Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3003: Complicated thoughts (I still can’t stop taking Benmiao’s medicine)

"Darling! This is a gift for you!"

Although he knew the outrageous degree of Lala for a long time, Fang Zheng couldn't help being surprised when he saw the two-story huge piranha with fangs and fangs in front of him. After all, if anyone sees such a weird thing in front of him, I am afraid there is no way to remain calm.

"What is this?"

"This is the most beautiful and rarest flower in the universe. I found it for Darling! The book says that sending flowers will deepen the relationship between each other. Do you like Darling?"

"Um... not bad, then I will accept..."

Looking at the tentacles in front of him, he opened his mouth to reveal his fangs. No matter how it looked like a piranha, Fang Zheng was also in a cold sweat. He never thought that Lala would go out and skip class for a day. The result was In order to find this thing... But since it was Lala's heart, Fang Zheng had to accept it.

But what to do... Fang Zheng scratched his head, then looked at the Cui Xing Stone.

"Then, Cui Xing Stone? Leave it to you to take care of it?"

"Ohhhhh! I don't want to say it!"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Cui Xingshi's face turned pale, and he moved back.

"Aren't you a gardener? This is your job, right?"

"No, I'll be eaten! I don't want to take care of this plant!"

Cui Xingshi shook his head desperately, as if he didn’t want to come close to death. This is also normal. After all, considering that this is a nearly two-story building, it doesn’t look like a herbivorous plant. If it wants to use the Cuixing Stone to grind its teeth, the small body of the Cuixing Stone is probably not enough for it to swallow.

"Forget it, let me do it."

In other words, it can be regarded as a gift from Lala. Although it is a bit exaggerated, there are no plants in the garden originally. It should be just a little bit of an alien piranha...no problem?

Having said that, this thing shouldn't be cannibalistic.

For Fang Zheng, this was just a very normal scene in Lala's outrageous daily life, and when he arrived at school the next day, Lala also happily told Haruna of Xilian Temple.

"Hey? Did you send that kind of flower to Yuki-kun?"

"Yes, Darling likes it very much?"

"Really? Yuki-kun? Can I go and see? I haven't seen an alien flower yet."

Faced with the inquiry of Xilian Temple Chuncai, Fang Zheng didn't care.

"No problem, as long as you don't get too close, there shouldn't be any danger."

"Of course, this is a gift I gave to Darling, full of my love."

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Lala rushed over happily and hugged Fang Zheng tightly. Upon seeing this scene, Xilian Temple Chuncai's eyes flashed with sadness, and then she resumed her previous appearance.


Sitting on the seat, looking at Lala, who was chatting with Fang Zheng happily, Xilian Temple Chunca couldn't help but sighed softly.

What should I do?

Haruna has never told anyone about it. In fact, since junior high school, she has secretly liked Fang Zheng. But for Haruna, this is a very difficult relationship. At the beginning, she didn't dare to confess simply because she was shy, but afterwards, as Fang Zheng refused more girls, Chunca didn't dare to confess.

After all, if they don't confess, the two parties can still be friends like this, but once they confess and are rejected, then even the current relationship will collapse. For Haruna, this is obviously something she doesn't want to see.

But now... Haruna's mood has changed.

Especially the words of her friend Lian Gang Risa made her feel a little uneasy. Although Haruna knows Liangang Risa, she is mostly just playing tricks on herself. But this also made Haruna have to think about some things she hadn't considered before. If your friend really has a good impression of Yuki-kun, then what should you do?

Yuki-kun, who does he like?

Seeing Fang Zheng who was chatting with Lala, Haruna couldn't help thinking. Since her third year of junior high, she has found that Fang Zheng’s frequency of contact with other girls is significantly higher, such as Kizaki Kyoko and Toomi Sakura. They are all very cute and beautiful girls, and they also have a lot of admiration in the class. However, both of them have a pretty good relationship with Founder.

But when it comes to dating, it doesn't seem to be the same thing. Kizaki Kyoko will not say it first, at least Toomi Sakura has made it very clear that she is not going with each other.

But what happened to LaLa now?

From the perspective of her tone, Lala had obviously confessed to Yuki-kun, so did Yuki-kun accept it? Still not accepted? If you want to accept it, there doesn't seem to be that feeling between the two, but if Yuki-kun refuses...

Thinking of this, Haruna couldn't help feeling nervous.

Yes, do you want to ask Lala? Ella La's character, if she asks herself, then she will definitely tell herself the situation.

Thinking of this, Haruna also made a decision silently deep in her heart.

In short... As a good friend of Lala, asking this kind of thing shouldn't be... too much.

Soon, it was the noon break, and Haruna took this opportunity to come to the rooftop of the building and found Lala who was there.

"Ah, Haruna!"

Seeing Haruna coming, Lala waved to her with a smile.

"I and Darling have an appointment to eat here, do you want to come together?"


Facing Lala's innocent smiling face, Haruna seemed a little uneasy for a while, but she made up her mind and looked at Lala.

"Um...La La, I have something to ask you."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"That...you and Yuuki-kun..."

Having said this, Haruna hesitated.

"You and Yuki-kun... are you dating?"

"And Darling?"

Laura tilted her head when she heard Haruna's question.

"Um...I like Darling very much, but Darling hasn't accepted me yet."

"Is that...?"

"Well, but I won't give up, I will definitely let Darling accept me! Although Darling already has a girlfriend, I won't just give up like that!"

"Um... uh? Uhhhhh?"

Hearing Lala's answer, Haruna nodded subconsciously, then she was taken aback and looked at Lala in surprise.

"Jie, Yuki-kun has a girlfriend? What's going on? Who is his girlfriend? Could it be Kyoko?"

"Woo...I haven't heard about this in detail, but Darling said that he has many girlfriends, so he can't put me first, so he can't accept my confession."

Having said this, Lala couldn't help but puffed her cheeks, revealing an angry look. And the spring vegetables at this moment, the brain has completely boiled.

"Many girlfriends? What does this mean? Does Yuki-kun have many girlfriends?"

"Well, that's what Darling said."

"Well, if that's the case, why are you Lala..."

"Because I don't care about this."


Hearing Lala's answer, Haruna was completely speechless.

"Don't care?"

"Yes, as long as Darling likes me, accepts me, and is willing to be with me, isn't it all right? As for whether it's the first one or something, I don't care about these trivial things. Why do you have to be alone in love? Isn’t it great for everyone to be happy together?"

"Everyone? Happy?"

I have to say that when I heard this, Chunca had no idea what to say. She was shocked because she learned that Fang Zheng has a girlfriend, and she heard the speech that completely broke her three views. Her brain is about to stop working.

At this moment, Fang Zheng also came to the rooftop.

"Yo, Lala, you are here. Huh? Xilian Temple? Do you want to be together too?"

"No, um, um... I have something else, sorry!"

While shouting, Haruna blushed, UU reading www. uukanshu.com turned around and ran out without looking back. Seeing Haruna's back, Fang Zheng was also puzzled, and then he turned his head and looked at Lala.

"What are you talking about?"


He ran down the roof and leaned against the wall, and Chunca couldn't help panting.

It's really shocking, I didn't expect Yucheng-kun already has a girlfriend, and there are still many girlfriends... But who is it?

Recalling what Lala said before, Haruna is also at a loss now. She and Fang Zheng have not been in contact for a short time. After all, the two went to junior high school together for three years, and then they were together in high school. Although it's not inseparable every day, if Fang has a girlfriend, at least he shouldn't know anything about it?

Not to mention many girlfriends.


Thinking of this, Haruna was shocked.

Speaking of it, Yuuki-kun seems to have a good relationship with the three girls in Little Wing? Haruna has watched their LIVE several times. If Haruna’s memory is correct, those girls are indeed very attached to Yuki-kun, and they seem to like him quite a bit.

But, it shouldn't be, those children are still elementary school students...Kun Yuki would never commit such crimes no matter what.

Other than that... By the way, I remember that there seem to be a few action figures in Yuki-kun's house, and I have seen them before... Could it be them?

No, that's just a puppet. Does Yuki-kun still have this kind of interest?

What's going on! !

At this moment, Chuncai has no idea how to react.


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