Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3004: Strange invitation (Heating comes and the house is super hot)

For Fang Zheng, the recent Xilian Temple Spring Vegetables seems a bit strange.

"Oh, good morning, Xilian Temple."

"Ah, early, good morning, Yuki-san!"

After seeing Fang Zheng, Xilian Temple Chuncai immediately turned red, stammered hello, and then turned around and ran away as if to flee.

"Oh, you seem to be hated by classmate Xiliansi, President."

Watching this scene, Kushida Kikyo also smiled and approached.

"You wouldn't do anything bad to Xiliansi classmates, right?"

"Do you think she is you?"

Fang Zheng glared at Kushida Platycodon, and then withdrew his gaze, looking suspiciously at Xilian Temple Haruna who was flying into the classroom. Having said that, what exactly Lala and Chuncai said that day, Founder didn't know until now, even if she asked Lalala, she didn't say anything, instead she asked Fangzheng to ask Chuncai.

However, as soon as Fang Zheng greeted Chuncai, the latter just looked like this frightened little beast, which made people wonder what to say.

It shouldn't be any special trouble.

Although Xilian Temple Chuncai's behavior was a little unusual, Fang Zheng didn't take it too seriously. After all, he didn't do anything to Xilian Temple Springcai, did he?

If you want to say...

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at the other side of the campus, but turned and walked over. When he came to the courtyard on the campus, he could see a dark figure sitting there, watching motionlessly with a book in his hand.

"Yo, Xiaoan, good morning."


Hearing Fang Zheng's voice, Golden Dark raised his head and stared at Fang Zheng.

"what's up?"

"It's okay, I just saw you, so I came to say hello. Anyway, would you like to go to school with Eve and the others? It’s actually good to experience school life, and Eve and Mei Kan also hope to be able to fight with you. Good relationship."

"There is no need for this."

However, in the face of Fang Zheng's persuasion, the golden darkness lowered his head and returned his gaze to the book.

"I am different from them."

"But it doesn't mean that there is no way to change, does it?"

On the contrary, Fang Zheng didn't care about the cold aura of Golden Darkness, which was a thousand miles away, and just sat beside Xiaoan.

"I can understand some of your thoughts. After all, I do similar business. But look at me, don't you enjoy a smooth daily life as well? As for the troublesome things, wait until they find the door on their own. I can’t deal with it anymore."

"...I am a killer."

Xiaoan was silent for a moment, then whispered.

"Unlike her, my hands are covered with blood, so I can't be like her..."

"...Get happiness?"

Although Xiao An didn't say anything, Fang Zheng knew what she meant.


"I don't think you think too much, but you should let go of these occasionally and enjoy your life now."

As Fang Zheng spoke, he handed over a box of strawberry milk.

“I’m not sure what kind of life you have lived before, but everyone’s life will change. The previous life does not mean that you have to live the same life in the future. In short, if you are willing to change, we are You are always welcome."


Xiao An still didn't speak, she didn't even glance at Fang Zheng, but still stared at the book in front of her. Fang Zheng also didn't care about it, he smiled, and put the strawberry milk beside her.

"Then, I should go to class. By the way, Run and the others will have a live on Little Wing today, and Eve will also participate. If you are interested, you can listen to their performances. I think these little guys are still singing. Very good. If you have time in the evening, come to the house for dinner. There are so many people in our house, it’s okay to have one more, isn’t it? If you are willing to come, Meikan and Eve will also be very happy."

After saying this, Fang Zheng stood up, touched Xiaoan's head, and then turned and left. And it wasn't until Fang Zheng entered the teaching building that Xiao An raised her head. She first stretched out her hand and held the place where Fang Zheng had touched, then turned her head to look at the strawberry milk next to her. After hesitating for a while, Xiaoan reached out and picked up strawberry milk.

"………taste not good."

The time of a day is said to be long or short, and it is time to end school in the blink of an eye.

"Haha... I still couldn't talk to Xilian Temple in the end."

When he walked to the entrance, Fang Zheng scratched his head helplessly. Although he had thought about chatting with the other party, Xilian Temple Chuncai seemed to be quite sensitive. When he saw him walking over, Fang Zheng ran away... To be honest, Fang Zheng knew her several times. Years, this is the first time I saw her like this.

Sure enough, I should put it aside temporarily, otherwise, I don’t know what rumors will come out...

While thinking, Fang Zheng opened the shoe box, but at this moment, he was curious to find that there was actually a...letter in the shoe box?

love letter? It doesn't look like it.

Fang Zheng took the envelope curiously, then opened it, and...the white light flashed.


What the **** is this place?

Looking at the unfamiliar room in front of him, Fang Zheng had a dumbfounded look. He remembered that he was still at school just now, and then opened a letter, and then a white light flashed...Why did he appear here?

Having said that, what is this place?

Looking at the complete decoration all around, it doesn't look like an ordinary place. Could it be Lala's home... not right.

Looking at the English on the sign next to him, Fang Zheng shook his head. Debbie Luke’s text is completely different from the text on the earth. In fact, when Lala first came to the earth, her test scores were always zero. Of course, this was not because she was stupid, but because she couldn’t understand the text on the earth. . So if this is Lala's home, then there will be no English.

By the way, that letter...

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng lowered his head again, then picked up the letter and read it.

"Let’s see, uh... what’s on it? Welcome to the game world. The purpose of this game is to pass all kinds of adventures and tests, and then save the trapped Princess Lala. If you successfully pass the level, you will be able to return. Go to the original world, come on... Is this the ghost of Lala?"

Fang Zheng put down the letter paper, frowned and looked around. It doesn’t look like an ordinary house here. If Fang Zheng said it, it feels like the crystal lake where his clone went to another world...

Will you make me a Jason?

Lala should have no such interest.

Fang Zheng looked carefully at the surrounding houses again, and he could see that this place should be a foreign mansion, with bright lights everywhere, but there was no half of a person in sight. If you classify this place according to the game, then Founder suspects that this place should be some kind of horror game scene.

I just don't know if something like zombies will appear next, but if this is a game set by Lala, that kind of thing shouldn't appear.

The premise is that this space is really set by Lala.


At this moment, Fang Zheng keenly caught the sound from the next room. He frowned, and then approached carefully along the corridor. Then Fang Zheng came to the door and hesitated for a moment. Then he suddenly reached out and pushed. Open the door!


The moment Fang Zheng pushed open the door, a pan fell from the sky and smashed directly towards Fang Zheng, while Fang Zheng hurriedly leaped back to avoid the sudden attack.

"Look at the trick—hey? Brother?"


Seeing Meigan holding a pan inside the door, Fang Zheng couldn't help being surprised, and when he saw the people next to Meigan, he was even more surprised.

"Xilian Temple?"

"Kun Yuki? Great...you are here too..."

Seeing Fang Zheng's appearance, Xilian Temple Chuncai was suddenly relieved.

"By the way, why are you here?"

"This is what I want to ask, brother, you also received an inexplicable letter, UU read www.uukanshu.com and then came here?"

"You too?"

Hearing Meigan's question, Fang Zheng couldn't help but frowned, and Meigan nodded. Then she looked around and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah, really, this is Lala's prank again."

"I don't think it's like Lala did it."

Facing Meigan's complaint, Fang Zheng shook his head. Although Lala's invention often causes trouble, it is an unintentional mistake. Lala has never made such an act specifically to find something. And the content of the letter also made Founder quite concerned, always feeling a little bit wrong.

"Hey? Really?"

"Well, although Lala's invention does often bring troubles, but those troubles are just gifts, and...I don't think Lala has such an interest."

While talking, Fang Zheng reached out and knocked on the window next to him. I saw outside the window, a howling gust of wind mixed with heavy rain hit the glass, and then, the thunder roared loudly. A flash of lightning suddenly appeared, illuminating the entire room extremely brightly, and then, deafening thunder sounded.



Hearing the thunder, Meigan and Haruna yelled out in shock, and then grabbed Fang Zheng.

"Then, what shall we do now, brother?"

"This letter says to rescue Lala, anyway we can only follow this now."

Fang Zheng looked around and couldn't help sighing. Now it doesn't look like an ordinary game. Now he can only play that this is a decryption game, not a horror game.

I just don't know yet, whose handwriting is this game?


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