Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3257: Wanhua Valley (Ben's belly has been fattened)

Early the next morning, Hal and other members of his team came to the bottom of the mountain. They were still worried about how to go up the mountain, but soon, they saw a straight staircase leading to the top of the mountain. Not only them, but Hal also saw several squads of volunteer soldiers, most of whom didn't know him. Seeing their confused expressions, it was obvious that they were just curious.

The group of people walked along the stairs to the top of the mountain in this way. The whole section of the stairs was unusually long. Looking up, it even seemed to extend to the sky. This is not a metaphor. In fact, the top of the mountain is now covered with The white clouds shrouded them, so that no matter how they looked, it looked like Hal and the others were climbing the stairs to the top of the sky.

After an unknown amount of time, the panting group finally reached the end. However, when they raised their heads, the scene in front of them made everyone's eyes widen.

"Oh oh oh...!"

What appeared in front of Hal and the others was a building about four or five stories high, which looked like a cuboid made of glass as a whole. In the sun's light, it reflects the brilliance of the blue sky, which is quite beautiful.

But this is not the reason for Hal's emotions. On the contrary, when he saw this building, he seemed to recall something. The building in front of him was like an old friend that Hal had not seen for a long time, and even made his eyes twitch. All felt wet. For Hal, he came to such an unfamiliar world inexplicably, and lost his memory. Every day he had to fight for his life to survive. But at this moment, as if he had met a familiar person in a strange foreign land, he almost cried.

I know this!

Hal clenched his fists and straightened up. The tiredness of climbing thousands of steps seemed to disappear now. He stared at the building with wide eyes.

I know this! I know it! I have seen it!

For the transmigrators like Hal who have lost their memories, the moving feeling at this time is completely incomprehensible to others, just like when he was chatting with his teammates before, he would occasionally blurt out, "This is simply It's like a game", but when these words were spoken, they would look at each other, not knowing why they said this.

What is the same as a game? What does game mean?

They desperately want to recall, but they can't remember anything. The feeling that they have an impression, but can't recall it clearly is too painful.

But now, he could finally grasp the familiar feeling in his mind.

This is the building! Yes, he remembers this! In his own world, he has seen this!

Hal hurriedly stepped up and walked towards the door of the building. He was very excited at the moment, as if his memory was about to be restored, and he couldn't wait to arrive at the door. Opening, Hal did not have the slightest doubt about this, because in his memory, it should have been like this.

That's right, although he doesn't know why, he knows that's how it is!

At this time, other people also walked into the hall, and they looked around, everyone's expressions were quite complicated, and some were as moved as Hal was about to cry. Others silently looked at everything in front of them, with a bit of nostalgia in their eyes.

But in fact, there is nothing special here, the hall in front of you is just an empty hall, without any decoration, just two passages leading to the left and right sides, the high ceiling looks like a mirror clean, lift You can even see your own face when you get up.

Just when everyone fell into a strange silence, suddenly, a brisk voice sounded.

"Hello, welcome to Wanhua Valley."

Hearing this voice, everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a beautiful girl with pink curly hair walking out of the passage on the right. Her dress was completely different from that of the inhabitants of this world—or rather, her dress was the same as Hal and the others. It's the same as when I first came into this world.

"I'm Mengmeng Bellia Debbie Luke, I'm meeting you for the first time, please take care of me."

As he spoke, the girl gave an elegant salute. Seeing such a beautiful girl, Hal only felt that his whole body was stiff, and he didn't even know what to say. The others didn't seem to be much better at the moment. Everyone is tensed up. It's no wonder that Mengmeng in front of her is not only a rare and beautiful girl, but also wears beautiful and clean clothes. In comparison, Hal and the others were all dressed in adventurers' attire. Although they had washed their clothes, those tattered leather armor and armor were incompatible with this clean, beautiful, and tall occasion.

So much so now that Hal regrets wearing it like this... Maybe he should go back and turn out the original suit he was wearing?

Although Hal and his party didn't know what to say, the girl who claimed to be Mengmeng introduced them with a smile.

According to Mengmeng's introduction, Hal and others learned that this place is called the Valley of Thousand Flowers, which was created by the witch Miss Ellie. According to the idea of ​​the witch, she wanted to make this place a shelter for the traversers, and only traversers could come in and apply to live and work here.

Since this place has just been established, it also requires a large number of people to be responsible for various tasks, such as raising animals, cultivating crops, maintaining equipment, etc., so as long as you join, you can rely on your own hands to work. By the way, here Instead of the gold, silver and copper coins that Oludanari circulated, they used a kind of money that looked like it was made of paper.

According to their work, everyone will be paid differently, and they can also choose to open a shop here. All in all, unlike Oludana, as long as the traversers come here, they can maintain their lives even if they don’t fight. .

You can live without fighting!

Hearing this, Hal and the others suddenly lit up, because they lost their memory, they had to choose to live by fighting. But this kind of day with today and no tomorrow is obviously not what they expected. If you could really live without fighting, then... that would be awesome!

"Looks like someone else has joined."

Seeing those traversers in tattered armor and equipment walk into the Valley of Thousand Flowers, Ellie smiled and nodded. A month has passed since then, and Ellie has also managed to build a brand new gathering place on top of the mountain.

Of course, this is more of a modern resort-like structure than a city. The building at the entrance is used to register and organize visitor information, while in it it is divided into commercial areas, residential areas, administrative areas and military areas. Ellie spent almost all her efforts trying to restore the structure of modern society in this world. From the construction of residential buildings to the small infrastructure such as street lamps, toilets and bathrooms, they all restore the taste of modern society as much as possible.

In fact, at first, Ellie wanted to build the Tang and Song Dynasty buildings in the Chinese style, but considering that Mengmeng is really a thief, if she finds something wrong, Fangzheng will really be pinched. So she decided to just make it into the most common modern architectural style.

Of course, this is not an easy task in itself. Although the water source can be obtained through the underground water source of the big labyrinth, people need food and clothing to survive. Ellie wants to make this place completely isolated from the outside world. The home of the victim means that she cannot have material exchanges with the outside world. For Fangzheng, this may not be difficult, but Ellie does not have the ability of Fangzheng.

Fortunately, the three Lala sisters provided assistance in this regard.

Especially Mengmeng, as a royal family of Debbie Luke with the ability to communicate with plants, Mengmeng carries an electronic ecological botanical garden with almost all the plants in the universe. There are many plants that can be used for food, and there are even plants with branches and leaves that are quite similar to the fabric. As long as the leaves are cut, the fabric can be cut to make clothes.

The food source of Wanhua Valley is also the alien seeds from Mengmeng Electronic Botanical Garden - of course, the kind that can be eaten by humans.

As for energy, it is the solar power generation system made by Lala. Although Fangzheng also knows that it is not unusual for things made by Lala to explode, but it is unusual for them not to explode, but in this situation, she can't expect too much. Fortunately, the magic of the Age of Gods obtained from this abyss labyrinth is refining and crafting magic, so Ellie can also make some parts for Lala by refining ores...

In terms of security, Ellie is handed over to Xiao An and Kurosaki Miya. If anyone can sneak in under the eyes of the two cosmic killers, it will be really amazing.

The reason why it was called Wanhua Valley was naturally also Ellie's decision. After all, when the city was built, everyone asked Ellie what it was called. She almost said "Xingguang" in a blink of her head... The name is basically the right one. I use it in any world I travel to. If I say it, it will be revealed. Fortunately, Ellie braked at the last moment, and chose the name Wanhua from the online games she played in her previous memory.

After all, there are indeed flowers everywhere—although they were all planted by Mengmeng as a hobby.

The Valley of Thousand Flowers immediately attracted a lot of traversers. Although some traversers lost their memories, they still had a good time, but most of the traversers did not do well. After the situation, many people also came here with the idea of ​​trying their luck.

At first, most of the people who came here were women, and then some men joined. Ellie has also assigned them various jobs, and some people are unwilling to put down their weapons. For these people, Ellie also taught them the way of thinking, and then sent them to the big labyrinth to fight the monsters - this is comparable to outside. Killing goblins in the wilderness is much more exciting.

It can be said that Ellie's Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers has given these traversers enough choices. Those who are unwilling to fight can do the work they can. And those who are willing to fight can also go to the big maze to hone their strength. Of course, Ellie did not forget to show these travelers her position and the reasons for the existence of the Valley of Flowers, including her distrust of Orudana and the Empire of Humanity, the latter is likely to be the mastermind behind the travels that caused these people to lose their memories, etc. Waiting for the news, some people choose to believe it, while others are dubious. But whether they believe it or not, Ellie has already spoken out - as to whether they believe it or not, and what choice they make, that is their business, and it has nothing to do with Ellie.


"Yue, it's almost time for you to get off me."

"No, I want to be with Ellie."

Looking at Yue sitting on her lap, Ellie sighed helplessly. Ever since she was rescued from the big maze, Yue has not followed her all the time, and even called her "sister sister", and even She wanted to sleep with Ellie even at night—now Ellie understood what Misaka Mikoto felt when she faced Kuroko Shirai.

Fortunately, Yue is not as perverted as Shirai Kuroko, and at most she acts like a spoiled child when she wants to **** blood. It's just that she is very attached to Ellie, which is really right.

"But how long do we have to wait, those people seem to have been inactive."

"It won't be long."

Ellie whispered while stroking Yue's hair.

The Orudana side will definitely not sit back and watch the loss of valuable volunteer soldiers. I believe that they will respond to the existence of the Valley of Thousand Flowers in a short time.

(End of this chapter)

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