Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3208: Cardcaptor Boy (3 layers of fat on Ben Meow's belly)


As Fangzheng swung his sword down, the space in front of him instantly shattered, and then several pieces of paper emerged from it and spread out towards the surroundings.


"Understood, master! After the connection is completed, start recycling!"

As he spoke, Al stretched out his hand, and then he saw those swirling pages were taken back into Al's hand, turned into a white light and then disappeared.


Fang Zheng put down Frostmourne and looked at El beside him, who smiled smugly at him.

"It's amazing, Master, you deserve it."

"When will this be a head..."

Hearing Al's praise, Fang Zheng didn't look happy. On the contrary, he helplessly pressed his forehead and sighed in a low voice.

After that, Fangzheng and Domineering Liuli reached an agreement, Domineering Liuli allowed Fangzheng to use the mechanical dragon, but there was one condition - that is to destroy the Black Sanctuary. According to Domineering Liuli, their domineering chaebols have ruled Arkham City from generation to generation, but the deepest darkness under Arkham City is the Black Sanctuary, and the most troublesome is the magician in the Black Sanctuary. They also have A powerful magic book, and it can summon similar robots, which is why the grandfather of the domineering Liuli created the Demon Slayer.

According to Domineering Liuli, if Fangzheng can completely eliminate this mysterious cult organization, then it is not impossible for her to give him the reward of Demon Slayer.

So Fangzheng began to track the Black Sanctuary, a cult organization—as it should have been. But El told Fangzheng a piece of news that made him desperate, that is, before coming to this city, El was blocked by the great magister of the Black Sanctuary. Although she successfully escaped, but her body The pages of the book were also scattered to all corners of the city during the attack. Only by recovering all of them can El truly exert the power of the "Necronomicon".

And the Black Sanctuary is also looking for and grabbing these pages...

When he heard this at first, Fang Zheng felt that this sounded so familiar.

Later, I thought about it - I rely on it, isn't this the Clow card? !

But this thing is much scarier than the Clow card.

The reason is very simple. As we all know, the Necronomicon is a magic book created by Abdullah Al-Hassad - it records in detail about the old seal, Nyarlathotep, Azathoth, Kesu Information on gods and ancient species such as Lu, Yog Sotos, Shab Nicholas, Zatoguya, etc.

Just like when each card in the Clow card is scattered everywhere, it will trigger the phenomenon of the attributes of the card itself, think about what would happen if the pages of the book that recorded Shabu Nicholas or Cthulhu were scattered somewhere...

This Nima is simply a Cthulhu horror movie.

And it's a TV series.

Compared to Sakura Kinomoto's cuteness and fantasy when he recovered the Clow card, this Nima is simply too dark to be black. However, as the magic card boy, Fangzheng must also pick up the magic book that hides the power of darkness, and fight to recover the pages... How desperate.

Fang Zheng felt that if he were a human, he would have lost his SAN value long ago.

If this is a cartoon, then it should be like "Cardcaptor Sakura", waiting for the card to trigger an event, Fangzheng will deal with it, defeat it after the battle with the page, and then recycle it - such an episode will it's over. If it goes well, you can write fifty or sixty episodes, and then turn the pages into Sakura pages, and then evolve into transparent pages. It's not a problem to have a second season and a third season... Well, this is all crazy.

As a prophecy spell, of course, Fangzheng doesn't need to be so passive. In fact, relying on the guidance of prophecy spells, he has recovered most of the pages that haven't had time to make trouble. As for a small part of troubles, they are naturally cut by Fangzheng like melons and vegetables. 's done.

"As expected of my master, I didn't expect most of the pages to be recovered in such a short period of time."

Compared to Fang Zheng, who felt exhausted, El looked quite happy. After all, it was a good thing for her to be able to recycle the pages so easily.

"However, I am also a prophetic mage, but I am a specialist in finding things."

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect that there is such a vast world outside... No, strictly speaking, this is a matter of course."

Fang Zheng didn't hide his identity and background from Al. The other party was the original tome of the Necronomicon, and he knew a lot about this. So after Fang Zheng's explanation, Al immediately understood. most of them.

People on the magical side have far more philosophies than those on the scientific side when it comes to understanding weird situations.

"How many pages are there next?"

"Not much, probably only a small part... It should be able to be collected after two or three more times."

"That's good."

Hearing Al's answer, Fang Zheng was also relieved.

"Then let's go to a restaurant to eat, and then go back to the hotel to get some rest."

Now that he has reached an agreement with Domineering Liuli, Fangzheng naturally asked her to be responsible for reimbursement of investigation expenses. Although Domineering Liuli was very upset, he nodded in agreement. So Fangzheng decided to take Al into the most luxurious hotel suite here, and he ate and drank every day in high-end restaurants in Arkham City in the name of investigation.

Although Domineering Liuli's face was pale every time he saw the bill, it didn't affect Fang Zheng in the slightest.

After all, such a handsome guy works for you, and it is natural to pay a little money.

For a handsome man like him, he can make money just by his face.


However, just as Fang Zheng walked out of the alley, he suddenly stopped and looked forward.

"What's the matter? Master?"

"Looks like we have a guest coming."

Following Fang Zheng's words, a figure appeared quietly at the exit of the alley. It was a young man with long blond hair and eyes, wearing a black tights. Not only that, through his open clothes, he could even clearly see the eight-pack abs inside.


The moment she saw the blond man, Ayton became nervous. She took a few steps back and stared at him vigilantly.

"Be careful, my lord, this man is dangerous!"

"Just a blond sissy, what's the danger."

Fang Zheng snorted lightly, then looked at the other party.

"Hello, sissy with eight pack abs, what's the matter with me?"

"Hello, it should be the first meeting, Mr. Yuki Masa."

However, in the face of Fang Zheng's inquiry, the other party seemed quite calm, and he slowly raised his hand.

"I'll report my name too. I'm the Great Magister Tyrion, who pursues the truth of magic."

"Be careful, my lord!"

At this time, Al also hurriedly spoke.

"This man is the great magician of the Black Sanctuary!"

"It turns out that the boss of the other party took the initiative to die."

Fang Zheng silently pulled out Frostmourne.

"This is just right. It also saves me the time to find you. Since you are all here, then stay here."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Zheng's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of the blond man, with Frostmourne in his hand slashing head-on. Facing Fang Zheng's blow, the blond man showed a proud and calm smile, then he raised his right hand and faced Frostmourne...

"Ah ah ah ah ah---!!"

The next moment, accompanied by a scream, the blond man flew out and slammed into the wall on the other side, and his right arm had turned black, like rotten and swollen flesh after frostbite. piece.

"Hahaha, how is it? Isn't it funny?"

Fang Zheng held Frostmourne with a smile, staring at the enemy in front of him with a cold smile. From the time they met, he had guessed the sissy's reaction from the pretentious taste of the other party, so he deliberately restrained Frostmourne's undead spirit and launched an attack. Fang Zheng wanted to come, since the other party dared to appear in front of him, he must have considerable confidence in his own strength.

In this case, if he assumes the stance of attacking rashly, the sissy who thinks highly of himself will definitely try to show his strength to give him a slap in the face.

So Fangzheng assumed an arrogant attitude, and then slashed with Frostmourne, who had restrained his breath.

Sure enough, this sissy idiot not only didn't dodge, on the contrary, he planned to teach himself a lesson, so at the moment of contact, Fang Zheng unhesitatingly released the power of Frostmourne—when that sissy feels When the power of the undead was suddenly released from the great sword in front of him, that expression was really interesting.

Of course, Fangzheng wouldn't taunt him like an idiot boss and wait for the opponent to fight back. The moment he spoke, he raised the big sword again and slashed towards the opponent. The previous attack was just barely dodging by the opponent, but at this moment his body has been eroded by the cold air of Frostmourne, Fang Zheng doesn't think he still has the means to fight him.



Just as Fangzheng was about to slash the sissy under his horse, suddenly, a voice sounded from his side, and then he saw a young girl in a black dress, very similar to Al, appearing out of nowhere. She made a fist with her right hand and waved it towards Fangzheng. out. Along with the girl's movements, a bright red magic circle appeared in front, and a huge steel fist blasted out from it, hitting Fangzheng.


A violent crash sounded, and the shock wave caused the entire alley to collapse and spread, dust scattered, and then blown away by the strong smoke.

The bright red steel fist stopped just a line away from Fangzheng. A white-silver metal dragon emerged from the air. It stretched out its sharp claws and held that fist tightly, staring at it coldly. looking at the girl in front of him. And just in front of the Iron Fist, Fang Zheng held Frostmourne with both hands and inserted it firmly into the blond, eight-pack, sissy chest.


It seems that even the blond sissy didn't expect this ending, he stared at Fang Zheng in disbelief.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in serving the audience when you come and go. Since you took the initiative to die, then just die obediently!"

As he spoke, Fangzheng pulled out Frostmourne with all his might, along with the jet-black blade he pulled out from the blond sissy's body. At the same time, the chains of the soul bound his soul and pulled it out of his body. Pulled out, then turned into a gust of cold wind and inhaled into Frostmourne's blade.

"How is that possible? MASTER!!"

Seeing this scene, the girl in the black dress suddenly screamed, but before she could make any further movement, Fang Zheng stretched out his hand and pointed at her, and then countless tentacles condensed with shadows burst out from under her, and in the blink of an eye It was bound tightly and pulled into the bottomless abyss of darkness.


Fang Zheng put down Frostmourne in his hand, and the giant metal dragon disappeared. Only the blond sissy's corpse lay in front of him without making a sound.

"I didn't expect you to be able to defeat him so easily..."

At this moment, Al also came over, UU reading www. uukanshu.com looked at the blond sissy corpse in surprise, but she knew how powerful the other party was. After all, she was defeated by him at the beginning of driving the ghost machine god, but now, he actually died in the hands of a human?

Although according to Fangzheng's words, he is not a human being...

"It's just the head of a cult organization. Isn't it easy to deal with this kind of thing? If he came over with a mecha from the beginning, it might be a little troublesome, and who would blame him if he had to pretend to be a fool?"

Fang Zheng shrugged his shoulders and snorted coldly.

Just kidding, who is he? If you have to deal with such a guy, you have to be entangled in life and death, then what kind of **** to deal with chaos, go home for the New Year.

Having said this, Fang Zheng turned his head and looked at the corpse of the golden-haired sissy again.

"It's all right, we can take this guy's body for business. I don't think Miss Domineering will have any comments on our reimbursement bill this time."

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