Dimensional Codex

Chapter 2961: I caught one more

"Unexpectedly, you actually caught Kurid..."

Seeing the head of Kurid, who was placed in the cryogenic storage box in front of him, Sefilia's expression was quite complicated. And Fang Zheng smiled and didn't speak.

Although the nanomachine injected by Kurid allowed him to resurrect as long as his brain is not broken. But the nanomachine is not familiar to anyone. Although the resurrection is really troublesome, as long as the low temperature freezes the nanomachines to make those nanomachines unable to operate, then Kurid is basically no different from the dead.

So this is the reason why Founder has always looked down on Kurid. He is really a soil bun from the country, and he really thinks that he can dominate the world with this ability?

I'm lame, buddy. The way to kill you, I don’t have one thousand, but eight hundred.

But Sefilia didn't know what Fang was thinking. After all, she didn't have Fang Zheng's vision and experience. In her opinion, Kurid was still quite difficult to deal with. In fact, Seferia's original plan was to wait for the Bounty Hunters League to attract the attention of the Star Apostles before they sneaked in secretly to carry out beheading operations.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zheng didn't play the cards according to common sense. Before they left, the entire island was razed to the ground.

"By the way, the previous attacks on the island..."

"I have no idea then."

Before Seferia could finish her words, Fang Zheng shrugged her shoulders and interrupted her.

"I originally planned to take the opportunity to make a sneak attack, but I didn't know where a bunch of missiles flew to wash the ground. Maybe some kind of long-legged uncle passed by and thought I was pitiful, so he helped me."


Seeing Fang Zheng who was so arrogant and arrogant who opened her eyes and said nonsense, Sefilia was completely speechless. As the captain of the time guardian, when did she see such a shameless person...

"Well, it doesn't matter."

Fang Zheng patted the box and skipped the topic directly.

"I brought the people, what about the money? First say it is after tax, support scan code transfer, which one do you choose?"


Seferia took out her cell phone and made a call. Soon, the text message alert beside Fang Zheng sounded, and Fang Zheng picked up the cell phone and took a look, nodded in satisfaction, and pushed the freezer on his hand to Seferi. Ya around.

"Okay, this thing belongs to you, if it's okay, I'll go first."

Waving his hand, Fang Zheng turned and left with a grin - three billion, so much money, but he really didn't waste so much energy.

As for what Curry ended up in the end, Fang just didn't care. In fact, he also played tricks-cryopreservation is nothing new. But thawing is another matter. In fact, in current science and technology, the biggest difficulty in cryopreservation of the human body lies in its irreversible effects on the brain.

That is to say, when he was brought back by Fang Zheng, although Kurid was still alive, his brain was frozen and there was nothing wrong with it. Once it was thawed, even if the nanomachine could hang his life, he himself would have nothing to do with an idiot. The difference, I am afraid that even the words will be a problem.

Of course, this doesn't matter what Fang Zheng is doing. Anyway, he “arrested” Kurid alive as agreed.

As long as they are not dead, are they still alive?

At the same time, in Fang Zheng's home, it was another scene.

"We are back."

Meigan and Eve returned home and said-of course, there is no one in the family.

"Hey, it's true. Not only are my brother away, but also Zhenhong and Young Berry aren't there. All of a sudden, the house feels so deserted."

Looking at the empty room, Meigan sighed involuntarily, while Eve shook her head.

"They should be back soon."

"Well, my brother called me and said the fastest thing in these two days...Wow!"

While talking, Mei Gan took off her shoes and walked into the hallway, but when she went to the corridor, suddenly, a scream sounded.


Hearing Meigan's scream, Eve was also shocked and rushed over.

"What happened......ah..."

When she came to Meigan, Eve wanted to ask her what happened, but the next moment she saw the scene in front of her, Eve was also stunned.

I saw black feathers everywhere in the corridor. These feathers were scattered all over the place, looking rather messy.

"Well, what's going on?"

"I do not know either……"

Facing this weird scene before them, the two girls looked at each other, but they remember very clearly that they had only cleaned the room before they went out. They were all clean and tidy, but why did they come back like this? Did crows or something come in and fight?

"Ah, so is the living room!"

The two ran to the living room, only to find that there were feathers everywhere in the living room, even on the stairs.

"what is going on?!"

At this moment, Meigan is about to collapse. Cleaning the room is very time-consuming and energy-consuming. In the end, I don’t know where so many feathers came from. How to clean up this!


However, just as Meigan was screaming silently, suddenly, in the corridor on the second floor above their heads, there was the sound of creaking and walking. Hearing this voice, the two girls were suddenly startled, and then hurriedly looked at each other.

"Yes, is your brother back?"

"I didn't see the shoes, and if my brother comes back, he shouldn't be silent."

"Is it true red or young berries?"


Faced with Mikan's uneasy question, Eve was silent for a while.

"We'll know when we go up and have a look."

Soon, the two girls slowly walked up the stairs like this, and it was the same on the second floor. Those feathers were scattered all over the place.

"Ye, Eve, it's not a ghost or ghost..."

Mei Kan also felt a little uneasy at this moment. The amount of feathers was not like a bird's fight. If the bird's fight could reach this level, the feathers on his body would have been bald.


When the two walked up to the second floor, suddenly, a strange, deep laughter came from the end of the corridor, and the two hurriedly looked forward.

"who is it?"


Meigan’s question was just exited, and suddenly, a whirlwind blew up from the depths of the corridor, with black feathers stabbing at the two of them like arrows!


Eve's reaction was naturally dissatisfied. When the black feathers attacked them, she suddenly hugged Meigan and fell to the side. The black feather brushed past them and stuck on the wall behind.

"Hey? Hey?"

At this moment, Meigan looked dazed, completely unaware of what was going on. At the same time, feathers on the ground around them reappeared, aiming at the two people who fell on the ground. Eve blocked Meigan behind her and stared at the front warily.

"Who is it? What do you want to do?"

"Oh, it's really interesting. I thought it was really red, but I didn't expect it to be two humans..."

Along with Meigan's question, a figure quietly emerged from the shadows. It was a doll that looked slightly larger than the real red them. She was wearing a black dress, with long silver-white hair and jet-black wings. At this moment, the doll's purple eyes looked at the two girls in front of him with a cold smile, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You are not her medium, where is the real red?"

"You, are you also Rozen Maiden?"

Looking at the strange puppet in front of her, Mei Gan immediately asked, and the latter nodded.

"Yes, I am the first doll of the Rozen Maiden——Mercury Lamp, so now can you tell me where is really red?"

"I don't know, she went out with her brother."

Faced with the inquiry of the mercury lamp, Meigan's answer was very cautious. She could instinctively feel that this doll and Zhenhong and the young berries felt different to her, and seemed very dangerous.

"Yes, but it doesn't matter."

Hearing Meigan's answer, Mercury Lantern narrowed his eyes and stared at the two of them.

"If this is the case, then... please come with me."

The voice fell, and then the black feathers suddenly condensed into a rope, bound to the two of them!



In an instant, a flash of light flew over and chopped the rope into several pieces. Eve stood in front of Meigan, her right hand turned into a sharp blade, staring at the mercury lamp.

"You are not allowed to hurt Meigan!"

"You...you are not human?!"

Seeing Eve turned into the right hand of the scimitar, the Mercury Lantern was suddenly shocked, and then she turned and ran without hesitation. However, Eve was not so easy to let her go. After all, Founder had taught Eve that Eve would never be able to return to the mountain.

Seeing the mercury lamp turned and ran, Eve also jumped up and rushed towards the mercury lamp.


Looking at Eve, the Mercury Lamp's complexion changed drastically, and then her wings suddenly became good, turning into two giant snakes, opening their mouths and biting them towards Eve. However, what made Mercury Lantern unexpected was that in the face of her own attack, the blond girl's left hand turned into a scimitar in an instant, and then she staggered past, cutting off her wings in an instant.

"Woo! I, I won't let you go!"

The wings were wounded, and the mercury lamp was extremely angry. While pushing down the cruel words, she desperately escaped the window and flew towards the sky.

Really, I didn't expect it to be so tricky. What is going on with this family?

Finally escaped, UU reading www.uukanshu.com mercury lamp was also depressed, but at this moment, the sound of wings flapping suddenly sounded behind her.


The mercury lamp looked down in surprise, and then she saw Eve following her leaping up from the window sill, and then her white wings spread out instantly behind her, like an angel with a blond girl rushing upwards and rushing towards the mercury lamp!

Can she fly? Is this still human? !

Seeing this scene, the Mercury Lamp was dumbfounded, and at the same time, I saw Eve flicking her long hair. The next moment her long golden hair stretched out instantly and turned into a huge hand, holding the Mercury lamp firmly. live.


It wasn't until this time that Mercury Lantern realized that something was wrong-but unfortunately, she had no way to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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