Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3261: Commission (2 uncles crossing that new show is very interesting)

Perhaps to express his gratitude, the lord took Ellie and the others to the Adventurer's Guild early the next morning to go through the formalities. Ellie and the others already knew when they sent the lord's wife back that they wanted to act in this world. You must have something called a [status board], which is necessary for entering and leaving every city.

By the way, Oludana doesn't even have such a thing, because it's too remote to even transport the status board, so there's no need to do it at all...

Of course, not everyone can apply for this kind of thing, but strictly speaking, occupations like adventurers are almost necessary, and they are used as proof of identity... By the way, what the **** is this setting, how is it similar to the net text? Could it be that he has run into the world of the online text and novels?

As the saying goes, there are people in the DPRK who are good at doing things. When the lord comes in person, the Adventurer's Guild will naturally not neglect it. Generally speaking, it takes a long time to apply for the status board, but since the lord spoke in person, they immediately took out four pieces. The status board was handed over to Ellie and the other four, and as long as a drop of blood was put on it, the registration could be completed—in other words, this is really what kind of web article travels through the world, how come even a drop of blood came out to recognize the master?

With curiosity, Ellie also wanted to see how the world would recognize her, so she punctured her finger and dripped a drop of blood on the status board. Soon, the status board in her hand began to flash, and then lines of information appeared in on the status board.

【Xiao Aili (female) 17 years old】

【grade:? ? ? 】

[Holy job: ? ? ? 】

[Power: 99999]

【Physical Strength: 99999】

[Resistance: 99999]

[Agility: 99999]

[Magic: 99999]

[Anti-magic: 99999]

【Skill:? ? ? 】

"Wow... Sister Ellie, you are so strong."

At this moment, Nana also looked over curiously, and after seeing the information on Ellie's status board, she suddenly exclaimed. Even Xiaobai shook his head and complained, "What the **** is going on with this data that looks like it has been modified?" Yue also looked at Ellie's status board in surprise and was speechless.

"Is this broken?"

At this moment, the lord and the president of the Adventurer's Guild also saw the above data, and were stunned. According to the numerical standards of this world, normal human beings are generally 100-200, and special occupations with vocations are 300-400. Even if it is a race such as demons and demihumans that are stronger than humans in some respects, it is 600. It's already the limit.

And almost all of Ellie's data are five digits, which is simply impossible. The only judgment is that the status board is broken... I originally thought so, but the data of several other people also exceeded the standard. .

For example, Moon's vocation is displayed as "Son of God", and the values ​​of the two attributes of "Magic Power" and "Anti-Magic" both exceed 6000, Xiaobai's is slightly weaker, only agility exceeds 3000, and the rest of the values ​​are hovering around 1000. . And Nana's value is the lowest, of which strength is 1500, agility is 1000, and other values ​​are around 700.

This is also normal. After all, Yue is an immortal vampire, and Xiaobai is also a demon cultivator. Although Nana is a Debbie Luxer, she doesn't like fighting and has not trained much. Basically, she relies on Debbie Luxer. People's physical quality has been reckless in the past, and Nana usually doesn't care about such trivial matters, but after her strength value is reflected, she can't help but feel a sense of frustration.

However, even though Nana was very depressed, these numbers still shocked the lord and the guild leader. It is understandable that a person's status board is wrong, but the situation that a group of people's status board is wrong at the same time is basically zero. If the data on the status board is true, then this group of people is simply inhuman!

Strictly speaking, there really isn't a single human in it.

"...Miss Ellie, who are you?"

At this moment, the lord also looked at Ellie with a serious expression, but facing the scrutiny of the lord, Ellie's expression did not change in the slightest.

"We are just simple travelers, please don't mind."

No wonder it doesn't matter!

Hearing Ellie's answer, the lord rolled his eyes helplessly, then he and the guild president looked at each other, looking at Ellie and the others with a serious look.

"If you really have such great power, then... I hope to make a deal with you."


Ellie frowned slightly.

"What deal?"

"I will give you a request, if you can successfully complete this request, I will not only return all these status boards to you, but also raise your adventurer level to the highest level of 'gold', and I will also You can put a seal on your status board in the name of the lord, so that in addition to

Except for specific characters, other people can't see your ability values, and they will treat you as VIPs. "

"Sounds good, but what are you going to entrust us with?"

The smile on Ellie's face did not change in the slightest, and the lord glanced at the president before speaking with a solemn expression.

"To be honest, there have been thorny problems in our territory recently..."

Soon, the lord explained the situation to Ellie.

It turned out that, for some unknown reason, there had been a series of incidents in his territory recently. Not only did the number of thieves increase sharply, but the security in the territory became worse and worse. The lord's territory itself is not a particularly rich place, and it has never been enmity with people. Although it is suspected that it is the result of the battle between the devils and humans in the south, it will not affect this place.

But the worst thing is...

"Kidnapping children?"

Hearing this, Ellie's expression sank, and even Nana, Xiaobai and Yue raised their spirits to look at the lord, who nodded.

"Yes, many children have been kidnapped and taken away. This also makes the people in the territory panic. In fact, I have always suspected that the target of the robbers who attacked the carriage before was my daughter..."

"So are they taking the child for ransom?"

"Not really."

The lord shook his head.

"According to some information, these children seem to be taken to be sold..."

"Population trade..."

Ellie thought for a while, then looked at the other three.

"Is this your commission?"

"Yes, if you can eliminate the thieves and solve the kidnapping incident, then it means saving my territory. If this is the case, then there is no problem in promoting you to the level of 'Gold' adventurers."

Having said this, the lord looked at the leader of the Adventurer's Guild, who also nodded.

"Then how? Are you willing to accept the commission? I can give you a sum of money for the event fund first, and I will also give you the license badge of the Garen family. As long as you hold this badge, you can be in my territory. Acting at will, as long as it is not particularly excessive, can be forgiven."

It seems that this lord is really in a hurry.

Hearing the other party's condition, Ellie thought for a moment, then turned her head to look at her companion, Xiaobai and Yue showed indifference, but Nana clenched her fists at the moment - it seems that she can't wait to put it away immediately The group of kidnappers beat up.


Seeing this, Ellie smiled slightly and turned her head to look at the lord.

"This commission, we take it."

After that, Ellie and the lord explained a few more words, and then left the Adventurer's Guild with everyone.

"Okay, Sister Ellie, where are we going now?!"

After walking out of the gate of the guild, Nana couldn't help but want to beat someone. She never thought that such a thing would happen, and someone still kidnapped the child to sell it? This kind of person is too hateful, absolutely cannot let go!

"Um... let me think about it first."

However, Ellie was not as excited as Nana, on the contrary, she reached out her hand to her chin and narrowed her eyes slightly to think.

"Considering what?"

"Why are so many children kidnapped?"

"Hey? Didn't the lord say it? Because you want to sell the child??"

"It's not that simple."

Hearing Nana's answer, Ellie shook her head.

"I suspect there is something else hidden in it."


"Yes, kidnapping children and selling them sounds like a matter of course, but if you think about it, this kind of cost-effectiveness is not high. The dividing line between nobles and commoners in this world is very clear, so even if nobles cannot have children, Nor will they buy the children of the commoners..."

Ellie shook her head as she spoke. Although it is true that human trafficking has never disappeared in their world, in this era, child trafficking is simply a high risk from a business perspective. Simply put, children are the least productive and extremely fragile, easily injured, sickened and killed, which is a sunk cost for the kidnappers.

Not to mention that the transportation in this world is not developed, and each town is too far away. If there are fifty or one hundred children to be sold, then a lot of transportation and manpower are needed. And once it becomes like this, it is almost impossible not to be discovered.

However, if the children are to be scattered and taken away, then the transportation cost will increase. So for Ellie, UU reading www.uukanshu.com assuming that there are people who are engaged in child trafficking in this world, don't

Not to mention, the loss in the end is certain.

If there are occasional kidnapping or trafficking incidents, it is not incomprehensible, but if similar situations occur on a large scale in a short period of time, then people have to suspect that there is fraud.

Obviously, the lord also knew this, but he had no clue, so he would leave this kind of tricky thing to Ellie.

And Ellie had an idea after thinking for a moment.

"Anyway, let's find those thieves first."

"Hey? Why? Sister Ellie, shouldn't we go to find the whereabouts of those children?"

Hearing this, Nana asked in surprise, while Ellie smiled slightly.

"The job of selling children is not something that one or two people can do, and ordinary organizations and forces can't intervene in this kind of thing, so the thieves must have connections with these guys, and the previous lord also said that in the territory. Kidnappings and kidnappings increased after the number of thieves exploded.”

"That is to say..."

Hearing Ellie's answer, Nana's eyes suddenly lit up.

"As long as we find the thieves, we can find out the whereabouts of the children?"

"That's it."

Ellie nodded.

"As the saying goes, if something goes wrong, go catch a thief. If it wasn't for him, he must have no time..."

Saying this, Ellie snapped her fingers.

"Okay, the goal is set, let's go."

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