Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3083: Infiltrate (Obviously you can deliver food but not express delivery)

When Fang Zheng and his party arrived at the target location, it was already late at night.

"This is where Bronya and the others are locked up?"

Looking at the building in front of him, Fang Zheng asked, while Teresa beside him nodded.

"Yes, the intelligence department has confirmed that the three of Mei, Bronya and Wendy who were captured by anti-entropy are currently being held in the ME headquarters building. As you can see, the ME headquarters are heavily guarded, so you must think about it. A way to sneak in."

Hearing this, Qiyana suddenly clenched her fists and waved vigorously.

"Don't worry, we will definitely rescue the Yayi and the others, Aunt Teresa!"

"Who do you call Auntie!"

When she heard Qiyana's answer, Teresa fryed the pan, but Qiyana reacted and hurriedly spit out her tongue.

"Yes, I'm sorry... the head of the school."

"Ha...Forget it."

Teresa sighed helplessly, and then spoke again.

"Mr. Yuki, what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple."

Fang Zheng chuckled when Hearing Teresa's inquiry.

"Miss Teresa, did you know? Civilization is a very fragile thing."


Teresa was stunned for a moment, not knowing what Fang was talking about, and Fang Zheng walked forward while strolling in the courtyard, and spoke.

"Especially in modern society, advanced technology has brought convenience to people, but this convenience also brings vulnerability...just like this."

While talking, Fang Zheng stretched out his finger and gently touched his personal terminal.


The next moment, in front of everyone, the originally brightly lit building instantly became pitch black. At the same time, the drones and mechas responsible for patrolling outside seemed to have been interrupted, and fell motionless. on the ground.


Seeing this scene, Qiyana suddenly cried out in surprise, and Teresa was equally surprised.

"what have you done?"

"I hacked into the command network of ME headquarters, overloaded their power cores, shut down all early warning systems, and locked the security doors, cutting off their communications. Now these guys can only stay in the room obediently and go anywhere. No more."

While talking, Fang Zheng walked forward, passing through those silent drones and robots that looked like a pile of scraps, and came to the gate of ME Club. Then only a "swish" was heard, and then the door of the ME Club that had been tightly locked opened in an instant, as if Fang Zheng was the master here.

"That's amazing, Mr. Yuki!"

Seeing this, Qiyana suddenly screamed with excitement. She thought there would be a fierce battle. She didn't expect that Fang Zheng easily moved only a few fingers and completely paralyzed the entire ME Club's security system.

Compared with Qiyana, Teresa's heart is even more surprised. Although she is not an expert in this area, Teresa also knows that the network of ME Corporation headquarters must be heavily guarded. However, facing the main network of ME Club, Founder didn't even bother to hack into the network easily, and also seized the management authority?

Is this the strength of cosmic civilization?

If Teresa hadn't had any real feelings before, then this scene was enough to make her understand how big the technological gap between her world and the other party was.

But the other way round...Since the other party can invade ME's network system so easily, then the network that represents the destiny is probably undefended to him...

Thinking of this, Teresa was silent for a while, but still hurriedly followed.

After all, since the other party will show this kind of technology in front of him, he obviously knows this, and it would be meaningless to continue guessing here.

"Where are we going next? Mr. Yuki?"

Qiyana didn't know what Dao Lisa was thinking, she followed Fang Zheng into the empty hall, looked around with a pair of guns, and asked questions at the same time.

"Well... According to my search just now, Bronya and Mei are in the research room on the third floor. They must be locked up at the moment. As for the young lady named Wendy, they are in the monitoring room on the basement floor. ."

Founder glanced at the personal terminal and gave an answer.

"Then we will be divided into two groups."

At this moment Teresa also spoke.

"Mr. Yuki, you and Qiyana will rescue Mei and them, and I will rescue Wendy."

"Are you okay?"

Looking at Teresa's petite body, Fang Zheng couldn't help but asked.

"Didn't Wendy say that he has become something... the lawmaker? That's a great thing, right? Can you handle it?"

"I am also a Valkyrie, don't underestimate me, and..."

Having said this, Teresa hesitated and bit her lips tightly.

"If Wendy is really irretrievable, then I will take responsibility..."

After talking, Teresa turned and ran towards the stairs-but she was just grabbed by Fang Zheng when she just opened her legs.

"Wait, it's not so good for you. You said you came to save someone, but you wanted to kill her in the end?"

"This is also my responsibility. I recommended her to transplant the eager gems, so no matter what Wendy has become now, it is my responsibility, and I must be responsible for it!"

"have to……"

Hearing this, Fang Zheng rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Then let me go, you go and Qiyana save Yayi and the others, and this Wendy will be handed over to me, and I promise to bring you back intact."

There is actually no way for Fang Zheng to do this, because Qiyana is next to her! What is the most important thing for magical girls? What kind of miracle can be achieved, so that it can bring confidence. It’s true that Teresa is a Valkyrie, but she does not have the “naive and naive” of a magical girl. It is certain that if the last girl named Wendy is eroded excessively, or loses her sanity or something, Teresa will definitely Take responsibility and kill it.

But this is not okay, she just kills people, if she leaves some psychological shadow on Qiyana, then how can she carry on the cultivation plan of this magical girl?


"There is always some hope, let me go."


Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Teresa hesitated for a moment, but in the end she nodded almost.

"Then... well, Wendy will ask you."

"Oh, leave it to me."

Fang Zheng waved his hand, then turned and walked down the stairs. But Teresa watched his back disappear, then sighed and returned to her serious expression.

"Let's go, Qiyana!"

"Okay! Aunt Teresa!"

"You are not allowed to call me auntie!!"

Listening to Teresa's voice faintly coming from the stairs, Fang Zheng also chuckled, and then he walked down. Although it was the first time Fang came to the ME Club Building, he had already invaded the headquarters’ network and downloaded the map here, so it didn’t take much time for Fang Zheng to arrive at the basement floor. In front of a room in the depths. The gate is also locked here, and there are even a lot of huge mechas standing outside. Obviously, they are here to guard - or guard something.

If everything is normal for these mechas, it is not easy to rush in, but now that these mechas have been completely shut down, there is naturally no threat.

When he reached the door, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. The next moment, the door opened with a "swish", and then Fang Zheng walked in.

Then he saw a girl in a wheelchair staring at him in surprise.

"You are... Wendy?"

Founder opened his personal terminal and checked the information.

"I am... who are you...?"

The girl in the wheelchair was obviously at a loss for Fang Zheng's arrival. She stared at her carefully, and then asked.

"My name is Yucheng Masa, I'm here to save you."

As Fang Zheng said, he looked at Wendy.

"help me?"

"Yes, Teresa, Qiyana and I are here to save people. They are going to save Bronya and Mei, and I am responsible for coming to you... Okay, let's go, get out of here and go with Germany. Lisa meets..."

While talking, Fang Zheng stepped forward and tried to push Wendy's wheelchair away, but this time, Wendy shook his head and rejected him.

"Thank you, but... it's too late."

She lowered her head and spoke.

"Too late?"

"I...have become a lawyer...I can feel that that terrible force is eroding me...I don't have the confidence to stick to it anymore."

Having said this, Wendy gritted her teeth, her body trembling slightly.

"Please take me to apologize to Sister Bronia, I know... she was controlled at that time... I..."

"It's up to you to talk to her yourself. How can one or two feel the same as leaving a last word."

Fang Zheng interrupted Wendy directly, but the latter shook his head.

"No, I really can't hold it anymore. I am also a Valkyrie. It is my mission to protect everyone, even at the expense of myself... I... yes... this is... this is the case. ......!!!"

The next moment, accompanied by Wendy's screams, a howling gust of wind broke out centered on her instantly, and Fang Zheng saw the girl sitting in a wheelchair suddenly flying up and floating in the air. She opened her arms, her expression gloomy.

"Why? Why do I have to die? No, it shouldn't be like this! I don't want to die! It is destiny that ruined my life! I want to completely destroy them, everyone! It shouldn't be me who died, but... …"

"Wow, la la la la..."

At this moment, suddenly, the shadow of the entire room began to warp, and the shadow couldn't help distorting under the shining of the light, as if layered in layers like ocean waves. But Wendy, who became the law of the wind, didn't notice this. She sneered and looked at Fang Zheng and stretched out her hand.

"It's a pity, you shouldn't have been here, but now you are here for woo woo woo woo...!"

However, Wendy hadn't finished speaking. Suddenly, the shadow behind her suddenly moved, and then a few shadowy tentacles suddenly rushed out of it, grabbed Wendy, and entangled her tightly. The next moment, before Wendy could move any more, she was dragged into the shadows like she was sinking into a swamp and disappeared like a swamp.

"Play with mental pollution, right."

Until this time, Fang Zheng, who embraced his arms, chuckled.

"Then let's see who is better at mental pollution."


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