Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3107: Uncover (Benmiao can finally deliver express delivery here)

Looking at the door in front of her, Karen hesitated, then she reached out and pushed the door open and walked in. Fang Zheng followed behind, and there was no difference between those who looked around and those who came to visit.

In front of them, Bishop Apocalis stood there with his back to the two, looking at the world outside the window.

"Master Bishop."

Karen stared at Bishop Apocalis and spoke.

"That's it."

"Yeah... that's it."

The old bishop sighed, turned his head slowly, and looked at Karen.

"The Kaslana family, I did not expect that you could do this. Karen Kaslana. Do you know what you are doing? You destroyed the reputation of Mandate for hundreds of years and countless people sacrificed for it. Just got the status."

"It's you, not me, that destroys all this, Master Bishop."

If it were before, Karen might really be shaken by it. But now, she obviously wouldn't deny herself just because of a few words from Bishop Apocalis.

"You trampled on the efforts and glory of the predecessors. The destiny exists to protect mankind and protect the people. It is you who turned it into a blood-sucking leech lying on the people! Not only that, but the cruel and inhumane behaviors you have done. , Will also be punished!"

"Ha ha ha..."

Hearing Karen's accusation, Bishop Apocalis smiled softly.

"After all, I am a young man. I think back then, when I first took over as the bishop, I was just like you..."

"Okay, Karen, what are you talking nonsense with him."

Without waiting for the old bishop to recollect the past, Fang Zheng directly interrupted his speech.

"No matter how nonsense he is here, he can't change all of what he has done, no matter how high-sounding reasons he is, he can't cover up the fact that he sacrificed innocent people. We only need to know this. Maybe there will be someone who will groan in the future. The writer used him as the material to write a book to reveal to the world the...'wrong' of this old man, but this also has nothing to do with us, isn't it?"

"Ha ha……"

Suddenly interrupted by Fang Zheng, the old bishop was not angry. He just glanced at Fang Zheng and looked at Karen again.

"Well, as this young man said, it's useless to say anything now, but...Karen Kaslana, your sense of justice may bring you something you never thought of before. shadow."

"what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Karen clenched the spear in his hand and looked at the old bishop, who stared at Karen, opened his mouth, and uttered a name.

"Otto Apocalis."


Hearing the name, Karen was shocked, and the old bishop stared at her and continued to speak.

"I know, he loves you very much. But little girl, do you know what he did for you? The evil, taboo, and cruel experiments in your mouth were not carried out by others, but..."

"To shut up!!"

Karen's roar interrupted the old bishop again. This time she was pale and held the spear tightly in her hands. The arms that could lift several kilograms of boulders were shaking slightly at this moment.

"Otto... Otto is not that kind of person!"

"Hehehe, who do you think he is? Karen Kaslana? A young, high-spirited guy? A like-minded fellow with you? Or a close lover? I think you have never seen him before, when he Inject those children with drugs and look at their faces when they die. I think you don’t even know how he witnessed those children tragically dying during taboo experiments... Is he all of these? Never mentioned it to you?"

"no no………"

Hearing this, Karen couldn't help shaking her head back, and then she seemed to think of something and suddenly looked at Fang Zheng next to her.

"You know! Right? You know all this!"

"I don't think it's suitable for me to tell you this in my capacity."

Facing Karen's question, Fang Zheng spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"I want to tell you that your childhood sweetheart is a pervert who likes to do human experiments...you won't believe it either."


Seeing Karen's painful look, the old bishop finally sneered.

"How? How does it feel to be pierced in a beautiful dream? Karen Kaslana? Why do you think that kid would do this? It's all for you, because you feel heartache for those who have the Black Death , That’s why he chose to conduct research and treatment of the Black Death for you. It is also to protect your hope that he will choose to join the research and participate in our human experiments. He just doesn’t want to lose you. ...Poor Karen Kaslana!"

"No...Stop talking...Stop talking...I..."

Karen shivered back, but the next moment, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and pressed her shoulder, then he narrowed his eyes and stared at the old bishop.

"Okay, old man, there must be a limit to nonsense. Otto's stupidity is his own business, what does it have to do with Karen?"

Having said this, Fang Zheng snorted softly.

"Is it the choice that Kallen made him? No, it was his own choice. He chose to turn his back to Kallen and walk on this dark road. It was his own responsibility. Kallen was responsible for this. I don’t know. Okay, if Karen knew about Otto’s broken ideas, would she agree with it? Certainly not. Didn’t Otto also understand this, so didn’t she just keep talking to Karen?"

Fang Zheng patted Karen on the shoulder while staring at the old bishop with a hideous smile.

"To put it bluntly, it was Otto who betrayed Karen's trust and her feelings. As a result, you still have the face to stand here and turn black and white? I have a mental retardation and chose the wrong path. Is it possible to blame others for not giving a good example? ?? It’s not me who is wrong, but the world? How old are you, and are you so second-year?"

Staring at the old bishop, Fang Zheng grinned, showing a smirk.

"In the final analysis, Otto Apocalis is a coward, a weak-willed and incompetent guy. He didn't dare to accompany Karen on this road, but he didn't want Karen to die for it, so he preferred to fall on his own. Into the darkness, in order to be immersed in this self-sacrificing intoxication. Ah... my hands are covered with blood, but this is for my beloved Karen, I would rather bear all the sins, as long as I can maintain her angelic Pure heart ah ah ah..."

Fang Zheng opened his hands, put on the actions and lines like an opera actor, and then sneered lightly with a chuckle.

"So, he doesn't really think he is the protagonist in a tragedy drama, hahahahahahaha..."

Fang didn’t show any mercy when it came to mocking Otto. He didn’t read Otto’s diary, nor did he miss Otto’s mental journey, but...for Fang Zheng, Otto’s writing is no more touching, he is also There is no fluctuation in his heart and he even wants to laugh.

For Fangzheng, he supports grievances and revenges. If you encounter campus bullying or domestic violence, you take up an axe and hack someone to death. Fang Zheng has nothing to say-but the point is that you can’t hurt other innocents. people.

Of course, Americans are the exception. Americans living in North America are itself an original sin, and death is not considered innocent. When will they get out of North America and return this land to the natives, Fangzheng will consider the Americans as human beings.

Oh, the aborigines seem to have been killed by them.

That's a shame...

So Fang Zheng looked at Otto's diary and couldn't stop smiling. No matter how you describe your sad mental journey, you can't cover up your non-personnel affairs-since you are non-personnel, then your mental journey is a **** to me. Did you learn from you and be a scumbag who doesn't do human affairs?

Psychologists may explore the consequences of human distortion, and historians may judge Otto's growth journey. But for Fang Zheng, Otto's diary is nothing but a bunch of nonsense.

Besides, he doesn't bother to pay attention to a man's journey.


Hearing Fang Zheng's ridicule, the old bishop's expression finally changed slightly, but before he could say anything, a golden light beam suddenly flashed across the old bishop's head, piercing it completely. Immediately afterwards, the old bishop shook his body and slowly fell to the ground.

This scene surprised Karen, and then she saw Otto holding a golden pistol and walking out silently from behind.

"Otto, you..."

"Just like my father... the bishop said."

Perceiving Karen staring at him, Otto turned his head slightly, but soon, he raised his head again and looked at Karen.

"But Karen, do you understand my mind?"

Clenching his fists, Otto stared at Karen tightly.

"I just want you to live! It's that simple! I don't want you to die, die like your father! I only want you to survive! Only that simple! For this, I will do whatever it takes, even if my hands are touched Full of blood, even if I become a demon, as long as you can live..."


Facing Otto's confession, Karen couldn't help shaking her head and backing away-then Fang Zheng held her down and looked at Otto.

"There are many ways to get someone alive, but you chose the stupidest one...just like last night, you couldn't persuade her to escape from prison, did you?"


Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Otto looked sad.

"Dead people can't do anything, but people can choose how they should live."

Fang Zheng looked at Otto, narrowing his eyes.

"So, you haven't actually understood what Karen wants from start to finish, you just think you know what she wants."

"Perhaps so."

Otto took a deep breath and looked at Karen, who also raised his head at this moment and stared at him-the blue eyes were not shaken at all, as firm as before.

"Karen, I still think so. There are some problems in this world that cannot be solved by human wisdom. It's like collapse... It threatens us, and we can't do anything about it. We tried everything and paid. So much, but in the end, we were not able to find the answer."

"When you look into the darkness, don't seek the light."

Fang Zheng waved his hand.

"You can only represent yourself, Otto Apocalis, you cannot represent other people in the world. Maybe you can't deal with the collapse, maybe Karen can't deal with it, but who said that among other people, you can't What about someone who can handle the collapse?"

"You don't understand, UU reading www.uukanshu.com what I got!"

Hearing this, Otto clenched his fists and stared at Fang Zheng.

"I got everything, that is the fruit of wisdom, infinite knowledge. But even so, I can't find a way to fight against collapse, even as a gift from ancient civilization..."

"Nonsense, how can it help you if it's perished?"

Founder snorted softly.

"If ancient civilizations can resist collapse, then they won't be destroyed. So in the final analysis, they still can't. The experience of seeking help from the loser will only make you another loser."


Hearing this, suddenly, a golden light flashed in Otto's eyes, and then he raised his head and looked at Fang Zheng.

"Then, let you taste the power of the loser!"

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