear that others would treat it as nonexistent anymore, so he shouted,'I'm here, look at me well'... Then, bad luck came again."

"...In other words, if the student selected as the non-existent does not cooperate, it will be of no use even if everyone ignores him?"


Chiaki Tatsuji sighed.

"I admit that this is unfair to the child itself, but there is no way. After that, the third class of the three years basically every year will choose this method to avoid bad luck. Of course, the real success Not many..."

Speaking of this, Chiei Tatsuji stared at Shizuku curiously, and looked at her.

"Speaking of Kasuga-kun, people think this is an evil spirit or a curse, what do you think?"

"I don't think the two are in touch."

Shizuku shook his head.

"I have already felt that there are no evil spirits in the school. The curse requires a subject. The student back then... is very popular in your class. Will he curse this class, or curse those students? ?"

"...I don't think so."


Having said this, Shizuku sighed, and looked up at the gloomy sky outside the window with depression.

"Human willpower... can't really be underestimated, I hope it's not what I think, otherwise things will be really troublesome."

To be honest, Shizuku had a bad idea after coming to Yejianshan and seeing everything here with his own eyes.

That is—this is not a curse, nor is it a ghost revenge, but... a bug.

Yes, this is what she is most worried about.

And after chatting with Chiaki Tatsuji just now, she found that her worries were probably closer to the truth.

Many people know that the operation of the world requires a certain order.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, the four seasons alternate, flowers bloom and fall.

This is the normal operation of the rules.

However, once this is violated, problems are prone to arise.

Take the previous story.

Under normal circumstances, a popular student dies, and everyone will feel sad about it. It is not uncommon to feel sad. However, the biggest problem is that they actually imagined that the other party was still alive and completely disguised it. In fact, Shizuku suspects that the students might have pretended to believe in them at the time-this kind of group hypnosis is not uncommon.

But this is troublesome.

It's like the system self-checking and then scanning the area. When scanning the folder of Class Three, the system was surprised to find out—"Hey? Shouldn't the number in this file be N-1? Why is it still N?"

Then it checks again...Huh? Isn't this MISAKI.DLL deleted by yourself? How come it still exists in the form of hidden files?

This is not right!

So when the next round of self-inspection starts, the system will automatically search and delete files. If the value of the third shift in three years is N remains unchanged, then it is the normal value. But once there is more than one person in the third class of three years and the value becomes "N+1", the system will automatically think that the MISAKI.DLL was not deleted, so it will actively start to look for the folder. Delete the virus DLL file.

What should I do if I can't find it?

The file name is wrong, but the folder value is also wrong, then... delete one by one.

That MISAKI.DLL is definitely disguised as some other file, just pull it out and delete it one by one!

This is the truth about the death of the third class every month.

Because the Tiandao system cannot determine what file that MISAKI.DLL is disguised as, it may be DLL, LAG or TXT, or even EXE or INI, so it will randomly delete files, including students, teachers and parents. "File" to find that MISAKI.DLL that doesn't exist in the first place.

Shizuku speculates that there is a problem with the rules of heaven itself, because Chiaki Tatsuji told her that when the non-existent deceased disappears the next year, the memory of her will disappear from the minds of other students. They will never think of this person at all, and all her records, including written records and photos, will be tampered with.

This involves the law of causality at the root of the world. Ordinary evil spirits and monsters have absolutely no such ability.

After chatting and investigating with Chiaki Tatsuji, Shizuku has almost guessed the whole incident.

First of all, the system deletes MISAKI.DLL in the three-year third-class folder according to the program of "Life and Death Book", which is a routine operation of the system self-check.

But unexpectedly, everyone in Class 3 and Class 3 was unwilling to accept this fact, and they actually created a MISAKI.DLL out of it.

Of course, they are just mortals, and naturally there is no way to pull out the DLL files Tiandao put in the recycle bin. So they just pretended to have such a file, which caused an abnormality in the file value of the third class of three years, and the original "N-1" was fixed to "N".

But in the next year, the problem emerged. The three-year third-class folder whose value is fixed at N, due to the influence of this obsession, there is one more person who does not exist, from N to N+1.

This immediately attracted the attention of Tiandao program, because the value of the third shift folder in the third year was wrong and needed to be cleaned up, and the culprit was naturally the MISAKI.DLL that should have been deleted by itself. So in order to correct the error, the Tiandao system began to kill special killings-this is not surprising, when Kaspersky Antivirus causes the system to crash, it doesn't care whether your system will crash or not.

This has formed an endless loop. The value of the third shift folder in the third year is not correct. Tiandao wants to kill the root cause, but in fact the root cause has been deleted...

If this is really a system, it's better to format and reinstall it quickly.

But unfortunately, this is not.

This is where Shizuku scratches his head the most.

If the world of heaven has self-awareness like the Moon World, then she can also call Alaya and Gaia out, tell them that the program has gone wrong, and set it up again. But the problem is that most of the world's heavens are not self-aware, they are like a system program that runs automatically. In this case, it is impossible to find anyone.

It is even more difficult to solve it. You can never reinstall the entire system just because a small one can't be smaller, and it doesn't affect the error message you use.

Putting it here is to destroy the world and recreate it.

Just because of this third class and three classes every month?

This commission is really tricky.

Shizuku thought so, but when she walked into the hospital, she was even more depressed.

There are many wronged souls in the hospital. Many of them died accidentally. Shizuku also talked to them, but these wronged souls basically said that... he died by an accident. Apart from his luck, he hardly felt any curse or other strangeness. The involvement of power.

Since there is no intervention of strange forces, there is only the intervention of unsurprising forces.

And the only thing that can do this is the way of heaven.

"This is how to do………"

Walking out of the morgue, Shizuku thought about it, but couldn't think of a good way. If it is a curse, she directly lifts it. If it is a resentful spirit, kill it directly. But now Tiandao has a bug, the program has a problem, and the value has changed, what should I do?

Don't talk about Shizuku, even if Fang Zheng has traveled through so many worlds, facing this thorny trouble, there is no good way for a time.

Forget it, it's too late.

Shizuku raised his head and looked out the window. He had been patronizing and chatting with those wronged souls before, but he had forgotten the time. It's already midnight, so I'd better leave the hospital soon, otherwise if it is discovered, it will still be numb...Huh?

Just when Shizuku was about to leave, suddenly, she keenly felt something, and suddenly raised her head to look at the top of her head. At this moment, the girl's gaze penetrated the room and cast into the sky. At the same time, the strange thing in the sky shook suddenly and stopped as if it was stuck.

At this moment, a "click" sounded.

not good!

At this moment, Shizuku's sixth sense as a prophecy mage instantly exploded, and she could keenly feel that Tiandao sensed that the number of people was wrong, and began to delete files!

And it's in the hospital!

Third floor!

Thinking of this, Shizuku made a leap forward without hesitation and jumped directly out of the window, and then her foot suddenly stepped on the edge of the window and jumped up, jumping directly to the corridor on the third floor. Then Shizuku ran down the corridor like a ghost according to her instinct, and came to a ward, and then she opened the door without hesitation.


At the same time, a violent wind blew by and disappeared out of the window.

"Damn, it's a step too late!"

Shizuku gritted his teeth and cursed inwardly at the girl lying on the hospital bed. Then she dashed to the girl's side and turned her around-at this moment the girl closed her eyes tightly, her face was blue, and one hand was hanging by the bed. Obviously, she suddenly became ill and wanted to call a doctor, but was "deleted" before she could call a doctor.

But fortunately, it is not impossible to save it.

Shizuku knew at a glance that although the girl in front of him was dead, she was still warm. Her soul was not taken away, so she also stretched out her hand and placed it on the girl's forehead. Soon, the holy light appeared and enveloped the girl's body. And the girl's originally stopped breathing also quietly recovered.

"Huh... get it done."

Shizuku put down his right hand, wiped his cold sweat, UU reading www. Uukanshu.com then took out her personal terminal and scanned the girl.

"Leukemia...no wonder..."

Looking at the sleeping girl in front of her, Shizuku frowned-this girl is a very good material, just so, she can see, if she rescues this girl by herself, will the Heavenly Dao program delete her again? . If Shizuku's guess is correct, when Tiandao discovers that this girl is not MISAKI.DLL, then it shouldn't shoot it again.

But what if?

But for leukemia, there are too many points that are prone to problems, um...

Thinking of this, Shizuku raised his personal terminal and sent a shot to the girl, directly helping her cure her leukemia.

Now this girl is an ordinary healthy girl, she wants to see what Tiandao plans to do.


At this moment, I saw the girl who had fainted, groaned, and slowly opened her eyes. She stared at Shizuku blankly, and asked after a while.

"Excuse me... are you a **** of death?"

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Shizuku put away the personal terminal and looked at her grinningly.

"Because... I just..."

The girl stretched out her hand and pressed her chest... Then she felt her heartbeat.

"Am I not dead?"

"You are not yet dead, so you will not die."

Shizuku smiled again and looked at the girl.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Misaki, Misaki Fujioka."


Shizuku's original smile froze when she heard the girl's answer.

Did you mess it up?

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