Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3128: Diffuse (meow who is worried about what to eat every day)

"Then, regarding the content of this part, follow the previous one."


"Mr. Yuki, the business arrangements for the collapse of the group..."

"Isn't it confirmed since last week? After the shooting, you can let it go."


"The decision I made is up to you."


"Ah, Darling! Haruna and I are going to go shopping, do you want to go together?"

"My business hasn't finished yet, so let's go play."

"Hey? Would you like us to help?"

"I will ask you to help me when I'm shooting, let's go play now."




Seeing Lala rushing away, Fang Zheng retracted his gaze and looked at Xiaoan who was sitting not far away.

"Xiaoan, are you looking for me for something?"

Stared at me all morning, what do you want to do?


Xiao An turned his head silently, and then left the room directly. Seeing this scene, Fang Zheng scratched his head suspiciously, and turned to look at Mengmeng, who was standing next to him as his secretary.

"Is Xiao An in a bad mood?"

"Yes, it shouldn't be Mr. Yuki what you did."

"I haven't done anything to her recently?"

Fang Zheng was also confused. He felt that Xiaoan was normal before, but these days he could always notice that she was staring at him fiercely, and it seemed quite complicated. I don't know if it's annoying or what, Fang Zheng once thought about asking her clearly, but every time he talked to Xiaodian, the other party immediately slipped away.

"Did she see something that shouldn't be seen?"

"Hahahaha, absolutely impossible."

Fang Zheng waved his hand, joking, he has always been very serious around Xiaoan, alright.

"Isn't it discovered when I was having an affair with Miss Qiyana or Miss Mei or Miss Bronya? Ah, could it be Rosalia and Lilia? Or Xier? Did you work in the secret room? What ugly hook was discovered by Xiaoan at the time? So she was jealous? After all, Mr. Yuki often does this kind of thing... Ah, have you done it with everyone? If so, please let me too. Join! Although I have no experience, I will work hard!"

"Do you have nothing else in your mind to think about all day?"

Facing Mengmeng's question, Fang Zheng was completely speechless.

"Is it Miss Karen? She is indeed very beautiful, and you have a good impression of Yuuki-san? And the Yae sisters... Wouldn't Yuki-san want to eat Sister Don before this? Me? Never allowed! If you want to eat, please let my sister and I come together..."

"Shut up for me."

Fang Zheng picked up the folder and patted Mengmeng on his head.

"This is absolutely nothing."

"That's weird."

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Mengmeng showed a thoughtful expression, and then her eyes lit up.

"Why don't I go and investigate for Mr. Yuki?"

"No, I'd better ask Megan and Eve."

If you let you go, maybe it will end with Tiayo in the end, you are almost enough.

After driving out Mengmeng, who feared that the world would not be chaotic, Fang Zheng opened the communication terminal again and contacted Teresa and Walter Young. This time, their main topic was "the study of early warning systems for collapse and outbreak."

Strictly speaking, it is a pre-warning study of the transformation of the law.

Based on the previous experience of the rulerization, what can now be learned is that the selected person will gather a large amount of collapsing energy in a short period of time, and then completely burst out and become a ruler. The entire process requires a very short time. According to the experience of Raiden Yayi and Qiyana, they both accumulated a lot of pain in a short period of time, and then suddenly --- broke out.

It's a bit similar to Xiao Mei Homura's witch-like transformation of the world's magical girl after despair. It's just that the degree of danger is much stronger than that of the witch.

By the way, after being overshadowed by the world's snake, the law of the sky never appeared again. It is estimated that the destruction of the serum that time was enough to toss her, Qiyana at that time was in a coma because of the breakdown of the body. The Law of Sora, who didn't understand the situation, took over her body and planned to escape with a vicious trick. As a result, she despised the power of the serum and was directly blown up.

It is estimated that where is it still shivering.

To be honest, after a few interviews with the Law of Sora, Fang Zheng also knew a little bit about her character. To put it bluntly, she was a bear kid. She was crazy on the surface, but after being scrapped, she would shrink. Cry in the corner. After crying, I don’t remember, I continue to wave, and then I get beaten again, then cry again, and continue to wave after crying—then repeat the process.

Although we already know the process of the lawmakers, we don't have any clue as to how to warn them, because the time is too short. Just like an earthquake warning, when you notice it, the earthquake has already erupted. In fact, the current fate detection system is the same. It determines the disaster level after detecting the explosion of collapse energy, and then responds.

But generally speaking, by this time, all the people at the location of the disaster must have died.

However, Fang Zheng now thought of a way, that is to install the serum aerosol made by the world snake in every corner of the city. The body breaks down the fumes of collapsible energy.

In this way, not only can the time of the lawbreaker's outbreak be delayed, but also time for quick response and evacuation of the people can be given, and there can also be a certain amount of time for countermeasures here.

After listening to Fang Zheng's narration, their expressions were also quite serious.

"Are you sure?"

Walter Young stared at Fang Zheng, his expression calm and steady.

"We have done experiments on animals. Unless the rate at which the disciple condenses the collapsing energy is beyond imagination, otherwise as long as the collapsing energy absorbed by the disciple is continuously decomposed, then the formation and burst time of the disciple can be delayed. "

"What's the specific time?"

"Theoretical 30 minutes to an hour or so."

"Didn't those who take the law experiment?"

"What makes you think I will let those cute little girls do this kind of thing? Do you think I am Otto kind of pervert?"

Fang Zheng sneered at Walter Young's question, joking, and the theory was simple. But that kind of pain is not something that everyone can bear. Imagine that blood is injected into the body and then evaporated, and then injected and evaporated again. Such a circulatory process is unbearable. You'll know when you roll around in pain.

For the Valkyrie, it may just be simply powerless, but the collapse energy of the Condensation of the Law is several times that of the Valkyrie, and the reaction is naturally more intense.


At this moment, Teresa couldn't help but interject.

"With that kind of serum smoke, the Valkyrie can't use it."

"That's the pros and cons. Fortunately, there are not many Valkyries on my side."

Fang Zheng chuckled. The Valkyries he had on hand would add up to two teams. Because of the cooperative relationship with the ruling forces here, Starlight Technology itself does not have independent military armaments like Inverse Entropy and Mandate of Heaven. And there is also very optimistic about this early warning method.

"In short, Shenzhou intends to do this experiment."

Fang Zheng didn't hide it. There were not many people in Shenzhou who used the collapsing energy to fight, but the number of soldiers in the regular army was quite large. With their armed forces, they would be able to exert their greatest effect under the influence of this kind of serum.

On the contrary, this kind of early warning method is quite unfriendly to Inverse Entropy and Destiny.

"Destiny needs to be considered."

Teresa's expression is a bit complicated, she really can't tell whether this kind of pros and cons is a good warning method. After all, Destiny’s deterrent power comes from the Valkyrie. Although Otto does not do personnel affairs, he has to admit that Destiny is still the most efficient in the use of collapsing energy.

If you want to use this method, it is equivalent to abolishing the fighting power of Mandate, and Teresa will indeed feel a little depressed because of this.

"If you're worried about this, it's not a big problem."


"Yes, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, our Starlight Technology can customize a set of cosmic armor specifically for the Valkyrie, which is completely sealed, and there is no need to worry about the decomposition reaction of collapsible energy due to contact with the fog."

The cosmic outfits in the world of Mass Effect are all sealed, and with a shield, the defense is not much worse than the armor of the Valkyrie of Destiny.

"Then there is no problem on my side."

After listening to Fang Zheng's description, Teresa suddenly relaxed.

Instead, Walter Young looked desperate.

"Reverse entropy...Hey, I think the lords of Congress will definitely not allow..."

"Then I can't help."

Founder of course knows what kind of urine Americans are. Maybe people would think that this serum is not a vaccine, but some kind of poison used to kill people. Besides, even if it is a vaccine, Americans are not willing to get vaccinated. Many vaccine skeptics believe that there is some kind of nano-robot hidden by the government in the vaccine, which can control you after being injected into it...

Real vaccines are treated like this, and it is naturally difficult to pass this seemingly dangerous early warning method.

But Founder didn't care about it. It's best for them to pray for the birth of no law in North America. Anyway, the life and death of Americans is not an issue that Founder needs to care about.


However, just as Fang Zheng was about to end the communication, suddenly, a dull popping sound came from outside the window. Fang Zheng was immediately taken aback. He turned his head and looked around, only to see a huge beam of light rising into the sky not far away.

what is that?

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