Dimensional Codex

Chapter 3336: 10 billion (waiting to play Ghost Line Tokyo)

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After that, Fang Zheng left there with the two of them.

"Mr. Fangzheng, what should we do next?"

After leaving the building and walking on the crowded streets, Sayu and Haruka seemed to feel a little more at ease. But the two of them were still pale. After all, they were almost surrounded by a group of people just now, and they were still underworld... This kind of thing was the first time for them.

"We have two options."

Fang Zheng thought for a while, and then said.

"One, that is, we go directly to the guy and ask him why he is catching Yao, and then maybe we can also get clues about Yao's mother. Or, we will hide for the time being, and then we will decide according to the situation... But I don't think so. I don't like the second one because it is too passive. On the contrary, I prefer the first one... After all, as long as the person who created the problem is solved, the problem will be solved naturally."

"I'm going!"

After listening to Fang Zheng's words, Haruka quickly gave an answer.

"I'm looking for my mother!"

"But...isn't there any danger? The other party is a gangster, or we'll just call the police..."

"If we call the police, we have to explain the relationship between the three of us."

Fang Zheng looked at Sha You helplessly.

"What do you want to explain to the police?"


Facing Fang Zheng's words, Sayu was speechless. Like Haruka, she had run away secretly. If she confessed to the police, she could imagine that she would be sent home directly.

"Don't worry, with me here, it's just a bunch of gangsters, so don't take it seriously. But before that..."

As he spoke, Fang Zheng stopped and looked behind him.

"This old brother who is following us should come out. What the **** are you doing?"


Hearing Fangzheng's words, the two of them were also startled, and turned their heads hastily, and then saw a middle-aged man in a trench coat who looked a little vicissitudes came out from behind, with a wry smile on his face.

"Hehehe, please don't be so nervous, I'm not a bad person."

Looking at Sayu and Haruka hiding behind Fangzheng, the middle-aged man gave a wry smile, then stretched out his hand, took out a certificate from his arms, and unfolded it in front of the three of them.

"I'm Date from the Fourth Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department. If you don't mind, can I chat with you? Just take up a little of your time."

"………Of course, no problem."

It was impossible for Fangzheng to refuse the police's request in person, so they followed the detective named Ida to a nearby bar. Obviously, Ida and the owner of this bar were also old acquaintances, and I saw that he had a relationship with the owner. After making a phone call, the bar closed directly, and then Ida brought the three to the bar.

"Want something to drink? Of course, the two ladies can only drink juice."

"I just want Coke... Then, Mr. Ida, what do you have to do with us?"

"Actually, this is the question I want to ask you."

Detective Date sat on the chair, his face serious.

"Actually, I originally tracked the people of Omi United, but I didn't expect them to conflict with you... and Omi United's goal is obviously all of you, so I can ask you, what is Omi United looking for? ?"

Faced with the questioning of the detective Date, Fang Zheng seemed quite calm, although Sayu and Haruka who were beside him were a little uneasy at the moment, but Fang Zheng would not be moved by such a trivial matter.

"Before that, I would prefer you to answer my question, Mr. Ida... You won't follow this group of people for no reason, what are they worth pursuing? I'm very interested in this matter. "

Fang Zheng picked up the Coke, took a sip, and looked at the middle-aged criminal policeman in front of him.

"The exchange of information is a prerequisite. Depending on the information you say, I will consider cooperating with you."

"So you're not going to assist the police??"

Hearing Fangzheng's request, Ida immediately raised her brows. Sayu and Haruka's faces turned pale in fright, but Fangzheng remained unmoved.

"Of course, this is not a regular search and assistance investigation. Besides, I think Mr. Date, you should conduct a search without the consent of your superiors. Otherwise, you can directly take us back to the police station in the interrogation room. Ask, not gossip in a bar like this."

Fang Zheng was no stranger to the Japanese police process than Date. If he brought himself and others back to the police station for interrogation, it would be normal. But secret conversations like this in a bar on the street, no matter what information you get, will not be officially recognized. However, even so, Detective Date chose to ask for information in such a place, which itself can explain the problem.


Ida was not a fool, so he naturally heard the hidden meaning in Fang Zheng's words, so his eyes changed, and Fang Zheng looked at him calmly.

"I am quite familiar with the police work process, Mr. Date, so don't go around in circles with me here. If you want information, just say what you know first. The exchange of information is the foundation, and you shouldn't deny it. understand."

"All right."

At this time, Date also realized that he couldn't fool himself, so he had to nod his head.

"If that's the case, then I might as well tell you...you know the Dongcheng Club, right?"

"Of course, but isn't Dongcheng already finished?"

"Oh, it's not that easy..."

After that, Date also told the other party what he was investigating.

And things have to start with the explosion at the Dongcheng Club headquarters a year ago.

At that time, the explosion at the headquarters of the East City Club shocked the whole of Japan. In the end, it was nothing. The murderer was not found at all. In the end, it was only the US military stationed in Japan. The unfortunate people who lost their warheads due to the disadvantage of guarding the warehouse were sent to the military court and then deported. Back home.

Naturally, Ida couldn't accept this, so he has been tracking the case, but the superior obviously did not want Ida to continue to entangle in this regard, and also gave him an order to close the case. But even so, Date really didn't give up, and still pursued it in private. He believed that the maker of the bombing must have a lot of hatred with Dongcheng, otherwise he would not have adopted this method. Therefore, Date really has been trying to find out more clues from the survivors of the East City Club.

Hmm... But Ida really couldn't think of it. The real culprit of the explosion is sitting in front of him at the moment, and he and Dongchenghui don't have any deep hatred, just feel that it's easier to take a pot...

Although the top of the Dongcheng Association was caught in a pot, it did bring a near-destructive blow to the Dongcheng Association, but the hundred-footed worm died and did not become stiff, and the Dongcheng Association did not disband after this. The guys all took action and started to move around, trying to re-unite the Dongcheng Association.

And among them, a piece of news caught everyone's attention.

It is rumored that a huge sum of money disappeared before the explosion of the Dongcheng Club headquarters. If anyone can retrieve this huge sum, then...he will be the next Dongcheng Club president!

And this amount of money is... 10 billion yen!

Idazhen was also eyeing this clue. Of course, he didn't want to find the 10 billion. On the contrary, according to the intuition of the police detective, if such a sum of money really disappeared before the Dongcheng Club headquarters exploded, then say Maybe the prisoner has long known about the explosion of the Dongcheng Society headquarters. Maybe the prisoner who stole 10 billion yen has something to do with the prisoner of the Dongcheng Society headquarters explosion!

Hmm... Fang Zheng said that you thought too much about it. It was purely coincidental. When I planted the bomb, I didn't notice how much money Dongcheng would have.

Of course, the Dongcheng Club is not just looking for clues without any clues. In fact, they already have a suspect, and that is... Yumi!


Hearing this, Yao widened his eyes in surprise, and Fang Zheng also raised his brows.

"Oh? What's the reason?"

"I heard that at the scene, I found a ring with Yumi's name engraved on it. So, even if the money was not taken by her, it should have something to do with her. Moreover, Yumi disappeared after that, and I can't find it until now. to people."

"Oh I got it."

Fang Zheng seemed quite calm.

"You don't seem surprised?"

"Of course, there is a problem with this kind of false information."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Hearing Fang Zheng's answer, Sayu blinked curiously.

"Where is the problem?"

"Because from common sense, this cannot be done by one person."

Fang Zheng spread his hands helplessly and looked at the three people in front of him.

"How much is that? Ten billion, 10 billion yen? How much does it have to be? I'm afraid there is not that much money in the general bank vault. Not to mention, just talking about the weight and volume, this 10 billion days Yuan is probably at least a ton, right? Unless the woman named Yumi is a superman, she can carry a ton of banknotes back and forth without being discovered? That only proves that the people in the Dongcheng Association are blind. Bar."

"However, Yumi's ring did drop at the scene, and she herself disappeared..."

"I don't think anyone who has the guts to steal 10 billion yen would be careless enough to leave such clues at the scene, and the possibility of framing them is higher. As for my disappearance, as long as... uh, this is not the case. Say it, you understand."

Considering that Haruka was next to him, Fang Zheng couldn't say something like "your mother was poured into Tokyo Bay".

"So that's the case, is it a trick? It's not unreasonable."

Detective Date also understood what Fangzheng meant and nodded, then he looked at Fangzheng again.

"Then, that's all I have to say. You should also tell us why you were attacked by the Omi alliance."

"Oh, it's actually quite simple."

As he spoke, Fang Zheng pointed at Shi Yao.

"This child is the daughter of the woman you just mentioned, Yumei. She sneaked out of the orphanage to find her mother. We just happened to be there to help her."


Hearing this, Detective Date was also taken aback and turned to look at Haruka. At this time, he also realized why the Omi Federation attacked Fangzheng and the others. If Yumi was the one who stole 10 billion yen, then as long as Haruka was caught and threatened with her, then Yumi would naturally Had to hand over that 10 billion...

After that, Date really asked Haruka about Yumi's situation, but Haruka didn't know much about her mother. After all, both parties only contacted by letter, and Yumi only gave her a piece of paper that could not be opened. Pocket watch - of course it can't be worth ten billion.

"It's really a hassle..."

Watching Detective Date and Haruka chatting next to him, Fang Zheng sighed helplessly. Now it is conceivable that no matter if Yumi really stole 10 billion yen from the Dongcheng Association, he would rush the money and the chairman of the Dongcheng Association. Status, these gangsters can't let Yumi and Haruka go - he was obviously afraid of trouble, so he thought that it would be a problem to blow up Dongcheng directly, how did he think that he would have to wipe his **** for this in the end?

The retribution is unpleasant.

Thinking of this, Fang Zheng felt more and more headaches.

(End of this chapter)

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