Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3106: Make things right (canned beef is really unpalatable)

When the sun rose the next morning, the entire city was completely sealed off.

The Destiny Organization is not a fool. After discovering that Karen had escaped from prison, they quickly blocked all the main roads and hunted everywhere. Of course, the Destiny Organization did not expect that the other side was gearing up to fight Huanglong, and still holding the old idea that they were probably taking advantage of the opportunity to escape, so they also sent a large number of people out of the city to search to see if they could find the trace of Karen. .

"This is really crooked."

Seeing a large number of soldiers rushing out of the city gate aggressively, Fang Zheng smiled and turned to look at Karen beside him.

"Look, most people are out of the city, which is better, at least there will be less interference when we go straight to the headquarters-well, there will be fewer dead people."

When he said this, Fang was looking murderous, and Karen also shook his head without saying a word. She and Sakura are both people of this era, and they have not experienced wars and other things. People who were born in modern society like Teresa might still think of casualties as important, but for Karen and Sakura, they are more used to it.

"When is the destiny to go to work? Time is almost up, right."

According to Founder's plan, he and Karen went straight to the headquarters, and then in full view, he only issued a declaration, that is, he went straight to Huanglong to kill the pope. However, unlike engaging in assassinations, Founder wanted maximum influence, so he had to choose the time when a person was the most talkative and the most miscellaneous. Only in this way can we get twice the result with half the effort and fish in troubled waters. Moreover, this is also the easiest way to transmit the message. Now that there is not enough manpower to guard, the Destiny Headquarters is in the eyes of Fang Zheng, and it is almost the same as undefended.

But the situation here is not familiar. Fortunately, Karen has lived here for many years. She still knows the situation in this city somewhat.

"It's almost time, everyone should have gone out by this time, ready to work."

"very good."

Fang Zheng made a gesture to Sakura. Sakura would not fight with them because she wanted to protect Rin. Therefore, Fang Zheng gave her the task of monitoring the surroundings on the high tower and ringing the bell if there was an abnormality.

Anyway, they don't understand what the people here are talking about, and they are also playing soy sauce with the past.

"let's go!"

After making the arrangements, Fang Zheng waved his hand, while Karen lowered his head, looked at the clothes on his body, and sighed helplessly.

Up to now, only bite the bullet.

The Tianming headquarters is located in the center of the city. Naturally, it is also a magnificent church complex. There is also a large square in front of it, which looks quite like that. Of course, because of the influence of Karen's escape from prison, soldiers are also everywhere in the square at this time, checking the people-but they obviously don't think that Karen has the ability to kill him.

Therefore, when two suspicious figures with cloaks all over their bodies appeared, they naturally attracted the attention of the soldiers.

"Hey, you two, put down the cloak and let me see your faces!"

A small team leader pointed at the two and roared loudly. However, the two of them seemed to ignore his words and walked straight towards the main entrance of the Destiny Church.

"Come here, stop them!"

At this moment, as long as you are not a fool, you know that the two people in front of you must be abnormal, so the squad leader also gave an order. Soon, the heavily armed soldiers immediately stepped forward, aggressively trying to stop the two.

Then I saw the person walking in front suddenly waved his right hand, took out a long spear, and then swept forward suddenly. In the next moment, the soldiers were smashed into the air and fell heavily to the ground.

This scene stunned everyone present, after all, no one thought that anyone would be brave enough to do it outside the Destiny Headquarters. At this moment, the soldiers also found that something was wrong, and hurriedly left the ordinary people next to them, and surrounded them with their weapons out of their sheaths.

"Who are you guys? How dare you do it here!"

Facing the soldiers' questioning, only two people stood there, and then suddenly lifted the cloak!

Afterwards, Karen and Fang Zheng just appeared in front of everyone.

"It's you?!"

Fang Zheng is not very familiar to everyone, but according to Karen, there are no soldiers here who don't recognize him. At this moment, seeing her was also shocked, and instinctively backed away. At the same time, they looked at each other suspiciously, not knowing what to do. The so-called something abnormal must have a demon, now everyone knows that Karen was arrested for betraying the Mandate of Heaven, and then escaped from prison and was wanted.

In normal people's minds, Karen must have ran as far as possible at this moment, or hid in a corner quietly.

But she blatantly broke into the Destiny Headquarters...what did she want to do?

"Karen Kaslana! Traitor of Destiny!"

At this moment, the captain also reacted, and then suddenly waved his hand.

"Come on, grab her for me!"

Hearing the order of their chief, the soldiers also clenched their weapons and rushed up. Then, before Karen could do anything, Fang Zheng snorted, clenching Frostmourne and waved towards the ground. Then an icy wind broke out instantly, knocking out the soldiers directly.

Then the two moved forward again, toward the gate.

"What the **** do you want to do? Karen Kaslana!"

Seeing this, the captain was even more pale.

"You betrayed the destiny, it is already a heinous crime, and now you dare to attack the destiny headquarters! Do you want to add crime to the crime?!"

"shut up!"

Facing his reprimand, Karen turned around abruptly, and then she waved the spear in her hand, and the next moment, the banner with the badge of fate unfolded instantly.

"I did not betray the destiny. In fact, the current Archbishop of Apocalis is the betrayer!"


Hearing this, both the soldiers and the people watching the excitement around, heard Karen's words in an uproar. Not everyone among those people knew Karen, but they knew that the girl in front of them was a Valkyrie. In the public's perception, the Valkyrie is the running dog of the destiny. Therefore, when they saw a Valkyrie actually start a fight with a soldier of the Mandate of Heaven, they were also quite surprised.

At this moment, I heard Karen's words again, and suddenly became curious-no matter what age, the mentality of the people who eat melons is the same.

"You, what are you talking nonsense?!"

"I'm not talking nonsense! The senior officials of the Destiny used the indulgence coupons to search for the people's money. On the surface, it was used for the reconstruction of the destiny. But in fact they were full of their own pockets! They swallowed all these wealth! Not only that, they also kidnapped many children, The cruel and inhuman human experiments are going on under the cathedral-I was wanted by Destiny because I discovered these. But I don't regret telling the truth, because this is not the original intention of Destiny!"

Having said this, Karen stared at the soldiers around him.

"The destiny exists to protect the people and save mankind. But now, Bishop Apocalis has betrayed the creed and honor of destiny. Therefore, I will represent the Kaslana family to rectify the law on the spot!"


Hearing Karen's words, the soldiers were also dumbfounded, looking at each other, not knowing what to do for a while. Indeed, as Fang Zheng said, if Karen came up and said that he wanted to destroy the Heavenly Mandate Organization, then they would definitely go up and go desperately. No matter what bad things Destiny does, they are also a member of Destiny.

But now Karen has targeted the Apocalis family and the archbishop, so these soldiers are a bit... I don't know if they should go to fight.

Besides, as Karen said, the Kaslana family is one of the three destiny families, and Karen is going to come over and abolish Apocalis. That is also the matter of their three families, and it seems that it has nothing to do with these low-level soldiers. Ah?

Fang Zheng stood beside Karen without saying a word. In fact, he had prepared a speech for Kallen, and then found out that Kallen had forgotten the words of his speech. So just give up letting her recite the manuscript and just play it on the spot, as long as you keep in mind a few basic points, as long as Karen tells the truth.

So Karen also said more and more. As the strongest Valkyrie of Destiny, she knew all the troubles within the Destiny Organization. At this moment, it was all shaken out in front of the people, which also made the people extremely angry. . It doesn’t matter what the three major families or the high-level destiny broke, but it is a reality that their lives have become miserable and desolate because of the indulgences. At this moment, the bishops who are full of destiny, righteousness and morality actually took their own hard work to save. The money is spent, can this be tolerated? !

"Shut up! Shut up for me! Take her down!"

At this moment, the captain was also pale, and he knew that he could not let Karen talk anymore, and hurriedly roared and ordered his soldiers to attack again. However, these soldiers were of course not Fang Zheng's opponents. He just swiped his big sword lightly and directly dispelled the soldiers who had surrounded him. There were even a few guys in black clothes who tried to make a surprise attack from it, but they were ruthlessly killed by Fang Zheng on the spot-and then no one dared to continue to come up and die.

This time, Fang Zheng took up the role of bodyguard. As a spiritual leader, Karen only had to be responsible for talking and then beating the big boss. As for the work of these small soldiers, let him do it.

Karen was also suffocated, and at this moment, he vented happily in front of the public, then turned around, stretched out his feet, kicked the door-and walked into the church.

Of course, in the church right now, it is also like a big enemy, many elite soldiers and black robes are blocked there-but in front of Fang, this is a matter of waving hands. Although they tried to stop the two of them one after another, Fang Zheng just swung a big sword and knocked them out. As for those who would rather die than follow, they were directly turned into ice sculptures by Fang Zheng. Then, no one dared to stand in front of them anymore.

"...I can hardly imagine."

Holding the flag and walking on the passage leading to the bishop's hall, Karen lost the spirited spirit in front of everyone, but showed the confusion like a girl of her age.

"To be honest, I never thought that I would have today. I knew that the destiny organization was not as simple as it seemed, but I didn't care about it at the time. I was just the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny, I was fighting for destiny, I Participated in the war—of course, the war ended in failure. Then I came back, and then I realized that my destiny seemed to have changed and it became different from what I remembered."

Holding the banner in his hand, Karen's tone seemed a little uneasy and fragile.

Maybe she never thought that she would do something like this one day.

"I don't know what to do. We are obviously the guardians of the people, but everyone hates us, hates us, and even feels fear and fear just when they see us-even among my colleagues, some people think that the destiny is That’s correct. Those people are protected by fate, so they should sacrifice everything for fate..."

"Let me tell you a story."

Fang Zheng was strolling in the corridor, looking at the surrounding wall paintings, while talking-he could sense that the Archbishop of Destiny was currently in his room and didn't mean to run away at all. I don't know if this archbishop has already admitted his fate or has some other plans, but it doesn't matter to Fang Zheng.

"There was a traveler who met a man and a woman during the trip. The woman's husband was shot. The woman hated guns for this. She vowed to change everything by her own way-so the woman decided to start traveling, she Decided to not bring any weapons, just walk around the world, telling people about the dangers of guns. The man is her companion, and he agrees with the woman's ideas, so he travels with her."

"Then what?"

"The traveler bid farewell to the man and woman, and moved on—then she saw countless corpses."


Hearing this, Karen was stunned and looked at Fang Zheng.


"Yes, the corpses of thieves, bandits, and robbers who tried to rob them. They were shot by men. Without the woman's knowledge, men killed those who threatened her life, so they were able to go all the way. Travel, come here."

Having said that, UU reading www.uukānshu. Com Founder is looking at Karen.

"Do you think that if a woman knew this, what would she do? Would she pretend not to know and continue her journey? Or choose to commit suicide to avenge the betrayal of the man? Do you think that woman would rather be on the way because she was defenseless? And being killed, or just like this, under the silent guardianship of a man, to continue the journey of my innocent ideal that day?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Karen's heart suddenly began to beat fiercely, telling her intuitively that Fang Zheng didn't seem to be simply telling her a story.

"All right."

Fang Zheng turned his head and looked forward.

"The story is over, we should continue to do our things."

In front of them was the closed, magnificent door of the bishop's hall.

(End of this chapter)

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