Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2960: Firepower is justice

Under the satellite cloud picture, everything in front of you is clearly visible. The island is not small, but it is not too big. It is surrounded by forests and mountains, and Kullid’s base is located in the center of the island—well, it’s a great place. , This is going to bloom in situ, but nothing is left.

But before that, Fang Zheng had to invade the other party's security system, check the situation and then say...Huh?

At this moment, the black shadow on the other screen caught Fang Zheng's attention. He switched the screen, and then he saw the speedboat under the cover of night galloping towards the island.

"These guys are not slow."

"Aren't you afraid of being preempted by them?"

Zhen Hong was also curiously staring at the screen in front of Fang. For her, it was the first time that Fang Zheng had done these things, which inevitably felt fresh and interesting.

"They can't get it...you see."

While talking, Fang Zheng switched the night vision mode, and then Real Red saw it on the dark screen, and a huge light spot suddenly appeared.

"what is that?"

"One of the Star Apostles, he seems to be able to summon all kinds of bugs...anyway, it's disgusting."

At the beginning, Fang Zheng remembered that he also saw that guy at the summit venue. In fact, his third shot was originally intended to deal with the summoner who was wrapped in bandages and summoned a group of big bugs. However, these characters basically have weak defenses. , Put in the game is a combo of thieves, hunters a crit directly to empty your blood.

It was a pity that Kurid had already entered at that time. Considering that he could not pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelon, Fang Zheng had no choice but to retreat and saved his life.

It now seems that one more shot should have been fired.


At this moment, the signal on the screen suddenly accelerated, and it flashed past the speedboat. The next moment I saw the head of one of the strong men who had been leaning next to the speedboat was directly cut open, and then fell in without a word. In the sea.

Fortunately, because it is night, and this is not a high-precision satellite of Tiandao Palace, but an American product, the scene is not particularly bloody. However, my complexion changed slightly when I saw it. Fortunately, the young raspberry was holding a compass I don't know where I got it from, and didn't seem to care about the picture displayed on the dark screen.

There is nothing to say next. Those bounty hunters seem to be totally unaware that their enemies have special abilities. Some people decisively resist, but they are killed by the other party. Then the speedboat suffers from this and explodes completely, turning into a ball of sparks on the water. Sank to the bottom of the sea.

"They will be fine, right."

"I can't die, but it seems that it won't be so easy to get to the island... It just so happens that it's our turn to do it."

Fang Zheng scanned a few times and found that these people would basically not be drowned, so he decisively diverted his attention. To be honest, the guy destroyed the speedboat and helped Fang Zheng a favor. At least he doesn't have to worry about accidentally hurting the friendly army now.

After destroying the speedboat, the bandage man sat on the bug he had summoned and flew back to the base. He didn't seem to think that there was still an eye in the sky staring at him-so you want to change the world because of this ability?

Watching the bandage man return to the camp, Fang Zheng also activated his personal terminal again, and then invaded the internal security camera. After a short while, he quickly found the sissy figure in the camera.

"Oh, are you really alive?"

Seeing Kurid sitting in a chair and drinking a small wine leisurely, Fang Zheng was also taken aback. Just kidding, he knew the effect of the poison he deployed. Although it won't kill people, it will make you nervous. Completely damaged. Unless you have unscientific healing spells like paladins and priests, it's not that easy for you to get up.

But... remember that Kyoko Kizaki did tell him that there was a capable person called a doctor among the enemies, maybe he did it?

Fang Zheng thought for a while, then invaded the other party's network again and began to collect information.

Sure enough, the effort paid off. It took about half an hour to use the enemy's internal network information, and Fang Zheng finally figured out what was going on.

It turns out that this Kurid has long felt that it is impossible to dominate the world by relying on that special power, so he has been studying another backup plan-that is to make his body an immortal **** through nanotechnology!

After learning of this plan, Fang Zheng was immediately shocked.

Let me take it, the ideal of this BOSS is too...soiled.

Brother, what age is this, still immortal?


At this time, Fang Zheng looked at the sissy again, completely losing interest. Originally thought it was a very stylish and compelling BOSS, but he did not expect it to be a deflated level from the countryside, which made Founder a great disappointment.

Of course, it is not entirely without gain, that is, in the process of investigating intelligence, Founder discovered that the pre-research point of nanotechnology is actually the little Eve he rescued at the beginning, but Eve is just an experiment on the nanotechnology route. It's just a product. And now, this kind of immortal nanomachine can be considered as research and development completed, and then it was injected into Kurid's body by a doctor, and he was rescued from that state of disuse.

It’s just that even if you are immortal and immortal, there are weaknesses. It is considered the brain. After all, the human brain is very sophisticated and complex. No matter how powerful nanotechnology is, it is impossible to copy a brain for you. So once the brain is destroyed, then Kured It's really over.

For Founder, this is really good news.

He was also afraid that the firepower on his side was too strong, and if there were no whole bodies in the explosion of Kured, what would happen to the Guardian of Time if he didn't pay any money.

It's fine now, since he can't die, doesn't it mean he can explode vigorously? !

To be on the safe side, Fang Zheng used the camera to lock the position of the Star Apostles again. Fortunately, because it was late at night, most of the people were already asleep at the moment, so Fang Zheng quickly determined that the remaining Star Apostles were there at this moment. Sleeping in the room, only the sissy was sitting on a chair in the hall, drinking red wine in a posture of "I am the king of the world", sipping red wine and closing her eyes... Hey, that's the case without culture.

"Well, it's almost time to do it."

After Fang Zheng checked again, he looked back. After all, modern warfare is about high-tech and intelligence warfare. It is no longer the Warring States period of that year. The era of relying on cavalry and infantry to fight the world has long passed, even Even the tactics of World War II have long been eliminated. In this case, these people thought that they wanted to rule the world with their own little ability...Forget it, there is everything in the dream.

You have to give birth one or two hundred years earlier, maybe it is really possible, but now...

Founder looked at Real Red.

"True red, do you know what justice is?"



Seeing Zhen Hong's puzzled expression, Fang Zheng chuckled.

"Firepower is justice."

While talking, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and pressed the button.

"Cherryberry, come and watch a big firework!"


As Fang Zheng's voice fell, the next moment, the entire submarine trembled suddenly, and then several white smoke rose into the sky, breaking through the water and flying into the sky.

Of course, Founder would not be so frantic to use nuclear warheads, after all, this is too sensitive. So what he launched was the American housekeeper's magic weapon Tomahawk cruise missile. Although its range is not too long and its power is not particularly large, for Founder, if it is only used to destroy here, then it is enough. .

What's more, he still added some material in it.

Under the dark night, the missiles galloped across the sky, and then when the villa hidden in the center of the island appeared, the small wings on both sides of their bodies spread out, and then the missiles twisted their bodies and fell down.


The next moment, the fire roared.

A series of explosions completely erupted from the center of the island, and directly enveloped the entire island in flames and thick smoke. The continuous explosion of the connection completely engulfed the center of the island and enveloped everything.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

Seeing the exploding picture on the screen, Hina Berry clapped her hands with a grin, while Zhen Hong's expression was a bit complicated. She looked at Fang Zheng, then turned her head to stare at the screen in front of her, without saying a word.

Fang Zheng did not stop, he launched one Tomahawk after another, until the inventory in the submarine was half cleared.

Then he clapped his hands.

"Well, we should go and receive our captives."

"Is he really alive?"

To be honest, Zhen Hong is very suspicious of this. She is not as naive as Hina Berry. From Zhen Hong's point of view, such a terrifying explosion, I am afraid that no one can survive.

"Of course, for ordinary people, even the scum is dead long ago, but it's a pity, who told him not to be a human being?"

Facing Zhenhong's question, Fang Zheng chuckled.

"Well, the battle is over, justice has won, and evil has failed. It's time for us to take the big devil and exchange it for bounty."

Facts have proved that technology is the primary productive force.

It took Fang Zheng half an hour to investigate the opponent's base, and then another half an hour to carry out a saturated bombardment on the base of the Star Apostle. When he left the submarine, he dangled the boat and came to the island. At this time, the island has completely lost its former calm and serene appearance. The woods surrounding the island have been burnt completely, and even the surrounding hills have been bombed out of chaos.

Seeing this tragic scene, Fang Zheng blew his whistle, then walked to the beach, and then he strolled in the courtyard like this, wandering to the gate of the Star Apostle's base — Oh, this ghost place now has no gates. NS.

It didn't take long for Fang Zheng to find his goal.

"Yo, it's still alive."

Looking at Kurid lying in the sandpit not far away, Fang Zheng smiled and waved at him. At this moment, Culled's whole body was almost burnt and pulpy, and his head was almost completely bloody, with only large pieces of minced meat remaining. However, perhaps because of Curry's good luck, his head was not injured and remained intact-Curry is now like a monster, shaking his head and scanning the surroundings.

After seeing Fang Zheng, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"It's you………"

"Yes, it's me, how? How does it feel to be immortal? Hey, so soil buns are uneducated. Do you think immortality can rule the world?"

"...What do you want?"

"Of course it's taking you to exchange for bounty."

While talking, Fang Zheng opened the freezer beside him.

"Okay, come in obediently."

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