Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3259: embark on a journey

At present, everything is stable in the border area, so for Ellie, the key point is to conquer the other six labyrinths. She first chose the four labyrinths located in the territory of the Kingdom of Barbagia. After all, for Ellie, in addition to the strategy In addition to the labyrinth, investigating the situation here is also a top priority. There is almost no information from the border, so they can only rely on themselves to collect intelligence in the interior.

Of course, generally speaking, it is basically impossible to travel back to the mainland.

The reason is very simple. The Tianlong Mountains are steep and long, like a natural city wall blocking the road, and the mainland can only be reached through the underground Dilong passage. As the only lifeline, this place is of course tightly sealed, almost out of a state of allowing out and not allowing in.

So it sounds bad. For people in the kingdom, this place is more like a "place of exile" on the border. No one would want to go to such a place, but after coming here, don't want to go back.

Of course, this is in general.

Ellie and the others are naturally not ordinary people.

"Really, it's not bad to see the scenery like this."

Sitting behind Ellie, Nana hugged Ellie and looked around excitedly at the same time, while in front of her, Yue was curled up in Ellie's arms, squinting her eyes and leaning on Ellie like she was riding a couple's bicycle. Li's arms. On the other side, Xiao Bai still closed his eyes tightly and sat quietly on his sword.

This time she went to the kingdom, in order to avoid crowds, Ellie chose three people to act with her, Xiaobai, Nana, and Yue.

There still needs to be someone to stay in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, so Kurosakiya and Xiaoan can't leave. Although Lala looks like Erha, if something really happens, I'm afraid I have to rely on her strength. .

Strictly speaking, compared to the simple Nana, Mengmeng is actually more suitable for going out for reconnaissance tasks, but because Ellie is really worried that Mengmeng will see through her identity, and if she keeps her nerves tense, it is not good for the spirit. , so in the end she chose Nana as her travel companion.

As for Yue, needless to say, now it's all about where Ellie goes.

The reason for choosing Xiaobai is even simpler. Xiaobai is the only one among them who has the system and has the magical skill of [Appraisal]. In addition, with the blessing of the system, her spiritual practice speed is ridiculously fast. In less than three months now, Xiaobai has not only changed from a spider to a humanoid, but has even learned to fly with his sword - the eyes of others who see it are terrifying.

It's just that demon cultivators and human cultivators do not follow the same path, so the skills Xiaobai has learned are basically of the fairy type, such as the ability to emit spider silk from his fingers, and staring at the target through his eyes. Cursing [Evil Eye], Manipulating Poison [Poison Fusion]—well, basically this is a spider spirit.

When she comes back, Ellie will find her a cave called Pansidong, and then give her the name of Pansi Daxian.

The reason why Xiaobai closed her eyes was not because her eyes could not be controlled. On the contrary, it was also a kind of cultivation. In Buddhism, there is a way of practicing called closed-mouth meditation, which is to keep silent and exercise one's spiritual power. And Xiaobai's cultivation method is similar to closing her mouth, but the reason why she chooses to close her eyes is very simple.

This guy is a social phobia.

To put it simply, it's not that Xiaobai doesn't know what other people think, and it's not that she doesn't want to respond, it's just that she has too much inner drama, which makes her reaction slow in front of others for several beats. This also made Xiaobai quite distressed, so Ellie gave her this advice. As long as you close your eyes and pretend that your eyes are inconvenient, the chance of communicating with people will decrease. Anyway, Xiaobai is a monster, even if you close your eyes. Her eyes can also "see" everything around her clearly, so for her, closing her eyes is not only a practice, but also allows her to relax her mind.

At least she can stay silently complaining, so as not to be involved in bad luck.

Nana is also quite excited about the environment in front of her. After all, this is the first time she has come to such a fantasy world. Although she and Fang Zheng have also gone to many places in the past, they are basically technologies that Nana can understand. world. As for the magical fantasy world, it was only in the game. It was the first time for Nana to come to such a magical world in reality.

Soon, a group of four jumped over the Tianlong Mountains, which were close to the sky, and came to the other side. Looking around, this is a dense forest. Unlike the wilderness that looks like a doomsday wasteland, it is more like a paradise full of life-oh, it doesn't seem to be the case.

"There seems to be someone over there."

Nana curiously stretched out her hand and pointed downwards. Looking in the direction of her finger, a group of people saw that on the road not far below, a carriage was parked on the side of the road, but not only stopped there, on the contrary, A group of ferocious-looking thieves are surrounding the carriage, fighting aggressively with the knights guarding the carriage.

Although the knight also worked hard, his fists were no match for four. The knights and servants who were guarding the carriage were soon killed by the robbers, and then the robbers came to the carriage with a sneer, opened the door, and faced the inside. man stretched out his hand.

At the same time, the sword of light fell from the sky.

The unsuspecting robber was instantly pierced by a lightsaber that fell from the sky. They didn't even have time to figure out what was going on. They still had a smug smile on their faces, and then fell to the ground.

Faced with this scene, the people in the carriage also seemed to be stunned. After a while, a woman dressed as a lady holding a baby quietly stuck her head out and looked out—just at this moment, she She saw four beautiful girls descend from the sky and landed in front of her.

"Ma'am, are you not hurt?"

Ellie sat on the broom and looked at the lady in front of her with a smile. The latter stared at them blankly, and seemed to react after a while, and nodded hastily.

"Thank you... Did you save me?"

"We just happened to be passing by."

The smile on Ellie's face didn't change in the slightest, but in fact, they didn't just happen to pass by. As a prophetic mage, Ellie naturally also has the ability to be square. On the surface, they just "happily" arrived here, "coincidentally" encountered the carriage that was attacked by the robbers, and "coincidentally" rescued the lady who was almost killed.

But in fact, this is also the result of Ellie's divination using the prophecy spell. She hopes to find a way for the group to enter the kingdom of Barbagia smoothly, and the prophecy spell points in this direction, so Ellie will bring Come here with others.

Sure enough, the "hidden event" was triggered here.

"Anyway, thank you so much!"

Holding the baby in her arms tightly, the lady also bowed her head to thank the girls, but at this moment, Xiaobai, who was standing at the back, trembled suddenly and took a step back. Aware of Xiao Bai's strangeness, Ellie glanced at her curiously, then withdrew her gaze and looked at the lady in front of her again.

According to the lady in front of her, she is the wife of a lord and is currently on her way home, but she did not expect to be attacked by thieves, and even her trusted servants were killed by thieves. If the girls hadn't rescued them, I'm afraid they wouldn't have escaped death - the next step is to ask the girls to **** her and the children home, and express their gratitude to them.

The girls didn't object to the lady's invitation. It was all Ellie's decision. Nana also liked this cute baby. Xiaobai didn't speak for some reason, so the group decided to **** her. The lady and child go home.

Ellie is in charge of driving the carriage, Xiaobai sits by her side, Yue sits in Ellie's arms, and Nana accompanies the lady and child in the carriage. As for their origins, Ellie has already told Nana about their origins. , they are adventurers who travel around. Although Nana is simple, she is not stupid, and she naturally knows how to hide her identity.

And on the other side...

"What happened to you just now? Xiaobai?"

While driving the carriage along the road, Ellie asked through telepathy, and when she heard Ellie's question, Xiaobai silently took out a note and handed it to Ellie. Ellie glanced at the note and saw a few lines of information written on it.

【Human Vampire LV1】

[Name: Sophia Galen (Negishi Akiko)]

...What kind of information is this?

Looking at the information in front of her, Ellie was also stunned. She didn't even look at the stats and skills behind her. In fact, this race alone made Ellie look dazed.

How could it be both human and vampire?

Having said that, the latter name is obviously not from this world, but Xiaobai's reaction seems to be different from before. You must know that in the Valley of Ten Thousand Flowers, she has also identified many transmigrators, but why does Xiaobai seem a little strange when facing this reincarnated person?

Soon, Xiaobai also gave an answer following telepathy.

[I have a bit of an impression of this name, I think she may be my classmate in my previous life...]

Good guy, it's no wonder that you didn't come here alone.

"You know each other?"

[I only remember this name. I don’t know her very well. Although it is said to be a classmate from a previous life, I don’t really have any impression, I just remember their names…]

Speaking of this, Xiao Bai was also excited.

[Who told me that I was a marginal person in my previous life? I don’t know the people in my class, and they probably won’t remember me. After all, what happened to this race? She is both human and vampire, and she has a lot of initial skills! There are actually eight! I only had six when I was born! Also, this is reincarnated into the lord's house, so that means she is now a noble lady? Why am I a spider born under the big maze...]

"Ask the moon to find out."

Listening to Xiao Bai's complaints following telepathy, Ellie rolled her eyes silently, then looked at Yue, and told her the results of Xiao Bai's appraisal.

"You mean, that kid is a vampire?"

Hearing Ellie's words, Yue was also quite surprised.

"But the vampire family seems to have perished long ago."

According to the information obtained from the Volunteer Army, the vampire family perished as early as three hundred years ago, so what is the situation of this sudden vampire?

She didn't know about this, but she told Ellie that although their family was called vampires, it was only because they needed to absorb blood to maintain life and replenish their magic power. There is no ability to convert others into vampires. If the baby is really a vampire, then it is the blood of the parents or the descendants of the vampire in the previous generation, or the atavism phenomenon like the moon has become a vampire. ...

It's just that according to Xiaobai's identification just now, that lady is just an ordinary human being. If the father is a vampire, it would be fine. If it is a human... Then once it is discovered that the baby has the blood of a vampire in the future, it might be another moral battle. Family ethics drama with the rule of law.

But that's none of Ellie's business.

Now Ellie just hopes that the lady and her child can be safely returned to the territory, and then take advantage of this incident to ask the lord's husband to help them get identification and other things, so that they can be in the The kingdom has successfully carried out its own plan.

Hope all goes well.

(End of this chapter)

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