Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3084: Showdown (I don’t like Mexico in Horizon Five)

As early as after following Teresa to eliminate the quasi-simulator, Fangzheng conducted a very detailed study on how the collapse caused mental pollution, and thus came to his own conclusion.

Obviously, collapse has the will, as Fang Zheng said to Teresa, it is like a devil, secretly tempting others, twisting the spirit, and causing it to degenerate.

But this is also regular.

From Fang Zheng's point of view, Collapse is like a human race in the interstellar, catching a mine of doom and fleece, then building a lot of defenses and then upgrading, focusing on amplifying and distorting the hatred of the victims, and finally causing them to explode to destroy the world. Therefore, breaking the will will only have a soft spot for the hatred "crystal mine" full of destruction.

And Fangzheng’s ancient **** aura is fully developed, just like the Zerg. I don’t care what emotions you are. When you see the mine, first shoot a base. Whether you are happy, joyful, painful or sad, as long as you have The mine will desperately open up the base, and when it is fully occupied, we will directly send troops to push it forward.

Right now, Founder did the same.

Although hatred occupies a large part of Wendy’s inner emotions, she has not been completely controlled by Collapse after all. A person has seven emotions and six desires. The outcome of Collapse Will focusing on one passion and one desire is the remaining six. Fang Zheng opened the base for all the five desires.

In the boundless darkness, the first thing the law of the wind feels is irritability and anxiety. Immediately afterwards, she heard the subtle, indescribable whisper that seemed to emerge from the depths of the dark shadow, and penetrated into her ears.

"No...no...! What is this? What is this!"

The incomprehensible knowledge and language directly entered the heart of the law of the wind, she began to become confused, suspicious, and then-fear...

Yes, this is Zerg tactics, endless. You repel a wave, and there will be another wave, and then another wave, and then another wave... Although she is desperately resisting the erosion of the ancient gods from the outside, at this moment it is already a little weak. And the form of the law of the wind began to flicker again, the original strong power, at this moment, is beginning to leak out like a punctured balloon.

And in this one, Founder... found out.


He clearly saw that there was a long strip of crystal in the girl's body. At this moment, it was exuding golden brilliance. Not only that, Fang Zheng could also see that in this crystal, there was a golden light extending from it, spreading to the end of the infinite void.


Seeing this, Fang Zheng's eyes narrowed.

When conducting research on the former pseudo-liker, Fang Zheng put forward two hypotheses. Either this collapse could be a kind of infectious disease that acts on the spiritual level, just like Hina Mizawa syndrome. Either this collapse energy is similar to the method used by the devil in the main world to lure mortals, and now it seems... it is already certain that it is definitely the latter!

In other words, there is a big fish behind this!

There was a flash of thought in his mind, and then Fang Zheng stared at the crystal in front of him. In the next moment, he saw countless dark and twisted tentacles emerging out of thin air, rushing toward the crystal fiercely. And that piece of crystal seemed to be aware of the danger. The moment the tentacles rushed over, its light suddenly dimmed. The next moment the crystal that originally exuded a faint brilliance suddenly turned into a lifeless stone. At the same time, it was originally connected. The golden beam of light on the crystal also disappeared without a trace.


Seeing this scene, Founder was finally relieved. In fact, he just made a look just now, after all, the other party still occupies the core of Wendy's soul. If Fang Zheng really kills through the spiritual level, Wendy will either become the lawbreaker of the will, or the puppet of the will of the ancient gods.

So Fang Zheng planned to scare the other party a bit and put up a posture of "I want to hit you along the network cable" to see if he could scare him away.

Now it seems that the broken will is obviously not a rigid thing such as computer AI. After realizing that the ancient **** is really harmful to itself, it decisively chose to dock its tail to survive and escape. This allows Fang Zheng to conclude that this will to collapse is not only a real existence, but may also be alive!

This is really interesting, does this world also have Gaia?

What about Alaya Consciousness?

Forget it, let's talk about it later, Teresa and the others would be quite surprised if they knew this news.

Fang Zheng retracted his thoughts, then looked to the ground, and saw that beside him, the shadows were constantly rolling and squirming. After a while, he "vomited" a comatose girl and a crystal that had lost its luster.

Fang Zheng picked up the girl, then slipped the crystal into his trouser pocket, humming and turned and left.

Back in the hall again, Fang Zheng didn't wait too long before he saw Qiyana, Teresa and Mei hurried over, while Bronya was stunned by Qiyana behind her back.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing everyone anxious, Fang Zheng was stunned for a moment, but Qiyana said in a panic.

"Bronya is unwilling to hurt Mei, and she is unwilling to accept orders, so she took the initiative to burn the biochips in her brain. Now her situation is very dangerous!"

"Hiss—I didn't expect the little girl to be so ruthless... If I cut off the communication, she can accept the order?"

"The other party's command seems to be stored in the underlying structure of the biochip and can be triggered directly."

Teresa didn't look good at the moment. After seeing Wendy being carried by Fang Zheng, she suddenly became nervous.

"Wendy she..."

"It's okay, maybe just a nap, oh, and this one."

While talking, Fang Zheng took out the crystal from his trouser pocket and threw it over.

"This is the thing you want, right."

"What are you throwing over... Hungry for a gem? How could it be in your hands?"

"Go back and tell you slowly, let's go."

Although the amount of information in front of them made Teresa a little bit overwhelmed, after all, the situation was urgent, so they also immediately left the ME headquarters and returned to the Santa Freya Academy. After this, Bronya and Wendy were arranged to go for examination and treatment respectively, and Teresa also hurried back to the office and listened to Fangzheng about the causes and consequences of the matter with Wuliang Tajizi.

Sure enough, as Fang Zheng had expected, they were shocked when they learned that they had a will behind the collapse.

"you sure?"

"I can be sure. In fact, in the previous fights, I found that the thing used this gem to confuse Wendy. So I acted like I was going to beat it along the network cable, and it turned out that it Sliding faster than a mouse—Although we didn’t talk to each other, we can be sure by this alone that this thing not only has its own consciousness, maybe it’s smart, but... it’s really not a loss at all. eat."

While talking, Fang Zheng looked at the medical records in front of him. Let's not talk about the situation on Bronya's side. After Wendy's report came out, it showed that the collapsing energy on Wendy's body had completely disappeared, and there was no residue left. Wendy is no different from ordinary people now.

So this is actually the same as facing the Zerg attack, and the Human race has taken away everything that can be taken away? Didn't even leave me a barracks?

Now Fang Zheng can be sure that this broken will is not only sinister, but also stingy.

"It's unbelievable..."

Teresa hugged her head and muttered to herself. Compared to Fang Zheng, she suffered a much greater impact. Not only because of the collapse of the will, in fact, just now, Teresa also obtained the results of the scientific department’s research on the desire for gems. At the beginning, it was because the desire for gems was not stable enough, so she had to choose Transplanted into Wendy's body.

But now, the conclusion of the report given by the Ministry of Science after the research is that the current desire gem is stable and no different from a stone!

"Benghuai...Do you really have self-awareness?"

Infinite Tajizi wasn't much better right now, but Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh, it's not surprising, I've seen similar things before."


"Yes, in a world I traveled through, Earth Will Gaia tried to destroy mankind. It would use various natural disasters, monsters and other things to attack mankind. Of course, every disaster In, there are also humans who have come forward to fight against disasters and monsters... Well, from this point of view, they are almost the same as you."

"Then why does Gaia want to destroy mankind?"

"The main thing is that the humans in that world are too indifferent. They don't develop renewable resources at all. They are digging for coal and natural gas all day long. If someone in Gaia digs my blood vessels all day, I want to get him. Of course, this situation is gradually changing...how will the result be? UU Read www.uukanshu.com, but I don’t think this is of much reference value for you."

"You really have seen everything."

Hearing this, Teresa couldn't help but sigh. The things they sounded incredible were almost everyday to the young man in front of them, as if he had seen so strange things.

Of course, if he is right, this guy is indeed well-informed.

But these are not the primary issues now, the biggest issue now is to treat Bronya as soon as possible.

"I will go to the Destiny's database to see if I can find information about biochips."

Teresa frowned, stood up and said, and Fang Zheng nodded.

"I will also try to find someone for treatment. We also have talents who are good at this."

Tia You is also a cosmic-level biological doctor, so she shouldn't have a problem with a biochip.

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