Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3127: Dark fog (the temperature here has recently warmed up again)

For the new Starlight Technology, one of the things to do now is to wait for the quantum sea to subside, and then open the channel again to allow others to return to their own world. The other is to seize this opportunity to wipe out the members and strongholds of the World Snake-although the fate and anti-entropy have been encircled and suppressed according to the information provided by Fang Zheng, some of the high-level members of the World Snake successfully escaped.

Since the whole world is fairly stable at the moment, and the disaster of collapse has temporarily receded, Fang Zheng focused his attention on this aspect. Although Kevin has been killed by himself, World Snake obviously has no intention to stop because of this. Obviously, they have taken the Stigmata Project as their highest mission, but the failure of Sky City has also greatly hurt World Snake's vitality. For a while, they all hid in the cave like snakes and stopped showing up.

In addition, Fang Zheng spent the rest of his time studying with Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu about the broken connection between the last century and this century.

And through the narration of the two, Founder also found a lot of problems.

First of all, it is the Fourteenth Law who destroyed the civilization of the last century. Now it is certain that the Law of the End destroyed the civilization of the last era-then the next question is that the Law of the End himself is after that How's it going? Is she asleep? Disappeared? Or left?

No one knows.

Also, regarding the nature of collapse-Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu believe that the goal is to suppress civilization, because the stronger the civilization, the more developed the collapse.

But to say how developed the civilization of the last century is, it just doesn't approve of it. Because of the fact that civilizations in the last century did not even step out of the solar system, according to the civilization level in the halo, they are not even classified as level 3 civilization, which is the level of level 4 civilization.

If it is assumed that the collapse is that the earth in this world will produce a certain form of disaster, then as long as humans can point out a level 3 civilization and can carry out voyages and colonization in the galaxy, then they can escape. Of course, unless the human civilization of the last century enters the interstellar colonization era and will still encounter the catastrophe of collapse, the inference that the catastrophe of collapse is a suppressor used to restrain civilization will never be confirmed.

However, the fact is that humans in the last century belched without even clicking on the technology of colonization in the galaxy.

Of course, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu also said that Dr. MEI set up four human inheritance plans. The first "Ark Project" was to launch a spacecraft that left the solar system in search of a new home. There is the earth gene bank on it, but so many years have passed...It is estimated that the spacecraft is also finished.

Fang didn't have any expectations for the success of the Ark Project. Because according to the description of the two, the spacecraft didn't even turn on the hyperspace navigation. At this speed, wanting to leave the solar system to find a suitable planet for colonization, I am afraid it is useless.

However, out of curiosity, he still asked Leander to launch a few probes to search to see if he could find the wreckage or signal of the ark.

Dr. MEI’s second project is the Tinder Project, which is carried out by Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu and a fusion warrior named Hua. In short, it is to pull the seedlings and encourage them to pass on the advanced knowledge of the civilization of the last century to the civilization of this century. , So as to increase their development speed as soon as possible.

As a result, Chi You appeared, and then Cang Xuan, Dan Zhu and Ji Lin sacrificed themselves before reluctantly sealing him.

The remaining two plans, one is the "Hengsha Project" carried out by a fusion warrior named Su, which is to constantly observe other parallel world lines, looking for a way to defeat the collapse of the world line, and thus copy that world line. Come to save your own world.

Founder is also not optimistic about this. This is the same as ordinary people predicting death. If collapse is inevitable, then no matter how many times you watch it, there will be no other ending.

The last is the "Stigmata Project" that Kevin is in charge of... Needless to say, this has been cut by Fang Zheng.

"So we have two goals, either to improve human technology as much as possible, so that they can colonize the galaxy in the shortest time, and then we can see whether the catastrophe will happen on an outer planet."

Fang Zheng stood in front of the three-dimensional display and spoke to the two of them, while Dan Zhu frowned.

"You mean, you want to know if the Lawyer will appear on an alien planet?"

"Yes, the essence of science is rigor. If inferences are not verified, they will always be inferences."

"But this is too risky."

Cang Xuan shook his head.

"We tried once five thousand years ago..."

"Let monkeys who don't even understand steam engines maintain the nuclear reactor, and the result will inevitably explode in situ."

Fang Zheng shrugged.

"No matter what world you are in, you won’t end up with power that doesn’t match the level of civilization. Indeed, according to your description, Chi You appeared at that time... But there is no evidence that Chi You’s appearance is related to the level of civilization of that era. Promotion is directly related."

"Do you have evidence?"


Founder knocked on the blackboard.

"The evidence is that since then, there has never been a Judgment-level Broken Beast...until the Law of the Sky appeared. There was only a Judgment-class Broken Beast beside her. Of course, based on the current level of civilization. , This level of collapse beast is not so powerful anymore."

Having said this, Fang Zheng squinted his eyes and stared at the two of them.

"We assume that the strength of the dragon next to the Law of the Sky is similar to Chi You, then it means that the level of civilization five thousand years ago is close to the present... As for whether this is the case, I think you have the most say."

"This...Of course it's incomparable."

Hearing Fang Zheng's question, Cang Xuan was silent for a moment, and then gave an answer. Although they did launch the "Tinder Project" to upgrade their civilization level at that time, due to the conditions at the time, no matter how powerful they were, they could not compare with the current civilization level.

"That's the problem."

Founder spread his hands.

"The civilization that was promoted five thousand years ago has not reached the current level, so according to your inference, the collapsed beasts we have to face now should be stronger. But the fact is that their strength has hardly improved for so many years. This is a very strange thing in itself. According to your statement, the stronger the civilization, the stronger the collapse. But the fact is that the promotion of collapse is not very significant on most levels."

"This... is indeed a problem."

Cang Xuan frowned at this moment, thinking, while Dan Zhu blinked and looked at Fang Zheng.

"So, Mr. Yuki, what do you think?"

"I'm not sure, but it is a good choice to exclude those who have been falsified first..."

Listening to Fang Zheng and Cang Xuan and the others from the crack of the door, Xiao Anbai yawned boredly and turned a page silently. As the "plenipotentiary" of the girls, she is responsible for looking at Fang Zheng here. But now Xiao An is already a little bored, and the things mentioned in it are too complicated, making her feel the same as listening to the heavenly scriptures. Although she was a cosmic assassin, Xiao An was completely ignorant of this kind of theoretical level, and she felt a little sleepy listening to her.


Thinking of this, Xiao An turned over a page silently again—then stopped the movement in his hand.

This is the last page.

Go to Tia to borrow the next book.

Xiao An stood up and looked at the brightly lit conference room. It was obvious that the exchange between Fang Zheng and the two girls would not end for a while. So she also turned around and walked to the other side of the passage. Then took the elevator and came to the laboratory below. Generally speaking, Tiayo will conduct her research here, and occasionally sleep in it.


The door opened and Xiaoan walked into the research room.

"Tia, the next book..."

Holding the book in her hand, Xiao An looked forward and said, but she stopped before she could finish her words.

Because the research room in front of me was empty.

Tia is not there?

Seeing this scene, Xiao An was a little surprised, but she knew that Tiayo was a research madman and would hardly leave the laboratory. And now everything here is the same, only Tiayo is not here... and the door of the research room is not locked...


Just when Xiao An was about to leave, her ears suddenly caught a faint voice, which was Tiyayo's voice. However, Tiayo is different on weekdays, and this voice seems to be mixed with a bit of distress and uncomfortable feeling.


Hearing this voice, Xiao An's heart suddenly lifted, and at this moment her vigilance as a cosmic assassin was immediately raised to the extreme. She cautiously walked to the suite in the laboratory-this is considered Tiayoo's lounge. Sometimes when she gets tired, she will rest on the bed inside for a while.

Is she not feeling well? Still sick? Or was it kidnapped?

Xiaoan quietly touched the door, looked inside along the gap, and then—she opened her eyes wide in surprise.

On the other side, Tiayo was lying on the bed, her brows frowning, her face flushed, her head sweating profusely, and she looked like she was sick.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is not sick.


Tiayo was lying on the bed like this, with one hand on her chest, and she couldn't help squeezing her curved, soft and round mountain. The other hand went deep between the legs, trembling fiercely. You can even faintly hear the sound of intense water stains.

Tia? What is she... doing?

Seeing this scene in front of her, Xiaoan widened her eyes in surprise, staring at the scene inside. Of course she knew what Tiayo was doing, but because of this, Xiao An became more unacceptable. The person closest to him would actually show such a... shameless, nasty side.

"Um......Kun Yuki...Kun Yuki...come again...like then..."

Muttering to herself, Tiayo's movements became more intense, and at the same time, her body began to tighten hard, and the slender legs wrapped in black silk couldn't help twisting on the white sheets.

"Ohh Ohh ohh!!"

Finally, with a groan like a beast, Tia You suddenly stood up and stepped on the bed with two legs, making his body stand tall, as if he was about to fly into the sky in an instant.

However, the next moment, she fell heavily on the bed again, panting for breath.

"......Kun Yuki..."

At this moment, Tia You's eyes were blurred and her face flushed-she did not notice, a pair of eyes were in the gap of the door, staring at herself like this.

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