Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3256: Action (the air has become dry recently meow)

Although she knew the secret history of this world, it was of no use to Ellie.

Because according to this record, there were no transmigrators or reincarnators in this world at that time—even in the age of Yue, she said that she had never heard of similar existences appearing. This also means that the appearance of the transmigrator is something after this.

So even if I know why this world has become like this, it is still a mystery why there are transmigrators and reincarnators.

Oh yes, and the system...

Ellie's system came from Fangzheng, but at that time this system was just something made by Fangzheng for debugging, and it was closed after the test. Meng'er and other transmigrators who have lost their memory have no system, and there is no similar thing. Except for the point of "traversing into another world and losing memory", they are no different from ordinary people.

Only Xiaobai fits the characteristics of a transmigrator. She not only has the memory of her previous life, but also has a system plug-in. To say it was unfortunate, she was reincarnated into a spider...

So where did her system come from?

According to the goddess of order, Fangzheng's system is the embodiment of the essence of order imprinted on him - forget it, this is not pleasant to think about. Just because you like to cheat players does not mean that you like to be cheated. Okay, the turtle son of the system has not been recently It's a good thing to come out, but sometimes it can kill people's popularity.

In addition, Fangzheng has traveled through so many worlds. Except for SAO and Yamaguchi, who are the real game world, he has never seen the existence of a self-contained system.

And Xiaobai was just an ordinary female high school student before her death. Of course, it is impossible to have the imprint of order, so it is very strange where her system comes from.

It appears that this is an intelligence that needs to be investigated.

In addition, there are seven labyrinths that hide the magic of the gods. After clearing this abyss labyrinth, Ellie also got the approximate locations of the other six abyss labyrinths.

It is necessary to explain the current situation of this world here. As I said before, although the union of kings has temporarily lost a threat to mankind due to the death of the undead king, the human empire is also unable to resist. At present, they are only occupying Orudana for defense.

To put it simply, the place where Ellie, Lala and others passed through is what the Empire of Humanity currently calls the "frontier". Separated, the only passage connecting the empire and the border is the Earth Dragon Passage below the Tianlong Mountains. If it falls, the monsters can directly attack the human empire through the Earth Dragon Great Passage.

This is also the key target that Orudana wants to protect.

In front of Orudana, there is Kazaa wilderness full of monsters and monsters, as well as Shadow Forest, and after passing through the canyon of a thousand, it is the land of the undead clan created by the undead king. .

On the right of Oludana is a sea called the blue sea, and on the left is the rolling mountains.

According to the information obtained by Ellie, most of the remaining six labyrinths are in the mainland of the Human Empire. Only one labyrinth is located in the blue sea, and the other labyrinth is on the territory of the union of the princes - to be precise, the Heavenly Land of Immortality territory.

Obviously, it is impossible to knock on the door and ask "Can you let me enter the labyrinth".

Anyway, now Ellie has decided on her course of action.

First of all, build a city, a city that only traversers can enter, gather as many traversers in this world as possible, and shelter them - this is not simply because of goodwill, but also to fight against the gangsters behind the scenes. No matter what the masterminds are thinking, as long as you don't let them succeed, this group of people will naturally jump out and die.

Secondly, it is to conquer the remaining six big labyrinths, obtain the magic of the gods, and open the door to the realm of the gods. Find the creator **** of this world—the so-called tree of imaginary numbers. As for how to deal with it after that, it depends on the situation of the tree of imaginary numbers.

After conquering the bottom labyrinth, Ellie and other 3.5 people walked out of the ruins again.

Ok? Why 3.5?

Because Xiaobai has finally become a human—although only half of it.

That's right, after absorbing the nine-headed dragon, Xiaobai chose the girl spider as the evolution direction, and then she wrapped herself in a cocoon, and when she climbed out of the cocoon again, she had turned into an upper body It's a human, and the lower body is a strange image of a spider.

No, strictly speaking, the lower body should be a complete spider, and the upper body should be the body shape of a naked girl up to the waist. Xiaobai didn't care much about this, and was even quite happy, because according to Xiaobai, her line of sight can be said to be doubled now. She can not only see herself through the eyes of spiders, but also through her own eyes. Looking at the spider... This sullen show is naturally optimistic.

The appearance of Xiaobai naturally startled Menger and the others, but after hearing that she had traveled from other worlds and was reincarnated as a spider, Menger and other girls immediately flooded with sympathy.

After all, in their eyes, although they lost their memory, they were still human. And Xiaobai actually started from spiders when he crossed over. If he hadn't met Ellie, they would have been eaten long ago... This is too terrifying.

But Xiaobai seems to think that Menger and the others are pitiful. They clearly traveled to a different world, but it doesn't matter if there is no system plug-in, but they have lost their memory and only know their own name... This is too miserable.

Although it was a little weird, perhaps because of this, Xiaobai quickly established a relationship with the three of them.

At this time, Ellie also found Xiaobai and asked her to use [Appraisal] to conduct a [Appraisal] on the three to see their situation.


"That's it?"

Looking at the note in her hand, Ellie frowned, while Xiaobai nodded silently. Although she was an outstanding and beautiful girl in her previous life, she basically didn't communicate with others very much, and she belonged to a patient with social phobia. Although she is full of drama, she basically has no words when talking to others. Only in front of Ellie can Xiaobai be able to relax somewhat.

The note in Ellie's hand right now is the result of Xiaobai's [appraisal] on Meng'er.

[Meng’er LV1 (Memory Loss) (Soul Curse)]

【HP: 30】

【MP: 10】

【SP: 10】

[Average Attack Ability: 10]

[Average Defense Ability: 10]

[Average Magical Ability: 10]

[Average Resistance: 10]

[Average speed capability: 15]

【SKILL: Animal Affinity LV1】

According to Xiaobai's words, this is weaker than the lowest level of monsters in the labyrinth.

This is also natural, after all, they are just ordinary people.

As for the latter (memory loss), according to Xiaobai's explanation, it is to identify the current state of the individual, similar to DEBUFF such as (poisoning) (paralysis) (coma).

To put it simply, according to Xiaobai's appraisal results, the souls of those who were forced to cross into this world were cursed in some way, causing them to lose their memories. Originally, Ellie wanted to lift the curse directly, but in the end she gave up, because this curse was already integrated with her soul. If she wanted to forcibly lift it, it would cause great harm to the souls of Menger and others.

But Ellie wasn't completely helpless.

Since the curse is rooted in the depths of the soul, as long as the soul is strengthened, the curse can be eliminated and the seal of memory can be broken. Therefore, she also taught Meng'er and others the introductory mental method in the Xianxia world - the advantage of the Xianxia world is that there is no need to study like a school at all. , then just follow this exercise.

To put it bluntly, the spiritual practice in the Xianxia world is used to strengthen the soul and spirit. As long as the soul level continues to grow, breaking the seal can restore memory.

Besides, isn't it fragrant to cultivate immortals in a fantasy world?

Ellie doesn't care about the problems that this combination of Chinese and Western will bring, as long as it can be used, right?

Next, is the most important place for everyone right now... a place to live.

According to Yue, this circular ruin was originally the temple of the vampire family, and it was also where the labyrinth of the abyss was sealed. But now it seems that the vampire family has perished, and this place is naturally over. But Ellie didn't care about it. She sealed the entrance to the abyss labyrinth again, then waved her magic wand and built brand new buildings and facilities.

And this naturally aroused the interest of those adventurers who lived outside of Orudana.

"Hey, Hal, did you hear that?"

On this day, Hal, a trainee volunteer soldier, had just returned to the volunteer soldier's dormitory when he was pulled over by his companion.

"Manado? What's wrong?"

"It's about the thing over there."

As he spoke, Manado pointed to a hill not far away.

"I heard that the witch lady built a brand new city there. Anyone who travels can apply for residence there. Shall we go and have a look?"


Hearing this, Halton's eyes lit up. After crossing into this world, although they accepted the witch's entrustment, they parted ways after that, and they never met again. Since then, Howl has also formed an adventurous team with several others, struggling to survive.

But I have to say, this day is really hard.

Although there is no memory, neither Hal nor Manado are obviously good at fighting. Howl chose to become a thief, while Manado became a priest. Because Ellie had taught them the experience of fighting before, after a few battles, although they were all dangerous, they still came back alive.

But that doesn't mean Hal is used to this kind of life.

The reward for destroying the goblins is very small, or in other words, they do not get paid for defeating the goblins. Only by taking back the things that goblins and other monsters bring back and selling them, can they reluctantly sell for a few dollars. There were even a few times when the entire team worked so hard to eliminate the goblins and got less than a single silver coin in return for the loot. Not only that, but they even risked their lives to fight those monsters.

Either way it's a bad deal.

In addition, the Volunteer Soldiers' dormitory where they live now is also dirty and dilapidated. The beds are made of straw, not even a quilt. To be honest, Hal has doubted several times, what's the point of living like this?


"Do you really want to go?"

"Of course, didn't the witch lady ask us to inquire about the world's news? I also collected some information, it's time to give it to her."

"Oh well."

Hearing this, Hal also made up his mind and nodded.

"Let's go take a look."

In any case, it can't be worse than it is now.

(End of this chapter)

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