Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3207: It's right not to be human! (Or chicken is delicious without gaining weight)

Meanwhile, deep underground in Arkham City...

"what is the problem?"

Sitting in front of the podium, with a brown double ponytail hairstyle, a good-looking girl is staring anxiously at the screen. Looking at the image of the mechanical giant on the screen, anxiety and restlessness flashed in her brown eyes.

In fact, the mechanical giant facing off against the crab mecha on the screen at this moment is the existence created by the forces behind the girl. As the forces controlling and ruling Arkham City, their family has been fighting against the Black Sanctuary, and this mechanical giant was created by the girl's grandfather and left her to fight against the Black Sanctuary and protect Arkham. city's heritage.

However, this Ghost Machine God named "The Great Sage of Slaying Demons" has never been activated, because activating the Ghost Machine God requires a qualified magician and a top-level magic book. The girl originally planned to entrust others to find the legendary magic book, but before she could act, she was told by her subordinates that the Demon Slayer, who was originally located in the underground base and had not been activated, suddenly disappeared, and then appeared. on the surface...

That is, it was activated?

"Who is it? Who is driving it?"

"I don't know, there is absolutely no response to contact."

"...Damn, why is this...wait, what is that?!"

Just when the girl was thinking hard and didn't know how to face the situation in front of her, she suddenly saw the mechanical giant on the screen change.

I saw that in the gap of the mechanical giant's body, a dark, oil-like liquid gushed out, and along with the gushing liquid, the armor on the mechanical giant's body also twisted, shattered, and fell off. In the blink of an eye, I saw that the mechanical giant standing on the ground was like a melted wax figure, engulfed in the dark swamp.


Not only was the girl stunned when she saw this scene, but even the mecha crab on the opposite side didn't seem to realize what was going on. She stared blankly at the pile of tumbling dark swamps in front of her, not knowing what to do for a while.

The next moment, the dark swamp suddenly began to expand, bulging like an inflated balloon, and then burst open with a "boom".

Immediately afterwards, a huge, terrifying voice appeared in front of everyone.


Looking at the image on the screen in front of her, the girl with brown hair and two ponytails gasped. What appears in the dark swamp at this moment is no longer the mechanical giant from before.

Instead, it was a giant dragon.

The silver-white steel turned into armor, covering its body in layers, with wings a hundred meters long spread out to the left and right, covered with feathers like birds, and these feathers, They are as sharp as a giant sword.

And in the folds of the wings, there are two cylindrical peculiar jets, which stand up and emit a blue fire.

The long tail of the giant dragon spreads out towards the rear, like a long silver whip, and its huge hideous head is raised high, staring at the crab mecha as if overlooking all living beings. In the gap between the dragon's "scales", there is even a faint black mist floating out of it, like a black flame, shrouding the entire dragon in a kind of illusory dark fog. Down.

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, the crab mecha also seemed to sense that some kind of threat was coming, and it attacked the target in front of it again. I saw that the turrets on the mecha were all fired, and several shining firelights flew directly towards the dragon mecha.

However, in the face of the attack of the crab mecha, the mechanical dragon just spread its wings, and the next moment saw the jets on its wings suddenly emit bright and dazzling flames, and then the silver-white dragon under the dark shadow was Like an arrow from the string, it soared into the sky and flew into the sky. And the attack of the crab mecha naturally fell into the air and hit the open space.

"Stupid mortal."

The mechanical dragon hovering in the air lowered his head and stared at the crab mecha on the ground.

"You crawled ignorantly on the ground, like a blind reptile, wriggling toward endless madness and despair. But I have witnessed the real end of time, and this is a blessing you will never understand!"

Along with the dragon's roar, its wings suddenly spread, and feathers erected immediately, aiming at the crab mecha on the ground and sprayed out, turning into missiles and flying towards the crab mecha.

Several feathered missiles hit the crab mecha directly, causing a series of explosions, shrouding the entire crab mecha in flames of destruction. Under this severe bombardment, the crab mecha could not withstand such a violent bombardment. In the roar, the crab mecha fell to the side and hit the ground heavily.

At the same time, the mechanical giant swooped down, and the whole body stepped on the body of the crab mecha.

"I am the beginning of the end, the shadow of the sun, the death knell of destruction. The meaning of my existence is for this moment, witness your death and despair, mortals! The twilight judgment has come!!"

The voice fell, and the mechanical dragon raised its head and took a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, pale flames sprayed out from the mouth of the mechanical dragon, shrouded the body of the crab mecha, and a white column of fire rose into the sky, illuminating the city covered in darkness.


Looking at the crab mecha devoured by the flames and the giant mechanical dragon in front of her, the brown-haired girl's face was pale, and her clenched fists were shaking slightly. After a while, she stood up suddenly.

"Prepare the helicopter immediately! I'm going to the scene!!"

At the same time, in the cockpit of the mechanical dragon, Fang Zheng let go of Frostmourne and nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, it sure is better not to be a human being."

Just as Fang Zheng was talking, Al suddenly jumped up and jumped in front of him, staring at him in surprise.

"Wait, how did you do it? You actually modified the Ghost Artificer? Who the **** are you? The kind of power you have... It's not the kind of power a magician can have at all!"

Staring at Fang Zheng, El was even trembling at this moment. At the beginning, she only thought that the other party had the qualities of a magician, but after contracting with Fangzheng, El found that the situation was not right - the darkness in the depths of this man's soul was so huge that it seemed like an endless sea. Not only that, she can also feel a very familiar aura from the other party's soul, plus, he can actually use his own power to transform the ghost God... This is not an ordinary robot! But the gods! Although it is a man-made god, it is also a god!

Thinking of this, Aier looked a little surprised when he looked at Fangzheng.

"Could it be... you are the descendant of the ancient god?"

"I am who I am, Jingjingliang, through the heart."

Fang Zheng spread his hands and shrugged his shoulders.

"Does it make sense for us to pursue this issue? Of course, I have to thank you, Al. If I hadn't made a contract with you, I wouldn't have imagined that I would be able to use this power in reality...but not now. When we say this, let's get out of here quickly... Is there any way you can put this thing away?"


However, what Fang Zheng didn't expect was that Al suddenly showed an embarrassed expression in the face of his own inquiry. At this moment, suddenly, a searchlight came over, Fang Zheng looked intently, and saw that not far from the giant dragon, a helicopter was hovering there, illuminating the light.

"The driver of the Ghost God, come out immediately, I have something to tell you!"

Hearing the aggressive tone of the other party, Fang Zheng knew that the situation was not good.

And that's exactly what happened.

"...So, that Ghost Artifact is yours?"

Looking at the brown-haired girl with double ponytails on her hips, Fang Zheng helplessly stretched out his hand to hold his forehead, and then he looked at Al beside him.

"You summoned other people's things and used them yourself?"

"What does it matter?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Al turned his head.

"Besides, I just tried it at the time. After all, we really need to fight, and this ghost God has no manipulator."

"So you borrow flowers to offer Buddha, right..."

Facing Al's answer, Fang Zheng was speechless. The reason why he remodeled this mecha at first was because he thought it belonged to Eyre. After all, in general mecha animations, it is a basic operation for the female protagonist to bring a mecha to the male protagonist.

But you stole someone else's and sent it here... that's a bit unreasonable.

"I'm so sorry, this..."

Fang Zheng looked at the brown-haired girl, who raised an eyebrow.

"Domineering, my name is Domineering Liuli."


The name is quite domineering.

"Okay, Miss Domineering Liuli, sorry, I didn't know this robot was yours."

"It doesn't matter, after all it was made to protect the city."

Domineering Liuli shook his head, and then pointed to the mechanical dragon in front of him.

"So, is there a way to change it back?"

"... This is really not."

After all, Fangzheng really didn't know that this thing belonged to someone else, so he changed it completely from beginning to end.

"There's nothing you can do about it?"

"There is no way."

In fact, not only can it not be changed back, even this mechanical dragon can only be driven by Fang Zheng himself. His current mood is like that of a car owner who bought a new car. He happily modified his car and changed the stickers. As a result, the police came and said it was a stolen car...

If I had known it was a stolen car, it wouldn't have taken so much effort.

"Then, Miss Domineering Liuli, I'll just say it straight."

Fangzheng decided to start opening the sunroof to speak up.

"I'm very sorry, I can't give you back this mechanical dragon. I think you have seen it. I have made a lot of modifications to it, and even injected my magic power. In fact, It's no use giving it back to you now, because only I can drive it."


Domineering Liuli didn't speak, just raised his brows and stared at Fangzheng with clenched fists.

"But this is your property after all, and I won't take it for nothing, so... Can we negotiate, make a deal or something? At least, I won't take this thing for nothing."

It is impossible for Fang Zheng to let go of this thing. This mechanical dragon can allow Fang Zheng to use the power of the ancient gods in the real world, and Fang Zheng himself has the light of the ancient gods, which means that with the help of this mechanical dragon, He can use the power of God comparable to his original form. Of course, Fang Zheng wasn't going to let go of such a good thing. So now he can only hope to reach an agreement with the other party.

After all, as a paladin, robbing things is too immoral.

However, confiscation is still allowed.

(End of this chapter)

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