Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3255: The bottom of the big labyrinth (the setting will be changed to follow this meow)

After getting the "Golden Ao Heart Method", Xiaobai began to practice hard. In fact, Ellie was also curious about the situation of Xiaobai's system, because what she used to infuse Xiaobai's heart method was actually the kind of general that often exists in the Xianxia world. The mental method is directly injected into the mind, but it is obvious that Xiaobai's system has detected this mental method and made it.

Now Xiaobai is practicing every day, but...

"Miss Ellie, what is Xiaobai doing??"

Looking at Xiaobai sitting in a pile of monster corpses not far away, Nana asked suspiciously. It's no wonder that she has such doubts, it's just that Xiaobai's actions are too weird right now. Generally speaking, cultivation requires sitting with both legs crossed, but Xiaobai, as a spider, has too many legs to cross, so after discussing with Ellie, the latter said that he can come as he feels comfortable, so Xiaobai... became like this.

I saw a spider silk hanging from the back of its butt, so the whole person (spider?) was hanging upside down in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses, and then I saw Xiaobai's limbs close to each other, posing a posture similar to a hexagram... Honestly, this is pretty middle school.

"It's practicing."


"As long as you do this pose, you can gradually become stronger."


Hearing this, Yue next to him also became curious.

"There is still such a strange training method in this world? If you can become stronger like this, then you don't need to fight hard."


To Yue's complaints, Ellie just shrugged and didn't answer. "Golden Ao Heart Method" is a demon cultivation method from the Intercept Sect. Its principle is to extract and absorb the blood energy of other monsters, so as to make oneself stronger. The advantage of the Demon Cultivation Method is that it is generally very strong and takes shape very quickly. The disadvantage is that humans cannot train.

Because when absorbing blood energy, it is also absorbing the spirit of monsters. That is to say, if human beings cultivate this kind of mental method, they will become neither human nor ghost, and finally become a monster like a half-human, half-beast.

According to Xiaobai, the ability displayed in the system by "Golden Ao Heart Method" is to increase the range and percentage of experience points. In the beginning, in order to get experience points in Xiaobai's system, Xiaobai had to kill the beasts by himself. Later, when he was with Ellie and the others, he seemed to be defaulted to the team mode, so he also got experience, but because Xiaobai was always by his side Fishing, so she gets the lowest experience points.

Now that you have practiced the "Golden Ao Heart Method", it means that even if Xiaobai doesn't do anything, as long as Xiaobai is the center of the monster that dies within N meters in diameter, it will be able to get experience points, no matter if it is killed by a team. , or died of natural disasters or accidents. The experience points allocated are also calculated according to the minimum percentage of the default team.

Of course, this does not mean that this method of cultivation is necessarily safe. As I said before, cultivating the "Golden Ao Heart Method" requires absorbing the blood and spirit of monsters, which means that although Xiaobai does not need to interact with the real world These monsters fight, but they have to compete with them in the spiritual world. However, the only luck is that the spiritual world is a world of will, and the competition is based on their willpower rather than the difference in individual strength. Although many monsters were quite powerful during their lifetimes, their spirits become waterless after death, even at the beginning. It's terrifying, but as long as you get over it, you can get great benefits.

From the current point of view, although Xiaobai is a spider, her spirit is quite strong. Ellie has observed her consciousness field curiously, and it turns out that this girl is not only alive in it, but can even fight with the spirits of monsters. When talking about stand-up comedy, it feels like she who is always taciturn in peacetime is completely different...

However, there are some people in this world who are like this. In front of outsiders, they are like a stuffy gourd who dare not put a fart, but the level of inner drama is no less exciting than the third world war.

What is this called?

Oh, boring.

After Xiaobai finished practicing, the group walked down again, and they were getting closer and closer to the bottom of the big maze. The monsters along the way became more and more fierce. In the end, Nana even gave up the persuasion, because according to Nana, "I feel that these monsters are irrational, and there is no way to communicate."

Finally, at the bottom of the big labyrinth, they met a guy who was also unable to communicate.

It was a nine-headed dragon.

It has nine heads, each of which has different strengths, which can be said to be a balance of offense and defense. Even a legendary hero might have to work hard to defeat it. However, in the face of This nine-headed dragon is enough to make everyone nervous to deal with it, Ellie just raised her wand and said a word lightly.


The next moment, the nine-headed dragon suddenly fell to the ground and stopped moving.

"Ellie...it's amazing..."

Seeing that the nine-headed dragon that was still showing off in front of herself and others a moment ago turned into a corpse that stopped breathing, Yue couldn't help but marvel. She could see at a glance how powerful this nine-headed dragon was. Even in his heyday, it would take a lot of effort to destroy such a terrifying monster, but Ellie killed it with just one word?

What magic is this? Are witches so powerful?

"It's just restraint. If I encounter a tough enemy, I'll be in a tough fight."

Hearing Yue's emotion, Ellie smiled slightly. She is the messenger of the **** of lust, and the **** of **** belongs to the powerful divine power, and even the power of Ellie itself can be compared with some weaker gods. Because of this, all creatures without divinity are basically stunned in front of Ellie.

Although the divinity is DEBUFF in the Xingyue world, it is different here. Although this nine-headed dragon is powerful, it is still only a mortal thing, and Ellie, who is facing the divine envoy, is powerless to resist. This is like a martial artist in the world of immortals. If you practice swordsmanship to the extreme, whether you should be killed or killed by a fairy, the level of the two sides is different, and it is meaningless to talk about power.

But this does not mean that Ellie has no enemies in this world. She has heard Menger and the others say that there are different gods in this world, because in the guilds in the border cities, there are guilds that cultivate different professions. The gods they worship are also different.

If you encounter an enemy with divinity, such as a messenger of God or a person blessed by God, or an existence like the **** itself, it is time to talk about the difference in strength.

Beyond that...it's basically meaningless.

With the defeat of the nine-headed dragon, the originally closed door slowly opened, and Ellie walked in with the others.

What I saw inside the gate was an incomparably empty circular space. In the center of the circular space was a stone bench with a skeleton sitting on it. Judging from his appearance, it was obvious that he had been dead for a long time.

"Miss Ellie..."

"Don't worry, I'll go take a look."

Ellie waved at Nana and Yue, then walked in front of the skeleton, and just as she stretched out her hand to touch the skeleton, suddenly, the magic circle under her feet suddenly shone, and then, a beam of light appeared out of thin air. , enveloping Ellie in it.

Seeing this scene, Yue and Nana were a little nervous, but Ellie signaled them not to act rashly, because she could feel that this was not an attack. On the contrary, at the moment when the beam of light appeared, countless knowledge entered from outside. In Ellie's brain—obviously, this was the history of the skeleton in front of her.

According to this memory, Ellie finally understands the history of this world.

Judging from this memory, the original world was a world with a very high level of civilization. Not only did various races live in it, but also the development of technology and magic was quite outstanding. According to people today, that era was the "Age of Gods" in this world.

To Fangzheng's words, it should be the stage when this world bubble falls into the sea of ​​quantum and takes root and grows into a tree of imaginary numbers.

However, it is the unchanging truth of all things.

Mass is conserved. Although the tree of imaginary numbers has always grown by absorbing the energy of the quantum sea, the world is increasingly prosperous, but everything has a limit, and the same is true of the tree of imaginary numbers. Finally, at a certain period of time, its growth reached its limit.

Correspondingly, in this world bubble, people found that the power of technology and magic began to gradually weaken, and both the quality of absorbed energy and the power of magic began to decline. Of course, people in this world are not willing to give up on this. Finally, someone discovered the secret of the world bubble and developed a method to directly extract imaginary number energy.

This has indeed alleviated the crisis in the world to a certain extent, and people even think that the world will be better because of this, but... the core of the imaginary number tree does not think so.

As I said before, the tree of imaginary numbers has grown to its limit, just like the amount of food everyone eats is fixed. And what these people do is basically equivalent to taking a straw directly to extract imaginary numbers from the sea of ​​​​quantum and pouring them into the mouth of the imaginary number tree, regardless of whether it is digested or not.

The fact is that the tree of imaginary numbers cannot digest it.

As we all know, if you apply too much fertilizer to a plant, it will cause harm to it, and even seriously cause the root system of the plant to wither and die. At that time, the tree of imaginary numbers already had such signs. After a short period of prosperity, the world of the age of gods began to go downhill.

But the human beings in this world not only did not reflect, but tried to squeeze imaginary energy even harder to maintain their own survival.

And the tree of imaginary numbers finally responded.

That is the battle of gods.

According to the memories that Ellie absorbed, the inhabitants of this world at that time did not know the tree of imaginary numbers or the sea of ​​quantum, and they did not know what their actions would bring. At the beginning, they were still working together to get through the difficulties, but soon, the situation changed.

That is the oracle.

I have said before that there are gods in the age of gods in this world, and there will naturally be oracles. So, one day, suddenly, one of the tribes received an oracle from the gods they believed in.

"The family who believed in XXX betrayed the goddess who created the world. The reason why the world has become like this is because of their arrogance. As long as they are eliminated, the world can be saved!"

At the same time, other races that believed in gods also received similar oracles, and then a world-wide war began.

Countless people lost their lives, and many races were even wiped out. This war, also known as the War of the Gods, continued for hundreds of years after that.

However, there are always people who doubt the authenticity of these oracles, and the long war is tiresome, and soon, seven heroes from different races come together to end the war. At the beginning, their goal was simply to end the war, but when the seven people tried to unite and try to end the war, they accidentally learned the truth of the world.

It turned out that the gods these people believed in had long since died! And disguised as them, it was none other than the creator **** of this world who gave oracles to their believers!

Why did the creator **** destroy the people she created?

The seven heroes have no conclusion, but they are not willing to perish. In order to save their race and people, the seven heroes united to create the magic of the gods, trying to enter the realm of the gods and destroy the **** of creation.

But they failed of course, or, before the seven heroes revolted, the gods had already issued an oracle, indicating that they were the root cause of harm to the world, and ordered others to destroy them.

Of course, it is impossible for the seven heroes to kill each other with the people they protect, UU reading www.uukanshu. com So they had to run away, hide in every corner of the continent, and at the same time created an abyss labyrinth, burying the magic of the Age of Gods they created together with this history.

They hope that someone can break through the labyrinth, come here, learn the truth of the world, and inherit the magic and will of the gods created by themselves, open the gate of God, enter the realm of God, destroy the creator god, and save the world...

That being said...  

After recalling her memories, Ellie opened her eyes and looked helplessly at the skeleton in front of her.

For those who do not know the truth of the world, this may indeed be the best way. But the problem is... the creator **** of this world cannot die! This is the core of the tree of imaginary numbers. Once the core collapses, it means that all the world bubbles on the tree of imaginary numbers will lose their energy supply. At that time, there are a few world bubbles that can survive, it is really resigned to fate.

But I have to say that the maze harvest this time is still not small.

Not only did I know the history of this world bubble, but I even gained the magic of the Age of Gods—of course, this thing is useless to Ellie, but what is useful is the coordinates of the God's Domain in the magic of the Age of God. According to the memory inside, you only need to collect seven The magic of the age of gods in the abyss labyrinth can open the door to the realm of the gods, enter the realm of the gods and face the creation **** face to face.

For Ellie, this is what she wants most.

After all, when there is no way to leave this world with brute force, all she needs is such a key!

Thinking of this, Ellie suddenly felt stable.

Isn't that the seven labyrinths? It's not a decryption game, my mother will go out and get it done for you in minutes!

(End of this chapter)

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