Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3260: Territory (I've been sleepy like a meow recently)

After that, the group was never attacked by thieves again, and came to the territory smoothly. After learning that his wife and daughter were almost attacked, the lord also hurried out to greet him—by the way Mention, Ellie also asked Xiaobai to identify the lord, and the result showed that the other party was a human.

So lord, do you have a little green on your head?

In any case, the lord was very grateful to Ellie and the others, and even entertained them to live in the lord's mansion. Of course, the other party did not forget to ask the identities of Ellie and the others. Ellie was naturally prepared for this, saying that she and the others were the apprentices of a magician who lived in seclusion in the depths of the forest. Come out and want to be an adventurer and travel the world...

The lord has no doubts about this, and even patted his chest and expressed his willingness to assist them in registering with the Adventurer's Association - this is naturally the best.

At dinner, Ellie also got some information about the Balabagia Kingdom from the lord named John Galen.

In fact, the situation inside the Balabagia Kingdom was more unstable than Ellie imagined.

According to Lord John's introduction, there are three races living in this land south of the Tianlong Mountains, one is human, one is demihuman, and one is devil. It is said that a long time ago, it seemed that these three races still formed the core of the kingdom of Balabagia, but then a civil war broke out for some reason, and then humans, demi-humans and demons lived apart.

Among them, humans still occupy most of the territory of the Balabagia Kingdom, while the devils dominate the south, and the demihumans live in seclusion in the sea of ​​trees to the west.

Perhaps due to historical grievances, the devil has always wanted to invade human territory and rule the country in place of humans, but humans have also been resisting the invasion of the devil. Although the demons are much stronger than humans in terms of individual strength, humans can still block the demons by relying on their numerical superiority. It's just that in recent years, the demons have learned to manipulate monsters, and they have begun to invade the kingdom's territory, which has also caused turmoil within the kingdom.

By the way, the reason why the demons and humans are enemies of life and death is that the gods that the demons believe in regard humans as heretics and believe that only powerful demons are fit to rule the world. So I want to overthrow humans and conquer this place. And humans also regard the devil as the enemy of heresy and evil, and fight against it.

In this regard, Ellie and Yue seemed very calm. After all, they had heard the "rebel" say the reason under the big labyrinth. In ancient times, the creator gods used this method to make the races on the continent kill each other. Just one more time.

"But don't worry, I heard that the 'Apostle of God' has been summoned to this world. With their help, we will be able to protect mankind and defeat the devil!"

Hearing Lord John's words, Ellie's brows raised slightly, Xiaobai and Yue also stopped their movements, only Nana was still eating... Well, sometimes it's good to be simple.

"Apostle of God?"

It's really hard to find a place to step through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it. As long as there is an apostle of God, what kind of maze is there? Just go and grab an envoy and ask where the **** is.

"Yeah, I heard that in order to protect human beings, the Supreme God summoned a group of heroes to save human beings from another world. If they are there, there is nothing to fear about the demon army."

Another traveler?

Hearing this, Ellie was suddenly disappointed. If it was really a divine envoy, she would be **** without saying a word. If it was a transmigrator... Forget it, there is probably nothing to look forward to.

But there are too many traversers in this world.

It's not that Fangzheng has never been to a world with transmigrators before. For example, there are several transmigrators and reincarnations at the third coordinate point, such as Maine and Mai Lu. But that was because the third coordinate point was split into five pieces at that time, which were separated from each other and still connected to each other, so such a single crossing event occasionally occurred.

But like this world, people can cross at every turn, and once they cross, there are still a large group of people... If there is no conspiracy behind it, Ellie will not believe it.

But then again, as expected, Oludana is a remote backcountry that can no longer be remote. Even the current internal situation of the kingdom is not well understood there. If the earth is used as an analogy, then Orudana is simply Siberia, and because the Tianlong Mountains are isolated from the world, they are simply blind with black eyes.

After dinner, Ellie and her party stayed at the lord's house, and the lord also prepared two double rooms for them, of which Ellie and Yue lived in one, and Nana and Xiaobai lived in one. After all, Xiaobai is a social fear, and she doesn't talk much to others at all. Of course, because of her beautiful appearance, many people regard her as an iceberg beauty, completely unaware that she is a stand-up comic Stupid.

Look, this is the advantage of appearance. If Xiaobai is not beautiful, it is estimated that it is a negative evaluation such as darkness, depression, and autism. But because Xiaobai is a beautiful woman, praises like the beauty of the iceberg and the flower of the high mountains have come.

It can be seen from this that even if it is also a dead house, it still depends on its appearance.

Even after staying in Wanhua Valley for so long, now Xiaobai is only relatively close to Nana and Aili. The former is because she was able to talk to him without any barriers when she was a spider, so Xiaobai was born. For the sake of trust. As for Ellie, it's simply because her charm is high enough... By the way, Xiaobai seems to be afraid of the moon. Could it be that spiders and bats can't get along?

As for the month...

"Ah... my elder sister..."

Looking at Ellie in front of her, Yue's eyes seemed a little blurry, while Ellie stuck her head out with a smile, opened her mouth, and bit Yue's slender and white neck.


At the moment when the sharp canine teeth pierced the girl's skin, Yue's body trembled. She grabbed the girl in front of her tightly, her eyes closed and her body tense. After a while, Yue opened her eyes. , let out a long breath. Ellie stuck out her tongue and lightly licked her neck.

"Are you okay? Month?"

"Yes... my elder sister..."

Paralyzed in Ellie's arms, Yue's eyes are blurred, and vampires in each world have different rules and characteristics. It's the same with Ellie and Yue. For Yue, although sucking blood is an act of eating, strictly speaking, what Yue absorbs is not blood, but the magic power in the blood. Because she needs a huge amount of magic power to maintain her own survival.

But Ellie is different. As the Fourth Primogenitor, the power of the blood she needs, strictly speaking... is whatever blood the beasts she raises like, and Ellie will **** it. She does not need to rely on blood to maintain her life like Yue. For Ellie, blood is more of a catalyst-like existence that can activate the power of the beasts raised in her body.

Because of this, Ellie and Yue have completely different feelings about blood sucking. For Yue, sucking Ellie's blood is like taking medicine. This is also easy to understand, after all, as the Fourth Primogenitor, Ellie's blood is full of magic power, and for Yue, this blood full of pure magic power is more delicious than the most fragrant wine.

Just as mosquitoes inject a nerve-paralyzing venom to keep humans from being detected before sucking blood, Ellie, who is the fourth primogenitor, also injects a special element into the blood-sucking person when she **** blood, allowing her spirit to enter. An indescribable state of trance and arousal that completes the blood-sucking.

Therefore, for Yue, whether it is to absorb Ellie's blood or to be sucked by Ellie, it is very comfortable, making her addicted to it and unable to extricate herself.

For Ellie, there is no way to absorb the blood of the moon. Although she does not need blood to maintain her life, she does need blood as a sacrifice for her beasts to use. Although two vampires **** blood from each other a bit like nesting dolls back and forth, but if you really want to say, Ellie is actually using the moon as a filtering and transformation system.

When Yue draws blood and magic from Ellie's body, it means that Ellie's blood and magic is transformed into Yue's blood and magic, and then Ellie draws Yue's blood and gives it to the beast, and there will be no problem.

After all, in the previous battle where she tried to forcibly break the world barrier, because Ellie forcibly withdrew her power, the beasts in her body were also injured and needed blood to recover. It's impossible for Nana to **** blood, Xiaobai... There is still a question mark on whether the blood of spiders is useful, so Yue is the human-shaped blood bag that Ellie brought.

Anyway, Yue is also a vampire, and can understand Ellie's actions, so it's hard to say if it's someone else.

Just after the blood was drawn, Ellie was about to fall asleep holding the tired Yue when she suddenly opened her eyes.


"What's the matter? Sister Ellie..."

Noticing Ellie's reaction, Yue, who was about to fall asleep, also opened her eyes, and then she froze for a moment.

"Is there an intruder?"

"Yes, the opponent's skill is not bad."

In Ellie's induction, it can be found that several people wearing cloaks are entering the mansion silently and rushing towards the lord's room. They are moving quickly, and they are obviously prepared.

"what to do?"

"I can't let the lord be killed. It took a long time to get on such a line. If it is killed, it will not be worth it. And maybe we will be regarded as the murderer of the lord."

As she spoke, Ellie sat up.

"I'll be back when I go."

At this moment, the intruders had escaped the guard's surveillance and came to the door of the lord's bedroom on the second floor. Then they stretched out their hands and began to pick the lock, but at this time...

"Really, what the **** are you doing at night?"

Hearing this sudden voice, the intruders were startled, and hurriedly turned their heads to look, only to see that behind them, Ellie was standing there with a wand in hand.

"Do you have any public morality? It's noisy and noisy, and the neighbors don't need to sleep? They have to go to work tomorrow. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"


The intruders obviously did not intend to respond to Ellie's sarcasm, and they suddenly raised their hands, clenched the knife in their hands, and rushed towards Ellie—the next moment, invisible black chains scurried from their shadows. out and tied the four intruders into a sturdy one.


Looking at the intruder who was tied into a zongzi in front of her, Ellie yawned, then came to the lord's bedroom door and knocked gently on the door. Soon, the lord opened the door and came out. After seeing the bound intruder, the lord was also surprised. After listening to Ellie's story, he was even more angry. Immediately ordered his subordinates to take the four intruders to be severely tortured - this is the lord's mansion, and it is naturally impossible for ordinary thieves to come here boldly to die. There must be another reason behind this group of people!

"Thank you so much, Miss Ellie."

Watching the guards take the four intruders away, the lord was relieved, and hurriedly turned around to thank Ellie, who waved his hand.

"You're welcome, since you are hosting us here, we will do our best as guests... Then, I'll go to rest first."

"Okay, please have a good rest, I will definitely find out, who is so daring to dare to invade here!"

After thanking Ellie again, the lord turned and left aggressively, looking at his appearance, it was obvious that the four thieves who invaded here would not have a good life.

But this has nothing to do with Ellie.

After the lord left, Ellie also yawned and returned to the bedroom, then lay down on the bed again, hugging Yue who took the initiative to come over, and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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