Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3105: The sky is dead

After that, Fang Zheng secretly left the prison of Destiny with Karen, and then met with Ying Youlin before being discovered, and then... he told everyone his plan.

"We just have to walk into the Destiny Headquarters in front of everyone, hacking to death the Pope and the idiots who are stalking him, and we are done!"

"...This is your plan?"

After listening to Fang Zheng's narration, Karen looked dazed.

"What's the problem? Could the idiots of Destiny be more powerful than the Moth of Chasing Fire? And I heard that these mentally retarded groups have transferred all of your Valkyries away? Now we cut it over, they can what?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Karen still hesitated.

"If we do this, it will be equivalent to completely overthrowing Destiny. Although Destiny does have problems of this kind, they are after all the first line of defense to protect the people from collapse... Yeah, why are you hitting me? !"


Fang Zheng retracted his fist that was beating Kallen's head, and stared at her hatefully.

"Why is this overthrowing the fate?"

"Hey? You said you wanted to kill the pope!"

"Does my killing of the pope have anything to do with the overthrow of fate?"

Fang Zheng retorted so arrogantly that Karen didn't know what to say for a while.

"You guys... every brain is really..."

Seeing Karen and Ying look dumbfounded, Fang Zheng sighed helplessly.

"Listen, destiny is the front line to protect mankind against collapse, right, then is destiny the guardian of mankind?"


"But now, you have also said that the bishop of the destiny and the high-level officials used indulgences and wars to fill their pockets and let the people suffer. That's right."


"That's not enough."

Fang Zheng clapped his hands, but Karen and Ying still looked dumbfounded.


"You are so stupid...Listen, destiny exists to protect mankind, but now the Pope and the destiny high-level have deviated from this purpose, so it means that they have betrayed the ideal of destiny! So what we have to do It's not rebellion and overthrow of the destiny! It's to set the chaos out anyway! Understand?!"

Looking at Karen in front of him, Fang Zheng really hated iron and steel. China's political wisdom has always been like this for thousands of years. If you want to attack a certain target, you must lift the collective high and gently put it down. Then he lifted the individual high and fell heavily.

After all, if you attack a nation, a country, or a force, then you will surely receive a total resistance from the other party. But if you only target some of the important people, that's another matter.

So this group of Europeans just don't understand this truth, and they are always going to engage in genocide or religious wars. They deserve to be messed up.

Like Karen, why did she commit suicide? It was because she subconsciously combined the high-level Destiny with the entire organization, and realized that she could not fight against this behemoth with her own strength, so she could only choose to use this method to awaken and resist.

But...Who wants her to fight an organization alone? Is there something wrong with your brain? !

"Of the three major families of the Destiny Organization, your Kaslana family also has a place, so is there any problem if you burned the idiots of Apolkalis under the banner of settling the destiny anyway?"

"But now the Kaslana family... only me is left."


Fang Zheng threw a punch again, hitting Karen's head hard, and she screamed again after the smash, holding her head and staring at Fang Zheng dissatisfied.

"The important thing is not how many people there are in your family! But Kaslana is still one of the three!"

Anyone who makes straw sandals, Liu Bei, dare to claim to be the queen of King Zhongshan Jing. You are still the orthodox heir, so you can't be bolder? !

"Listen to me. As long as Kaslana is still one of the three imperial families of the Destiny Organization, then you have the responsibility and the right to clean up the corruption and depravity within the Destiny Organization, make things right and turn things around—you say, don’t you? This truth?!"

After Fang Zheng finished speaking, he took the pouring cup of tea angrily and stared at Karen. He now feels like a parent who teaches children "a cat uses a cat, and a fish uses a strip"... he is going crazy with his homework.

"Yes...it makes sense."

Fortunately, Karen is not really stupid, and under Fang Zheng's step-by-step teaching, she is somewhat enlightened.

"But... I don't have much power... I'm the only one..."

"Why don't you? If you really have no power, why should Destiny move your Valkyrie squad far away before execution? And you also said that the Destiny Organization's indulgence operation is not a cause of civil complaints, as long as you Raised his arms and shouted, "The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand." Can't you gather a group of people?"

"You want the people to participate in the battle against the destiny?"

At this moment, Karen looked at Fang Zheng dumbfounded, and shook her head vigorously.

"No way, no way, absolutely no way!"

"why not?"

"Because... how could they be opponents of destiny? They didn't even learn swordsmanship, nor had any combat experience..."

"Then there is no way, I have to be squeezed."

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands.

"The barrel of a gun has the right to speak. If you don't resist, you deserve to be squeezed. If you don't want to stand up, then don't blame others for asking you to kneel. You can't always expect Kaslana to beat them up, Kas. Isn't the Silana family alone now, and can still save everyone? If you are really saved, it won't become like this."

Fang Zheng learned from Otto's diary that Karen had been obsessed with being a strange thief for a while, robbing the rich and helping the poor. She herself enjoys it, but Fang Zheng doesn't think much about this simple heroic concept.

"Aren’t you still a monster thief before? So what happened? Even if the people can use the money you give to tide over the temporary difficulties, what should they do next? Are you still kneeling on the ground, waiting for another hero to jump out and give them free of charge Help? Save them from fire and water? Wait for that hero to die? Continue to kneel and wait for another hero? There is a saying in my hometown that teaching people to fish is worse than teaching people to fish. Don’t you just give them fish? To use it, they must recognize their own strength and resistance, instead of always asking a hero to stand in front, hiding behind and waiting to eat ready-made."

Having said this, Fang Zheng snorted softly.

"I don't want to share adversities, but want to be rich and honorable? Where is such a good thing."

"But... the Kaslana family is the shield of the people... we..."

"That's why you have to stand up, not just to protect them, but to motivate them-it's like facing a beggar, are you going to give him a few silver coins to perfunctory? Or find him a job, let him Is he out of the predicament of living by begging?"

"...I have to think about it."

"You work hard."

Fang Zheng waved his hand and did not speak any more. He also knew that what he said was shocking to the people of this era. After all, this place is different from Shenzhou. In his hometown, the "prince and general Xiangning is kind" is hung in the bones, and rebellion has already been done. Be regarded as a race skill.

On the European side, it is still ignorant descent rule, and Karen is actually the same. She has always followed the creed of the Kaslana family to protect the people and regards it as the truth.

But someday someone will jump out and tell them that your ideas are outdated and outdated... It's strange that the three views are not broken.

Keeping Karen thinking about life, Fang Zheng walked out of the room and took a long breath. At this time, Yae Sakura also walked out.

"Is Miss Karen really willing to do this?"

"Otherwise? You don't want to keep running."

Fang Zheng shrugged. Actually, Yae Sakura didn't care much about it. It would be fine if he flees with Karen. But Fangzheng stopped her by saying "You plan to hide for the rest of your life without seeing anyone?"-indeed, if the trouble of fate is not solved, then even if he and others find a new residence, they will encounter the same thing again. The same thing.

So Yae Sakura also agreed.

Soon, one night passed.

Just before dawn, Karen found Fang Zheng again.

"I don't know if you are right, but... Destiny really can't go on like this."

Although Karen was still confused at this moment, her expression had become a lot firmer.

"I thought about it carefully. Indeed, if I was just sent to the gallows obediently, it would indeed not be in line with my style. And this time, I want them to see our strength! Even if we fail in the end, at least... At least it can make those who do whatever they want to be restrained..."

"You are really..."

Hearing this answer, Fang Zheng rolled his eyes helplessly. Well, anyway, it's better than actually becoming a martyr.

"Then prepare, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, I have to change your clothes."

"Change clothes?"

"Of course, as a leader, if you don't dress better, others thought it was an uprising of beggars. In many cases, the imposing thing is supported by clothes!"

"This... alright."

Although Karen agreed, she soon regretted it.

"Wait, wait! Why is the skirt of this dress so short, and why do you wear knee socks? And why do you want to show your thighs?"

"What's the noise? Didn't I put a cloak on you outside?"

"Also, why should I raise such a big flag, I feel so ashamed..."

"Don't talk nonsense, it would be nice if you didn't show your **** and raise a tricolor flag to recreate the world famous paintings!"


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