Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3335: Chase (roll over and eat the bark)

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On the way to Tokyo, Haruka quickly became acquainted with Sayu and Fangzheng. And she also told the two about her own affairs - Haruka seemed to be sent to the orphanage by her mother Yumi. In her memory, her mother had never seen her, only her sister, an aunt named Miyue, often Came to see her and brought her a letter from her mother.

Haruka also wrote several letters to his mother, wanting to meet her, but her mother always told her that she couldn't take her... And this time, the reason why Haruka wanted to go to Kamurocho to find his mother was because she It has been a while since she has written to herself, and the content of the previous letter made Haruka a little uneasy. She was afraid that she would never see her mother again, so she secretly left the orphanage and tried to go to Kamurocho. Find your own mother.

For Fangzheng...

"Things seem to be getting a little troublesome."

While Haruka was asleep, Fang Zheng lowered his voice and said to Sayu.

"Huh? Trouble?"

"That's right, Kamurocho is not a good place. If it's a custom street, you should understand."


Hearing Fangzheng's words, Shayou suddenly realized, his face flushed.

"Difficult, could it be Haruka's mother..."

"Well, I suspect that Haruka's mother may not be doing any serious work, so that's why Haruka is placed in the orphanage. Also, women in such places are generally easy to get into trouble, the worst case scenario. Maybe it's not surprising that someone poured cement into Tokyo Bay."

"Then... what should we do?"

"It's impossible to convince her to go back... In a word, I'm telling you this is to be more vigilant, keep an eye on this child, and don't let her run around. It's fine if you can find her mother smoothly, if not so well. If you don't, then there will be trouble... well, I hope it won't be too troublesome."

"Okay, I know."

Hearing Fang Zheng's words, Sayu nodded vigorously, and looked at Haruka, who was sleeping behind him.

"I'll take care of her."

After that, Fang Zheng drove the two to Kamurocho.

At this time, Kamurocho was completely different from when Fangzheng came here. After all, more than a year has passed, and the redevelopment and construction of the land acquired by Lihua Real Estate has already begun. Compared with the previous place where the feasting and feasting were drunk, the present Kamurocho is a bit more fashionable. You can even see a high-rise building rising from the ground.

Of course... although the appearance has changed, the essence has not changed.

"I haven't been here for a while, and this place has changed a lot."

Looking at Kamurocho in front of him, Fang Zheng couldn't help but sigh, and beside him, Sayu, who was holding Haruka's hand, looked at Fang Zheng curiously.

"Did Mr. Fangzheng come here often before?"

"Well, I used to come here to pick up money."

"... pick up money?"

"Yes, don't look down on this place. In fact, there is quite a lot of money. After a few steps, a strong wind will blow a pile of money."

"Is there such a good thing?"

Facing Fang Zheng's explanation, both Sayu and Haruka obviously showed expressions of disbelief, but Fang Zheng didn't care, just shrugged his shoulders and looked at Haruka.

"So, where is your mother?"

"Ah, I know, my mother once told me in a letter."

As he spoke, Haruka raised his hand and pointed to the tallest building in front of him.

"It's there."

"Then let's go."

Fang Zheng looked at the time, it was already night, although his personal thought was that he would prefer to find a place to stay for one night, and then go find someone during the day. However, Haruka obviously wanted to see his mother as soon as possible, so he had no choice but to walk towards the building with Haruka and Sayu.

Having said that, I don't know how those few people are now, they should be doing well.

Looking at the tall buildings on both sides and various luxuriously decorated storefronts, Fang Zheng couldn't help but think. Although strictly speaking, he was a life-saving grace for the president and eldest Miss of Lihua Real Estate, but Fang Zheng did not plan to contact them again. After all, he was a killer at present, and it was not suitable for him to contact too many people who knew his identity. Besides, they only communicated with themselves through the walkie-talkie at the beginning, and they didn't know what they looked like...

Forget it, none of that matters.

This building looks like it should be of a comprehensive commercial nature, with various shops below and bars and hotels above. It's just that it's already night, and all the businesses are closed, and Fang Zheng took Haruka and Sayu to the elevator, and pressed the top button... but there was no response.

"Big brother, let me come."

At this moment, I saw Yao drilled out, reached out and pressed the 36th and 38th floors below, and then looked at Fangzheng again.

"Big brother, please help me press the button on the 60th floor."


Hearing Yao's words, Fang Zheng turned his attention to the button again, and found that a yellow light was now lit next to the top button that was not lit before. He reached out and pressed it lightly, and the elevator began to rise upwards.

"It's really interesting, it's like a movie."

Seeing this scene, Sayu suddenly sighed. And Fang Zheng also nodded, squinting his eyes and staring at the button in front of him.

"It's the password... How did you know that? Haruka?"

"When my mother wrote to me before, she said it, so I wrote it down."

"Um...that's it."

Fang Zheng was calm on the surface, but he was a little anxious inside. Obviously, his guess was correct. Not only does Haruka's mother work here, but she may even be involved with some troublesome and troublesome forces. After all, ordinary custom shops wouldn't use this form to hide their storefronts.


After a while, with a crisp sound, the elevator door slowly opened, and then, a luxuriously decorated hall appeared in front of the three of them.


Seeing the room in front of them, Sayu and Haruka both exclaimed. I saw that the entire hall is luxuriously decorated, not only has an indoor swimming pool and bar, but also a rest area, and even a place for performances. It looks just like the most advanced presidential suite.


"It's almost like a castle here."

After getting out of the elevator, Sayu and Yao couldn't help looking around, their eyes glowing, while Fang Zheng frowned and glanced around - it is indeed a very luxurious place, and it is also qualified as a secret customs shop, but why does everyone no? Even after get off work hours, there should be people who stay in this kind of place to watch the venue.

Well, at this moment, the ominous premonition in Fangzheng's heart is getting stronger and stronger.

"Ah, big brother, Sister Sayu, this is the Aunt Mizuki I told you about."

At this time, Haruka also pointed to a photo on the wall and said to the two of them. Fang Zheng and Sayu looked closer and saw that the photo was a woman with short hair who looked very capable and was wearing a dress.

Woah... She's still the boss here?

This trouble is really getting bigger and bigger.

"However, why is there no one here..."

Sayu also sensed something was wrong at this moment, and looked around nervously.

"Isn't it strange that there is no one in such a stylish shop?"


However, as if responding to Sayu's words, the elevator door suddenly opened at this moment, and then, a group of men dressed in suits strode out of it and came to Fang Zheng and others, staring at them coldly.

"Ah, I'm so sorry for disturbing you..."

Looking at the men in front of him, Sayu also hurriedly bowed his head and apologized.

"We didn't mean anything, we just brought this child to her..."


However, before Sayu could finish speaking, Fang Zheng reached out his hand and interrupted him. He stared at the man in the suit in front of him, his expression unchanged.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"We don't need to tell you who we are, little brother."

The tall and thin man in the lead sneered and said, and then he stretched out his hand and pointed at Haruka.

"We just want this little girl, as long as you give her to us, then it'll be fine."


Hearing what the other party said, Sayu and Haruka were both startled, while Fang Zheng raised his brows.

"What if I don't do it?"

"Then... I can't say that the little brother and this lady will suffer a little."

Speaking of this, the tall and thin man sneered and looked at Sayu, who suddenly trembled slightly, but that was still the case, she still held Haruka's hand tightly.

"If you don't want to do this, you won't be able to see the sun tomorrow..."

However, before the tall and thin man had finished speaking, Fang Zheng's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared in front of the tall and thin man and punched him directly in the face. Then I saw the tall and thin man fly out in a circle and slammed into the wall next to him.

"Big brother!"

The other men in suits obviously didn't expect Fangzheng to be so ignorant of martial arts. He even skipped the cutscene and went straight to the action. At this time, he panicked for a while, but unfortunately, Fangzheng won't give them a chance to recover. For a moment, he rushed in like a tiger entering a flock, and in the blink of an eye, he knocked all the men in suits to the ground.

Then, Fang Zheng walked up to the tall and thin man before, grabbed his collar and lifted him up.


"Who are you? Why are you looking for Haruka?"


"This is the top floor. Occasionally, it's normal for some people to fail in the stock market and want to jump off the roof. What do you think?"


Aware of the killing intent in Fangzheng's eyes, the tall and thin man gasped for breath. At this moment, he felt like he was on the guillotine, as if he would be beheaded immediately if he didn't answer his question— It was not an illusion, but an instinct that warned him that this man was very dangerous.

"I, we are... Omi United..."

"Omi...Omi United...Remember it seems to be a yakuza from Kansai...What are you doing in Tokyo when you are bored?"

The tall and thin man didn't mention Fangzheng, but also forgot that there was a gang in Kansai similar to the Dongcheng Society, um... he forgot to blow it up.

After all, I had been busy with that monster before, but I forgot about this.

This time, I have to remember it, and I will do it when I go back.

Silently wrote the name of Omi United on the small notebook in his heart, Fang Zheng stared at the tall and thin man again.

"Then why do you want to arrest Yao? Don't you have a hobby of human trafficking?"

"...The specific situation...I don't know very well. We just received an order...to take that little girl away..."

"Take where?"


"I ask you, where are you going to take her after you capture Yao?"

"...Dongcheng Club..."


The headquarters of the Dongcheng Association was bombed by himself, how could he still jump like this?

"Then, who is from the Dongcheng Club?"

"...Jinshan team leader...Jinshan..."

"Oh... where is that person named Jin Shan?"

If you can't solve the problem, you can solve the people who create the problem. This trick has been tried and tested.

"I don't know, we were just instructed to contact him after we take the child away."


Fangzheng stretched out his hand and took out a Nokia from the man's pocket - well, the technology era is developing so fast, it was a big brother two years ago, and now it has become a Nokia.

However, if the tablet is to appear, it will have to wait more than ten years.

"Call him."


"Just say you took the child away and asked him where to meet someone."


"Call, or die, you choose."

Fang Zheng's right hand grabbed the man's neck with a slight force, which instantly made the latter's face flush red.

"I, I hit...!"

Soon, the tall and thin man picked up his mobile phone and made a call, then got the location, and then he also told Fang Zheng about the location.

"Thank you for your cooperation."

After listening to the tall and thin man's answer, Fang Zheng nodded and punched out.

"Go to sleep obediently."


Then I saw that the tall and thin man was knocked down by Fang Zheng's punch, rolled his eyes and passed out.


Fang Zheng shook his hand, and then turned his head to look at Sayu and Haruka behind him.

"Are you all right?"

"I, we're fine, Mr. Fangzheng."

Although Sayu was pale with fright, he still answered firmly, while Haruka was full of unease and fear.

"Well, what's going on with these people? Why are you arresting me?"

"I don't know yet, but..."

While speaking, Fang Zheng touched his chin. After thinking thoughtfully for a moment, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a strange smile.

"We'll find out soon."

(End of this chapter)

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